
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · Video Games
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Major ? Nah, we vacation.

Kal'tsit woke up and saw herself in my room, Kal'tsit got up from my bed and saw the food on my table which she smelled very delicious, kal'tsit approached the table and saw a note.

"You fainted for 3 days, everyone in Kazimierz. you should rest and check the box okay. Love Valtor" Kal'tsit laughed softly then ate comfortably, she still enjoyed the taste of my food until she was curious to check the box.

she open it and appear hologram in from on her.

[ Name > Kal'tsit Ismael

Race > Feranmut Feline, Type Schrödinger's cat (Type Three Evolution(Peak))

Talent > 

Leading Researcher > A Special Talent give by Valtor to you, a talent that implanted to your brain capability to become his partner in Science project.

Formal Science ( Chronological Intuition, Decisions, Logic Detection, Pattern Sense, Mathematics, Geometry, Preparation Time, Preservation Mastery, Riddles, Spatial Intuition, Time

Natural Science ( Astronautics, Astronomy, Chemistry, Chemical Detection, Drug Empowerment, Material Sense, Medicine Creation, Toxicology, Geography, Geology, Metallurgy, Meteorology, Nature Sense, Physics , Acoustics, Ballistics, Chronophysics, Parachronics, Particle Physics , Ricochet Mastery, Planetology, Universal Intuition, Xenostudies )

Life Science ( Biology, Agriculture, Horticulture, Anatomical, Astrobiology, Biochemistry, Botany, Breeding Mastery, Genetics, Medical Mastery, Cosmetology, Dentistry, Hematology, Massaging, Necropsy, Neurology, Pharmacognosy, Herbalism, Pharmacology, Surgery, Veterinary, Virology, Pressure Point Mastery, Scatology, Zoology, Entomology, Marine Biology, Microbiology )

Applied Science ( Advanced Technology, Architecture, Artificial Life Creation, Armorsmithing, Appliance Creation, Bladesmithing, Blacksmithing, Carpentry, Computer Operations, Programming, Artificial Intelligence Creation, Craft Improvisation, Device Proficiency, Enhanced Investigation, Enhanced Omnifabrication, Engineering, Gunsmithing, Mechanics, Reverse-Engineering, Robotics, Vehicular Mastery, Nanotechnology, Nanorobotics )

Social Science ( Criminology, Definition Mastery, Economics, History, Anthropology, Archaeology, Law, Linguistics, Literature, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology , Socialogy, Thanatology

Urban Intuition) 

Goddess of War > Proficiency regarding Battle, Combat and war situation. you proficient to any type martial art, weapon and even unconventional weapon to advance alien like weapon you can wield it easy as you born with it. you can learn any type combat just by staring at it to deduce the weakness the enemy.

Horny Cat > your horny for me has no limit Kal'tsit, very well here a talent for you. all sexual and carnal techniques, allowing you to invoke any specific type of sexual fulfillment to me and you. you can also use techniques that can automatically arouse the partner and cause orgasms. Happy ? i already implant the technique in your brain, good luck in the bed next time we have battle in there. 

Stats > This is data that from your physical ability based on your evolution, remember you are in third evolution.

Physical Enhancement ( Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Athleticism, Enhanced Balance, Enhanced Defense, Enhanced Dexterity, Enhanced Durability, Enhanced Endurance, Enhanced Flexibility, Enhanced Footwork, Enhanced Leap, Enhanced Mobility, Enhanced Motor Skills, Enhanced Muscle Usage, Enhanced Parkour, Enhanced Precision, Enhanced Reflexes, Enhanced Speed, Enhanced Stamina, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Survivability)

Bodily Aspects Enhancement ( Decelerated Aging, Enhanced Beauty, Enhanced Body Temperature, Enhanced Bones, Enhanced Grip, Enhanced Health, Enhanced Immune System, Enhanced Lung Capacity, Enhanced Metabolism, Enhanced Recovery, Enhanced Regeneration, Enhanced Scent, Enhanced Senses, Enhanced Skin, Enhanced Structure, Vigorous Heart )

Power > Power is something you born with it sometime power can be gain by hard work, you are exception, here.

Enhance Mon3tr > Mon3tr has been enhance further to its evolution, it can speak like little girl. she can attack faster than speeding bullet and grow even further.

Monster Within > Transform yourself into Killing Machine, You fuse your body with Mon3tr gaining ability of Mon3tr and enhancing your Physical enhancement further.

