6 Chapter 5

Due to the slippery floor Lee Joon-woo fell on Yi Ari again. 'Ouch' Yi Ari just opened her mouth when a soft lip touched hers. The moment stopped there. Nobody knows if it was for the fall or for the situation but they couldn't control themselves. The kiss slowly became a passionate kiss. The both were lost in each other. Due to the passionate kiss they felt tired. Lee Joon-woo hugged Yi Ari and slept.

Next morning

Yi Ari opened her eyes just to see a pair of deep brown eyes staring at her. She was totally shocked to see Lee Joon-woothere.

Shouldn't he be there in the office now ? Wasn't this office hours ? God what a big trouble you made me fall in. She was lost in her thoughts when she heard a voice.

'H E LL OO !! STOP daydreaming, and come to reality.' He said shaking Yi Ari

'I I am li listening ok you d don't try acting smart' she slammed

'Aah, Miss blah blah and what about yesterday, that you took advantage of me, huh??' he shooted more like a taunt.

'Excuse me!!'

'Yaayou took the chance and kissed me, oo god then you hugged me u u u hugged me so tight, damn you elepha' But before he could say Ri cut her saying,

'Holy shit, damn, it wasn't me who kissed you'

'Damn this girl you are trying to lie in the name of God, gosh like, wasn't that you who fell upon me last night'.

'Ha,ha now all fault is mine, genuinely when you fell on me next the kiss became passionate, and ya, if you wouldn't have walked towards me I would not have fallen like that , and it was just a hit of a moment.'

'And blah,blah,blah, Miss motormouth stop your motor type of mouth, and the mistake was of both.'

'Okay, the mistake was both right,so shouldn't we do something to stop it from happening any more?'

'Amn, you are right, perhaps, I wanted to talk about this last night tooSo I thought why not try "CONTRACT MARRIAGE" , I had already made my contact, but as marriage is a mutual decision so contract must be of both isn't that.'

'Hmn okay, you may go to the office now. I'm tired now, so I won't go. I'll prepare the contract by then.'

Yi Ari said with a killing smile.

'Hmm Very intelligent, impressive!!'

Saying this he left for the office.
