
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · Video Games
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Fire in the hole

I caught by Kal'tsit using the Energy Sword, I explained my invention and my creation which made Kal'tsit feel dead inside. She lost word and I explained her what is plasma, ion and Ray in the nutshell.

thank you miss Jessica, despite you old and forgetful yet you are our school best teacher to teach us something new. she is a game maniac and she implemented science fiction thing into our curriculum and brainstorming with us.

how this work in real life, how to implement it if our technology reach that thing, and honestly we never hate her, we the boys because she is good and always smile even we constantly argue each other about most mundane shit.

Energy sword is a normal sword with not based on steel rather pure energy, the burst energy ability I never try because we are always in constant overseer by some Nobility.

Energy Dagger is small but this dagger is unlimited in number I throw it to the ground and it always reappears and a pretty cool effect is that this Dagger penetrates anything like a needle.

Energy Whipblade is just like a normal sword that can extend like a whip that is very easy to adjust in size and each layer of this releases an electric charge that is so loud like Ghidorah growl.

The Energy Spear is just like the Halflight Spear of Church Darksoul, Awesome. It's gold in color to mimic Ghodrah's color palette and adds electricity like Ghidorah's head streaking the tip of the spear.

When I aim with this spear, three ghidorah heads spin in front of me forming a scope that can widen 20x, 40x to 100x depending on the amount of energy collected in the Lightning god weapon.

Spinning Three blade is Nemesis Whip God of war, cool. and if I rotate this like a knife play then this blade will become fast and fast to form a circle of lightning and then form like Magatama.

The speed can be said to almost touch Mach 2.5 and the most ridiculous thing is if I grip my hand firmly the speed of this Blade increases 5 times and this blade becomes large and large as it collects energy to create three Ghidorah heads that are beautiful.

How to stop it? Well just relax your hand and its energy will be reserved again into lightning god weapon. This weapon is good for making energy content material plus Suit maybe I can create shudarsana disk with this.

Energy claw in the same as Predator claw, cool with ghidorah motive blade, its awesome yet cool even serrated edge is spiked with lightning.

Lastly, the energy shield is similar to Iron man Endgame, but the shape of Ghidorah's head which has dominating eyes shows that you can't hit me fools just like ghidorah.

This makes Kal'tsit very excited to know that there is technology like this, she wants to learn it even she abandoned her sleep schedule, what does she want? Is she guilty about her lack of improvement?

I feel sorry for Kal'tsit, she don't need to do this. I want her to enjoy whatever she did and had, not forcing herself like this, its not good for her health.

"Kal'tsit, rest. you are already exhausted, don't push it further" Kal'tsit looked at me with a look that was enough to make me feel even worse.

"No, make me a coffee again" I sighed and took the book from Kal'tsit then Kal'tsit looked at me with a disappointed look.

"WHY, let me study it" I smiled and squatted in front of Kal'tsit then looked into her eyes gently.

"Don't force yourself kal'tsit, I know you lack improvement but seeing you like this. I am so" Then Kal'tsit laughed like a maniac, 0 Sanity moment? Fuck.

"VALTOR" I immediately made Kal'tsit faint, and put her to sleep on our bed. 0 sanity moment there and its dangerous for our future relationship.

I then reorganized these theorems and improved them myself with the implementation of the knowledge here as well as some improvements that can be implemented in Originium or without Originium, because I remembered about the Sarcophagus in Chernoborg which must be Reverse Nuclear Engineering.

I went to the prison cafeteria to cook Kal'tsit's food and some snacks she liked, Suit helped me by being my second and third hands, making all the prisoners surprised to see me multi tasking perfectly.

I maximized my cooking to make the entire prison smell like a delicious meal that would make anyone's stomach hungry just smelling it.

After making Parfait and some delicious and nutritious food, I bring it to our cell and look at Kal'tsit who is sitting sweetly like a cat, she knows her favorite food smell and she is willing to be obedient girl.

"finally you are sane again" I put this food and kal'tsit immediately ate it with gusto without caring that her clothes were dirty, she wanted this and she was willing to do anything to eat this.

Beef Bourguignon, Beef wellington, and her favorite snack that is Trifle, chicken strip and cranberry salsa dip. i know all of these Gordon Ramsay recipe but honestly he indeed best teacher for me to cook, i watch every single episode of kitchen nightmare and learn his recipe book.

"slow down, there is no need to rush" Kal'tsit ignored me and continued to chew this Beef Buorguignon until it was clean in this bowl, I also fed Mon3tr the same, Mon3tr asked me to so I don't mind giving this food for mon3tr.

While some prisoners are jealous of kal'tsit because I am literally the best chef in the entire jail, even the warden himself even asked me to make snacks every time he visits but on the condition that I am given a special cupboard for myself to cook and it must be full of ingredients.

The warden loves my buffalo wings that are rich in sauce and even I'm mesmerized by the flavor, it's so good.

Kal'tsit handed me another plate, she want more? damn girl, fine I will create more food for you.

I went to the kitchen again to cook but because the majority of the food cupboard only contains meat.

I had to remember Gordon Ramsays Recipes, Veal, Fat roasted beef, Gourmet meatloaf, Perfect slow cooked beef, Beef brisket. all complete then I made Perfect Slow cooked Beef again for the other prisoners who were pleading with me at the end of this canteen, look at those kitty eye and lizard eye who want a chew from my food.

"here, share it" I put three big pots that I have increased and literally this is enough for them to eat for more than 3 days, I evacuated from the kitchen before there was a big protest here, when I brought the food to my cell, there was immediately a big fight over the pot by all the prisoners even the prison guards intervened to ease the chaos.

I tried not to laugh at their behavior of making this prison a mess with my cooking.

I put this down and kal'tsit and Mon3tr went back to eating my food and I ate my own Beef brisket and Gourmet meatloaf for myself.

Kal'tsit finished eating and stroked her full belly, Kal'tsit came over to me and sat on my lap and asked me to pet her head with the code "pet me, human. pet me!"

I sighed and chuckled, I stroked Kal'tsit's hair gently ignoring the chaos outside that had reached the point where the prisoners were using their Art to fight over a piece of meat in the pot.

"thank you, can you teach me" I then taught Kal'tsit what Ion, Plasma, and Ray were slowly then one by one then their implementation in originium as well as how to implement it without originium although implementation without originium was fairly impossible because there was no source of medium so it was just a hypothesis.

Kal'tsit was sleepy because she was full but fortunately my explanation was finished, I put kal'tsit on the bed and gave her a blanket for Kal'tsit to sleep, I kissed kal'tsit's lips and forehead then smiled.

"Rest okay, don't force yourself" Kal'tsit nodded and started to fall asleep, I continued my training, I made my own gym equipment with the help of Suit.

until I am strong enough to use the Spinning Gatling gun one hand I will not stop training my body to its limit, Apex mutagen will adapt and Life enhancer Existence growth and Enhanced Healing will make this buff more powerful than before.

While we were still cool in our cells, outside our cells a pool of blood formed in the canteen, many prisoners were injured and there were several guards also injured because of this.

and this tragedy became a hot topic of conversation in Victoria as a tragedy that was quite unfortunate for the nobles, everyone in here ain't snitch so they will shut up about who the culprit is because they already taste the meat so why bother telling these bastards.

so my cooking is a weekly menu that must be in prison, and all people are willing to queue or wake up early to get the first queue of this heavenly food, no chaotic act again like before but I gain more respect by these people.

The warden certainly became more corrupt by blackmailing Aslan and Artoriouses to help repair the prison that was damaged by the previous tragedy but in reality the funds ran to the food stock and only replaced some of the facilities damaged here by the previous chaos.

Until a few years ago in 998, when I was playing cards with the prisoners here, our prison was attacked by a group. This was a mercenary group that wanted to overthrow Victoria's power, all the prisoners and even the guards took up arms and protected each other.

this is not a simple art this is a dead fire art. and Eblana doesn't seem to be involved in this, this must be a scheme behind the scenes to bring down Victoria.

"We need to escape, the city of Londonium has fallen, These people are not a real person they are undead, an immortal who has only one purpose. purge down the city, escape, EVERYONE ESCAPE" I used the Whipblade and danced beautifully on the battlefield making a path for us to escape from this city but I had other ideas.

"Kal'tsit lead the people to underground, I will search for any survivors and lead them to underground, GO" Everyone looked at Kal'tsit, Kal'tsit nodded and looked at me who was still fighting with this ifrit.

"follow me" I found a lot of Survivors in Londonium and led them all to the underground Refuge, and I have tracked down all the survivors and injured, it seems that there are no casualties from this chaos but I have to get out of here soon.

in the underground place where almost all Londonium residents and nobles take refuge, the nobles do not know that the public knows this place. bitch please i create this tunnel when i invade you fucker.

Kal'tsit was waiting for me at the place we entered and I emerged with an excited sigh.

"Nice work" I nodded and sat down to catch my breath.

[+ 156,000,110 Orbs Gained]

"What about everything?" Kal'tsit told me that because of this mess, some residents were asking for compensation, oops we must get the fuck out.

"lets jinx it" Kal'tsit and I got the fuck out of here and we hid in Leithanein not wanting to get involved in Victoria's bullshit.

We became scholars here but with one problem we had to watch out for, the Witch King was watching us because our knowledge of art impressed him.

We wanted to be scholars but in the Witch King's eyes we were the perfect legacy when his reign ended, so we got a special seat in the nobility and I recommended Kal'tsit as the head of this family.

But I used a little manipulation so that we didn't have any attachment to Leithanen because we were just nomadic people, the Witch King didn't complain except his other royalty who genuinely hated us, more over my severe Oripathy making them disgusted.

And that's where we became enemies of the royalty and became honored students of the Witch king because he gave some Art Caster ideas that I myself actually didn't need to learn anymore but His genuine research to explore the possibility of art made me want to use this as reference when we created Rhodes island.

This is where our lives became normal, sexually of course we release it full.

"Valtor!" we release that urge here without even caring about the Witch king, what he gonna do? kill me? bah, doctor strange and doctor fate is stronger than him.


Kal'tsit Journal

Ion? I got it, Ray? I got it, Plasma? I got it. Valtor, Valtor. thank you and thank you so much for your knowledge.

I don't know what I can give you but by taking refuge in Leithanen with the Witch King, we're getting closer to the Witch King who we recognize as a genius in the Caster Art.

Valtor, me, the Witch King did what we call research. Witch King came up with the idea, I developed the possibilities and Valtor did the proofreading as well as some of the weaknesses and strengths.

The Witch King was so happy to have someone on the same page with him, the Witch King gave us a title of nobility which immediately made some Kurfürsten reject us until they saw Valtor's Oripathy hand.

And they despise him, it makes me angry so much that Valtor gave up on me sitting in the noble seat in exchange for Valtor becoming my knight, Why Valtor. why did you back down? You can subdue all of them and yet you back down?

until I heard from Valtor's mouth that we will not be nobles forever and we cannot get involved in Leithanen politics because we aim to be scholars only.

The Witch king agreed and gave a decree that even these nobles had to accept inevitably, we had the right to get the same facilities as the nobles and the right to help the Leithanen people who were neutral, then we got the right to participate in the Witch king's project directly without any interference from the nobles, then finally we had the right to leave or say goodbye from Leithanein without any threats or pressure from third parties.

Valtor and I secretly shook hands, Sui's political manipulation art and also our capability as Gaul counselor and marshal is good.

So we would only move if it didn't involve politics and projects that the Witch King wanted to do but we were instead considered by the Witch King as colleagues and fellow scholars who continued to want to develop Originium Art.

In our manor house, Valtor and I vented all our fasting, we do it every time, anywhere, we dive down towards pleasure even i almost forget how long we gonna do this, and we never have enough, we want more, no i want more. I want him for myself.

Note: his human hands touching my body gently makes me really can't hold this turmoil, am I addicted to this? I need a medication for this. this is because only two of us alone. our mind wonder to the pleasure while there are other people we act like professionals and know how to hold our desire.

at least we know, when we are alone. we become ourselves, we don't cover each other but I know Valtor must have something to hide but I don't want to lose my sanity like before, how pathetic I am when I get 0 sanity and laugh like a total maniac to make Valtor spoil everything in him for me, if my true self gets exposed to him. maybe I will bury myself under Kazdel and lock myself until Valtor Existence vanishes from my memories.

I forget, Valtor has Hyperthymesia, he will remember anything we experience. I hope he never mentions that time, because I was silly cat before, well too bad he will never mention someone shame but I never see him so mad or showing slightly agitated state, if I witness it maybe I will see his true color.

I just want to know how if the god is angry, I want to see with my own two eyes, hopefully it will be the most beautiful memory I have ever seen. Valtor is really mad.

Shitty enough My CN Arknight Version already lack of HH or even originite prime because that two Lupo, many spook happened in that account and making me go insane just by staring at it, If HG drop Ho'olheyak 3 month prior notice. i would skip dorothy banner, Mylnar banner, and This two Lupo banner. Sigh, it is what it is, She also mock my stupidity because lack of control. Bitch please my luck still above you, i got those 6 star under 50 pull while you grind your ass to oblivion. anyway, thanks

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