Paradox Cat > You are hypothetically Dead or Alive Cat, your existence is anomaly same as me. if someone assume you dead, in their view you are dead vice versa. you can't be killed because your latent power that is reincarnation in this power you instantly reanimated (Ask me if you want to explore this power)

Soul Mate > You are bound with me Kal'tsit, wherever i go you will go with me even to other universe, dont you worry. i will not leave you behind

Flaw > Your weakness that you only able to overcome with.

Anger Issue

Horny issue

Superiority complex regarding Heirarchy of woman in Valtor relationship

Note : Click here to accept this, you can stop crying]

Kal'tsit smiled at that and wiped her tears, Kal'tsit clicked the note then she felt something different in herself, Kal'tsit looked at the mirror, she became more healthy and more beautiful, her figure was more sexy like Koshelna and more thiccker like Freyja, she had the beauty of Maternal Goddess descending from the sky.

"Hiks, why, why, why hiks" Kal'tsit cannot contain her tear anymore, she cannot express what emotion she get now, too many gift from me make her overwhelmed.

while on the Major's side.

"Waaaaaaaaaaaaahoooooooooooo" we play theme park here freely because it is still under construction but with all the advanced technology I have this whole theme park is successfully made.

Before I go into the Theme park explanation, this time the major has been overhauled including the system as well because I am the one who has the right to organize it this time. the system is the same professional martial game competition to league pitting the knights into matches using the single, pairs, or free-for-all to battle royale formats.

Every person infected or not is irrelevant, can join as Clubs or Independent to participate in Major, to make sure safety we do background clearance so no rogue criminal try create chaos here, every participant who not go in podium or rank point list, will be given honorary payment such money, healthcare even chance to join next year major, i make sure this major more exciting rather gladiator match just like in the event. 

the preliminaries also contain competitive activities such as Last stand system as warm up, all knight who participate must join this fight to warm up their ability, the rule is simple you cannot kill and directly attack the audience, you can use many dangerous art in intent not harm the participant or audience, this warm up purpose to make sure participant ready.

Participant can choose between three system point rank, Raid Boss or Boss Battle Rank system, this put independent participant nor Club to fight a monster that is 4d Monster created by advance illusion system, every sensation in battle field is real even ability of the raid boss. Point count as how much damage dealt by those participant, if join or pair participant, they share the point if independent is same, this Rank system not good for independent knight because the damage deal not double as same as tag team. its same as Hunting system in Monster hunter.

Second Rank point system is Battle royal same as Apex and FPS system. 100 Participant will be putted in large area to battle to last stand, this system rank split into. independent battle royal where only one vs 100 or Club Battle royal where Group VS Group. the longer you survive the more rank point you get.

last system ranking was Melee team where Knight choose between two team, this system gain from Battle point, where two team must claim certain area to gain point, where they should guard or take, the more point their get more chance they gain victory, area point always change for every 7 minutes to make system fair, this mechanics is about team coordination rather individual.

the final fight in the major that happened in last week of the major was Duel between Club or independent with three system, 1v1, 2v2, group V group. the group number must be same number to opposing foe number maximum group was 5 cannot be more. the result who is the winner decided by how much ranking point you gain, more point you get more higher chance you can grab the grand prize.

1 billion LMD no taxes as solid price, chance titles and sponsorship from corporations and knightclubs, but the corporations we talk today is only two, Mishima and Rhodes Island, Mishima or my dummy corporation hold the monopoly of this major, Knight receive sponsorship such knight equipment directly smith by Corporation, coupon of attraction with full family member free for 7 day such Theme park access and many more fun time free with exclusive ticket.

The major is set now the theme park, to be honest i never imagine i can get this talent.

[ Skill Talent Unlocked : Wonderland ]

[ Wonderland : the pinnacle of mastery Theme park, where the ordinary metamorphoses into the extraordinary. Within the confines of Wonderland, your mastery over all things related to amusement parks reaches celestial heights, enabling you to weave an enchanting tapestry of awe-inspiring marvels. Here, you demonstrate not just competence but an unparalleled command over the art of amusement park management, an intimate understanding of essential prerequisites, and the uncanny ability to orchestrate the flawless symphony of these extraordinary domains.

