
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · Video Games
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161 Chs

Londonium has falling down, my fair lady

I'm back and all Londonians are ready, They are waiting for me here even though I know I shouldn't interfere but I accidentally got dragged into this politics so I have no other choice, but for branch office in victoria is enough for us including kazdel, We have chaotic race support.

"Thank you for waiting, let's go to the battlefield. even though I know you guys are just refugees here who shouldn't be tied to the government but what power does one of the members get dragged into trouble especially the humiliation I got for my creation. Therefore" Victoria appeared and lifted her up like a Simba.

"Lady Victoria, Embodiment of Victoria. or should I say Feranmut of Victoria manifest and bless you with her innocence" Victoria smiled innocently making everyone fall in love with Victoria's cuteness.

"For Victoria! Glory for Victoria!" Stainless cheered and all the londonium fighters cheered this. Victoria panicked and joined in the cheering.

We went to the battlefield, Olympia was at a safe distance from the battle near the Columbia border.

"Valtor, Please. Do not go all out" I nodded at Theresa's request then approached Siege who was wearing standard clothing, I squatted down and gave a Knight's salute.

"Your majesty Vina, Give me your blessing as I bring you victory" Siege looked at me then panicked, all Glasglow members also panicked seeing me bowing because it was also strange.

"Let me do it" Talulah walked over and took the Generous Flame and touched my shoulders.

"Uncle, no. Marshal, I shall bless you as Artorius Household a Victory" I smiled at that then it was the siege's turn.

"I as Crown Princess Victoria, Bless you with victory my marshal" My? Oh no. I got up and started to take off my overly exaggerated clothes, Tyrant turned into an Omega Rugal Costume Render version without a coat.

I then took a breath and using Apex Celestial, Eternal Kaiju and Biogenic Corruption changed my form from Celestial human to Celestial Aslan by taking reference from Nemean Lion.

My majestic golden mane flows down my neck and shoulders, radiating a regal aura. Each strand of hair is lustrous and thick, forming a magnificent crown around my head. The golden hue captures the essence of the sun, shimmering in the light and symbolizing my connection to divine power. As i move, my mane ripples with every step, exuding an air of authority and strength.

My eyes, a captivating shade of amber, emanate an intense and piercing gaze. They possess a mesmerizing depth, like pools of molten gold. When i focus my gaze, a subtle radiance emanates from within, highlighting the power and determination that reside in my eyes.

my physique is a testament to the embodiment of strength and agility. my muscles are sculpted with precision, emphasizing my physical prowess. Every movement i make is graceful and purposeful, exuding a sense of power and dominance. my presence alone fills the space with an undeniable aura of authority, marking me as a force to be reckoned with.

my skin possesses a unique texture and appearance, mirroring the impenetrable nature of the Nemean Lion's legendary pelt. It is smooth to the touch, yet incredibly durable and resistant. The golden sheen of your hide catches the light, giving it an ethereal glow. This resilient hide acts as a shield, protecting me from harm and rendering you almost invulnerable to physical attacks.

my hands and feet are adorned with razor-sharp claws, gleaming like polished gold. These formidable weapons can rend through any obstacle with ease, showcasing my ferocious strength and predatory prowess. Similarly, my fangs are sharp and imposing, reflecting the potency of my bite. These powerful claws and fangs serve as both tools for defense and symbols of my dominance.

When i unleash my voice, a deep, thunderous roar emanates from within, reverberating through the air. The sheer power behind my vocalizations resonates with authority, echoing your connection to the Nemean Lion. This primal sound commands attention and instills fear in those who hear it. The roar serves as a testament to my presence and stands as a warning to anyone who challenges you.

At the center of my chest, a radiant lion's crest materializes, pulsating with divine energy. It is an intricate emblem, intricately carved and imbued with a warm, golden light. This crest represents my alignment with the Nemean Lion's essence and acts as a symbol of my authority and divinity. Its radiant glow intensifies during moments of heightened emotion or when i tap into the full extent of my powers, highlighting my connection to the celestial realm.

While i possess the majestic traits of the Nemean Lion, your appearance retains a harmonious balance between human and lion characteristics. My body maintains a predominantly human form, allowing for freedom of movement and the ability to interact with the world. However, certain lion-inspired features manifest to accentuate my divine connection.

Atop my head, a pair of sleek, pointed ears adorned with a golden fur lining emerges. These lion-like ears enhance my senses further, allowing me to pick up on even the faintest sounds in my surroundings. They are incredibly sensitive, twitching with alertness as i tune into the world around me.

