
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · Video Games
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161 Chs


When Rhodes Island returned from Vacation they were surprised that I was left behind in wonderland, Olympia was silent not responding to Kal'tsit and Amiya's questions though, Priestess calmed Rhodes Island to continue what I left here.

They are working as usual but they forbid my room to be visited because of Kal'tsit Order and Priestess order as my proxy.

I now cooking a massive feast in the cafeteria where it is quiet because they are still sleeping, some Operators like Phantom, Hellagur and many Operators before Victoria arc or Mansfield Event are here but Anthony is not here or mountain to be precise.

I looked at the clock and started to open the cover of the food, spreading an amazingly delicious smell which spread throughout the ship, I levitated and eliminated myself with predator invincibility.

The Rhodes Island members came in like a panic buying each table with their favorite food.

"VALTORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" Kal'tsit shouted as loud as she could and I didn't answer Kal'tsit's shout just watched from above.

"FIND HIM" I giggled at the sight of her chewing on that huge piece of meat which was a luxurious heavenly meal in front of them, the food was all gone in no less than 10 minutes, all the food was gone then new food appeared again with different variations that were more delicious than the appetizer.

"WHERE ARE YOU BASTARD" I just laughed at Kal'tsit who was getting emotional, I just laughed silently then the food was finished now it was dessert time, many snacks came out from ice to bread to fresh fruit that I mixed with grated ice and various delicious jam cakes.

"WHERE ARE YOU!" Kal'tsit missed some of these foods even though they were the foods she loved when we were still adventuring.

"here" Everyone turned their heads to the ceiling where I sat floating, my clothes fluttering beautifully with myself busy reading the report Kal'tsit gave me, I landed with my hair tied in a ponytail that fluttered beautifully like the flow of the waves.

"its been 21 days and you already miss me. but for me is 700,000 years, know the difference please" Everyone was wide-eyed even lost of word how enchanting I was even as if time here was stopped, I casually stood at the end of the window showing the view of Lungmen there.

"This is my true appearance, A Heavenly Marshal, or should I say, The God Of War from Heaven, So" Boo appeared by showing a huge Godly energy releasing a cosmic universe aura that vaporized into constellations on its blade.

Celestial regalia appeared by becoming a large Thorn beside me which was now a needle similar to the Cosmic Golden Spark as well as my cybernetic arm that I had modified with Fairy, Angel and Devil to make an extraordinarily advanced and magical divine arm.

Ascendant became a hyper reality 4D hologram to my left and right showing all forms of accurate and up-to-date information every corner of Terra to all forms of designs that I wanted to develop, Teleportation pods, Augment Reality Equipment, and many more.

"I can't talk for long because my voice is too "sensational" simply put, I help you if you are lost or hesitated for something, I help you if you need battle planning and I will help you in consultation except consultation in matters of romance or love, don't consult that to me. If you want to invite me to go on a mission, please. I will gladly go with you" I smiled innocently and the godly light aura shone on them all, Blessed by heaven, basked by the holy light of heaven.

"continue the banquet, I gladly enjoy this moment" I flicked my finger at the drinks in all of their hands which had a unique color which they were confused about.

"Special water from Magical fountain in wonderland, special drink that I personally brew and create. taste it, its full of vitality and no alcohol" they drink it directly and feel their bodies refreshed as full of energy and power.

"Olympia, please play the music of welcoming festival from wonderland."

[Understood, playing the music]

I sat down and Boo floated beside me, now it was time to work on the Teleportation Pad we wanted to build.

Kal'tsit approached me and immediately hugged me warmly, I pinch Kal'tsit's neck with Regalia then saw that she was "thirsty" looking girl, blushing hard and excited.

"Can you please go take a shower, the smell of your pillow saliva and the smell of your food is making me uncomfortable" The portal opened where it was Kal'tsit's shower room and I put her inside then I closed the shower door then closed the portal.

"What a lazy cat" I re-designed the teleportation device with Hyper Reality 4D Hologram. I opened the Ascendant Archive where I opened the Endgame Time Travel machine, I copied the design and removed some unnecessary and redundant things, except for the light breacher pad which pushes particles.