Your knowledge transcends the mundane, encompassing an intricate tapestry of skills and insights. With the grace of a Fun Lord, you manage a diverse and vibrant workforce, your adept fingers navigating the labyrinth of entertainment, Your keen eyes overseeing meticulous inventory checks, their watchful guardianship ensuring the safety of all, and your astute business acumen guiding the park's financial success. The magic of Wonderland extends even to the very genesis of amusement, where you craft attractions that enthrall the senses and stir the imagination, ensuring that every element of the park is a harmonious masterpiece of delight.

Within this enchanted sphere, the user's power is boundless. You can conjure, sculpt, and manipulate entire amusement parks, transcending the bounds of the physical world to embrace the ethereal. From the heart-pounding rides that defy gravity, to the delectable and variation food and candy stalls, and the vast array of spellbinding arcade games, cinema even virtual attraction that beyond illusion and reality, your command knows no limits. The staff under your guidance becomes a harmonious ensemble, and animatronics or robot come to life with uncanny realism, weaving tales of wonder for all who enter this realm.

Yet, the most captivating aspect of your mastery is your dominion over the very essence of fun. In Wonderland, you shape and mold the very concept of joy, a maestro conducting a symphony of amusement. With a mere thought, you adjust the fun quotient, making video or computer games captivating or infusing even the most mundane meetings with a sense of exhilaration. giving many advertisement to attract many undiscovered fun place that can be explore, seizing many opportunity to attract more audience and visitor from mouth to mouth even news from any media provider creating sense of wonder and impatient to go to wonderland, once they in they will feel true joy where everything is fun inducing, every visitor and audience will forget the time when they having fun but they will get unforgettable experience of joy from their entire lives. 

Beyond this, the master of Wonderland wields the power to manifest amusement in myriad forms. you craft objects that exude mirth and orchestrate events that resonate with pure delight. You possess the extraordinary talent to choreograph happenings in a "Fun" way, ensuring that all who partake in these experiences are bathed in the radiant light of enjoyment. Conversely, you can darken the sky and make any event dreary and devoid of pleasure, showcasing the full spectrum of your influence, from the enchanting to the unsettling.

Wonderland mastery is the supreme architect of joy, sculpting and controlling amusement in all its facets. Here, the boundaries of fun and fantasy blur, leaving behind a world where imagination reigns supreme, and the ordinary is infused with the extraordinary. Wonderland becomes a living canvas where every brushstroke of your mastery creates a tapestry of endless wonder, an enchanting place where dreams come alive and reality is touched by magic]

Because of this talent, I made a variety of theme parks, for example, Jurassic park but with Monster Hunter Monster and some Dinosaur roam around in that park, all of them are tame and i already tame them by giving all visitor and audience a pheromone that make them not a threat rather friendly visitor. Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory, same as the movie totally perfect with many Oompa Loompa is a Dwarf race not Durin in here a real dwarf from many video game world to work in the chocolate factory but many people will assume them as Durin, moreover the factory also produce many candy, sweet, and many type of sweet snack for theme park. Universal studio theme park around real world, Disney land around real world, Warner bros theme park around the world, Nickelodeon Theme park around the world also included, Frozen Elsa castle also build in there, Eggman interstellar amusement park also there, so many in the simple Mobile dome city in here.

"Welcome to Wonder Ark theme Park where you can freely enjoy all the amusement park in here free, as first visitor. currently the "boss" of Rhodes island is sleeping, you have three day to enjoy all the fun, promote it to media social and many thing, remember 3 day maximum, if the boss see you having fun ignoring the purpose here, she will scold you even taking your pocket money, enjoy here okay, having a date with someone you love in this park is place you can confess or something, i dont know, you do you, i must check other attraction that currently under construction, if you see those dude" Tyrant appear with same as Tyrant from Damnation with police force costume with Wonder Ark Theme logo.

"You in restricted area, that area under construction that you can't access it until it's done. more over the Tyrants is a Security in here regarding safety, enforcer, and also worker. so enjoy the vacation of three day before the boss wake up. Adios, awww" the kid push me some other even pull my hand to many attraction here.

"Doctor, lets go there ! There !"

"woah, woah, woah. such high spirit. lets go then" 

and that what happened in that morning after kal'tsit violated by me.

"WOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO" me and the people enjoying high speed rollercoaster while other enjoying all attraction, some of people going on date with someone they like, pretty much their conversation praising me over how amazing designer i was.

Everyone sleep in Cabin near artificial beach where some of us have barbeque party in here, some of us enjoy the breeze wind of artificial wave, sensation of the sea, singing in fire camp even talking and interacting like a big family.

