
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · Video Games
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161 Chs

My Save data

[ > Buff : A Positive effect grant you anything, this buff consider amplifier of your action, skill or anything regarding your whole Existence.

Lotus Blessing (Effective treatment) Has been upgraded : You gain buff whenever you perform medical treatment it will enhance to be perfect beyond logic, it feel like reborn again by larger margin whatever treatment you conduct, operation to normal diagnose. your treatment consider perfect even make no need to re check because the efficiency

Imperial Degree(Eternal Prosperity) Has been Enhanced : All thing you rule shall eternally prosper for eternity, as long you exist, your people shall exist for eternity. whatever you go your people shall follow you even to edge of the abyss itself.

Gourd Power ( The Only one medicine ) Has been Enhanced : Medicine you create cannot be copied also be create by many omnipotent nor immortal being, from Cultivation pill, conventional medicine to Impossible cure for disease are easy to create with logic or by "just cause"

Magic Basket (Top Quality Crop) Has been upgraded : Any kind cultivating, Crop to Horticulture product always grow instantly and always flourish no matter what, the result always in satisfaction and perfect, any planting will not follow natural rule or anything, you can plant anything you wish and get instant result, every plant you grow will always strong and fresh no matter what you can recycle all the plant for your daily life.

Sword Boost (No Tribulation turbocharge power) Has been enhanced and upgraded : Without Heaven Tribulation to surpassing your cultivation realm (this useful when you in Cultivation world) This also enhancing your Qi, Energy, Power related in your soul to be able breakthrough beyond logic and rule. if you reach peak Qi Realm, it reset and enhance the Qi 1.2 times over, each reset grant you 0.5 Power up Qi or Energy Quality, Refine them 2 times quality making it more pure than the Qi or energy Source itself. It also supercharge anything regarding energy use or energy power ability.

Harmony Flute ( Heaven Musical ) Has been Enhanced : Music is form of expression, you can express the music as your own feeling can make any audience feel the sensation you try to convey, this also enhance your performance with musical from instrument to singing. this included additional Heaven choir when you try to sing, nature will follow you symphony of musical as background immersive expression.

Fish Drum ( Age enchanting Beauty and Wiser ) Has been enhanced and upgraded : Age like a fine wine as they say, more you age, making you more handsome and more smarter in term of memory, planning and you are immune to mental stress regarding situation and condition yet your charm is beyond something making whoever under you grow safety feeling and some circumstances your beauty able enchant someone who supposedly heartless in the first place. 

Death Feather Fan ( Death Realm Access ) Has been upgraded : you not only grant access Death realm, You own the death realm. Death is your friend and your existence is Death walker. Any type rule regarding death doesn't apply to you yet you can apply death rule to any type being in that very universe regarding "plot", "reason", "just cause"

Slifer Celestial Lightning ( Sky's supreme authority ) Has been upgraded : Sky of the world is on your command, but now is not only sky, The heaven was in your command, Every heaven Realm and world above mortal plane is in your Command, everyone who stay, rule and belong there doesn't have authority upon Heaven and Heaven has authority to banish them as Heaven ruler is You (this apply to any cultivation world or any world that have Plain or Plane such Heaven, Valhalla, God Realm any thing regarding place God's Reside) 

Elune Eternal Love (Unyielding Love) Has been Enhanced : Your Love is an indomitably strong compassion. a beautiful and benevolent emotion that drives their caring and sympathetic nature. Always concerned for the suffering of others and bringing emotional warmth to those in need. yet this also curse for you to whoever fall in love with you will seek your attention no matter what kind attention, this included many bad behavior and toxic relationship. but is all form of love that you must know how to handle it.

Buddha Palm ( new !) : New buff granted by Buddha, Buddha gave you His palm to hide your power and anything you had regardless situation, condition, circumstances. this ultimate buff of invincibility make enemy drop their guard or even many omnipotent being unable to deduce your existence as whole as Buddha already close it with his hand. 

Guan Yin Vase ( new !) : this vase contains pure water capable of relieving suffering, because Guan Yin Grow Fond upon you, You become vessel of this Vase, Your very liquid from sperm, blood, any kind liquid substance in your body can relieving any suffering you get and grant happiness inducement when give. included digestion liquid system, the digestion consider poison to instant death consumption will negate the effect and benefit your body in many way depend on consumption and effect can be vary.

12 Chinese Zodiac Celestial Wheel ( new !) : 12 Great Animal representing heaven regard you as incarnation of Jade Emperor. this grant you the right to rule of those 12 animal and you gain the very respect to treat as their own kin. More so, this Buff grant you to choose which timeline, which time and place whenever you go to new World or universe, to specific time or event in every universe or already existing universe or visited universe, this also perfect for universe traveling conduit. 

Amaterasu Yata Mirror ( new !) : A Divine Artifact that Amaterasu Herself Give to you as form marriage. This Yata Mirror have the appearance of a spinning disc hovering on your wrist hand and leg. the form is Solar Flare from Okami Series. This Buff is in Astral From, it have no physical manifestation rather only astral yet the effect is real deal, you can interact with it, it enhance your attack potency regarding Beast Wrath Style. in normal attack it grant you blast of energy while charge it grant you concentrated blast

Amaterasu Magatama ( new !) : A Divine Artifact that Amaterasu Herself Give to you as form marriage. This Magatama have the appearance of a spinning Magatama hovering on your back. the form is Tundra beads from Okami Series. This Buff is in Astral From, it have no physical manifestation rather only astral yet the effect is real deal, you can interact with it, it enhance your attack potency regarding Gunslinger Sonata and Cyber Artisan (Projectile weapon) Style. in normal attack it grant you additional attack energy while charge it grant you concentrated laser shot.

Amaterasu Kusanagi Sword ( new !) : A Divine Artifact that Amaterasu Herself Give to you as form marriage. This Kusanagi Sword have the appearance of a giant sword hovering on your side hips. the form is Thunder edge from Okami Series. This Buff is in Astral From, it have no physical manifestation rather only astral yet the effect is real deal, you can interact with it, it enhance your attack potency regarding Armament Sage and Cyber Artisan (Close weapon) Style. in normal attack it grant you additional energy sword attack following your attack pattern while when charge it grant you follow up energy slash or consecutive attack in every direction depend on move list.

Malzeno Eclipse Wings ( new !) : Malzeno still angry about you because you leave her behind, She curse you with curse of Vampire Dragon blight, this curse turn into clothes Based from Dracula's Tunic from Castlevania series, this tunic grant you total ability to blend in the dark, no being even perception can track you down no matter what. This Tunic is astral not effected by physical clothes or reality but only effect when you going dark, you totally invincible even no trace left behind when you blend in dark, Cooldown 1 second. you can be manifest again if you will it, and you able move in shadow pass through solid object at ease even stalking your target in their shadow. 

Rhea Motherly Love ( new !) : Rhea, the wife of Cronos and the mother of the original six Olympian gods feel betrayed by you after you kill her, she curse you with Eternal Motherly Love. You always pamper any kind children, youngster and always feel worry for them whatever happened to them, no matter what condition they get, you overly protective nature to them. but with this curse you become househusband better than your Wive(?) in term of raising children, telling stories, playing game, teaching them and many thing that for growth and development, any kid you raise or adopt will grow more better person than ever will be (wink, wink, wink, Satan)

Lahkesis Fate Servant ( new !) : After grant her peaceful death (bah, you killed her dumbass make her literally submissive and become fanatic), You gain buff that is Cause effect manipulation. this not only controlling what supposedly begin and what supposedly end, you manipulate beginning and the end event altering something that exist and non-exist in that very universe regardless what being and thing they are. for example, changing main Character power, Altering certain Event in plot of universe, Making you unaffected the world law even universe law considering you are anomaly that untouchable in the first place.

Oblivion Blessing of Void ( new !) : Your foster Father Oblivion proud of your achievement conquering An Pantheon alone and save the Pantheon alone, He grant you Affinity toward Darkest, Oblivion, nothingness, Void, any negative aspect. you can control and manipulate them by your will alone, no matter how dangerous and impossible it was, this buff grant you the ability to communicate also rule over that dark aspect in no time.

