
With Knowledge Comes Power

Previously called World of the Dead ---- Smashing zombie skulls or picking up babes? I just can't decide which I wanna do more ---- Do note- before you guys leave any other stupid reviews because of 1 thing So let me say it now so you guys don't waste your time... This is a harem...better yet let's say the mc partakes in polygamy since he's not collecting dolls What are dolls for those who don't know.... useless women who's only purpose is giving sexual relief This story contains multiverse travelling but it's in the form of a competition so that means he's not the only reincarnator, don't like that? fuck o.... I mean don't read ---- Do note if people continuing to give low reviews after I write this, when the competition is revealed in chapter 11, I'll delete them. For those who like the book, thank your for your support and I'll always be trying to find ways to improve and better my writing

Master_Livythan · Anime & Comics
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129 Chs


The next couple chapters will be more slice of life before we get back into the action. I'm also slowing down the pace, so don't expect any major time skips


{ Participant Michael Takami has committed 2 Crimes }

[ Nearly causing the collapse of a Low Tier World ]




[ Saving and taking a fellow Participant under his wing ]




{ Determining Punishment }

[ Curse of Yin Tier 15 ]: Reverses Yang and turns the cursed into a female Permanently .


[ Perk: Perfect Body detected.....fighting off curse.....fight ended in a draw ]



{ Modifying Curse }

[ Curse of Yin Tier 8 ]: Reverses Yang and turns the cursed into a female for 5 years ]




{ World Selected: Attack on Titan }


[ Commencing Travel ]


A black portal opened in the air between the clouds several km from the ground below , before a figure shot out of it as it closed behind them, disappearing as if it was never there


The wind whistled in Michael's ear as 'his' body plummeted towards the earth, to what would have been his demise had it not been for his strength

Michael was currently in his thoughts, as he felt out the changes happening to his body, frowning internally as he looked for any issues , though finding that the only thing that he found was that his muscles became more flexible along with additional weight on his chest and hips which he was to preoccupied to think about

Only for his face to turn blank as he felt his 'little brother' shrink rapidly, practically receding into his body

Michael blanked out as he looked down at himself only to be met with two massive mounds as he felt the changes complete themselves much to his frustration

' at least I'm not flat ' thought Michael before his body hit the surface of the lake below him with an astounding boom as water shot into the air as if announcing his presence to the world


Michael squatted on the bank of the lake as he looked at his reflection with a calm expression though his twitching cheek highlighted his inner turmoil

{ A.N Picture here }

When he had left the world of High school of the dead, he was wearing a black leather jacket, with a silver sleeveless inner shirt with black cargo pants, with silver timb's

If you haven't noticed by now he likes black and silver, though right now he was glad his clothes were such high quality as they were some what holding up with holding his breast and his new curves

' damn that's even weird to think about ' groaned Michael before he sighed into his palms

" five years, just five years Michael " Michael continuously hypnotized himself, though one good thing about this is that the HOTD world is frozen until he went back there, though he found it weird not having his women around

Standing up to inspect his surroundings as he spent more time than he'd like to admit looking over himself, only to pause as he felt someone's gaze on him

Focusing on the person he found that it was a young girl about 70 metres away from him looking at him from behind a tree

' well let's ask her where I am ' asked Michael before he disappeared and appeared behind the girl silently, he watched her with an amused expression as he started panicking when she noticed his disappearance

" didn't your mother teach you not to approach strangers little girl " asked Michael softly as he watched her jump and let out a high pitched screamed as she stumbled backwards over a tree root, she would have fallen had Michael not caught her

Michael watched in confusion as the little girl stiffened in his arms before she looked at him in fear which was then quickly replaced by confusion then awe as she looked at him

" you okay kid? " asked Michael as he let her go putting her on her feet, kneeling as he looked at her

" you-y " the girl stuttered as she looked at Michael taking steps back before she hid behind the tree only peeping her head out

Michael watched her actions while wondering if it was possible that he turned ugly after he turned female which he doubted

{ A.N should I address him as her while he's in this form? }

" I'm what? " asked Michael trying to urge her along

" you-you-re huge....are you a Titan ? " asked the girl before he gulped fearfully causing Michael to freeze before his face twitched.

" kid where do I look like a Titan " asked Michael calmly

" mom said that titans are huge, much bigger than us and they like to eat humans , you're much bigger than me....please don't eat me" replied the girl naively before it turned to fear as she hid behind tree once again

" you're like what? 135cm? I'm only 65 cm taller than you....well if you put it like that " Michael tried to argue only to realize how his words sounded causing his voice to get lower and lower towards the end before he fell silent

" Tch " said Michael as he stood up and turned and walked away while grumbling about how shitty this day was, forgetting his previous purpose

The girl not hearing anything after a while, peeped out only to not see Michael anymore

" where'd she go? " muttered the girl before she started running to make her way out of the forest to tell her mother about the Titan she saw


Several hours later....

" damn I must really be out of it, since I couldn't even recognized Mikasa when I met her " said Michael after he finally managed to calm down and straighten out his thoughts

' at least I know where I am now ' thought Michael as dropped another log he had finished peeling with a thud

After he left Mikasa he spent the entire afternoon, logging trees to build a home, while also opening up a 100 m space, removing any large stone or debris before he flattened the surrounding ground

It would have taken much longer considering he had to make do with stone tools he had made before, but his skills made sure of their quality while he gained a new skill sub skill under his carpentry skill- logging

Direct and straight to the point

Although with his strength he could fell a section of the trees of this forest with a casual wring of his arm but the skill made it so much easier. For example, he could fell a tree using 10 as the amount of strength, using the skill would allow him to only use 5 and get the same result

" now what design are we going for " pondered Michael as he started drawing plans in some bark using his energy

{ picture here }


Shorter Chapters for a while, all over a thousand words though