Delicate, intricate whisker tattoos adorn my cheeks, resembling the fine whiskers of a lion. These subtle markings are etched in golden ink, blending seamlessly with my complexion. As a visual representation of my heightened perception, they serve as a reminder of my keen senses, enabling me to detect subtle changes in the environment and the emotions of others.

From the base of my spine, a majestic lion's tail gracefully extends, swaying with controlled movements. Covered in soft golden fur, the tail serves as an extension of my balance and agility, aiding in my movements and enhancing your poise. It adds a touch of regal elegance to my overall appearance.

Finished, I looked at all the people who were very surprised by my form this time, Kal'tsit lightly emitted "Horny, Horny, Horny, Horny, Horny, Horny".

"Marshal Ready but we need Another reinforcement" Boo appeared and stuck in front of me, I then made a floating note behind me then played the Godzilla Theme.

Then in the sky where a giant blue portal appeared then a robot hand appeared gripping the end of the portal hard making a light earthquake shock then the next hand appeared gripping the other side of the portal.

Then the head appeared followed by the body then the legs appeared as the legs touched the ground the shaking occurred although not as violent as the portal grip then another leg appeared and came out of the robot's body then walked towards me slowly showing its extraordinarily large tail.

The portal closed and the robot came right in front of me at a fierce distance from the entire Londonium army.

~Mechagodzilla Alpha Roar~

I laughed like a maniac hearing that, The King of Monster Roar. Nay, The King of Robot Kaiju Roar.

"AWESOME !" Closure seeing the Mechagodzilla from Olympia was so amazing that even the whole of Rhodes Island saw it.

"Closure did you make that with the Doctor ?" Closure nodded to Mayer and folded her arms across her chest.

"The Doctor designed then built it while I programmed and Dr. Kal'tsit readjusted the weapon" Priestess saw the robot smile and giggle for a moment.

"As expected from my Husband, He indeed gives more surprise" Some people were furious with Priestess's courage to call me Husband.

"Dad is cool and awesome" Orion looked through the window and analyzed Mechagodzilla.

"Sister Bismarck, Full view of dad please" I appeared in the hologram where I was extremely handsome and my golden hair was fluttering plus my Aslan traits were majestic.

Some people fainted and had nosebleeds, especially the men were the same, Those abs, Those muscles, Those beauty, Those bodies sculpted with precision as a form of power and authority.

"If dad is strong, I must be strong too. Sister, After the war is done, Can you use father battle record as my training. Use him as reference"

"Of course my brother. I will record how Commander fights" On the other hand, I was stretching where I was accompanied by Duke Windermer who for some reason came here.

"So, that is the reinforcement" Windermer pointed at Mechagodzilla who was stretching imitate of me.

"Yes, Ready ?" I took a breath and roared followed by Mechagodzilla who roared along with me.

I took a stand then took another breath, Mechagodzilla started to heat up it thrusters then I did a leap that made a huge crack where I stood, Mechagodzilla chased me immediately.

The entire Grand Dukes Army began to attack seeing that I had left first.

On the other side of Londonium's highest tower, the entire Royal Court and Theresis saw the Mechagodzilla from a distance.

"The day of reckoning is begin. Lets show them what we are capable of" All sarkaz prepared and Catastrophe flying ship appeared then Mechagodzilla used hypercharged particle canon to make the ship immediately destroyed.

"What ?" The ship crashed and hit the city of Londonium, Mechagodzilla arrived at the Wall canon firing range.

"Fire" Manfred's order was executed, all the canons shot Origium bullets, Mechagodzilla roared and fired missiles that countered all the bullets, Mechagodzilla ran then damaged one cannon, and destroyed all the artillery of the Sarkaz troops in the Londonium wall.

Mechagodzilla then fired Cryogenic static beams at the londonium wall which then Mechagodzilla roared making the wall shatter into particles, Mechagodzilla destroyed every Canon in Londonium as Godzilla destroyed Japan.

On the other hand I tore one Sarkaz like Godfrey tore me in the Elden Ring, Playing Dark soul insanity difficulty in realistic Virtual Reality Engine is quite challenging for me especially in combat experience.

"More !" I roared loudly challenging all these Sarkaz, They attacked me and fired all forms of weapons they had, I blindly killed them all one by one until I was blocked by someone who was none other than Manfred.

"Halt, I challenge you to a duel" I stopped and looked at Manfred, I threw away the two Sarkaz in my hand like a sack of rice.

"7 seconds" Manfred looked at me seriously and then picked up his sword.

"7 seconds until you realize you lose" The countdown begins, Manfred charges at me but I am already behind his body then walk casually, On my fingernails drips a lot of blood which I gently shake off.

Manfred's body was chopped to pieces and his Originium Unit was smashed to pieces, I then walked to the ruins of Londoniun's destroyed wall, I met the entire Sarkaz army where they attacked me but with my roar alone made their bodies smashed to pieces and this entire district was flattened to the ground.

I heard the applause of someone who was none other than Sanguinarch, I glanced at him walking to me in the blood of his own race.

"Greetings, A coincidence" I appeared in front of Sanguinarch piercing his chest tearing his body in half then tearing his heart like tearing paper.

"Chatty, just die already" I walked to the main district where Kazdel's main army was, I grinned then jumped then did a full blow to the ground making a big crack and destroying this whole district until making the underground destroyed along with it making a Sinkhole so big and burying all the sarkaz.

I blocked the sword aimed at my back using my lion's tail, I shot back them dodged well.

"Who are you areghhh" I choked Damazty casually then looked at it gently.

"Your nightmare" I roared loudly making Damazty's body shatter into small particles as well as the entire district in front of me which was shattered to the ground, building after building collapsed and caught fire, I clapped my hands making a soundwave blast which instantly put out the fire.

I looked at the tallest building and gave it the middle finger, challenging the three remaining people to come down here.

"Who is he, Aslan?" Theresis was angry and looked at Confessarius who was looking at me with a unique look.

"Hmmm, Let me handle him" Confessarius left and Theresis sent another catastrophe ship and I smiled, I walked over and picked up a building lifted it with one grip and threw the building at the ship, the building was destroyed but the ship tilted from the impact.

"Interesting" I stomped my foot as building after building was blown into the air, I kicked all the buildings at the ship making the ship gradually damaged until I lifted 5 blocks of londonium wall and threw it at the ship until it was broken into pieces because the weight of 5 blocks of londonium wall was 7 times heavier than the ship, There was an explosion of Originium but I immediately inhaled the dust of Orginium and blew it out like a cigarette.

"Good cigarette, but lacking nicotine and tobacco" I looked at Confessarius who came to see me with a smile.

"Hello, Lets stop" I appeared behind him and broke his neck 360 degrees, Confessarius died instantly but not completely.

"Death, Life" These two existences appeared and then took something from Confessarius, Death will not claim him, Life gives him immortality and endless regeneration like Prometheus' condition in God Of War.

"Thank you" The two existences went into my heart then I saw Confessarius get up then his head healed, then he took his sword.

"Fool, You" I beheaded Confessarius and took his sword breaking it with one grip, then stomped on it like a cigarette end.

"Shhhh, I'm not done with you yet. I'm going to show you, Who is the god of life and afterlife, who is the god of dead and soul" I hit Confessarius on the head like Kratos hit Zeus at the end of god of war 3, Each blow sent a powerful shock through londonium, each blow shattered Confessarius' face, healed again, shattered again, healed again.

I grabbed his head, lifted him high and slammed his body like Hulk slammed Loki in Avenger, then Sarkaz Soldier approached us and attacked me, I turned Confessarius into a weapon by slamming his body into Sarkaz Soldier until it destroyed like a person falling from the 70th floor.

Then I slammed confessarius' body then split his body in two, where all his entrails came out splattered on the ground, his body regenerated by merging into one then confessarius realized then retreated.

"Stay back, I surrender. Please" I kicked my leg through Confessarius' body and threw him to the side.

"Is that all ? Show me your prideful art of manipulating life and death, Come on. Try to out life your torment and try out death your damnation. Too hard ? lets see, try to cancel your immortality that I gave it to you and try to ask Death to claim you, spoiler death is watching this torture with great enthusiasm as what you did to her and life will not let you out mortal your immortal condition" Confessarius panicked and tried to run away but I caught him and slammed him against the Londonium wall, I grabbed his head and ran around the Londonium wall coloring this wall with his blood then at the end of the wall I turned around and did the same thing even though Confessarius screamed loudly against this torture.

Then Nachzehrer and Theresis came to Confessarius' aid which I threw at both of them, Victoria army arrive in horizon and helping the war.

"Finally, 3 v 1. Buff yourself up. I will be waiting" I threw back the Confessarius sword that I had returned to form and then I waited with cooling down stretching.

"Interesting Fellow, Ah i remember. You must be Valtor aren't you?" I laughed and returned my Godzilla form.

"Indeed, Long time no see. So how is your health ?" Nachzehrer laughed at that.

"Good, thank you for saving the cyclops tribe to the Sami to avoid our downfall" I laughed and looked at Nachzehrer.