I disassembled this teleporter with a design imitating how Wormholes work for space manipulation, I made a suitable design then made calculations on how the thing works with thousands of calculus, formulas, various advanced technology implementations.

The speed of checking this formulation is very fast to nano second as if thousands of formulas and laws are moving, theorized, materialized, implemented quickly and my eyes keep looking at all the thousands of numbers, letters and the entire design of this formulation with a relaxed face until it stops where the entire cafeteria is full of thousands of algorithms.

I took the formulas one by one that I had calculated to turn living things into matter then from matter to living things as a whole, then objects to matter then matter to objects.

I then saw the Light breacher that formed a mirror, I opened my Archive again and took the Composer design from Forerunner, I redesigned it by taking the formula I had, changing the purpose of the composser which is extracting the mental pattern of a biological being of sufficient neural complexity and converting it into data by broadcasting high-energy fields of entangled sympathies into changing the essence of something into digital which I combined with Wormhole space travel work, then a new formula appeared in Hyper Reality which has many possibilities.

I took some important formulas and made a new formula for how teleportation in this machine works, Objects placed on the pad will have their essence transformed into digital subject or matter and then manifested again from matter or digital into real form.

With Composer being the conduit and I simulated this with Ascendant, the results were quite satisfactory especially in the speed of this tool working, I then designed a connection system between Composer to another Composer with a special frequency where various new formulations appeared again, I rewrote the memo and designed with the digital frequency of each Composer by imitating the ID for each Composer.

Then I tried another simulation by making the same two pads and putting one piece of paper onto this pad and the paper successfully teleported. Then it was time to try living creatures. I saw that everyone was still wide-eyed and in awe of my work, I shook my head and made a portal where there was a wild Seaborn, I kidnapped the Seaborn and threw it into the Teleportation Pad.

The Seaborn vanished and then reappeared on the next pad, I looked at the changes in the Seaborn, there seemed to be something missing, namely a match and some adaptations to living objects to make digital transfers, this would be good for creating a database.

I made the entire essence of each race here both of these races complete, the Seaborn was assimilated and became a Liberi Seaborn, I did the teleportation again and succeeded then a new formula appeared, then I reversed the Seaborn's engineering from Seaborn liberi to normal seaborn then Seaborn to Draco and on and on to feranmut to chimera even though I used it all until it was finished.

The Seaborn was still confused and I used the Celestial Regalia hand to take Skadi's sword and kill the Seaborn.

I cleaned Skadi's sword with holy water and returned it. The Seaborn became a very cute Muchus, I took the Muchus and made it float beside me, boo surrounded the Muchus and then I continued this.

I made the entire formula into a database then reset the teleportation device in then after enough time I made the fuel for this device with hypothectical formula none other than Pure Originium plus the unique Divine Light and Lightning and made a smaller prototype.

I put Muchus and teleported it then the results were successful. there are no defects then vice versa, indeed there are no defects but now the question is with so few workers because honestly the Engineering team is quite small in Rhodes island, mostly mercenary and common voluntary workers.

I then put down this design and then looked at Seaborn's Muchus, I sighed and then picked it up. I saw the DNA, Cell, Various genetics in this Muchus which happened to have been assimilated by all the inhabitants of Terra who were even extinct.

I then repaired the Genetic Engineering Firstborn following the Ancient teachnology in deep of the abyss, honestly there is more technology there that has disappeared but I will go there someday.

After sufficiently exploring this entire genetic, I altered it with my knowledge in changing Ancient to Elder to Progenitor to the truest Form of being.

I turned Muchus into a 19-20 year old teenage human then I changed his form and I named him Orion, Based on legendary Hunter in Myth and added with abyssal hunter reference then this will be better.

Orion's origins lie in the depths of the abyss, born from a monstrous creature. he has undergone genetic engineering as supposedly Firstborn purpose or This terra people. though his understanding of human emotions and defenses remains limited due to his origin of Seaborn.

I gave Orion, a genetically engineered supercomputer brain altering his Assimilation from seaborn and Hive mind we many, granting him a level of intelligence that surpasses ordinary humans. His mind operates like a complex network of interconnected thoughts, processing information rapidly and uncovering intricate connections. He possesses an insatiable thirst for knowledge, always seeking to expand his understanding of the world.

Orion approaches social situations with a refreshing sense of naivety and innocence due to his limited comprehension of human emotions. He perceives the world with childlike wonder, unburdened by the complexities of deceit or ulterior motives, which can make him both vulnerable and endearing to others.

Lacking a comprehensive understanding of human deception, Orion possesses an unwavering sense of purity and honesty. He sees the world through a lens of transparency and genuineness, inspiring trust and deep connections. His unwavering honesty also makes him an advocate for truth and justice.

While struggling to fully grasp human emotions, Orion possesses a profound sense of compassion. Guided by an innate desire to protect and help others, he is often drawn to those in need. Though he may not comprehend emotional pain in its entirety, his genuine care and empathy provide solace to those who seek his support.

Orion's physical features reflect his lineage based from Poseidon and Euryale, radiating a captivating and otherworldly allure.

Orion's flawless skin possesses a rare luminosity, reminiscent of the gleam of the moon on a tranquil night. Its opalescent shimmer adds to his celestial beauty, casting a soft halo of radiant light when touched by sunlight.

Flowing like liquid silver, Orion's resplendent mane cascades down his back in elegant waves. Each strand carries an ethereal sheen, moving as if guided by unseen currents, enhancing his captivating presence.

Inherited from Seaborn Gene and Seaborn-Ægir hybrid, Orion's eyes hold a magnetic allure. Their deep, mesmerizing hue resembles polished rubies, vibrant and intense. Within their depths flickers a hint of ancient wisdom, a testament to the power rooted in his lineage.

Orion's melodic voice rivals the enchanting sirens, resonating with a hypnotic quality. Each word drips with captivating charm, leaving behind an ethereal echo that lingers in the air.

Beyond his individual features, Orion's presence exudes regality and commands attention. An aura of reverence surrounds him, a tangible manifestation of his divine heritage. In his presence, the air stills, as if nature itself recognizes and pays homage to the mythical blood coursing through his veins.

Now what else ? That's right, reproduction. Since Seaborns are a bit unique what with Orion being a more perfect Humanoid Seaborn, or Seaborn as the case may be, His child will be Seaborn. I altered his Gene Inheritance. Orion can have children of any Race but Seaborn children are rare because of a 1/10 chance, If Orion marries a non Seaborn then the child will follow his mother's genetics with a bit of his father's appearance, whether it is unusually beautiful skin, red eyes with a blend of his mother's eye color or having a unique hair color. The child's genetics will 70 percent follow his mother and be enhanced slightly by adapted Orion genetics such as Talulah's Draco Blood or Inheritent power but Orion children cannot inherit their father's power instead their mother's power will be enhanced.

But the irony is, Why the hell he looks like Noctis ? With white hair like Sephiroth and alluring red crimson eyes like Dracula, Holy shit. He is handsome and cool.

"I suppose he will be the first Seaborn Race as Human here, Last Blood Of Humanoid Seaborn. Orion, That is his name" Unexpectedly Orion opened his eyes and got up by stretching his arms, I flicked my fingers and Orion immediately put on the same clothes as Noctis.

"a? a...aaa?" Ah shit, I forgot he still has the intelligence of a two-month-old child.

"Orion, Welcome to Rhodes Island. Im your creator, more like your father by default. Before you question anything regardless of knowledge what happened, Learn this" I gave a large dictionary of Terra language, Orion stood up even though he was a little staggered my Regalia hand held it then Orion could walk normally then sat next to me and read the book quickly like speed reading, His intellect will be equal to me.

I turned my head to look at everyone who run out of words again, I smiled and saw Kal'tsit came here in her best Maid dress.

"Orion. There is your maid, say Hi"

"Hi" Orion smiled innocently making invincible Arrow piercing some Lady operator's heart here, Most beautiful man in Rhodes Islands there is Me and Orion.

Alice with her creativity and Orion with his intellect, This will be deadly force of my foster family.

"Valtor, I need an explanation. WHAT THE HELLL IS HAPPENING !!!!!!!!" Orion put his hands over his ears and went back to reading this large dictionary book, I only saw Kal'tsit shouting loudly here.

"Which one ?"

What happened if Seaborn that hated by Inquisitor and Abyssal Hunter become human ? This will be chaotic but its fine, I Will Use him as Future plot

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