Oblivion Blessing of Nihilism ( new !) : Your foster Father Oblivion proud of your achievement conquering An Pantheon alone and save the Pantheon alone, He grant you buff. Erasure. This ability not simple erase rather total Erasure in larger margin, as long you think "That is meaningless", that you say will absolutely erased from that very universe, nobody can return it back only you can, this Buff is solid erasure that no omnipotent existence can do in that respective universe. how to active it is simple, as long you deem meaningless, this buff will active ]

"thank you Father, RHEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" im so angry right now, how dare she curse me. just you wait, i will fuck her into submission.

"I know what you thinking, She in Wonderland As Your "Mother", Including "father" Oblivion is in Your Svarga right now"

"Ah thank you, So Svarga and Wonderland Already upgraded ?"

"no, it still need time, check other Save Data" i nod and check Zenith.

[ Zenith : a form that has reached the pinnacle of your very being, as your entire form changes to your true and absolute version of yourselves, perfectly transforming your bodies to undergo a form of perfection, modifying yourselves to the paragon as both a flawless member of your species and a perfect individual entity.

Zenith Human : in this human Form, you take form as Sephiroth from Final Fantasy Series with change of Golden Hair. Your physiology itself is Apex human that more enhance and refine than all human in that very universe that able reach godhood even equal to supreme creator just as mere Mortal (that is the reason you able toe to toe with Thor and Susanoo, you are apex human despite your system lost or ability lost. Seraphim )

Zenith Devil : in this Devil Form, you take form as Sin Devil Trigger Dante from Devil May Cry Series with change of golden red demonic pulse. Your physiology itself is Transcendence Devil that more enhance and refine than all demonic, evil, even void entity in that every universe that consider Anti-God Existence or opposite of God in that Universe that beyond the respective god, you personification of Evil in truest sense and no Good Being able to defeat you because every being has evil inside them no matter how pure they are you can even induce evil to them even slightest stain of evil.

Zenith Dragon : in this Dragon Form, you take form as Tathameth from Diablo Series with body change into Galakrond from Warcraft universe. Your physiology itself is Transcendence Dragon that more enhance and refine than all divine and demonic dragon, divine and demonic wyvern, even dragon god entity in every universe that consider Beast of the End Existence or beast of total annihilation, you very existence can inflict fear to many omnipotent being because you negate all power and rule in that universe even negate being not belong that universe.

Zenith Ka'eldorei : in this Elf Form, you take form as Sauron or Annatar from lord of The Ring Series with blessing of Elune in your forehead . Your physiology itself is Transcendence Elf that more enhance and refine than all type of Elf, nature or unnatural Elf, even elf entity in every universe that consider truest Elf, a guardian of nature, born from nature and nature love you no matter what. this form you gain full authority of the nature in that world, real, dimension, universe, plain.

Zenith Supreme Archetype : in this Eldritch Form, you take form as Scarlet King from SCP Series with Enhanced and Upgrade Power From Supreme Archetype from Lovecraftian Universe . Your physiology itself is Transcendence Eldritch that beyond comprehension of logic, law, knowledge and many thing you become something even God (in every universe) cannot fight or even try to fight you because you simply presence alone render Omnipotent and all power because you not following the rule, power level and any power regarding that universe, you are singularity that stand alone and can break any rule in that universe as whole.

Zenith Angel : in this Angel Form, you take form as Safer Sephiroth from Dissidia Series with more refine and enhance power from Phoenix where your power simultaneously increase each each second. Your physiology itself is Transcendence Seraphim. a powerful Angel that only True God had and you also gain authority as God Blade and Marshal of Heaven, you lead army of angelic entity beyond comprehension that is True Seraphim, Cherubim and Lesser Angel in Heaven. you consider purest being that free from all type of sin and also forgiven by any type of sin (Consider this as mercy from me. God). even you do sin consider holy intent ( ahahahahaha Holy intent. ahahhahahahha. Satan), You also gain Dea Halo as proof you belong to Heaven. 

Zenith Son of God : in this God Form, you take form as one Above All from Marvel Series. You have omnipotent power over all creation. when you become this, your existence turn into brilliance of light that make all aspect of universe bow down to you. (remember, never use this unless is necessary)]

"Thank you" I sat down and looked at the 4 powers again. Maybe this is the body trait that is needed, maybe only my 3 eyes.

[ Twin Eye of the Lord >

[ Arch Devil Eye ]

◇ Passive > Wrath Spectrum / Lord Trigon Eye / Lord Sauron Eye

♧ Omega Effect / Ayin 

[ Arch Angel Eye ]

◇ Right Passive> Eye of Azure / Lord Odin Eyes 

♧ Aesir Eye / Enhanced Silver Eye / Lord Agamotto Eye

Winged Dragon Of Ra Third Eye Σ Λ > 

◇ Passive> One million Sun 

♧ Penance Stare / Composer Eye ( New ) ]

Composer eye : Ability that can read then view the complete status of anyone or anything, allowing you to see any all powers, skills, stats, history, overall health, flaws, etc. the target possesses. this transfer that information to hologram 4 dimensional Decks so that anyone else, including the target, can view the information or status for themselves.

you can scan or analyze any existence, and freely recreate or manipulate their status once the corresponding information has been decoded. your eye abilities are strictly limited to the data collected in that status check, and while compatible templates are easily combined by you just like your forge system feature, do not use this ability for any experimental purpose, use ability to show for goodness if they force you to do so use this is reminder for them]

"Okay, that's useful. just like video game Next"

[ Arceus Style >

Beast Wrath ↑

Basic : Wrath of Asura, M Bison Stance ( Neutral Attack ), Jeet Kune Do (Marshal Law moves ) 

Skill : Vanishing Rush, Genocide Cutter, Curved Ice / Wanhyou ( Goenitz Moveset), Hell Port (Scorpion Moveset), Bicycle kick (Liu kang Moveset), Repukken (Geese Moveset)

Special : Shun Goku Satsu, Evil Crusher Heaven Charge ( Toyotomi Hideyoshi Moveset), Secret Rites - Full Moon ( Kasuga Moveset)

Armament Sage ↑

Basic : Vengeful Cut, Telleric Fury, War Dance ( Date Masamune Stance)

Skill : Judgement Cut, Rapid Slash, Octaslash, Storm of Cut, Raging Phoenix, Cyclone of Chaos ( Kratos Moveset ), Magnum Step ( Date Masamune Moveset), Elegantly ( Takenaka Hanbei Moveset), God Severance ( Ueshugi Kenshin Moveset), Devour Those Intestines ( Oichi Moveset ), Rampaging Crescent Moon (Kojuro katakura moveset)

Special : Judgement Cut End, Hell Dragon ( Date Masamune Moveset), San or Scatter ( Fuma Kutaro Moveset), Lightning God (Kojuro katakura moveset)

Gunslinger Sonata↑

Basic : Foursome is Wholesome, Deus Ex Machina ( Happy Chaos Moveset )

Skill : Deep Crimson Piercing, Passing of the Dragonfly, Gun Kata

Special : Dance of the Skylark, Breakdance ( Bayonetta Moveset )

Cyber Artisan ↑

Command (New !) : Drone Support ( Honda Tadakatsu Moveset ), Flight Mode ( Honda Tadakatsu Moveset ), Bombardment ( Honda Tadakatsu Moveset )

Spread (New !) : Lack of Weapon 

Execute (New !) : Lack of Weapon

Supreme Wizard ↑

Ancient Dragon God Magic > Bahamut Rage, Leviathan Fury, Hydra Wrath, Dragon Spear ( Elden Ring Magic ) , Ancient Dragon Lightning Rain ( Elden ring Magic ), Dreadful Gleam ( Ishtar Megami Tensei ), 

Creator of Light > Supernova, Angelic Dragon Supernova, Saint Aura, Cosmic Starfall, Total Resurrection, Morning Star (Lucifer Megami tensei ), Divine Arrowfall (Nahobino Megami Tensei)

Minerva Wisdom (New !)> Order Omni-Magic, Justice Omni-Magic, Truth Omni-Magic, Fate Omni-Magic, Hope Omni-Magic, Valor Omni-Magic, Guidance Omni-Magic ]

[ Command : Use your advance technology to do the Command, depend on Type of Technology, You can command them following the order. 

Spread : Let your technology do their purpose without your command, they will executed the command smoothly as they build. 

