
With Knowledge Comes Power

Previously called World of the Dead ---- Smashing zombie skulls or picking up babes? I just can't decide which I wanna do more ---- Do note- before you guys leave any other stupid reviews because of 1 thing So let me say it now so you guys don't waste your time... This is a harem...better yet let's say the mc partakes in polygamy since he's not collecting dolls What are dolls for those who don't know.... useless women who's only purpose is giving sexual relief This story contains multiverse travelling but it's in the form of a competition so that means he's not the only reincarnator, don't like that? fuck o.... I mean don't read ---- Do note if people continuing to give low reviews after I write this, when the competition is revealed in chapter 11, I'll delete them. For those who like the book, thank your for your support and I'll always be trying to find ways to improve and better my writing

Master_Livythan · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
129 Chs

Side Chapter

Got the first order for the business that I created, so I was busy. It feels good to know that you worked hard for your money....anyhow what'd I miss???


A short figure could be seen slowly walking through the woods, their head tilted towards the sky, allowing their pale blonde hair to appear as it blew in the wind. The wind suddenly picked up and blew the hood off of their head revealing young, apathetic yet beautiful face, he eyes showing little as she stared at the passing clouds

" is this all worth it ? " asked the girl in a cold voice only for her to pause and quickly turn around, her arms raised as she looked around warily

" not bad " said a voice that seemingly echoed around the surrounding area. The girl didn't reply but constantly turned as she looked into the forest trying to find the owner of the voice while looking for an escape path

The girls eyes widened as she sensed a presence appear right behind her before she could react, when she was about to roll forward she felt an arm rest on her shoulder holding her in place , no matter how she struggled

' is it him ? ' thought the girl as she thought of her giant of an instructor, that was teaching her for the past month

' no it's not ' thought the girl as she felt the hand better ' as callused as it is, it's still more feminine, she was awoken from her thoughts when she heard the voice more, but the words she heard made her eyes widen

" Annie Leonhart, slave to her father's whims and the Female Titan " said the voice calmly, causing Annie's eyes to widen as she unconsciously flicked the blade on her ring only to feel cold metal on her neck

" don't even bother " said the voice causing Annie to smile internally as she went to cut herself only for her eyes to widen when she looked at the blade at her neck

' shit ' thought Annie as she raised her hands up into the air

" smart " said the voice but they surprisingly took away the knife from her neck causing Annie to turn around in confusion, finding a girl with long black hair which she had in a single ponytail, with bangs covering one side of her face looking at her with a calm expression, looking down at her because of their height difference

" who are you ? " asked Annie, her face returning to expressionless causing Mikasa to raise a brow as she looked at Annie

" why didn't you run? " asked Mikasa feeling genuine confusion

" you could get behind me before I could even react, meaning you're above Tier 1 " replied Annie with no change in expression, though she had slight curiosity as she remembered the new definitions of strength she learned recently

' I'm Tier 4 in Titan form ' thought Annie before she continued " you had a chance to kill me and yet I'm still standing here before you, I'd have to be a complete fool to not know you want something from me " said Annie as she fixed her hoodie

" I need a rival " said Mikasa causing Annie to look at her weirdly " I'm Tier 4, my mother and my friend are also Tier 4 but I'm still weaker than them, because of my age " explained Mikasa with a twitching cheek, before she continued " You are my age and you're also Tier 4, meaning we're most likely similar in strength, well after you learn better techniques but we can learn together" said Mikasa as she stared at Annie as she waited to hear her answer

( A.N before you guys call cap, Imagine this, A Tier 15 dragon and a Tier 15 baby dragon, who do you think would win if they fought? )

" you know my name and you also know I'm a Titan Shifter, which means you most likely know of my purpose here and yet you still want me as a rival ? Are you partially retarded, crazy or all of the above ?" asked Annie sarcastically, only for Mikasa to look at her with a thoughtful expression

" I left the walls with my mother and went into groups of Titans with a practical stranger, I first killed a Titan at the age of 9, fell in love with a man who was turned into a woman for a few years, thinking about all that I guess I'm a bit crazy " replied Mikasa calmly causing Annie to actually break down in laughter

" you do know we may become enemies in the future ? " asked Annie as she looked closely at Mikasa's expression for any changes only to receive the same calm stare

" if you were an enemy, you'd be dead from the time you entered the walls, or do you think your little sneaking is really that good? " asked Mikasa mockingly, shocking Annie as she suddenly realized how pointless this mission really was before she turned her attention back to Mikasa

' a rival huh ' thought Annie with a slight smile appearing on her usually expressionless face