
With MUSIC to break into Marvel

In my BGM, no one can beat me, not even O-A-A! Lee from the heart to cross into the world of comic books, but also awakened a god-class BGM system, each background music has a different effect. With the sound of each background music, the whole world's style of painting has changed bizarrely ...... ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

INIT · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 7: The Novel as a Commercial Hit (Edited)

Two hours later, at the gorilla's home.

"Joe, do you have Clark's contact number? If so, give it to me immediately!"

The gorilla, lounging on the sofa in a slouchy position, watching a basketball game broadcast on TV with relish, was startled by the question. He then showed a triumphant smile, "Dad, have you finished reading that kid's manuscript and are planning to scold him for wasting your precious time?"

"No!" The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "I want to talk to him about publishing."

The gorilla was stunned. Given the initial bias, even if Clark's writing was passable, Old Cook would only notice its flaws. Now, seeing his dad so serious, he wondered, "Is that kid's book really good?"

Old Cook shook his head again, then explained under his son's puzzled gaze, "A truly good book can make people want to read it over and over, discovering something new each time. However, 'Battle Through the Heavens' did not achieve this. I only read it twice, and that was due to professional ethics; otherwise, I wouldn't have bothered with a second read."

"Why are you..."

Faced with the gorilla's question, Old Cook waved him off, "Although I don't want to read it from the beginning again, I'm incredibly eager to see what comes next!"

"Do you know?" Old Cook's face lit up with uncontrollable excitement, "In my years as an editor, I've reviewed countless manuscripts, but I've never felt such a strong anticipation before. This is the first time, the very first time!"

"Oh, you know what? I see a huge business opportunity in this book!"

"I assert that if Clark's 'Battle Through the Heavens' continues at this pace, it may not win any literary awards, but its sales will definitely be a hundred, or even a thousand times that of those award-winning works!"

The gorilla was stunned, "Like the difference between art films and commercial films in movies?"

"That's exactly what I mean!" Old Cook said excitedly, "Your comparison is spot-on. 'Battle Through the Heavens' is like a commercial blockbuster in the world of novels! This is an opportunity I must seize firmly. If I had done as I said earlier and thrown the manuscript in his face, it wouldn't be long before I became a laughingstock in the industry and my future would be completely ruined!"

"So, Joe," Old Cook looked earnestly at the gorilla, "try to get along with Clark. Based on your previous description, this was something you started, wasn't it?"

After hearing Old Cook's words, the gorilla could only respond with resignation, "I'll try. I think his contact number might be in the school directory. Wait here; I'll go find it."

Watching the gorilla head back to his room to look for the directory, Old Cook suddenly had a brainwave and quickly scrolled through his phone's contacts, finding a number and dialing it immediately.

"Hi! Is this Eddie, the reporter responsible for Chinatown coverage? I'm Cook, I have something to ask you about…"


Not far from Marsha Fitness Club, in a western restaurant, Clark and Marcus sat opposite each other after ordering their meal.

Marcus was the first to break the silence, "Sorry, Clark, both tasks you asked of me were botched. I didn't expect you and Cook's son to have such a big conflict in school. But it's not your fault. After the guy responds tomorrow, I'll try to contact other friends for you."

"Thank you, Uncle Marcus," Clark smiled sincerely.

But the more he did so, the more Marcus felt he had let the kid down, "As for learning to fight, I really don't have any connections for that. Most of my friends who know martial arts are colleagues from the police department. And since you don't want to be a cop, so..."

"Public shrimp, my dear celebration, the celestial donkey on top..."

Suddenly, Clark's phone rang. He gave Marcus an apologetic smile before answering, "Hello! ...Oh, it's Uncle Cook, hi!"

Marcus perked up at the mention of Cook, hopeful.

Clark continued on the phone, "The manuscript? I have about 600,000 words ready... Three hundred thousand words per volume, one volume a month? No problem! I wrote these manuscripts in a month, so I can definitely keep up with the pace. Alright, we'll discuss the contract in person... I'm free all summer... Tomorrow morning? No problem!"

While on the phone, Clark didn't forget to make a playful face at Marcus, then gestured an "OK" sign.

Seeing this, Marcus felt relieved, but then noticed Clark suddenly pause, his eyes lighting up, "That's great! ...Then, I'll thank Uncle Cook in advance. Sure... we'll discuss further when we meet tomorrow. Bye!"

After hanging up, Clark excitedly said, "Uncle Marcus, not only did Uncle Cook agree to help publish 'Battle Through the Heavens,' but he also connected me with a journalist friend from Chinatown who recommended the best local martial arts gym."

"There are three martial arts gyms in Chinatown, and although they all offer different teachings, it's hard to distinguish which is superior. However, one of them houses a revered elder in the martial arts community who occasionally offers advice to favored students, a benefit the other two gyms lack."

"And Uncle Cook recommended that gym to me!"

"Now all the issues have been resolved in one go!" Clark couldn't help but chuckle, "It's also thanks to you, Uncle Marcus. If you hadn't introduced me to Uncle Cook, how could things have gone so smoothly?"

"Cut the crap!" Marcus scolded playfully, "I know exactly what kind of person Cook is. Given his opportunistic nature, if your book was mediocre, at most he would have submitted your manuscript for review out of courtesy to us, that's the limit."

"Now, not only has he proactively contacted you to discuss publishing, but he's also eagerly inquired about martial arts learning for you, as if afraid you'd slip away."

"For this, I can only think of one reasonable explanation: your book has shown him a huge business opportunity, and it has little to do with my influence."

Clark wanted to continue the mutual flattery, but was suddenly interrupted by a familiar message tone.

Checking his phone, he said, "The address has been sent. Nalan Martial Arts Gym. I'll check it out after we eat."

"I'll drive you there."