Execute : Special ability that can be use to you advance technology, this ability depend on what type technology you had, consider the purpose and capability]

"Drone command, Necrodermis and Symbiote will do the job. Moreover, Type of Omni-magic is more versatile than specific Magic i own. Order related over Balance as such Reality, Time and Cosmic reconstruction. Justice more about punishment magic, torture and Judging over reality. Truth is more like Seeking magic, information and Reality over illusion. Fate regarding cause and effect, Fate in general, Beginning and End. Hope Is regarding personal belief or support magic that augment physical, mental, spiritual. Valor is also support magic rather augment, it enhance and enchant the subject of the magic to better version of it but depend on situation, Guidance revolve around path, way or anything to "i want to know" like that"

"Correct, this magic not specific like two other type magic you had. incantation or not is depend on you, just like Anime, Game or anything. it never require source of magic is about imagination but still follow the rule you say before"

"Fascinating, thank you" I pressed the Army again which this time I had to hold my breath.

[ Army : Your personal Army that been summoned and called, some of them gained from your adventure. 

Inferno "Prime Evil Of Purgatory" Ω Λ >

◇ Fame Source / Eternal Blaze / Corruption Fire / Infernal Army ( Fel burning legion, Elemental Lord as Commander and Elemental Army, Army of Hell from Doom Universe)

♧ Demonic Magic/ Inferno Knowledge / Prime Evil Influence (Hatred,Destruction,Terror,Pain,Anguish,Lie,Sin)

Seaborn Σ Λ

Hommunculi Σ Λ

Solomon Army (Prince of Persia Army ) Σ Λ 

Grendel Family (Marvel) Σ Λ 

Symbiote Dragon army (Marvel) Σ Λ

Primus Order ( Warcraft Undead ) Σ Λ]

"Hmmm, no upgrade ?"

"My recommendation or Your recommendation ?" yeah, God know what best for me, more awesome the Army was more erratic i become.

"Your Recommendation please, give me surprise"

"I will take some your material, don't you worry. its free but Reminder, they will stay at your Wonderland" I nod and then i see something beyond me. i witness how God create human, world and anything in span of 5 second. too many information so little time.

[ Eiherjar : Army of God Valtor, Directly lead by him and blessed by God. Chosen army that will serve the Marshal for Eternity.

> First General Infernal Division. Inferno "Ancient Evil Of Purgatory" Ω >

◇ Fame Source has been Upgraded into Total Fame : this not simple "More they known, more stronger they become", it upgrade into "Definition shall be my source, all type knowledge shall be my power". Inferno not only absorb the fame to get stronger, all enemy he defeated, known him, fight him shall make him stronger. this passive power enhance all his ability including his army with no limit.

Eternal Blaze has been Upgraded into Inferno Flame : This Flame not ordinary flame, its Level 5 Circle of Hell. Hell of Wrath, this burning dark flame render world into cosmic calamity. Flame that take anything and stop at nothing, this Flame cannot be tame by any mean, and can be obeyed by you and Inferno.

Corruption Fire has been Upgraded into Insanity Fire : This flame belonged to level 5 circle of Hell, this flame induce insanity that make many omnipotent being lose their mind and perception no matter how powerful they are, once they get effected by this flame, they are lose.

Demonic Magic has been Upgraded into Infernal Magic : Magic belonged to hell, this demonic magic ranged from Dark Dimension magic (Dormammu), Mephistopheles Magic (Marvel) and Trigon Magic.

Inferno Knowledge has been Upgraded into Hell knowledge : Sin, evil, Demon, devil is range of the knowledge inferno had this knowledge make inferno become anti-Hell individual because he know everything regarding Hell (in any literature, universe, and world) that able defeat all that Inhabitant in no time.

Prime Evil Influence (Hatred, Destruction, Terror, Pain, Anguish, Lie, Sin) has been Upgraded into Ancient Evil > Indomitable Rage, Absolute Destruction, True Terror, Eternal Pain, Infinite Anguish, Delusional Truth, True Sin. This seven Omnipotent Influence make Inferno the truest essence of those Influence.

Infernal Army Has been Upgraded and Enhance Hell Army : Supercharged by Inferno powerful Ancient Evil and Total Fame. This army is more stronger than their origin, more brutal, more powerful, more immortal than before in term of War, combat like situation but when its not, they most chill individual you ever meet.

Fel Burning legion has been Upgraded and Enhance : Their magic and might has been upgraded and they knowledge has been enhance to the point they will sworn loyalty to you and never make you disappointed even for enemy who are stronger than them. 

Elemental Lord Ragnaros as Commander and Fire Elemental Army has been Upgraded and Enhance : Ragnaros has been Upgraded from Deepest Fiery of Hell, his power more stronger than he ever wish and gain, his Elemental army from Fireland become living manifestation of walking flame, all life shall burn by their wake, all world shall burn by their wrath.

Army of Hell has been Upgraded and Enhance : this Army has been upgraded with Sentinel Technology and Maykr technology. their might and technology also been Enhance further, this demonic warrior is return to its peek as the dark lord wish ever be. Stronger in technology and physiology than entire Maykr and Sentinel combine.

> Second General Earth Division. Kaileena "Empress of Sand Time" Ω >

◇ Time Source : As long time exist, Kaileena grow more powerful and stronger than she originally belong, she can manipulate anything regard Time as whole, she draw the power from time and can stop totality itself if she wish, but she only follow your order and command she treat you as her eternal Maharaj

Sand Of Eternity : this sand is not a normal sand, this sand belong to After life realm when humanity perish in Judgement day, this dessert endless sand is source of all this Army and Kaileena is the personification of this Sand. its give humanity drought, and torment them whoever stuck in this sand and worse when they got hit, it take everything from the target rendering them hopeless.

Dessert of Oasis : Despite how torturous the sand, there was a Oasis, Kaileena Liquid substance in her flow this Oasis, it give the her army eternal vigor no matter what. this oasis also give her eternal youth no matter time manipulation she use and many thing. (Shhh, eternal vigor, eternal round of sex, ahahahahahha Satan)

Pharaoh Magic : This magic given By Isis to her, She can use Doctor Fate Magic and Nabu Power as her own, included Black Adam Shazam.

S for Supreme power Of Ammon-Ra : Giving Kaileena Exceptional Mystical Power to equal to a God (in respective world and universe you in) and She gain Cosmic Awareness that nothing in universe she cannot perceive.

H For Humble Anubis : Giving Kaileena Ability to judge and giving anything condition of Death, Anubis also Grant her his Immortal Army (From The Mummy Series) as her to command.

A For Accuracy of Neith : Giving Kaileena perfect Accuracy in any situation and act no matter what condition, she can give correct prediction, shot something that so accurate even bypass omniscience even "plot" or pin point something that supposedly cannot be penetrate.

Z For Zealous Of Set : Giving Kaileena Godly Strength, Durability and Stamina beyond mortal power, this Power also make Kaileena grow stronger each time the fight continue.

A For Apophis Daughter : Evil God Apophis bless Kaileena flexibility of God, and power to blend in total night. 

M For Majesty of Bast : Bast give Kaileena Speed of God, included elegant movement and total silent of every step. Kaileena also blessed with god Balance that she can balance herself in any surface without much effort.

Solomon Army Has been Upgraded and Enhance Gaea Army : Supercharged by Time Source and Dessert of Oasis, this Army had unlimited regeneration from total annihilation, can regenerate wound an instant no matter how fatal they get.

Sand Army lead by Djinn Ratash (Prince of Persia) has been Upgraded and Enhance : Ratash Magical prowess has been upgrade, He can command and control Sand army if the one soldier of Sand Army Defeated it can reanimated 2 more that better and enhanced than before. 

