
With this Hand, I shall Crush the Heavens

[ 我用这只手抓住天堂的阴茎 ] These hands with which I intend to grasp! Daring to tear down heavens will! Nothing can stop my ascent!

VenerableAutist · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 2 - Is there no justice in this world?!



[Lives Remaining: 1/1]

*unlimited lives until tutorial has been completed.

Sean woke up again. This time, rather than being on top of a tree branch, he was on top of a hairy cow the size of a two-story building. There was an angry middle aged man whipping the beast, screaming at the top of his lungs.

"It seems there is some animal abuse going on." Muttered Sean. He was prepared to stand up in defiance for the cow, when suddenly, the beast turned around and stomped the man to death. It let out a snort and continued on its way.


No further directions have been provided.

[Reward: 500 EXP, Title: The one who actually died in the tutorial lol]

Sean sat back down.

[Dear Buddha, Great Gods in the sky, Heavenly ancestors, someone save me.]


Daoist monk, Ming Li was an honorable man. He sought justice wherever he went and did everything in his power to help the common man. Eventually, he became famous in the local area as a specialist for hunting down demonic beasts.

Today was Sunday, and as such, Ming Li considered it his rest day. He was currently busy with his side hobby which he put great pride and passion into. He was carefully running a blade along a block of wood when he heard the piercing screams of a dying man. Without a second's notice, the young monk threw down the carving knife and wooden anime figurine and rushed in the direction of the screams. When Ming Li arrived, he stopped dead in his tracks.

Beads of sweat rolled down Ming LI's forehead as he crouched into a stance, ready to face the most difficult fight of his life. There, sitting upon the back of an Intermediate-Grade demonic beast was a man scowling with the intent to curse the heavens.

"This is must be a demonic tamer from the razing boar devil sect!" Thought Ming Li. "This man must have come here to farm the essence of local villagers to feed his beast! A man with methods this vile cannot be allowed to live! Hell, look at his face! It's disgusting! Someone that ugly couldn't possibly be a virtuous soul!"

Of course, Ming Li's thoughts could not have been further from the truth, save for that last part. Because there, on the back of this great monster that could have easily stomped him to death had it realized he was on its back, was none other than Sean Wu himself! He sat there legs crossed, arms folded, with a solemn expression. For the past thirty minutes, he had been cursing the heavens above for putting him in this predicament.

A minute later, Sean noticed a man who looked to be a monk, standing in front of the cow, poised and ready to strike. This made Sean elated. Finally, the heavens had answered his curses prayers. Someone had come to save him! Sean stood up and began waving his arms, signaling to the monk that he was being held captive by the beast.

"Heavenly ancestor, lend me strength! This devil sect disciple is trying to evoke a demonic law upon me!" Growled Ming Li as he gritted his teeth and rushed forward. "It will not work, scum! I have tempered this body daily with hot coals! I have made it my duty to strike steel thorns until my knuckles bled every day! This trial is nothing for me!"

[What the f*ck is this monk going on about?]

Sean stopped waving, "Hey.. hold on a sec-" A flying foot hit him square in the chin.

"Hmph, now that I have defeated its master, fighting the demonic beast should be a walk in the park!" Snorted Ming Li.


Gained 500 Exp. Gained titled: The one who actually died in the tutorial lol.

Sean woke up once more. He was ecstatic, for this time, he did not wake up ten thousand feet above the ground, or clinging on the back of a demonic beast that could kill a man without batting an eye.

"It seems the quick thinking of that monk really saved me back there, otherwise that cow would have beaten me to death. I must find and thank my benefactor!"

Of course, Sean was a f**king idiot, because if the system had spawned him on top of a branch overlooking a waterfall and on the back of a demonic beast, did he really think he would be spawned anywhere remotely close to the previous location?

[That's it, I've had enough of this sh*t. You're fired.]

TL: Hey guys, it seems the series was dropped by the previous translator, and no one else volunteered to translate it, so I decided to pick this up. Donations are much appreciated. Please check out our group's other translated works, Invisible Dragoon and Emperor's Dominion on Wuxia World! Thanks a ton!! -An Epileptic Ape™