
With MUSIC to break into Marvel

In my BGM, no one can beat me, not even O-A-A! Lee from the heart to cross into the world of comic books, but also awakened a god-class BGM system, each background music has a different effect. With the sound of each background music, the whole world's style of painting has changed bizarrely ...... ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

INIT · Anime & Comics
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230 Chs

Chapter 9: The Truth Revealed (Edited)

At this moment, Nalan Qing had regained his seriousness and took the registration form from Clark's hands once again, apologizing with a smile, "I'm sorry, I mistook you earlier. Since you are here to learn martial arts, let's not waste any more time. I'll explain to you the kung fu taught in our Nalan Martial Arts School's elite class."

Nalan Qing's expression was serious and professional, as if he was strictly business. If it weren't for his occasionally trembling shoulders, Clark would have believed that the meme of being "cowardly" was a thing of the past.

However, seeing the other party struggling to suppress his laughter, Clark chose not to point it out and let him continue to hold it in.

While barely holding back his laughter, Nalan Qing said, "The martial arts taught to students in our Nalan Martial Arts School's elite class is Tan Leg. As a Chinese, you must have heard the term 'Southern Fist, Northern Leg,' where 'Northern Leg' refers to Tan Leg."

"Like many Chinese martial arts, Tan Leg has been divided into several schools during its transmission. What we teach in our Nalan Martial Arts School is the most authentic Shaolin Twelve-Step Tan Leg."

As he spoke seriously, Nalan Qing finally dissolved the laughter he had been holding back, and Clark listened intently.

"Tan Leg was founded during the Northern Song Dynasty, originating from the Longtan Temple in Linqing, Shandong. Its characteristics include being straightforward and neat, symmetric on both sides, with a coherent and powerful momentum."

"Of course, the Tan Leg of that era, despite its strength, was not without flaws."

"Originally, Tan Leg consisted of only ten routines. During the Song Dynasty, Tan Leg was always seen as a martial art with distinct advantages and disadvantages, until it was improved during the Zhengde era of the Ming Dynasty."

At this point, Nalan Qing stood with his hands behind his back, his gaze piercing through the window towards the eastern horizon, as if communing with ancient sages, reaching for the heavens with his aspirations:

"During the Zhengde era of the Ming Dynasty, Zen Master Xiangji of the Shaolin Temple visited Longtan Temple and, together with Master Yuekong from Longtan Temple, combined Shaolin Luohan Boxing with Longtan Temple's Tan Leg. On the foundation of the original Tan Leg, they integrated the advantages of Luohan Boxing, remedying the instability of the lower stance during kicks and adding some hand attack techniques, thus creating the current Shaolin Twelve-Step Tan Leg."

Regaining his focus, Nalan Qing continued, "That's the origin of Tan Leg for now, but to practice Tan Leg, you have to start from the most basic leg techniques. That includes front kicks, side kicks, back kicks, downward chops, hook kicks, back spinning kicks, pushing kicks, and other basic leg techniques. Everyone, take a break and come here to review the basics."

The last sentence was directed at the other people in the classroom.

Hearing this, everyone stopped their practice and gathered around, while Nalan Qing started to explain the characteristics and techniques of basic legwork in detail and patience.


"Calories, calories, calories... Calories are my nemesis! Burn my calories!..."

The background music was Clark's biggest cheat code, of course, he couldn't just give it up. As the saying goes, practicing martial arts strengthens the body, so martial arts training can also be considered a form of physical exercise, also covered by the amplifying effect of "Calories"!

After getting Nalan Qing's approval, Clark decisively started to practice martial arts with music on, immediately feeling the effect double. Just an afternoon's practice had already completed the most painful stretching phase for beginners, able to standardly perform all the basic kicking actions of leg techniques.

"Your basic movements are already very standard, and you can practice on your own when you go back. Ordinary students usually practice for about half a month to a month before they can start to use weight training to accelerate the growth of leg strength, but your situation is quite special, you can start weight training in about three to five days, so just mentally prepare yourself in advance."

After the two-hour class ended, Nalan Qing pulled Clark aside to give him this advice.

Clark, of course, would not refuse such a beneficial suggestion and was just about to agree wholeheartedly when he heard someone at the classroom door say, "He can start weight training now. I just saw from the monitor that his leg strength is already sufficient for the most basic weight training."

Turning his head, it was a lean old man in his fifties or sixties, also dressed in a Tang suit, exuding a dry and energetic spirit. Despite his age, he gave off a very capable impression, making him unforgettable at first sight.

Seeing this elder, Nalan Qing immediately perked up, couldn't help but smile and said, "Dad, you're here."

"Hmm!" The elder nodded, then turned to Clark and said, "You have good talent. Since you want to learn martial arts, don't be afraid of hardship and don't waste your gift." After speaking, he turned and left.

Clark received +3 impression points from Nalan Long!

Watching the elder's figure disappear from sight, Clark then turned to Nalan Qing and asked, "Coach, do you fill in the name column in the forms here vertically?"

Bringing up the matter again, Nalan Qing's face turned weird: "Actually, under normal circumstances, names are written horizontally. I seriously suspect you've offended Xiao Bai and were deliberately tricked by that clever spirit."

Clark frowned: "Xiao Bai?"

"That's right!" Nalan Qing said, "There are three siblings in our family. I inherited my father's mantle and teach Tan Leg in the elite class. My second sister, Nalan Hong, learns some basic combat techniques and some external martial arts, responsible for teaching the regular class. The one who filled out your registration form was my youngest sister, Nalan Bai. She's not interested in martial arts; she's just helping out with management during the summer break."

Clark nodded in understanding and then bid farewell to Nalan Qing.

When he reached the downstairs, he found Nalan Bai still there. The young girl seemed still to be angry with Clark. Seeing Clark passing by, she deliberately turned her head away, muttering resentfully, "If it weren't for you being good-looking, I wouldn't have bothered reminding you, taking kindness for granted."

Hearing this, Clark stopped, turned his head, and said, "I want to buy a set of leg weights, the lightest kind will do."

Buying weights, of course, is cheaper in a sports goods store, just like how drinks in restaurants are more expensive than outside.

However, Clark still chose to buy them here.

After all, he was here to learn martial arts. If he were to pinch pennies over such a small amount, why would anyone bother to teach him the real skills?

Even if the same thing is taught, there's a world of difference between a teacher who is invested and one who is not!

For the sake of saving a little money and leaving a bad impression, it's truly an irrational act, and there's no need for that.

Perhaps that's why some foreigners never receive the true transmission because they don't understand this principle?

Thinking this way, Nalan Bai already had a cold face and brought out a pair of brand new sandbags: "Ten dollars."

It's not just a little bit expensive.

As Clark was paying, he casually said to the girl, "First of all, I apologize for the rudeness earlier. Also, I have a question I'd like to ask, I wonder if Miss Nalan would be willing to enlighten me?"

Nalan Bai turned her head: "Ask."

"Xiao Bai looks so much like her brother, give a four-character idiom."

Nalan Bai rolled her eyes, thinking it was something serious, but it turned out to be a guessing game. However, Clark's question successfully piqued her interest, and she couldn't help but guess aloud: "Is it 'the blue outshines the indigo'?"

"No!" Clark shook his head: "It's 'the truth revealed.'"

Clark received +6 impression points from Nalan Bai!

"Pfft, boring!"

With the girl's disdainful gaze, Clark had already stepped out of the Nalan Martial Arts School, but he didn't notice that while she verbally scorned him, the corners of her mouth had already curled up in a barely noticeable smile.

"The truth revealed? Huh, didn't expect this pretty boy to be quite humorous."

Clark received +1 impression point from Nalan Bai!