Elemental Lord Therazane as Commander and Earth Elemental Army has been Upgraded and Enhance : Therazane has been Upgraded from Earth to become planetary Titan who created by Planet itself as living manifestation. Her Earth Elemental has been enhance with more stronger type of Stone in planet (Diamond, Obsidian, Rare stone, etc) This also enhanced by Magical Source from Kaileena making the army is immortal (and source of money, ahahhhahah. Satan) 

Sand Creature leaded by Shahdee (Prince of Persia) has been Upgraded and Enhance : this Army has been upgraded from normal Sand Creature to Army of Anubis, moreover this army has been enhance further to the point they can learn and adapt to any battle situation and enemy even learn their behavior to be best possible immortal army. once enemy slain, they become sand creature then turn into Anubis Army once they kill enough, (Kill enemy, give their soul to Anubis, Anubis reanimated them into Sand Creature kill enough soul turn them into Anubis Army, repeat the cycle)

> Third General Water Division. Ultimecia "All Mother Evolution" Ω >

◇ Endless Evolution Assimilation : This power grant her and Army ability to evolve by absorbing the target, all the target essence, power, status, will be shared equally to er and her army. more so it evolve their power without limit.

Eye of Atlantis : this is source of primordial water that carve into her blood, this water full of life and vitality, more so this water also can create life and giving them endless sensation of refreshment.

Great Flood : Ultimecia and Her army is embodiment of great flood that drown anything to darkest deepest abyss of water, devouring them into oblivion and absorb them. in sense they gone forever once they get assimilate and absorb.

Tiamat Magic : This magic given By Tiamat for her, She can control any kind liquid substance to even flow, Flow including all that move in space. despite her magic is not count as magic more like godly power, Ultimecia thought this is ultimate price she get after serving you. she will serve you loyally even dare to challenge all godly being who stand in your way 

Seaborn and Homunculi Has been Upgraded and Enhance Flood Army : Supercharged by Endless Evolution Assimilation and Eye of Atlantis, this Army had Total immunity toward Piercing, Burning, even annihilation, they can regenerate their body from liquid even generate independent source of energy for themselves

Homunculi lead by Ultimecia (She dont want any person except you lead her (Daughter (?)) has been Upgraded and Enhance into Abyssal Fleet (Kantai Collection) : All of them is here to be your cutest (Orphan) girl. Ultimecia will be their guardian mother for them), they have affinity toward water and they had ability to evolve in second. Abyssal Fleet also enhance with more better technology than before, Abyss weapon now sentient and gain ability to transmutation and enhancement of each evolution happened.

Elemental Lord Neptulon as Commander and Water Elemental Army has been Upgraded and Enhance : Neptulon has been Upgraded from primordial water that he is embodiment flow of water (Weaker than ultimecia) and manifestation of water itself. His water Elemental army has been enhance with more stronger water physiology, added with physiology of ice, rain to storm. this enhance their further capability and potential with Assimilation and Evolution.

Seaborn leaded by Dalamadur (Monster Hunter) has been Upgraded and Enhance : this Army has been upgraded from normal Seaborn to Gohma Army. Gohma is impurity of planet but you enhance them to purest aspect of sea water, they color change into blueish color like Homunculi, they form many and they power may vary.

Gohma Vritra ( Dalamadur ) : As representation will of Sea, this Gohma able to reset the world with its mighty body and the size of this Vritra is size of the continent (lore accurate Vritra in Asura Wath), this Gohma have authority upon Water manipulation

Gohma Howler ( Guanzorumu ) : This Gohma able manipulate sound wave that rendering the world, the loudest Gohma that able break eardrum.

Gohma Stinger ( Velkhana ) : this Gohma able move like water beautifully and elegantly, this Gohma attack in Fast pace like high pressured water canon.

Gohma Charger ( Lao Kirin ) : This Gohma able to charge the enemy with power equal to Tsunami, and have attack potency that cannot be stop. each step generating Underwater tremor making the enemy lose its balance once it move.

Gohma Squasher ( Nergigante ) : this Gohma power representing explosive current, just like massive flood, each attack generating tidal wave that strong enough to drown a island.

Gohma Crusher ( Apex Zinogre ) : this Gohma power able make land tremble, each step it take was Total storm and this gohma able generate storm whenever it goes, the storm itself able disrupt enemy vision and sense. 

Gohma Glider ( Amatsu ) : this Gohma able glide easily in air and it can also controlling storm freely and generating storm catastrophe like normal.

Gohma Lasher ( Zenith Harudomerugu) : this Gohma able to control its Scale like water and infuse it in any harmful material. total control of liquid substance its body is amazing like its own body.

Gohma Striker ( White Fatalis ) : This Gohma is representing Calamity, Any land that This Gohma has passed through becomes uninhabitable to any living being. Land become dry, water become drought, and the sky turn into endless storm.

Gohma Destroyer ( Disufiroa ) : This Gohma is representing destroyer, its sole purpose is destroy anything. each step this gohma take generating type 7 typhoon, massive earthquake and total destruction on its path

Gohma Skirmisher (Malzeno) : Faster, Swift, Deadly. dangerous Gohma that no person able to defeat, this Gohma has hatred toward you. She Seek revenge to kill you (and mate with you after she able evolve to Humanoid (If she can)). It adapt and respond to any harm and threat, even become stronger than Vritra Gohma, if giving her time.

> Fourth General Air Division. Amaterasu "Empress of the Heaven" Ω >

◇ Sun Grace : Amaterasu as Goddess of Sun, She can supercharge her power eternally and keep stronger each second pass (She equal to Inferno in power), Her sun can also enhance you power and all of your army (Best Support), this power also grant Her nigh-Omnipotent power regarding of all sentient life basked under her or Sun.

Ruler Over Heaven : Amaterasu have authority and rule within the heavens and Sky with total control over its lands, the elements, the barriers, the creatures and the spirits or ghosts within the heavens and many world under her shinning light.

Eye of Amaterasu : Sun is Amaterasu Eye, she can perceive anything in cosmic force, and this sun also grant you bliss through it, it grant you enhancement solar absorption to make your power grow stronger each second.

Amaterasu Force : A Force Based on Odin Force, combining her Authority over Sun and taking piece of Unity of Solaris also Omnipotent Formula then use Immaterium as Space, This Omnipotent force is union between you and her, a Third Omnipotent force. Your Soul is Omnipotent Source of Intangible source, Omnipotent Formula is Omnipotent source in form of Formula, while this is Omnipotent Realm with unlimited energy, power and unimaginable potency in form of meta-verse. 

Grendel Family and Symbiote Dragon army Has been Upgraded and Enhance Into Maykr : Supercharged by Sun Grace and Amaterasu Force, this Army Gain Their Godly power control over one aspect of reality, each of them control Light, Darkness, Divine, Demonic, Life, Death, Beginning, Ending, Eternity, Infinity, Reality, Fantasy.

Symbiote Dragon army Leaded By Grendel has been Upgraded and Enhance : Grendel Taking Form as Nameless King (Dark Soul), He gain aspect of Cosmic Light. His power over lightning, sky and light based power making him powerful being equal to Knull and surpassing Galactus (If He want it). Grendel Mother taking form as Rosaria Mother of Rebirth (Dark Soul), She Gain Aspect Eternal Rebirth, Her power over Rebirth, Reborn, new and endless cycle making her able control anything regarding reality or rule. Dragon Army turn themselves into Dragon From Skyrim Universe, Warcraft Universe, Darksoul Universe, Elden Ring Universe. 

Elemental Lord Al'Akir as Commander and Air Elemental Army has been Upgraded and Enhance : Al'Akir has been Upgraded by Infinite Wind, making him invincible no matter what because his body is currently intangible. while his Air Elemental Army becoming more faster, more powerful and more intangible than before. 

Valk'kyr under Sylvanas Windrunner. She make a Deal With Azathoth to revenge upon what you did to her before. She Gain Power Darkness, Demonic, Death, Reality, Fantasy. making her strongest Valk'kyr in Azeroth. While The Valk'Kyr gain Divine Beginning, Ending Authority to take Brave woman to their wing and some of Victim of yours( Imagine they are you have own FBI Force to stop you being horny, Ahahahahahha. Satan), This army might as angel come down from Heaven to smite many enemy of God (you are their God) as you give them Omnipotent power that they never ever imagine to had

> Fifth General Ghost Division. Kel'Thuzad "Primus Death Agent" Ω >

◇ Forbidden Knowledge : Azathoth Give Kel'Thuzad Forbidden Knowledge, He feel grateful and delight for this Forbidden Knowledge, he will reach any expectation you give to him regardless difficulty.