"Doctor, is Greater ark like this ?"

"Yes Amiya, This partial continent of Greater ark, the inner ark where advance society are, the fast corner of city you can see many universe technology here and there implemented , nice and polite people everywhere you can ask them any question regarding technology, they will give you answer, some of you can go to their research room, study together or just having fun in society where war, misery, sadness never exist. everyone life in harmony, just like Wonderland. In diversity we create unity, in unity there is peace"

"doctor..." Amiya suddenly hug me.

"Doctor..... is Fairy real"

"what ?"

"You say there is Avalon Forest, place where lady Haze belong"

"yes, there is. near border of Leithanein and Victoria, a illusion forest where when you in there you will meet magician just Like Haze and some of Muelsyse race also there. someone proficient about magic not originium art, actual magic. some of grand witch there is Talulah Father acquaintance, she maybe old like a granny now"

"Maybe she have magic to make her young again ? " i burst out laughing, i wheeze hard and can't hold my tear over laughing.

"Magic grant you young again ? She cant do that, Is only illusion magic that make her look younger, She a granny just like Kal'tsit Amiya, Kal'tsit also get fooled by her appearance even Talulah Father. i still laugh when they see her true face, Talulah Father Expression is like seeing ghost"

"So my father is scum Uncle ?"

"Hush, Your father is noble royalty that i befriend with, including Wei Yenwu. but he and i have same interest"

"Woman" i look at Koshelna and everyone who say same thing.

"Wrong, adventuring. you guys need a therapy, Honeyberry, you Should start therapy session for whoever people answer woman there"

'"yes doctor"

"you want to see fairy ?" Amiya nod and some of people too.

"Very well" Pixie appear and yawn big on my shoulder.

"Ah, Valtor... where are we ? is this new world again ?"

"Pixie, yeah. this world has magic but very rare"

"hmm, no wonder i can't sense magical source, talk about magic, your body, can i ?" i give pixie my hand, she sit in my palm and she scream like fan girl.

"Valtor !! Amazing, your magical source is beyond my capability, no wonder Goddess Ama ma" i close pixie mouth and whisper to her, she close her mouth and nod.

"this is Pixie, my fairy navigator, she not from here but you can be friend with her"

"Hello, my name Pixie. I'm Valtor Navigator in world of magic, if you curious about magic, you can talk to me, i can't teach you my magic because my magical source doesn't resonance with your energy based"

"Lady pixie ! lady pixie" Everyone too excited seeing fairy for the first time, Pixie get overwhelmed by everyone enthusiasm. two Tyrant appear and in approach them, they give me report about the product display, to be honest the product we provide need more adjustment, some of them really need advertisement, such beauty product. Maybe that girl can be the model.

"Please invite this girl to be ambassador, if she dont want it. dont force her" Two Tyrant nod and return to their post. i didn't expect this business will be great in long run, especially many operator will join, such cannon and non cannon. Many test subject and slave to be capitalize.

"sephiroth" i look at Koshelna who wave at me, she give me a nice marshmallow. we sit down and talk about everyday live, to be honest this moment in Arknight never be mention or been told, many problem in the future will be pain in the ass to be dealt with but with Cyber Gear, more people will eventually join.

in the Midnight, Me and Pixie telling a story about what happened in God Of War universe, to be fair, i can't call her to accompany me when traveling to Celtic, Egypt, Mayan, Norse, Japanese Mythology. despite there is Abrahamic, Mesopotamic, Buddhist, Hindu and other exist in following time while i was the one who create Roman Mythology. it easy for me to join another Universe out there as Origin setting based on my Journey in God OF War Series, as example, if i go to Fate universe, i can be Divine Spirit but i don't know who i become but i can deduce as Grand Foreigner or Heaven Angel, Maybe Michael or Samael, insane enough i can be Chief of Angel or Archangel. everything possible in Fate because everything is canon according multiple timeline.

Or go to DXD as Samael, after i read DXD Novel as "Curious" reason, to be honest many power house in DXD that can be use as test subject, i wonder power house there can be my testing partner, perhaps Trihexa in my shadow can have some pet to take care and food to devour.

"Pixie, how is Alice and Nier ?" Pixie eat her honey dew jelly i create in some jelly stand in theme park.