"Yeah, at least they are reasonable people. Lets stop this war and return to Kazdel, Your king, Former King Waiting all of you return"

"Theresa ? She already death !"

"No, Idiot brother. She is alive, I saved her" Theresis was confused then I used the Doctor suit then Theresis was wide-eyed.

"She is healthy as ever, She is currently in Rhodes Island and wants all of you to return to Kazdel, And build Kazdel to be a better place, A paradise a promised land that your people seek for, Do you wish it ? the grab my hand and lets end this meaningless war. except you, i'm not done with you" Confessarius looked at me with great fear, Mental trauma is pretty good.

"Ah, Your majesty is still alive ? Its good to hear but we can't do that Doctor, This is our fate as Sarkaz to be subject of hatred and villain. The destiny writes our race into that"

"Are you the one creating that destiny ? Then let me kill you so that destiny bound to be cease to exist, you ready ?"

"Its not like that Doctor. Our race suffering is"

"A Fate, Already set in the stone that your race suffering is destined forever, But, Fate is another lie told by god and the reality is, There is no god in this universe, No, Nobody worthy to wield such a title in the first place, Feranmut ? Not worthy, Ancient Human ? Wannabe God, Thing on the north and south ? Pest need to be controlled, Thing in the sea ? A parasite, Thing in the Sky ? Is my target to be exterminated. Once you return to Kazdel I will show you, Who god i serve and he gave me many Authority that consider "God" like power break every scale as logically or metaphorically. So, Lets end this or I force all of you to return to Kazdel willing or not" Narchzehrer gave up because he knew how strong I was, He knew me since Kollam Reign. so he wise but crazy, At least he wise.

"I hope you bring us better place Doctor"

"I know Narchzeher, Since Kollam death everything when downfall. The Blade is in Yan right?"

"That is true, Feranmut of Yan keep it hidden"

"I need your help to claim that back, That sword must return to its rightful place in kazdel, Since Kollam doesn't have Heir, Its sad he died because of that traitor"

"I will, it can't be helped. But they also perish in that North side"

"His son is still alive, the half Wendigo is still survive in Ursus, I keep them safe in that country until the day Kazdel Glory return they must return their Ancestor Homeland, Maybe many of true Wendigos already perish in North yet, They must be respected as Wendigoes as a legend in Kazdel, Including Last surviving Diabloz in Columbia, I will build those two near extinct true Race as form of respect"

"I respect your intention Doctor, I will retreat to Kazdel, and told Other Royal Court to gather in main Court" Narchzerer left and Mael appeared.

"Guard him and his army, Tell Everyone that late, they surrender in peace. If some of them attack, Attack them back and give them to Narchzerer as tribute, If some of them didn't accept, you know the rest" Mael nodded then left then I saw these two people who were looking at me.

"So, Continue or what" Confessarius attacked me and I slapped him making the confessari leader's soul split from the Shinning brother's body.

"What ?" I grabbed the Confessari leader's head hard.

"Confessari leader from Sarkaz, Your sin is Innumerable! I'm here to wreak vengeance upon your soul !" I used Zarathos Penance Stare to the maximum making Confessari's soul burned by the hellfire which burned him instantly then I ate the soul and chewed it gently then spit out steam in my mouth.

[Soul absorbed: Neterra Ring]

[Neterra Ring: A manipulation of the Nether element that flows through the realms of the living, and the dead. a spiritual element, which means it cannot be perceived by any physical sense]

"This is not good, but I like this" I looked at the confessari's body and threw it into the spaceship right at Shinning's feet.

"Take care of your brother, currently he is dead. So wait for me to complete resurrect him" Theresa ran to the portal and stood next to me, I closed the portal then Thresis saw Theresa.

"Theresis, Stop this war. enough, Our people are suffering already"

"No, this is the only way. our race is suffering"

"I know, I already see it and every country has same problem. Sargon, Mino, Columbia, Bolivar, Ursus, Yan, Higashi, Iberia, Rim Billiton, Sami, Even Laterano. Our enemy, No, they are out kind turn into new identity that is Sankta"

"What ?" Theresa explained about The Law and Sankta Origin to everyone on the space ship who saw and heard this even to all the surviving Sarkaz here.

"They had enough of our race discrimination and want us to change, Please. Stop this" Theresis hesitated to see Theresa begging but seeing the condition of the Sarkaz, some of whom had given up because Theresa was here, and they were already exhausted plus the Victoria army arrived and the entire Narchzehrer army retreated making this futile.

