
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · Video Games
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161 Chs

I do what i can do

I helped Tara build their empire plus Victoria's help in the form of 2 Mobile Cities instead of 3 but its enough because one way or another Tarra will able build nomadic city by their own.

Now the problem is that I gathered some Tara people which they can use for their special cuisine, Guiness. Guiness from ireland is based on Tara so I taught the people of Tara to make their own special Guiness and even gave them a taste test which they loved.

After quite a bit of work on this, coupled with significant progress by the people of Tara who are grateful for it but I still haven't told them their pot of gold before they can stand on their own.

[+ 144,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Orbs Gained]

Nice, now I have to thoroughly help this place even some nobles are willing to give up their nobility to build Tara, together make all the culture of Tara alive.

From the education district, cultural district, miscellaneous districts to some beautiful villages built near the irrigation.

"Duke Sephiroth, thank you" I nodded and we had the independence ceremony and independence party which lasted for 3 days, Tara's independence was recognized by Victoria, Columbia, Ursus, Sargon, Laterano, Yan, Higashi, Rim Biliton. until the moment where I sat with the nobles of Tara and Dublinns House.

"Husband, thank you" I glanced at Eblana with the look "the fuck she said to me ?"

"Since when did I become your husband ?" Eblana wrapped her arms around me and I reflexively push her away, Eblana giggled softly and looked at me with a seductive gaze.

"Since now" I got up and opened the portal back to Victoria.

"no" I walked and the portal closed without me expecting it I was immediately dragged by Kal'tsit back to Rhodes Island and there was severely scolded until then Theresa came then looked at me then ran to hug me

"Hiks, im sorry, im so sorry, im so sorry. hiks" She was depressed, she lost her brother and her lover (?), but right now losing a family is not something that should be joked about.

"Its okay, Do you want to revive Theresis?" Theresa looked at me with tears on her cheeks, I wiped them away.

"promise" I sighed and nodded then closed kal'tsit's mouth by kissing her lips until she passed out, I caught her body and placed it in Kal'tsit's room right on her bed.

"Too much talk. Bismarck, Kazdel"

[Understood, Destination Kazdel]

"While Olympia goes to Kazdel, what about the royal court ? Sanguinarch is no more, Confessari leader is vacant, Military has no leader, what do you suggest?" Theresa thought and Shinning came to me carrying Confessari's body.

"Doctor" I put Confessari's body in the air then I used my power to summon Shinning's sister's soul, then when the soul entered Confessari's body a unique thing happened where all of Shinning's father's power returned and made me smile.

"urrgghhh, Where am I? Sister, You must be Your majesty Theresa urgh"

"Take a deep breath, Your soul is currently adapting your body. Your father's hypocrisy makes me sick so I kill his soul for eternity unable to reincarnate, exist or be called again in the past, present and future" Confessari looked at me seriously then she thought.

"Life is sacred thing"

"So its death, but your father is playing with something sacred like a shameless cultist, just because you can control life doesn't mean you have authority to manipulate it. Remember that boy, from tomorrow you are the Confessari Leader and I need your help to take care of something" Confessari looked at me seriously.

"A mystical fountain that has life affinity, this magical fountain will be built in the inner Promised land. I want you and your group to protect it" Confessari looked at me for a moment and thought then stood up then looked at Theresa, Theresa nodded then Confessari looked at me with a gentle gaze.

"Very well, but I don't understand yet. You are not the Lord of Fiend"

"Sorry if I interrupt you, Lord Of Fiend prophecy was destroyer of the alien race by accumulating wrath keeps on fueling the Fiend. those Lord of Fiend is simple crown of recorder but not capable of bringing down the alien you called Terra. Do you know it ?"

"I do but the logic why not the royal court bloodline has the power of Lord of Fiend ?"

"Because Kollam, the former user of Lord of Fiend is not royalty from Sarkaz Tribe, maybe your ancestor indeed became a counselor of Sarkaz king before, Lord of fiend is not chosen by pure bloodline but who is worthy to earn it."

"I still don't understand why"

"A machine, Lord of Fiend is a recorder machine or a system. its selective but when its transfer to someone who is not compatible, the machine will not active but able to corrupt the host. Amiya, come in, I know you there" Amiya entered and bowed her head.

"Doctor, am I becoming corrupted ?" I squatted down then without Amiya realizing I had pulled out the entire ring.

"Yes, but I will reprogram it" Amiya's power exploded and made a great shock on the Space ship, I hugged Amiya then I looked at all the wrath with a gentle gaze then then I used a high level of Abyssal empowerment where all the Wrath immediately bowed before me.

"yield" I released the full force of abyssal empowerment where all the wrath was subdued then I saw the big eyes behind me which showed the eyes of Celestial Kaiju, Demonic Eye, Chaos Eye.

I saw the Crown appear then I repaired it with my Bio-metal convergence where the purpose was repaired and reprogrammed on this crown, it was really useless this current crown purpose was because it recorded one individual experience and knowledge not the entire Terra history in full, useless technology.

"Submit" The entire Wrath turned into a black crystal blob which made this crown even bigger and more unique like Blue Archive Halo as reference, I took Hina Halo but in Red and black color.

"now Your crown is stabilized, there is no need to fear the corruption. you can access the history from the crown that has already been recorded without any drawback from Originium spread" I stroked Amiya's head but Amiya did not let go of her hug to me.

"thank you papa"

"No, dont call me Papa or Alice will be angry to you"

"Alice in wonderland, She not here so i can call you papa whenever i want"

"Rebellious phase huh ? The step mother and other mother teach you well"

"You are my Mother"

"You using Alice tactic, let go of me or something gonna get messy" Amiya hugged me tighter then her body penetrated my body like I was a Hologram.

