
Chapter - 5 System

[William POV]

I sighed then I remembered something that immediately brightened me up 'Now with all of them gone let's try it out, shall we' I smiled as I said in my mind System

A transparent blue screen popped up before my eyes and there were many words written in it as I begin to smile and pump my fists albeit it only looked like I was flaying my hands.

Sweet, I can already use the system and I was worried about it not arriving until my sweet sixteen, hehe

I thought gleefully as I started to read the words written on the transparent panel like screen.

[ Name : William Halbert ]

[ Potential : E ]

[ Realm : None ]


[ Stats ]

[ HP : 1 ]

[ Mana : 0.1 ]

[ Mana Regen : 0.001 Per Min ]

[ Strength : None ]

[ Agility : None ]

[ Constitution : 0.2 ]

[ Luck : 9 ]


[ Skills ]

[ Money Generator 1.0 {Innate}]

[ System Shop 1.0 {Innate}]


After looking at my current pathetic stats and as I was thinking about my stats I hoped that maybe the system that I have is AI or Self-Sufficient and tried to call it.

Hello system are you there, hellooo?

[Yes, User]

Great to know that I have a AI like system

System can you tell me about yourself

[I am as you have requested an am a system shop and I have only two features. First I let you show your current stats and abilities and Second I have the Shop which allows you to buy anything there is or was in this world and other worlds]

Woh I can buy stuff from other worlds, cool cool

System explain my stats and why are my abilities show 1.0 at the end?

[First you have your birth given name

Then your Potential which shows you how fast you can advance or how good you will be at comprehending different abilities

Then there's your Realm which shows you which realm and level you are currently occupying]

I nodded as I started to get the gist of it.

[After that comes your stats where you have your Strength which shows how much force you are capable on enforcing

Then comes your Agility which is similar to speed albeit different as it not only says about you speed but also your acrobatic skills

Then there's your Constitution which tells you how much force your body can endure

And then comes your Luck which is a peculiar skill that depending on it's value might help you through your greatest endeavor and might also be the cause of your worst calamity]

[Now last but not least is your Skills which shows your Innate skills and other skills you have and what they can do and also their level, for example your Money Generator and your System Shop both of which are at their very first level and you can only use a few abilities of it]

I became confused as I said But System I asked for Infinite Money and a shop that allows me to buy anything so why are they at there first level

[It became like this because of the World's Restriction]

World's Restriction?

[Yes because you were being born the world put restriction's on you so you don't break the balance of this world]

I became dejected as I asked 'So how much can I generate money and buy things?'

[You can only generate up to 1000 Gold Coins per day and you can only buy the first level things in the shops]

I don't know how much 1000 gold coins is but I don't think it's to as much as I truly want Sighing I closed my eyes.

[Don't worry, User there is still a solution to the restriction's]

Quickly opening my eyes as hope reignited in me I asked What solution?

[You must get stronger!]


[Yes, only by getting stronger can you truly lessen the restriction's on you and level up your innate skills and use more of it's abilities]

Should have known that In a cultivational world you only have but one path and that's to go up but good to know that there is a way to lessen the restrictions' then thinking about that one thing I asked System, what does Innate Skills mean?

[User, Innate Skill are skills that are born in an individual or are destined to have and in your case you were born with them]

'System what would have happened if I got the those two skills later in my life, would their restrictions be lesser?'

[If you had gotten them at a later stage of your life then depending on your strength indeed the restrictions would have been lesser]

Alright no harm done as long as I became one of those 'I shall defy the heavens' kind of guys or at least close to them I will be able to become the Richest and Strongest

System, can I see the shop?

[Of Course, User you can tell me or click the shop skill and the shop will open]

I tried to use my hands to click the shop skill but ultimately failed System, open the shop skill

The system panel blurred for a split-second and then changed to a new one. It was the same transparent blue panel but different. In the first section there was a search option then right under that was the category section which showed the Level,Type,Affiliation, Rank and Cost in that order. Under the category was a scrolling panel where all the Items were shown.

I looked and saw that there was only the first level items available for show.

[Level 01 - Light Breathing Art - Breathing Skill - Light - Special - Cost (250 Silver)]

[Level 01 - Darkness Breathing Art - Breathing Skill - Dark - Special - Cost (250 Silver)]

[Level 01 - Sun Breathing Art - Breathing Skill - Space - Special Rare - Cost (100 Gold)]

[Level 01 - Void Breathing Art - Breathing Skill - Space - Special Rare - Cost (100 Gold)]

[Level 01 - Light and Darkness Dual Breathing Art - Breathing Skill - Fusion - Super Special Rare - Cost (500 Gold)]

As I looked at the items I couldn't help but become excited more and more and asked System If I buy them will I get like a scroll or will It be sent to my mind?

[It will be direct integrated in your mind]

I excitedly told the system System use the Money Generator to it's maximum capacity Now

As soon as I said those words a heavy leather bag fell on my body money from which gold coins fell out.

Ahh that hurt So the money instantly appears to me huh, but It's to heavy for my body to handle, System store the money in your inventory for now

[I can't, User]

What! why?

[Because the System doesn't have a inventory skill]

Whaaat so what the hell am I gonna do with this bag of money, what if someone sees it Wait! what if nobody sees it I can't handle this much weight, am I going to die for my greediness, am I really going to die in this world as a virgin as well!

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