"No, no, this is not the way. You are the reason my sister changed, you are the reason my race is suffering, I, Theresis, Regent of Kazdel, Challenge you to death battle, as Equal being. If my death brings the Promised land so be it, If your death brings the justice of Sarkaz I personally remember your sacrifice and sanctize it in Kazdel" Theresa panicked seeing this condition was not favorable for her.

"Agreed" I pushed theresa and looked at the sky.

"O lord i serve, show me your mercy, seal my power, seal my abilities, seal whatever makes me advantageous against Theresis" From the sky a large swirl of clouds formed and down came a divine lightning where I saw the system holograms

[Boost, Power, Item, Skill, Immortality has been locked]

I can feel my body starting to deform, or you could say I have 7 minutes before my body dies plus Cosmic cancer in my body. So this is the future what if, Death timeline will be this ? I don't know. i'm scared, this is the first time i'm scared.

Tyrant disappeared and I put on normal noble clothes then took Random sarkaz's sword.

"What is that ?" I ignored Theresis and took the stand of a knight just like the Pegasus knight.

"The God that I served, Now lets end this duel" I immediately ran quickly then gave a slash making Theresis easily block off the attack.

"Heh, you are too reliant on your power. look, you are weak" I kicked Theresis' leg making him unbalanced then I gave a shoulder dash then stabbed my sword into Theresis' heart but Theresis dodged by shifting him body and slashed my leg, I dodged and gave him a jab in the air that hit his chest.

I backed away and coughed up blood, the remaining 6 minutes made this even more of an adrenaline rush. Theresis got up and used his art while I dodged the attacks even though there were several strikes that hit me and even managed to penetrate my body.

I ignore the pain and take this as a reminder that I am indeed relying too much on my powers now that I am a normal human with Cosmic Cancer versus a mutant with Devil power.

"Farewell" Theresis attacks me with his art, I dodge each and every attack until one of Theresis' attacks hits my body and I am knocked backwards spewing blood again, I cough up blood and my vision starts to blur. 2 minutes left, I need to end this soon.

"Give up, I will give you quick death" I got up and looked at theresis who was still giving me a chance but I raised my sword and spat.

"I can do this" No think, Brawl. I threw my sword at Theresis where Theresis easily blocked the attack, I dash forward then Theresis was ready to cut my head, I reflexively blocked the attack with my right hand until my right hand sliced but I gave him a solid hit in the face with my fist, Lost hand got 1 hit, Worth it.

I took my sword and attacked Theresis where he fell to the side, slamming my sword on him but my attack was parried making me lose my grip but I used this momentum to hit theresis' head until his head leaked blood, I stepped on theresis' hand making him take off his sword I took theresis' sword but theresis immediately kicked my head making me stagger theresis stood up and took his sword and slashed me but I reflexively avoided the attack even though my back took a big scratch.

I coughed again making me lose my concentration where Theresis managed to stab me. I can see Theresis' sword pierce through my body.

"I won Urghhh" I grunted as I pierced my heart and my sword pierced Theresis' heart as well, He forget i lure him to the sword i throw before making him overconfident.

"No, We both lost" I slashed my sword and we both fell down, Theresa panicked seeing both of us. Kal'tsit ran towards me as I started to lose consciousness.

"Theresis, No, stay with me" Theresa helped Theresis but Theresis smiled seeing his sister worried about him.

"Im sorry Sister, I know this is not the right way. But, I hope you bring Sarkaz People the place they deserve. Please, Save sarkaz people sister. i know you can, Thank you for our moment in this world" Theresis breathed his last then theresa cried profusely seeing her brother die while kal'tsit panicked and did everything to me to keep me alive.

"No, no, no, no, no, Valtor. valtor, No, dont die yet. no, no, no" Kal'tsit carried me to Rhodes Island member but I was already bleeding out and my consciousness was fading, Cold, Coldness only i feel, one piece of me starting to deteriorating and some of my body cannot be moved anymore, i can feel my heartbeat getting slower.

"Kal'tsit. Im sorry. I leave you behind again this time, Do not blame the world Kal'tsit. Terra, Please love them and keep them safe"

"Shut up, Shut up, shut up. Idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot. ask your god to return your power" I lost my consciousness and dying but suddenly my body came out a light which was so hot that Kal'tsit reflexively threw me away then my body was lifted into the air then all the essence of light, stars and all the essence of the planet of life gathered to me.

My body shot up into the sky to create a beautiful pillar of light behind me and then created smoke that was stardust itself, sparks of stardust scattered in the air and there was a silence where Kal'tsit was at a loss for words.

"Valtor ? no...dont leave me....Valtor...urgh....hiks...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

Its juts like deadpool vs Thanos, miss those comic in my childhood before.

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