"aww, Doctor. you using your power?" I shook my head and returned to my original form.

"That is the demon of South power. Intangible heat. Let's go to Kazdel and create the promised land you people seek for. And also, confessari can you revive this person ?" I gave Manfred's horn to the confessari then looked at Shinning.

"Thank you" I smiled and stroked Shinning's head.

"My duty after all, there is one person you need to discipline" Shinning looked at me seriously.

"Salus" I nodded to that and then looked at Confessari who started doing necromancy.

Manfred came back to life but as an Undead but I've tampered it with the Life and Death embodiment making it a total resurrection.

"What? Lord Confessari, Where am I ? Your majesty" Manfred saluted and I gave him clothes since he was literally naked.

"Manfred" Manfred attacked me and I then performed acupuncture making him instantly paralyzed.

"There's a kid here, if you want to fight then put on your proper clothes" Manfred put on his clothes then looked at me casually.

"He is enemy"

"No, he is our savior, he will create the Promised Land"

"No your majesty, he obliterated our kin. not sparing a single one of them. why would your majesty put hope in that man?" Here we go again, doubt and paranoia.

"The people of Sarkaz have been divided so many times that we cannot unite because of our differences, I am now taking a broad view. I will ask for outside help to rebuild Teekaz even though I know I will be hated by all of Sarkaz because of our history."

"no i disagree with that, you are the king we expected most to bring us prosperity but you asking for outside help for our society is an insult to Sarkaz" Theresa silenced, the turmoil of ideological differences made her a little depressed by this. Theresa looked at me and I just closed my eyes not wanting to interfere.

"i, i can't. i can't, i can't. i have no power to bring everyone together, i have no authority to give equality, i have much to learn"

"im sorry to cut your speak your majesty, so do i. even we can unite Sarkaz in one banner to prosper, our race out there still discriminate. We lost this war because of that man, this war should bring our people to recognition"

"To who?" As I say this Manfred falls silent.

"the world"

"who give a shit, lets be realistic here boy. Your people are homeless, underline that. nowhere to go, do not have the right to live in every society in there, this war is a desperate cry to recognize you exist in this planet. War is not the answer to solve your race "homeless" problem"

"why do you say we are homeless?"

"Tell me how many Sarkaz people in every corner of place in this planet than compare in Kazdel, if the number outside there is more than in Kazdel. your question is consider a stupid one" Manfred was silent then I opened my eyes after analyzing this ring, I will use this as a catalyst to call 144 biblically accurate Demon and Angel.

"Your king here cry her eyes out to beg me to build the Promised Land, the very king you people believe brings prosperity to Sarkaz, If I become her having idiot people to rule, our kingdom downfall is on the clock. shut up and stop thinking about a thing that gives no answer"

[Destination Reached, Welcome to the homeland of Sarkaz, Kazdel]

"Destination reached, I will wait until then" I opened the portal and entered my room, Amiya followed but I grabbed the back of her neck and give her to Theresa.

"Take care of your adopted daughter" I released Amiya and closed the portal then I re-engraved these 10 rings with the language of angels and demons, to make a catalyst to summon 72 Demon and Angel Pillar even though there are trillions of Angel and Demon in heaven and Hell, only these 144 i want while the other was.

"Well, we pass, next time okay, Grow more steonger" like that, they are the chillest being in the universe. 800 billion years together and interacting with even though 80 percent of my life there was played with because I practiced fighting demons while having cosmic cancer, and studied with angels about faith even though my immunity is gone so you can imagine the torture fight in hell with base human capability not Doom guy build and in the presence of angel that make you instantly obliterate near them.

I put this ring on and I could feel the connection with them, then I bought it even though I drawback this would be dangerous.

[- 144,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Orbs Used]

[A covenant of 72 Demons and 72 Angels was created, a covenant of devotion created for you. These pillars stand as the embodiments of ancient forces, shaping the very fabric of existence.

The 72 Demon Pillars, each bearing a unique name and indomitable presence, command an array of dark and formidable abilities. From the malevolent Maelstrom, the Tempest King, to the enigmatic Anarchyx, the Chaos Incarnate, these demon pillars embody chaos, destruction, and raw power. They are the architects of nightmares and the bringers of turmoil, weaving their influence across dimensions.

In contrast, the 72 Angel Pillars radiate celestial radiance, embodying virtue, enlightenment, and harmony. The luminous Solariel, the Dawnbringer, and the compassionate Seraphina, the Seraphic Herald, are but a glimpse of the divine grace bestowed upon these celestial pillars. They offer hope, protection, and guidance, their ethereal presence inspiring mortal souls towards enlightenment and peace]

[Reminder : Command spell and Summoning type power. need incantation to able manifest. 800 billion year i'm in celestial plane, i call upon your name, O mighty Celestial and Purgatory being, As Marshal of Heaven. Right hand of The God. Come to me, Ark of Covenant]

[Reminder : This power has side effect to severe for you to handle, you can use it again once every 1 year]

"basically noble phantasm, Solomon Reference there. sigh. This gonna bit spectacular" I took a leisurely bath before I became a messiah.

I do have blue archive in my phone but the chinese empress will give me concern look of my UUOOOGHHHHH, Im not that kinda people. i whale my gacha roll when No content in Arknight, many other game like Girls frontline, HI3, Azur Lane (I have all ship girl skin for research purpose, Banger game indeed)i had in my big ass phone. also i put my income there for wasting my surprise money, I'm just a simple man want to enjoy other man creation ignoring my addiction to gaming and gacha

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