
I. Hopes of Being Chosen

Allen looked around the room. He smiled at the joyous looks that the people have; finally, their small town willl be visited by the Royal Family.

He didn't actually think that they would be seen, considering how small and hidden they are. They were even just added to the map!

No matter, what's past is past! What matters right now is that, any minute now, the second Prince will be walking down the aisle and all the chosen ones of the village will be presented. The chosen ones were prepared by the town, teaching them of things that you should know if you are part of the royal family.

The second Prince does not really care if his partner is male or female, the exact words that were delivered to them are: "I want someone as intelligent and as beautiful as my own mother and my grandfather. I want to be compassionate, kind and warm."

Amongst all the men and women near the prince's age, a total of fifteen people are in the line-up. He knows all of them and it looks like the villagers have forgotten about the intelligent and compassionate part of the prince's requirement...

"How is it that the choosing has came, and still, you have never been given even a single rose by an admirer?" Allen sighed in both annoyance and exhaustion as he heard the voice for the fifteenth time just this day.

"I prefer not to be spoken for after all of this. If I will not be chosen, I would want freedom from the suffocating rules that the townspeople gave us." He doesn't bother listening to the other candidate's words, tuning him out the minute he spoke his own. It's not like their argument will help anyone...

"Are you even listening to me? Do you know who I am?!" He bit his tongue from answering the bratty chosen, not wanting to cause a commotion, and for the both of them be kicked out of the list. If she wants to be like that, then he'll let her be.

"Yes, Lady Felicia. Everyone knows who you are. You and you're family is well-known throughout the land." He answered, throwing in his most respectful tone that he could muster as of the moment. Well, he might be good at this 'controlling your feelings' thing because the Lady Felicia puffed her chest out and proceeded to tell him how he was right.

"Yes, that is right. And...from what family are you from?" He groaned inside. Here we go again...

"From a no-name family, milady."

"You better not forget that." And she proceeded to ignore him. He let out a sigh of relief, not wanting for it to be dragged further.

Well, it's not like she's lying... His family may be an old name, but they are well-known for being farmers and servants. Not like there is anything wrong with that, without them these royals wouldn't be able to live the high life, it's just that, when it comes to the hierarchy, they were part of the bottom.

And those at the bottom knows how stupid it is to anger someone higher than them.

Honestly, the only reason why he was chosen is because of his unique eye color, his emerald green eyes.

"It looks like no matter what we see, your eye color is the only thing that got you here." He really just want this day to end. Choose the first chosen and let the rest of them be! He really wants to go home!

"Please, he is as plain as a piece of pot! The prince will never set his eyes on him." And there's the third chosen candidate throwing additional shade at him. He could not, for the love of heavens, fathom why they would think that talking trash would help them win.

This is the final choosing, the final round, the endgame. No matter what happens (except if it's an emergency, or they have physically fought), nothing would change right now.

"Can you both just leave me, please." To think that both the first and third chosen would also do this to me as well... He is really starting to believe that children of Nobles are all spoiled brats.

"And what are you going to do about it, Alonian?" He took a deep breathe and looked straight at the first and third chosen.

"Well then, my lords, you should save your energy for the later choosing. Do not be bad-mouthing someone like me, it is only a waste of perfectly good energy." He answered, leaving the minute he finished his little burst of anger. He doesn't know if they heard his sarcasm but he do pray not.

Ever since the other fourteen chosen found out that he is the only Alosian chosen (Alosian means, lower class), they made sure on turning his life a living hell.

Alosian this, Alosian that- they made him a servant instead of being treated like an equal participant for being chosen.

"Allen!" He smiled at the voice. If there is something that he is thankful for in being part of the chosen is that he get to meet Herald.

"Herald! What are you doing here? I thought you have left for your hometown this morning." He said, confused but at the same time happy that he could see his most dearest friend. Herald just smiled at him and hugged him near.

"Well, it seems that I have forgotten to do something. I came back to tell and give you..." Allen's heart started beating hard. Not too long ago, he have developed feelings for this friend of his. He hid all of it, not wanting to break their friendship for something as petty as feelings.

He does not want to be selfish.

"What have you forgotten then? If it's about the mess that you left on my house, that's alright! I cleaned it all up this morning." He said, looking straight at Herald's eyes. His eyes... they may not be as impressive as his, but he could tell how soft and warm the shade of brown his friend's eyes are.

"No! No, it's not that-" Herald fumbled with the contents of his bag, searching for something in between the books. Allen watched as Herald started smiling at him sheepishly, and him being used to him, just giggled at him.

"Ah! Found it!" When Herald brought out whatever it is that he was looking for, Allen's breathe hitched.

"W-What is the meaning of this?" He asked, staring at the beautiful white rose painted with almost the same shade green of his eyes.

"I am giving you a rose, Allen. I-I am in love with you." By now, they have gathered a bit of a crowd. A lot of the people watching them are acquiantances, all of them are Alonian leveled people, the Calleons (meaning of high class, of noble brith) just didn't bother with the only Alonian around.

"This is all true, r-right?" He asked, tears falling from his eyes, slowly down to his cheeks. To be honest, it does bother him a bit when no one gave him a rose. It's not like he's not expecting it, being an Alonian does that to you...

"Truer than the heavens, Emerald." That name have never sounded so sweet as it is right now. Emerald... that is what Herald dubbed him when they first met. He said that his eyes are like Emerald, more so whenever he is feeling something so strong.

"Now, I'm thankful that the townspeople are so sure that the first chosen would be the one for the prince." He said, delicately wiping his tears away. Herald saw this and brought his handkerchief out, then proceeded to wipe his tears.

"If anything, you are just perfect to become royalty."

The people watching them cheered, congratulating both Herald and him for the confession of love that just happened.

"It looks like you've settled down with someone with a higher name than you, Alosian." Allen didn't have to look to know who it was.

"I see nothing wrong with that, milord." He answered, trying hard not to scowl at the fifth candidate.

"Well, this is something that we should have expected from youe people. So desperate are all of you to have power that you would even accept anything. Even from someone not as high as a Calleon." If the chosen thought that his words would make him embarrasses, or cry, then he would have to do harder than that. He is not weak to words like they are.

"I do not understand if you cannot fathom that this is not at all political in any sense of way, and that everything is true, genuine feelings, but we do not love for money," He answered, sounding as calm as possible. Behind him, he heard footsteps coming towards them. Great, Herald is here.

"Well, well, isn't it the foolish man that has been fooled by this Alonian."

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