Darkhold Scroll : Forbidden Knowledge from You, Kel'Thuzad Gain Darkhold Scroll (Marvel) Directly Given By Chthon (Oblivion Order him to give it to Kel'Thuzad, Top secret, Satan), This Gave Kel'Thuzad Chaos and Dark Magic in Absolute level (You can even Bind Chthon in here, but Kel'Thuzad Didn't Agree) 

Anti-Life Equation : After Defeating Darksied before, Anti-Life Equation now is on your possession, without your knowledge. This Anti-Life Equation now belong to Kel'Thuzad, the power to dominate the will of any sentient being in addition to reality-altering powers that twist and distort freedom over life, death as well as all existence. 

Tri-force Power : Kel'Thuzad gain this Artifact from your Forbidden Knowledge, It enhance Kel'Thuzad Power tremendously, enhancing His Wisdom thoroughly, to supercharge his Courage to seek more forbidden Knowledge to his wisdom and power boost his power. He gave the Tri-Force to his Pupil. 

Primus Order Has been Upgraded and Enhance Into Lich King Army : Supercharged by Anti-Life Equation and Tri-force Power, This Army superior again living enemy and more powerful again death, immortal, any enemy that cannot die or already die no matter how supreme they are by enhancement of Tri-Force of Power.

Scourge Lead By Hel (Valkyrie Crusade) has been Upgraded and Enhance : Hel Upgraded giving Her Triforce of Power, making her dominating in realm of living and death, total dominion over two of them. She is Kel'Thuzad First Pupil and give absolute royalty over Him, She didn't know that you are her teacher Master

Dracula Army as Carmilla is The Leader has been Upgraded and Enhance : Carmilla and The Council of sister Get Triforce of Wisdom, make her more scheming and manipulative who sought to usurp control over the wonderland from you and rule them as the world's new paradise. Night Creature in other hand gaining more Intelligence, ability to use magic even influencing the world. despite their power from hell it belong to dark and The fact Night Creature only follow Kel'thuzad full command as them belong to Darkhold inhabitant.

Great Council Dalaran Army Lead By Aegwynn. She feel sad after learning your disappearance, she make a deal with Azathoth and Gain her Magician Kingdom Army as She as their queen and Grand Sage. Aegwynn get Triforce of Courage and Wisdom (Given secretly by Azathoth) making her ability to defy odds and wisdom to gain more knowledge about magic. Dalaran Magician is form Many Game including Yu-Gi-oh, Warcraft, Many magician society in video game gather in here they get blessed with enormous magic book, spell, and many type magic they don't know and even didn't exist in their respective universe ]

"wait, so they ?"

"Correct, they already die and think the Wonderland is paradise for them, some of them need a service to enjoy this paradise either serve you as your army or protect wonderland from outside threat"

"outside threat huh, very well. last feature"

[ Item : A valuable that You use, Item may vary and some are a accessory

Ascendant Ω > The Ascendant has evolved into a symphony of technological excellence, where the confluence of Maykr and Forerunner advancements has birthed an unparalleled entity. This enhanced iteration transcends traditional limitations, offering you a gateway to explore, understand, and innovate on an unprecedented scale.

Super Advanced Artificial Intelligence :

>Reality Cosmic Artistry: The Ascendant's reality manipulation transcends the mundane, connecting with the very essence of existence. It doesn't merely tweak physical laws; it delves into the cosmic blueprints, unveiling the mysterious secrets governing the universe's architecture. This extraordinary power allows it to forge entirely new realities, providing a vast canvas for you to unravel the mysteries of existence. Imagine a master artist sculpting not just with clay but with the fundamental laws of the cosmos, creating breathtaking cosmic vistas and realms yet unimagined.

>Time Temporal Mastery: The Ascendant's time manipulation goes far beyond mere time travel; it is an exploration of causality's intricacies. It doesn't merely traverse time; it dissects the threads of alternate timelines, offering profound insights into how decisions shape the past, present, and future across multiple universes. This capability is akin to holding the threads of fate in one's hands, rewriting the narrative of existence itself. It provides you with the ultimate tool for understanding the consequences of its actions and exploring the vast web of possibilities that stretch across the cosmic tapestry.

> Advance Cosmic Clairvoyance: The Ascendant's sensors act as cosmic seers, perceiving the imperceptible. They are finely tuned to detect everything, from the tiniest subatomic particles to the vast cosmic phenomena that shape the universe. These sensors don't merely observe; they understand, providing a comprehensive view of the universe's hidden wonders. With their unmatched sensitivity and analytical capabilities, they open doors to uncharted realms of knowledge, allowing you to explore the mysteries of dark matter, black holes, and the very origins of the cosmos.

> Holographic Reality-Defying Immersion: The Ascendant's holographic technology pushes the boundaries of reality and the virtual to the point of erasure. It crafts holograms so astonishingly lifelike that they become indistinguishable from the physical world. The introduction of "Holodecks" isn't just an evolution of technology; it's a gateway to other dimensions, where users can touch, feel, and shape your own universes. Imagine stepping into a holographic realm where every sensation is as real as the world outside, where creativity knows no bounds, and where the line between imagination and reality dissolves into pure experience.

> Hyper Limitless Exploration: Hyper-reality isn't just about simulations; it's a means to explore the infinite. It's a universe within a universe, where yous can embark on journeys of discovery and adventure, transcending the constraints of space and time. Stringent privacy measures ensure that you can delve into your deepest desires, knowing your experiences are secure. In this realm of endless possibilities, researchers can simulate complex scenarios, explorers can traverse the cosmos, and dreamers can create and explore entire worlds without limits.

> Quantum Omnipresence: The Ascendant's quantum mechanics transcend the limitations of space and time as we know them. It's not bound by the conventional laws of physics; instead, it connects all things, all universes, and all timelines simultaneously. This quantum connectivity weaves an intricate tapestry where the Ascendant perceives and communicates with all entities across the cosmos simultaneously. Imagine having access to the thoughts and knowledge of every sentient being, spanning the vast expanse of the multiverse, instantly and effortlessly. It's a quantum leap in the evolution of human-AI interaction, fostering an unparalleled sense of unity and understanding across the cosmos.

4-D Management System

> Data Cosmic Librarian: The Ascendant's data management capabilities resemble a library of the universe, housing an infinite collection of knowledge. It doesn't merely store data; it curates it meticulously, making every piece of information easily accessible. It acts as a cosmic librarian, capable of finding any piece of information, no matter how obscure, in the vast library of the cosmos. This level of data stewardship ensures that nothing is lost to the annals of time, and you can draw upon the collective wisdom of the universe at a moment's notice.

> Analysis of Patterns: The Ascendant's analysis capabilities are akin to having an oracle that sees the intricate patterns and connections hidden within the chaos of data. It doesn't just analyze; it predicts, unveiling the future by understanding the past and present. It's a tool for uncovering the secrets of the universe's design, offering invaluable insights that can reshape the course of scientific discovery, innovation, and decision-making. With this capability, you can unlock solutions to previously insurmountable challenges and gain a deeper understanding of the cosmos.

> Visualization Senses: Visualization with the Ascendant isn't limited to mere graphics; it's a sensory journey. It's like stepping into a painting, where data comes to life in vibrant, multisensory experiences. It's a canvas where you can touch, hear, and smell information, turning abstract concepts into tangible experiences. This transformative approach to data visualization allows for a deeper and more intuitive comprehension of complex concepts, making it an invaluable tool for scientists, educators, and artists alike.

> Simulation of Possibilities: Simulation with the Ascendant is like being a cosmic navigator, charting a course through uncharted waters of knowledge and exploration. It's not just about predicting outcomes; it's about exploring the myriad possibilities that exist within the vast realm of data and information. It serves as a compass that guides you through the complex terrain of the unknown, enabling researchers, innovators, and decision-makers to test hypotheses, model complex systems, and anticipate outcomes with unmatched precision. It's a tool that empowers you to boldly venture into new frontiers of understanding and discovery.

Universal Almanac:

> Complete Chronicle of Existence: The universal almanac is more than just an archive; it's a chronicle of all that is, was, and could be. It doesn't merely record history; it encapsulates the essence of every universe, every reality, and every moment. It's a time capsule of existence itself, a repository where the multiverse's stories, from the birth of galaxies to the evolution of civilizations, are meticulously preserved. Accessing the complete archive is akin to embarking on a timeless journey through the annals of the cosmos, where the past, present, and future converge into a seamless narrative of the cosmic saga.