"They are fine, moreover Lady Mifuyu and Goddess Amaterasu give you a massage "Valtor, How long we gonna wait here" i dont know the code of that but they miss you every day Valtor" I see wonderland where Amaterasu and Alice sleep together, while Mifuyu and Nier sleep together in one big king size bed, Amaterasu i see there is not humanoid rather Shiranui body from Okami game.

i give them quick kiss on their forehead, they snuggle and smile on their sleep.

"done, Thank you Pixie, you can keep an eye to them, and tell Kel'thuzad to prepare Life Equation"

"Understood, good night Valtor"

"Good night" Pixie vanish, i remember certain emergency food from Honkai game, maybe Pixie can be the one, Navi shall be my weapon for it. i stand up and return to my cabin where i sleep with the boys in here.

Next day, we enjoy our water park with great enthusiasm, moreover we almost forget this Entertainment park not finish, there is some technical difficulty in some attraction and security measure.

Major stadium has been modified into dome basically this is Dimensional manipulation technology, in the small dome there is a city in a city while Olympia is on maintenance in hidden workshop nearby.

Many people in Kawalerielki curious about what change of the major especially the big dome in their mobile city, i just can't wait to scam those bastard.

"Doctor !" everyone on their swimsuit while me still using my doctor suit.

"You all look great"

"Doctor please change your clothes into swimsuit"

"what about that camera ?"

"No, no no no, dont mind the camera" i sneer and take out my jacket, Symbiote turn into my spat and Young Zeus attire, showing my chiseled build god body. Everyone scream their lungs out and take out their phone to take a picture.

I take a pose and tie up my hair, Ho'olheyak run to me and push me down.

"Darling, such daring body. can i have a taste ?"

"HEY HEY HEY" Everyone on fight or flight mode, while me just escape to play with the kids who amaze my body build, all the boys try to flex to show their undeveloped muscle, i giggle and flex my muscle with them together, i give them pin point about how to build muscle like me.

We continue play many water slide and a tyrant appear telling me we have a visitor, Siege and Eblana visiting in secrecy. obviously i must welcome them, when i arrive in spaceship currently on maintenance, they wide eye seeing how my body build was.

"Oh hey, sorry for my attire like this, you can come in and everyone already in the water park, dont mind about any other visitor, this major will be opened next day so you can have holiday in here" i turn around and give the tyrant another report regarding visitor, they can continue the work.

"Why you stand there, follow me. we have plenty attraction in here" They snap out of it and Eblana run to me, i dodge her and she sneer.

"Husband, your body, is attractive. can i have a taste ?"

"Same word from those girl" i point on some of Rhodes island member who in hidden plain sight that they get out one by one.

"Your Majesty Alexandria and Your Majesty Eblana. welcome to Wonder Ark, doctor create this attraction"

"Hey W, where Theresa ?"

"her Majesty...umm...."

"well, good luck. She will scold you, definitely scold you, have fun in correctional room" W Panic and call Theresa immediately, i can hear Theresa yell at her, when W send my body picture, instantly silent. W Close the phone call and hide behind Ines.

"Hey !"

"sshhhh, i forgot to report regarding doctor... Your Majesty will scold me, please hide me from her plain sight"

"Sigh, you are helpless"

"Well lets continue to" i dodge the projectile and see Theresa appear, holy shit she so fast as expected from Sarkaz king "Horny fuel is best fuel"

"Valtor, i want date right now"

silent, no possible decibels sound can be heard after Theresa bold action and confession.

"WHAT !?"

"Huh ? How about the Kazdel ?"

"I already bind Theresis to take care of it"

in Kazdel. in Office room where Theresis and Company taking care of many paperwork he never want to deal, enrage to see many paperwork has to be done left behind by his beloved sister.


"Ah yes, Take care. No"

"I dont accept any type of decline, refusal and any other synonym of no from you"

"You still same as before, lucky for you kal'tsit not here. lets go then" Theresa look at Koshelna and Freyja with smug eating grin she ever release, Koshelna and Freyja showing a dead eye, a rivalry, those three will be lost word when seeing Kal'tsit.

"lets go there Valtor !" I shake my head and go with Theresa. having our date un-interrupted. 

"Scum, bastard"

"No, Sephiroth can't be blame, we don't take initiative, Alright, she play like that we play aggressive now" 

Meanwhile Kal'tsit who currently sleeping, sneeze.

"Valtor, i will kill you"

Try to implement Video Game Theme in Major, and many World Attraction from movie and game, to be honest is great

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts