
With my overpowered leveling system across the Omniverse

A college student name Renji hakuta died to a truck when heading to a part time job and end up in the void and was chosen by the overpowered leveling system.

God_of_Avatars · Anime & Comics
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Where is this place and where am I.

Said renji hakuta.

[You are in the space between dimensions]

What was that.

[I am the overpowered leveling system and your my host]

How and when did this happen.

If you guys are wondering how I ended up here, we have go back a little.

My name is renji hakuta I am a college student that do part time jobs to make a living I camed from an orfanage so I have no family but when I finished class on Tuesday 23, 2024 I died when I was walking on the road some how I was on my phone and didn't notice a truck was coming my way by the time a realised it was too late that's all I remember.

So how am I alive.

[You are alive because of the system and your soul]

Soul what do you mean.

[Means when you died your soul was here in the void and some miracle you survived in the void in this time your soul had grown stronger and because of this you were chosen to be the host of the system]

So I died so if my soul is that strong I probably has powers and so system what's your functions and how can I leave this place.

This is once in a lifetime choice and I'm not gonna miss it.

[I am the overpowered leveling system and my functions are the status, leveling, world traveling , title , mission, cheat]

So how do I use these functions.

You may be wondering how do I adapt to the situation so fast to be honest I don't know myself I think It's because of my soul being stronger and I don't mind the situation at all I have no attachments to my previous world I had no friends and family I was a loner that keeped to him self the only thing I do in my free time is read novels ,manhwa,manga and watch anime etc that's the only thing I do so no hard feelings I don't even have to worry about my search history I always use incognito mode so I'm chilling the only feeling I'm feeling right now is excitement because of the situation I have read a lot of novels to now where this is going and here's the funny thing the name of my system is called the overpowered leveling system and I read enough fictional stories to know the basics of the system so I will just wait for it to explain its functions and from there the journey begins.

[Status - this function shows the host information about himself.

World traveling - this function gives the host the ability to go to any world .

Note: this functions has a randomizing function.

Leveling - this function let's the host gets stronger by killing opponents this gives the host exp this will increase the host strength with each level up every stat of the host will go up by 5 and the host will be given 10 stat points and ability points to allocate to any stat the host wishes and when a opponent is defeated all there gear and power will go to the host and when the host has leveled up all there positions grow stronger ranging from abilities, equipment, etc.

Title - this is the function that gives the host nicknames depending on the situation this grants the host special/unique effects.

Mission - this function gives you a quest to complete in completing the quest you are rewarded in finishing it these rewards depends on the quest.

Note: host can get missions in random situations.

Cheat - this function gives the host a cheat when going to a new world and leveling up .]

Note: Cheats can be more than 1.

So how do I activate them.

[The host can activate these functions by saying it out loud or in your mind just having the feeling to use them they will activate]

So what now.

[The host will costomize his body]

If that's so, then let's get started.

In this time he made his hair black with his eye's red and with fair skin a handsome body and face.

Done so what now.

[The host will be transported to a random world]

Is that so, so system what is this gift box icon on the screen.

[That is your gift pack]

[Would the host like to open the gift pack]


[Congratulations on getting:

- Blessing of the Omniverse: A blessing that gives you immunity from outerversal beings and lower.

- 1 million EXP.

- Blessing of the Gods: A blessing that gives you limitless talent and potential it includes:

Instant mastery: the power to master anything.

Instant learning: the power to learn and comprehend anything.

Perfect control: the power to have absolute control of your body beyond even the atomic level.

True talent: the power infinite talent and to be good at anything.

True potential: the power to have infinite potential while having the power to Infinitly grow stronger.

- Human Progenitor Bloodline powers include:

- Eyes of the Lord: The ability to copy, evade and master anything you see, can be a technique, ability and spell.

- The Punch that Surpasses Time: A technique copyed from ROR zeus, gives the power to punch faster than time itself.

- Father of Humanity: Grants a buff against humanoid beings and gods, also gives an aura that cannot be copied this shows you are the progenitor of the human race.

- Gamers mind and body: The ability to live life as a game. When the user go to sleep they wake up 100% and fully healed and everything and is immune to mind control as is always calm in bad situations.

- ID Create: The ability to create and destroy a dungeon that has different types of beasts.

- Power manipulation: The ability to steal, copy, edit, synthesize, separate and upgrade any ability and thing also makes it so that you use it better than the original by 120%.

Note: The percentage can go higher when you get stronger.

- The End: The ability to instantly copy and master any ability and technique and use it at 120% of it's full potential/power.

- Great Sage: This ability has sub abilities such as thought acceleration the power to increase your thought process by a 1000. Analytical appraisal the power to gain information about a target. Parallel operation the power to detach their analysis of phenomena from their regular thoughts. Chant annulment the power to eliminate the need for chanting. All of creation the power to comprehend anything as long as you have basic information.

- Gluttony: This ability has sub abilities such as predation absorbs the target into the body. Stomach the power to store absorbed targets in a place that is not affected by time and items produced via analysis. Mimicry the power to gain/copy the absorb target appearance, abilities, skills, memories, experiences etc. Isolation this ability store harmful materials and unnecessary things for analysis, they will be replaced with energy. Corrosion the power to corrode anything the user touches. Receive the power to receive copy of allies and subordinates abilities. Provide the power to provide an ability to an Allie and subordinate.

- The Almighty: The ability to perceive and alter infinite possibilities into whatever outcome you want.

- Endless Nine: The ability to be immune and resistant to anything and everything that is considered supernatural.

- Zenkai Boost: The ability to grow stronger after an injury, the more severe the injury the stronger you get this ability embodies the phrase ( what doesn't kill you make you stronger).

- Dimension Home: A space separate from everything that has a small planet, sun and moon, while within this space you can manipulate water, earth, fire, air, darkness, light, lightning, wood, space, and time can also bring anything in and out if the host wishes, also has beyond imagination soil that will grow anything at amazing speeds.

- Gate of Babylon: A treasury that can hold infinite amounts of treasures, by conquering or collecting the treasures of a world or nation, every item, past present and future from that place and is associated with it will be in the treasury as for the quality of an item it would be considered to be the original while the others being copies.

- Infinity: The ability to give the aspect of infinity to any spell, ability, skill etc This gives them no cool down.

- Absolute Cancel: The ability to nullify any ability, spell, skill etc from existence.

- Perfect Cube: The ability to cast and barrier around anything wear the caster can go in and out as they please, it will reflect all attacks no matter weak or strong back to the opponent.

- Sunshine: The ability to draw power from the sun sub abilities include radiating light the power to radiate sunshine that can burn and melt the surroundings. Cruel sun the power to summon a ball of sunshine that holds immense power. Divine sword the one a downward slash that can slice through almost anything. Divine spear the one a jab that can pierce through almost anything.

- Disaster: The ability that gives control over life and death.

- Full Counter: The ability to counter physical and magical attacks.

- Fountain of Youth: The ability to heal from almost anything.

- Snatch: The ability to steal anything physical such as objects, organs, weapons, equipment, etc.

- Dragon Slayer Magic: The ability to consume and manipulate and is immune to:fire.

- Incursio: A armor that can evolve and adapt also comes with a spear that can cut through iron like butter, it will evolve and adapt in time or can happen instantly in doing so there is a chance of incurio trying to take over your body and will gain new abilities when evolving and adapting.

- Murasame: A sword that when it cut a living thing it places a curse or poison that will stop it's heart, also can strengthen the user with it poison.

- Nameless (host can choose the name): A orb shaped object that can transform into any accessory, weapon, equipment etc that can store, absorb and release energy, also can store the soul of the user inside also nullificates anything magical, physical, supernatural]

Note: this item will grow with the user developing new abilities.

[Some of these abilities are nerfed and will grow with the user and can be evolve further]

Wow these abilitys and items are overpowered no they are not even overpowered they are broken they will make everything easy for the future although some of them are nerfed they will grow stronger with me in the future and I have to be careful with some of these abilities.

So system can you activate the world traveling randomize function.

[Function activated world found transporting to the world of: Naruto]