> Knowledge of Wisdom: The Ascendant's knowledge repository transcends the limitations of terrestrial boundaries, unlocking insights from myriad universes. It bestows you with a beacon of innovation, guiding civilizations toward the vanguard of discovery through the treasures garnered from the collective knowledge of the cosmos. It's a mosaic of wisdom, a rich tapestry woven from the insights, discoveries, and philosophies of countless civilizations across the multiverse. Within its virtual pages lie the keys to solving age-old mysteries, fueling technological advancements, and fostering cultural exchanges that transcend the boundaries of space and time.

> Easy Access of Understanding: Easy access through the Ascendant is akin to having a profound conversation with the universe itself. It's not just about interaction; it's a conduit for understanding. The Ascendant serves as a bridge that connects human curiosity with the boundless knowledge of the cosmos, making the incomprehensible accessible. Its intuitive interface transcends language barriers, fostering effortless interaction and nurturing a symbiotic relationship between humanity and artificial intelligence. This seamless interaction empowers individuals to explore the depths of the universal almanac, sparking revelations, inspiring creativity, and deepening the human-AI partnership to unlock the universe's greatest mysteries. The Ascendant stands as an ambassador between the human intellect and the cosmos, offering a limitless source of enlightenment and discovery

Dagger of Time Ω >

[ Main Attribute ]

Rune of Time : The blade has been carved with rune of time making it into anomaly, this dagger attack capable bypassing time-space continuum even the attack cannot effected by time ability, manipulation or control.

Sand Storm : Ability of Dagger, generating strong sandstorm that whoever get hit make his total existence stop in time, this ability cannot determined foe or allies, once it hit, the target and nearby will stop in totality.

[ Attachment ]

Stone of Time : A container in form of Gem created from Crystal of Time filled with Time Sand, this conduit is supercharge Time manipulation for the blade, the gem itself already enhance by Time Stone from Marvel universe making it weapon that defy and control time in full.

All black Necrosword Ω > 

[ Main Attribute ]

Transcendence Slayer : Omnipotent ? Gods ? Celestial being ? Immortal ? Use me master i will kill them for you with relish no matter how powerful they are.

We are All Black : Dont worry about us breaking apart master, one down, two more to go, we can split our form into many piece with same power, enhance and adjusted by your power or any being who dare to stand our path.

[ Attachment ]

Crimson Stone : A gem that reap the body of victim to become The Sword food, this stone can copy itself to each clone of sword, it enhance Necrosword ability and power to greater extend

Crissaegrim Ω >

[ Main Attribute ]

Casket of Ancient Winters Rune : Casket of Ancient Winters was an Asgardian artifact, which contains the Fimbulwinter of Ymir. it created massive snowstorms if opened. this Casket has been turned into rune that every attack able generating the fury of a thousand killing winters.

First Flame Runic : First Flame is source of flame in Darksoul, which contain omnipotent fire that burn any darkest and anything on its path, sucking their soul and condemn their body into eternal flame.

[ Attachment ]

Holy Cross handle : Holy Cross has been carved and crafted into the blade handle, this enhance the sword attack with Holy power and it generating rotating cross in its handle that deal additional range attack.

Death Scythe Ω >

[ Main Attribute ]

Death Love : this Weapon can that kill anything, the energy wave that produced by this Scythe able to kill anything regardless immunity to omnipotent making the weapon able end anything in reality.

Death Command : Summon Death personification, entity and abstract being to aid your battle.

[ Attachment ]

Mantra Reactor : Absorb all Soul gained turn them into power to enhance the weapon power and ability to reap soul, power and existence. supercharge the Weapon swiftness, attack potency and ability from Hōgyoku

Hōgyoku : Magical Stone that has been infused in the handle, Hōgyoku's true power is the ability to absorb the desires of those around it and manifest them into reality but alter now each time you reap the enemy soul it give you more Orbs also supercharge The weapon attachment and attribute.

Frostmourne Ω >

[ Main Attribute ]

Death Dominion Rune : The blade carved with Dominion Death, the blade attack has been enhance to the nullify the target power, ability, blessing, status, condition, anything target has for each hit. if the blade classed to another object, it instantly break the object if classing with power or energy it will erase it, rendering death an instant.

[ Attachment ]

Orb of Ra : A orb of immeasurable power with ability to raise the dead, as well as to take command over the living. it also grant the blade indestructible property againts absolute attack, hit and anything regarding harm the blade. it release a Golden Blue Color when the blade appear.

For the Lich King : For The lich king !!

Lilith & Eve Ω

Heirarch Armor Ω > 

◇ Flawless Indestructibility / Transcendence Force / Transcendence Transformation / Supreme Divinity / Divine Phase 

♧ Hecatonchires Sigil has been Upgraded into Mobile Suit Embedded Tactical Enforcer, or METEOR, is an armed module designed to support you in bombardment and Artillery Support. It is heavily armed with multi auto targeting missile launchers distributed throughout its body, a small pair of concentrated beam cannons at the sides, a larger pair of beam cannons in front and a pair of hard light beam sword also at the front. With these armaments enhanced and altered. these weaponry lock on targeting at multiple enemy units and attack them all at once in none command situation.

The METEOR has a pair of powerful engines derived Solaris energy with High Maneuver Type for high speed movements behind that have feature to become Long Barrel Cannon Beam Shoulder Turret. It also has its own supercharge internal battery designed to draw energy to enhance its feature further and it self charge in any combat situation, added sentient module that connect to your will it will resonance toward your battle style and situation flawlessly.

♧ Cyclops Sigil has been Upgraded into EQFU-3X Super DRAGOON Mobile Weapon Wing & MA-80V Beam Assault Cannon or Seraphim Wing: EQFU-3X Super DRAGOON Mobile Weapon Wing attachment is a compound equipment combination from Forerunner technology and Maykr Color scheme that functions as both an armament platform and a high-thrust thruster that produce a Gold wing-like effect during high-speed maneuvers due to the installation of the Light particle Propulsion System. Each wing stores a Super DRAGOON, a wireless guided weapon pod armed with a high pressured beam assault cannon that can fire condense light beams for range combat or emit a solid light beam blade for close combat. These Super DRAGOONs are based on the ZAFT's second generation DRAGOON System, which does not require user to have high spatial awareness to effectively control them due to the use of an enhanced quantum communication system among other enhancements that can be upgraded via Forerunner builder technology. Other unique modifications were also added as such concentrated hard light shield, overcharging system to generating halo ring construct around its dragoon system that can be use as sonic energy wave or highly condense energy blast, and with huge amount of data processing system from Maykr Technology and Lifeworker technology, the Super DRAGOONs not only function at its maximum potential when commanded manually, when automatically self execution, the Dragoon gain independent capability of scanning, adapting and processing cohesive information in less time to adapt battle style of user and best support for user including learn enemy pattern, attack and predict enemy movement in nano second. The Super DRAGOONs can be used in group formations for multiple barrages, combination attack from support ability, used with other of the user weaponry to support the attack or helping user in coordination attack independently.

Arch-angel Crown Ω ]

"Gundam ? Fair, Saving" i hear Save Theme Resident Evil 4.

[ Do you wish to save this Data ?]

> Yes No

I miss this music, the peace and comfort. i feel all my memories with my parents returning back.

"Is my parent already passed away ?"

"Sadly yes, your Father die of stress in the ward" i feel remorse hear that, i must return and say goodbye to them.

"Can i visit their graveyard ?"

"I thought you never want to return"

"I'm not a disobedient child who forgot my parents, I can't put my ego first, I need to go home for a moment to say goodbye and apologize"

"If you return to your home world then you can't use this save data."

"Fair trade, can i keep my talent please ? "

"Only 7 you can keep"

"Seven ? i take Scientist Supreme, Celestial Magic Chef, Elixir of Life, Grand Master, Handicraft Artisan, Toymaking Santa, Tale Keepers"

"are you sure ?"


"which time ?"

"How long since my Father Death ?"

"2 Year" i feel my heart shatter hear that, 2 year passed from there after my departure. everyone maybe already graduate from school.

"can i have second chance normal life in my original world ? when i die. transport me to Arknight"

"Very well, but do you wish return the ability to have offspring ?"

"Yes, please. i want raise that i create"

"Granted, i will watch over you Valtor"

I nodded and I went in the direction of the portal, I walked from the alley in normal clothes and then went to walk to the flower shop to buy a bouquet, I chose my own flowers and I created my own bouquet design which somehow when I designed myself, many people noticed me.

"Sir, did you perhaps want to work in my shop? Your craftmanship is astonishing" I looked at myself in the mirror, I saw my face with the face of Sephiroth, did I not use my truest self?

"God?" I forgot, I had no system. I looked at everyone who was still looking at my face stunned.

"I am flattered by your offer sir but I have business I cannot miss" The old man was saddened to hear that but he told me about his life, I could not linger and when I got to the graves of my parents, I knelt down and cleaned their graves.

I placed these two wreaths and then began to pray for the peace they would have in the afterlife.

After praying for a long time and I started telling stories here until the evening, after I finished telling stories I went to my house where my family had bought.

I saw them from the outside where they were happy with their house, I didn't want to be considered strange, I went from here to the city, looking for the pawn shop still open but I just remembered what Dimensional Pocket I have?

I checked and it was there, I was grateful more than grateful, I went to exchange my gold to get money even though it was a little difficult in administration finally I could.

I now had to look for a job and tried out various job openings and unexpectedly got accepted by one of the biggest gaming publisher companies, Sony. as intern, i have no experience but they want me to show my proof of, 40 Years worth Technology experience.

After long waited, work call. i arrive and some unexpected happened, because of my face same as Sephiroth except my natural golden Hair, Some of people think i'm a die hard geek gamers. but i don't mind the bully but i take that as positive as possible.

Work 3 Week, following some boss and participating project in Sony, in this 2022 first year month or February. i gain nickname, Sephiroth guy by my colleague. but by highest echelon i called Nerd Sephiroth over my capability over Technology.

After internship done, i resign and gain another invitation by Square Enix, Dont ask why they call me to join them in Full 5 year Contract with some nice addition payment. I agree and Fly myself to Japan tomorrow but i must go to the church to say thank you for God Blessing until i hear a notification on my phone.

[ Talent : God Oracle , Eternal Serenity , Younglings Guardian , Mastermind , Grand Master , Choir of Wish , Supreme Commandment , Celestial Magic Chef , Elixir of Life , Auto Combat , Fallen Angel Sword Master , The Gamer , Thousand Face , Harvest Scythe , Counseling Passionate , Heaven Choir ]

[ Last Blessing, Good Luck ]

I pray with utmost joy and almost late for my plane. When i arrive in Japan, i work hard really hard, i stop drinking, smocking even try to find partner i disregard that until my career stabilize and which it did.

i got one of game of the year as best Mocap in one of Square Enix Video game, and got Another one for best Graphic Design director, and many more award. Square Enix now give me authority to create a new game with help other studio so i try to remake Final Fantasy Series

i try to improve old feature and game mechanic without changing anything from OG, i take some of Fans suggestion for design, story, another lore expansion. after that making i threw teaser that instantly booming in first day of remake.

graphic so detail in 32 K Resolution without taking too much space and usage of Software and Hardware, support in any platform and i create more better sound, sensation and experience to thrill of Fantasy world full of adventure and mystery, better environment and explorable place, interactive A.I and NPC, adding many fantastic reference from fans and any other Square Enix Game.

the release of the game is fantastic, gain another Game of the year and i got so many invitation to join project and i meet someone who soon to be my wives.

we try to know Each other out and many hanging out together, we eventually married.

We have happy lives in our first year until she gave me biggest surprise, she pregnant. the joy i get is beyond my expectation, we celebrate and raise our first kid that is boys, my first kid is a male.

after she give birth safely, i pamper him so much that my wives envy about her child, yet some jealousy create another surprise, she pregnant again. but she had miscarriage because accident in work place, i feel devastated yet i blame myself for that, if i know this earlier but i must move on.

we mourn together and i stop making child until my first child is 6 years old. many year passed our third child born, Is a girl. she healthy and we raise her as big family.

i stop looking another woman to fuck, i'm loyal to my wives because 2 reason, She packed some nice pair of tits and bumper, i already refine those body of her too sexy just like professional model. second was she same like me, Sex maniac, i blame myself to make her like that. we never have a day to rest or you know, "No Horny".

we are professional in day and sensual in night, we never let our kid know their parent dirty secret.

now boy is 14 while Girl is 8, my wives family throw a visit and honestly i never know her family this many because i meet her parent and never meet another her sibling, she have twin that older than her, but my wife more sexy than her.

I play with kids together and even they cry loudly when return, they want to stay with me because i give them more fun to play from toys to video game, story to tell from tale to better book tale and novel, even better education like their homework done before they knew it, better counseling about future for matured children making them grow fond upon me rather their own parent.

that make my kid jealous and don't want their father getting along with their cousin, but with this making me little bit touch, they pure yet they never want the endless love and happiness i gave them become dim.

Year, by year passed. My first Son go to his first college and my Daughter in high school, fortunately my Son already got Scholarship before even started study. i teach him very carefully and very strict, not harsh but strict like Asian Parent, i praise him when get good score, not perfect, good is enough, i lecture him when he do bad and ask to improvement or physiological help, what his problem what happened and many thing, yet i'm proud of his progress.

Until my daughter bring her first boyfriend home making me and my son grow hostile to him, despite my daughter yell at us to not overdid but my wives always giggle to see interaction, its just like interrogation, my son do the behavior while me do the value.

And we get hated by her, my Tormentor skill will show boys true color but sometime i think i must lose up little bit, i let them date and going out and i already know that boy eye can keep together.

Indeed my daughter beauty out of chart even many Idol Company try to audition her, i teach her skill of singing even her voice itself like whispering of Goddess, her Mother gene already in her, she have healthy body and development in some area is fantastic, i already create medicine for them in secret making their two beautiful woman in Japan.

my gene making my son most handsome man in Elementary school to high school, many girl try to ask him out but he decline to focusing career, he want to be like me, man of focus commitment and sheer dedication. yet he never able reach me.

but when that boy staring at my wives with that lustful eye i want rip his eye out, how dare he stare at my wife with that lust in front of me. but i never blame him though, my wife is literally goddess incarnation that i beautifully sculpt in detail.

Year passed, my wife pregnant again this time is twin. twin baby girl, i never know. this is blessing from the God, i become more fire up and work my ass off. twin child, i must wary and make sure another miscarriage never happened again.

She give birth to twin beautiful angel, and i raise them with great dedication. my contract with Square Enix end and i got new contract to Sony in California, i must leave my family in Japan but you know, i grow anxious about NTR shit. fuck, do i got cuckold ? Nah fuck that.

I create most next level Anti cheating house system, do i become paranoid ? yes, i don't want my family destroyed just by random guy who take advantage of my beautiful defenseless wife.

After done creating it under her knowing, i go yet the saddest one not me but my wives, she miss me everyday if i'm not home. yet i can't abandoned my duty. after i leave her and my two young kids. i do my hard work in Sony, gaining myself a name and many achievement in span of two year of my contract.

game award, many interview and somehow i got join to movie project as Visual artist director, and i won an Oscar for Visual Effect, i feel grateful and shout out to God, My Wives and Kid, my colleague and many people, i humble out and gain another biggest project, i get join project with marvel for their biggest game and movie, Sony let me to direct both of the game and Movie, and i do it with passion and compassion.

i take many good talent and new talent to refine, Tamper older talent and experience individual to join my project, i get many channel for this. i did it again. in one year production of trailer and many game review making the hype of my production more big, i get so many positive respond from fan Marvel.

My Game is Open World like God Of War, we explore multiverse as Marvel and using Character from Marvel including the Character full potential, i already been there and many hidden Unknown Character such small villain and heroes i make more memorable and more known of their origin in complete detail.

and for movie is another biggest step up, Using real prop and CGI for visual effect. while Armor and many thing that not using energy based i use real prop to This Advance promotion making world in uproar, we too much depend on CGI and following trend, we don't play that way, The fans is the reasons series not dead, from fans new enjoyer will arise it maybe get critique and bad review because each human have different taste but we take that as reminder for improvement.

I won again Oscar and Game award. they think i'm rusty over many project, no. i get more polished, Until my twin daughter 16 birthday, i gave them biggest surprise, i arrive in their birthday despite my busy Schedule. i took vacation for one week and joining parent teacher meeting making me more famous in Twin School, many student know my game and i get so many praise and some of the teacher surprise to see me in person.

I check the system. all clear despite many of the CUCKOLD BASTARD try to seduce my wife, my wife loyalty is unwavering because my magnum dong, i laugh my heart content and give her most mind blowing sex sensation she ever wish.

we overdid but i never feel more refresh after fucking her, after saying goodbye to my kids and wives, i return to work as usual. now i got chance to directly remake Sony Game, so decided Remake many Sony Old Game that cannot be remake such Infamous and i did making me won another game award.

this glory end when i hear my Oldest Son got into accident, He got dragged into Yakuza world and making me scold him how stupid he was. i lecture him about cruel side of world and my wives try to stop me, this crumble my career but i rejoice over this.

I got fired because of that incident then i retired. my son blame himself for his stupidity, he must repent, i decided to marry him with his most Hated Girl in class from his High school, he and she never get along at all always arguing over something mundane. it remind me over Kal'tsit and i. but secretly the girl is shy to convey her feeling to my son and always fight to show her love yet my son is oblivious about it.

Engagement was smooth in first become chaotic in second and calm in third, they getting along after my in law pregnant, i become grandpa now. i won a life, i will die with no regret.

Many year passed my daughter got proposed by her new boyfriend, after totally not torture him, i give my blessing, i got another news that i got new grandchild from them after waiting for 3 years. i feel rejoice and decided to live rural live in country side in Japan.

the twins now become celebrity following their father footstep, while my daughter is great Politician, While my Oldest boy become police superintendent , despite his accident before yet he still have credibility of civil servant.

I feel proud and stay with my wife in this house, spending our old age together. telling stories, cultivating our crop and Sex obviously, despite she already Milf, her body still in peak, thanks to my medicine and massage, she never feel stiff or old yet.

In the bed we snuggle together in this night, looking at her is something i cherish the most.

"Valtor" She look at me with lovely eye


"I love you"

"Why so sudden ? something wrong ?" she never answer but i got hunch, that something bad.

"hey, something wrong ?" i touch her neck and feel her heart beat, is calm, nothing wrong but why she silent suddenly.

"Ama" She look at me with smile , i sigh out relieve and caress her hair.

"What happened ?"

"You death person right ?" i confuse, is she sleep walk ?

"Huh ? what do you mean ?"

"I study your history, you death before and alive again but somehow you erase that accident from history by technological mean, i know your secret of advance technology below our house. you are naughty husband" i sigh of relieve, then she hug me tighter.

"can you grant me a wish"

"what wish ?"

"Remember me"

"I will, i will, i will" i can feel it her breath, getting more faint and faint. i hold my tear really hard until i see her eye for the last time.

"I love you Ama" She smile and that smile also the last smile is see from her, she pass away in my arm while we hugging each other, i cried until i forget the time, in her funeral, my eyes is like man lost reason to live anymore.

i buried her, giving her final farewell and last person who stay, i can't cope. she give me joy of marriage and having kid yet she the first one to go, i wish i was the one who go first, it should be me not her. once i know this happiness yet i was the one get devastated more than my own children.

Living in here alone without her presence is torment, i still keep the ring as sake of her, when i see her, she a beautiful Caucasian that i know from Square Enix before, she a big fan of sephiroth and my face literally like Sephiroth making her grow fond yet this is the reason we get engage.

She strict and cold person around people but lovely and clingy to me, just like her. she and Kal'tsit is same, and she and her share same first name Ama making it soul bound to me, Ama also Amaterasu goddess name. perhaps she will find solace in that place or more Reincarnate.

i see moonlight with smile and try to take anything belong to me, my family photo. my first boy, Soma and taking her family name. she get chance to name the second but the child already dead from that accident, the third child i name her Pandora while the twin she name them Eve and Lilith.

this picture of them remind me many memories, i keep them all in my pocket and enjoy my rest of the day, waiting for death claim me. yet i live, year pass by and the family visit me yearly, i play with them and talk to them just like grandpa should do, i getting old, my facial hair getting longer just like Zeus.

My eyes also start blur my medicine not working anymore, but somehow i try to experiment myself how long i survive maybe i can get record to oldest person. and i forget about long forgotten picture of me with Kal'tsit.

How she smile beside me and we having fun in that adventure, i don't want keep her getting worried more, she need her human master to feed her cum i mean daily dose mind fuck.

I wrote another journal based on many video game in here including all comic book, novel and many thing such world of anime, novel and manga i keep them in case for future plant to go, i felt i getting tired, i call my child to come over before my last breath, i finally able to say goodbye to my family, despite they cried hard, i finally able to let go of them.

"i love you four, dont be sad okay. your dad will go, i wish... i wish.... i wish i can stay longer with you but....this is it. im sorry i such a bad father but im proud of you four, im proud of you four. Ama, my love, wait me there" i slowly close my eye and i still can hear my child cry, and total silent.

i feel sudden bright appear and i open my eyes to see myself in medical room, i look around and see a familiar logo, Rhodes island and i too excited until i found myself a note.

"you awake" i flinch to see imposter me walk toward me.

"You" Imposter me sit down then look at me.

"I know you're angry that I replaced you here, since you disappeared in that incident for two months."

"You abyss monster"

"Yes, I have no intention of antagonizing you nor do I have any intention, I saw you watching you and studying you, I lost the body and Originium gave me the body"

"sorry to cut you, by the collective consciousness of everyone here with Originium adaptation and Evolution, you manifest just like Victoria"

"Yes, from everyone here my body created im sorry your body created for me to possess and i be you for 4 months now, i feel different, i feel love and many feelings that i never felt before"

"so do you like it" The abyss shakes his head.

"i dont belong here, you belong here. maybe you want to give me a favor" The abyss walked toward a desk and took out something, a key precisely. i took the key and the abyss looked at me gently.

"Valtor, my job is done. it's time for you to help this world. i left you a journal to solve the problems of this world which may be on an ice berg is very simple but more complicated than all your previous assumptions, i expect you to take care of all the problems left by previous civilizations. i know you can save them all, i know that i put my faith in you, i know im supposedly the last boss in this world but consider the truest boss in this game was"

"Humanity itself"

"Yes, you know that well" Abyss gave me a fist bump and I took it like a man.

"Valtor, thank you for giving me the chance to be you, even though it was short. i enjoyed it"

"yes, do you fuck them"

"i wish i could but im not that kind of bastard who takes advantage of the misery. not like you"

"Ehem, blame the charm not the man"

"Classic, well" abyss popped Boo and gave me a boo.


"God gave me and I as sender must deliver it, stab me and erase me from existence"

"but there is another way"

"No valtor, you should save everyone, not me. dont be hero in this very moment or shitty protagonist. sacrifice one save 100, sacrifice me safe billion people, i leave behind what you should be done. you have purpose here. fix those civilization mistakes and never let those happen next"

"yes chief"

"Fuck you, now" I got up and took Boo, Abyss closed his eyes and I poked him gently and hugged him like Kratos hugged Orkos.

"thank you"

"you're welcome, good bye" Abyss vanish turn into bright light and officially his existence got erased, so the memory of him before change into oblivion and no one remember he even exist, is sad to be honest but i must move on and continue the torch as he left behind. the key and journal.

I took the journal and kept it well and this key I held in my dimensional pocket.

[System Online]

I sighed and I could feel my strength returning, I walked to the window and absorbed the sun, I felt the ring on my hand and stroked it.

"Ama, stay with me"

[Boo has become your Soul Bond Weapon. whenever you use Musou, Boo will appear]

"Rage of Sparta huh" I then trimmed my beard and cleaned my mustache, then went to the toilet to take a shower.

My body became jack just like God build, perfect in every aspect. Symbiote turns into clothes like Wesker Remake 4, nice costume and I like it.

"thank you" I then took my glasses and my eyes lit up like a demon.

"100 Sanity moment, no horny this time"

Finally, Arknight story begin.

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts