
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · Video Games
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161 Chs

Expedition Marshal Episode 4 : Monster Hunter

Using the Necron Sword in this training session, I was watched by various Rastas and even some newbies wanted to see how I fought.

I used Telluric Fury and Vengeful cut continuously and when I felt I had built up momentum I immediately used rapid slash making it a bit overwhelming for me.

Putting aside that this training ground is quite small but I didn't expect my skills to be quite good, I stopped and looked at the Necro sword which was quite disgusting to see but what else could I do, the necro sword attribute is celestial Killer, is Overpowered.

But there is one problem, the guild Master in Dundorma needs me to return. something happened my instinct says about new land dealing about Parasite.

Qurio, nice timing. with Demonic Heritage and Malzeno vampire ability I can create Devil Gene.

I leave Mezeporta and say goodbye to the Guild Master but apparently I get something from her, I get a kiss in the cheek then she gives me a smug face, with this action I can conclude. sometimes I have to know when to stop putting my dick in crazy.

"be careful" I nodded and looked at some of the Rastas here who were jealous, I grinned and I would show something to make them lose their minds, I took out my angel wings or you could say my phoenix wings were more beautiful than usual then I flew to Dundorma.

"he, an angel... did i fall in love with an angel?" The Guild Master still couldn't comprehend what was happening while everyone was just there losing their fucking minds.

I arrived at Dundorma and it turned out that I was a reinforcement for the Kingdom not far from here, I nodded and took the commission.

While I was traveling by ship, I was with some hunters who happened to be along. I took out Crissaegrim. I tried to put energy in this sword and it generated Omega energy strong enough for our ship to be crossed by something.

Velkhana, look at me who is in the deck staring at her. She roared and I took the dragonnator from the deck chain it with my necrosword and Dagger of time, I aimed her and shot that Dragonator, it hit then I stabbed the ship with her as the horse.

She roared and I just grabbed the chained drive this ship with her.

[ Talent Obtained : Mount Mastery ] 

[ Mount Mastery: A true virtuoso in the art of riding, possessing a unique talent that allows them to create, manipulate, and even dissolve mounts — entities utilized for transportation. This unparalleled ability extends beyond mere horsemanship, enabling them to forge profound connections with creatures of all kinds, ranging from the mundane to the mystical.

Their expertise includes an uncanny knack for instantly comprehending the intricate behaviors of animals, regardless of their simplicity or complexity, whether they are of natural, magical, or scientific origin. This profound understanding empowers them to tame and transform even the wildest of creatures into loyal and willing mounts, forging bonds that transcend the barriers of the ordinary.

Their mastery spans a vast spectrum, from domesticated beasts and cryptids to otherworldly and sacred creatures. With their innate connection to the animal kingdom, they can ride into the realm of myth and legend, astride cryptids and demonic beings as effortlessly as they do with sacred and mythical creatures.

This gift is not just a form of transportation; it is a testament to their ability to bridge the gap between humans and the natural world, a symbol of their deep respect and harmony with the animal kingdom. They are the custodians of a rare and ancient art, capable of riding into realms of adventure that others can only dream of.

Moreover, they possess the extraordinary gift of nurturing and training others in the art of riding, instilling the values of compassion, trust, and respect in their students. They are not only masters of the saddle but also ambassadors of unity between humanity and the animal kingdom.

In every ride, they are the undeniable masters, forging bonds with creatures that transcend mere transportation, creating a world where humans and animals unite in harmony, adventure, and mutual respect]

I started to soften this, Velkhana was a little comfortable as our ship moved at a speed quite beyond reason, we reached the Kingdom border, and Velkhana I let go, I arrived at the Kingdom border but Velkhana turned around and then kidnapped me.

Everyone panicked and I just fought her in Malzeno territory. 2 in 1, ah perfect timing.

Malzeno sees us dancing in the castle then tags in, Threesome? Fine by me. I then transformed into Transcendence Dragon.

My body is like a Western dragon body structure with 8 Wings and 7 Headed golden color just like the combination head of Ghidorah and Placidusax including 4 eyes of each head, my power literally rendering the world making it walking end of the day, Velkhana and Malzeno are overwhelmed and I just dash to them.

I attacked with Overcharged Omega Beam and Overcharged Phoenix Flame, making Velkhana's body melt while Malzeno was blown so far away.

I saw the Hunter who came to see the new species of dragon that was me, I approached them my head number 5 looking at them.

My head growled and I spread my eight wings then Malzeno and Velkhana appeared, I grabbed their necks with my two heads then took them both away from here.

"New Species? We must report to the guild, Hunter. fall back that dragoon not hostile to us" while I comfortably, mate with these two dragons and eat them.

technically speaking my instinct is taking over me so I have no control over my transformation and nature, but currently I see a rare event about my transcendence dragon body mating with these two species and eating their bodies bit by bit at the same time. fascinating.

  After done mating them, eating their hearts and many intestines, many Qurio approach me and I supercharge my body with Primeval Lightning and vaporize this Qurio swarm.

All Qurio around me were dead, then I returned back to human, I vomited my stomach out, the taste was the most disgusting thing I've ever done, I mean Velkhana and Malzeno's bodies already cannot be described as carcass anymore.

the taste I admit is like eating food processed from a trash can with syrup that is your sperm, just imagine the taste.

[ Claim the reward ]

[ + 71 x 10⁸⁶⁴²⁸⁵ Orbs Gained ]

[ God arm : Crimon Stone & Ebony Stone, Demon Extract, NE-α Type Parasite ]

[ Crimon Stone & Ebony Stone : Two Magical stone given to you by Elisabetha, Wive of Infamous Dracula Mathias from Castlevania Series, She hope you can use this well not as his husband turn into someone she do not wishes. Sincerely Elisabetha Cronqvist

Demon Extract : Demon God Manifestation as they say in Akame Ga Kill Universe, A formidable Teigu known as 'Demon's Extract,' classified under the Elemental category. This remarkable artifact empowers its wielder with the unparalleled ability to induce instantaneous cryogenic effects by manipulating the kinetic energy of atoms. Essentially, it has the capacity to render objects colder with a mere thought.

Crafted through the utilization of the lifeblood extracted from a super-class beast, this Teigu bestows upon its possessor a truly awe-inspiring skill set. Unlike conventional ice-controlling abilities that rely on existing water sources in the atmosphere, the Demon's Extract allows its user to manifest and shape ice ex nihilo, conjuring it into existence from nothingness

NE-α Type Parasite : parasitic species genetically engineered by Umbrella In Resident Evil. Though this parasite is unstable for its physical capacity as a B.O.W. this species as a work-around for brain damage and mental degradation. Despite the defect Work, NE-α demonstrate human-level intelligence and self-awareness, and could manipulate its host into handling weapons ]

"worth huerrrggghhhhh" I put on the Hunter's Guild clothes and returned to Outpost Elgado, I ate all the food here without sparing anything, making all the hunters and even the Kingdom Knight surprised by my behavior.

I had already spent about 7 million Z but I still casually wanted to eat more, my head was hit by Kingdom Knight Fiorayne.

"Stop eating, you've depleted the food stock in Elgado" I stopped and took the Quest to collect food, I left quickly and returned 2 hours later with thousands or even hundreds of thousands of kilos of food with neatly arranged spices, meat and fish to various kinds of edible food, I carried this casually, then placed it in our food warehouse neatly arranged, each arrangement is perfect and easy to reach.

I made a potion and smeared it on this food warehouse then I clapped my hands and gave the chef a kiss, I patted Fiorayne on the shoulder and went to report to Chichae about my quarry.

Chichae wondered how I was that strong and I just explained my origins and the commission I got from the Guild Headquarter to help the Kingdom take care of the problem, but it seems like there's a new species making this problem even bigger.

"Speaking of that species, do you know about it?" Galleus approached me with Knight orders.

"When I was kidnapped by Velkhana, I fainted when that dragon appeared" Even though I was the dragon, I needed to drink Demon extract to control Dragon horny.

"Are you sure we are looking for you but you are not there" I know Luchika has sharp eye, she is suspicious about me but I have counter argument.

"I have little habit to explore alone, perhaps I can prove this to you" I took a large paper which I then painted the terrain of this place beautifully, every landmark to anything was clearly drawn. then later I made another sheet of paper where the habitat of monsters, migration, hunting, turf war and many things monster behavior, patterns and anything.

Thanks to Malzeno Qurio, they not only absorb life energy but true life essence, memory, power, gene, anything related to the monster in full so I can understand this in good way.

"is this suffice, that is why my reason of disappearance, sorry for my bad habit perhaps this is great intel for new hunter or investigation" I gave this to Galleus then went back to sit in the cafeteria and ate again and played with the hunter's Palico and Palamutes.

After being satisfied playing I was invited by several hunters to hunt, I was a no weapon user happily going with them, although the hunt this time was quite fun but I felt something that was Primordial Malzeno smell, that dragon resurrected.

Although it was quite slow but I could tell he was a little slow, I sent Symbiote to speed up Malzeno's recovery, Symbiote ate Velkhana's body while I got a notification.

[Cosmic Symbiote ready to mutate, Currently they try to assimilate to gain dragon form]


"Something bother you?" I saw Fiorayne beside me where I was making dinner for myself.

"Nothing, I just forgot to add herbs in this food" I put herbs into my food and closed it, I waited while listening to the hunters telling stories, Symbiote returned in secret, and I saw around no one observing me, Symbiote returned to my finger and I took my food.

Godlike Food, that's what they can smell. the delicious aroma of my homemade food is so delicious that many monsters swarm here, I eat casually my food and there are several monsters wanting to steal it from me.

"there" I threw empty food in nearby and chaos happened a literal turf war between monsters, while we sneak around avoiding casualty.

I was nagged by Fiorayne but I didn't care because the reason she was nagging me was because she wanted to try my food, that is her reason.

I arrived at the outpost and sat in the cafeteria to drink tea, that night I fished comfortably at the end of the pier feeling the roar of the waves and the sea breeze, then saw the big moon there.

"Time to Craft, what do you suggest Azathoth?"

[I suggest you create a Devil Gene based on your need right now, you can also gain a new Ally that is Death in your possession]


[Perhaps Familiars, They are bound to you rather than free being. You strong they also strong, they will depend on you by this metaphysical system or by your own existence, to be honest. i already created a barricade to your system, so only one knows it is consider "Friend" ]

"Thank you"

[no worry, that is my purpose, you and i have same purpose, chaos but im not free as you but as long as you do chaos, i get more powerful adding your metaphysical system and your whole existence is consider me using living planet with many universe ending weapon]

"fair enough" before making a connection I have to make a power of death from material.

[ ⚔️ Forge ]

[ Material ]

Holy Fire Meggido + Flame of God Olympus + Flame of Life Hunt Flame + Phoenix Force + First Flame + Forbidden Knowledge > Primeval Flame Of Death

Demon Extract + Demonic Heritage + First Flame + Dream Imagination + Forbidden Knowledge + Primeval Flame Of Death > Prime Evil Gene

[ Σ Enhance ]

[ Main Attribute ]

Pinnacle Celestial Body >[ Prime Evil Heritage ] = >[ Requirement : Prime Evil Gene ]

[ Λ Upgrade ] 

⏫ Crimson Stone + Ebony Stone + Dream Imagination + Forbidden Knowledge + Meta Arch Wizard + Limit Break > Calamity Stone

[ Reminder : Some material will be lost, collect more material ]

[ Forge 70 x 10²¹⁸⁷⁵ ]

[ Prime Evil God : Those who possess the incredible gene of Prime Evil God can undergo a profound transformation into beings of godly power and influence, transcending the comprehension of lesser demonic entities. ascend to rule over an entire pantheon of demons as their god, instilling both awe and fear in their subjects, with only a rare few capable of opposing their might. Yet, the essence of these beings goes beyond that of ordinary demons, as you are Transcendent Hybrids, potentially embodying elements of Transcendent Dragonborn (Demon Dragon as Your Dragon God Gene in you), Transcendent Human (Demonic Human as your origin), Transcendent Nephalem (Transcendent Angel as your connection to all Seraph), Deity (Demonic Deity as connection to God), and more. This unique fusion propels your potential and amplifies all your abilities far beyond the norm for transcendent demons.

Known as Archdemons, standing as the highest and most potent of all demons, wield immense dark and infernal powers, exerting boundless influence over the entire hierarchy of lesser demons. You represent the pinnacle of demonic achievement within their species, second only to the status of deities. Many of these formidable demons ascend to become rulers of the nether realms, earning the respect of Satan and becoming esteemed inhabitants of True Hell, often considered second in command to the Devil himself.

In stark contrast to demons god, who are formidable in their own right, archdemons surpass them in influence, demonic might, and the regal titles they hold in the infernal hierarchy. While not always rulers, you consistently occupy the highest echelons of demon society. As embodiments of evil, darkness, and chaos, they rank among the most formidable beings in existence, serving as ultimate destroyers with unparalleled power.

What sets them apart further is their Anti-Gods authority, granting them boundless power capable of annihilating entire universes. In some instances, their might rivals that of the supreme creator, and a clash between Anti-Gods and other cosmic entities could potentially lead to the destruction and subsequent recreation of the entire multiverse. As the prime originators of all that counters creation, they wield absolute dominion over dark powers and stand as formidable forces in the cosmic tapestry] 

[ Calamity Stone: An accursed combined artifact from Crimson and Ebony Stone, the Calamity Stone harbors a malevolent secret within its crystalline core. It serves as a prison for the tormented soul of a once-powerful vampire, whose essence is harnessed to fuel the insatiable thirst for power of its possessor. This unholy union between the vampire's soul and the stone grants the holder an unprecedented and treacherous source of strength.

In a sinister pact, Death itself willingly pledges unwavering allegiance to the individual who commands the Calamity Stone. This allegiance extends beyond the mortal realm, forging a connection with the very forces that govern life and death. As a consequence, the possessor gains access to a profusion of supernatural powers, defying the constraints of the natural world. These abilities span a wide spectrum, ranging from the manipulation of life force and control over necromantic energies to the ability to command darkness itself]

"So what familiar i gain ?"

[ you will know once you wake up, good night]

"good night" I fainted and sat at the end of the pier, my body gave off an evil miasma then on my head appeared a crown, then from the crown appeared someone who hugged me warmly.

"Finally found you, My love"

I woke up in the roar of the morning waves that my body was covered by someone, I yawned big and saw that someone.

"Morning" I was surprised to see Death, From Granblue Fantasy, She's a modest person with royalty attire.

"Morning, Death. Thank you for protecting me."

"Yes my love" interesting, I didn't expect the death I expected is mistress death from Marvel or Death from dante inferno, or death from Castlevania, Nope its granblue Fantasy version but where is Nier? She supposedly tag along so I can fix her and adopt her as my daugther who is in constant need of affection.

"Death, do you have a contract with a girl named Nier?"

"Yes, I do. She's in here" Death showed me a Tarrot card with Nier in it, I analyzed this and saw Death, She actually erased Nier from that world and get called upon my Dream Imagination.

"You love her right?"


"Liar" Death took damage which had a distinctive sound to me but I didn't care no matter what her response was.

"No, I kill that make her suffer. That is her wish"

"No, what you did is not a good answer. Nier loves her family and wants their affection, you give her false affection instead. That is her wish, affection from her true family not you, you are just a primal beast. Being that follow natural instinct, give me Nier" I spread my arms, Death resisted until I released Prime Evil power and Dragon God power. Death was trembling in fear.

She counts as primal beast so she is weaker than my dragon god and prime evil, two combos against her.

She can see my dragon aura and evil aura behind my back growling and howling at her, the darkness and holy power dominate ungluing her to submit willingly or not.

Death gave the tarrot card and I took it, I contacted God to make Nier stay in wonderland as my adopted daughter, she and Alice will be great pair.

Cheerful Alice and mournful Nier, balance is finally restored.

Now the problem is what do I need to do with death, turn her into a weapon? That's plausible.

"Thank you, I will turn you into my weapon and you can watch over Nier from me"

"O...o....o...yes master" her tone changed, as expected, she was a lesser not higher entity. Perhaps this is a reminder that Nier's foster father is not a simple man.

I pat her head and she somehow enjoys it, she turns into brilliance light and appears as Dante Inferno Weapon.

[Item Obtained: Death Scythe]

[Death Scythe: Weapon from Dante Inferno Universe, the physical embodiment of Death. After turning death into submission and giving her a love, she turns into a scythe with anti god power, this weapon is able to nullify invulnerability and take away any kind of immortality]

"Thank you" I brought this Scythe, we gathered to do a briefing for a moment, although I didn't pay enough attention because some of the Hunter were very afraid of my scythe with monster spine as its handle.

"Where did you find that Scythe Hunter Valtor"

"I found it while fishing, I like the design"

"Eerie but you do you"

"It's not practical by design but I assure you it's effective"

"Alright, I hope you finish your investigation on the dragon" I nodded and went to the chichae to take the commission, alone as expected of course.

Until I was followed by some royal knights and some hunters, I saw the infant Magala. I approach it and diagnose it, it's not attacking more like docile to me.

Gore Magala Frenzy Virus is good for Nemesis counter about mind deteriorating perhaps I can alter it in the future with Seaborn muchus.

Until it feels other hunter presence, it roars and attacks me. I dodge the attack, grab Its tail and toss it around the hill.

Magala roars at me and I just stand there tank the virus frenzy like nothing.

"Nice, my turn" I slash this Scythe casually then use storm of cut to make Gore Magala overwhelmed, And finally I use spear and stab it with new combo.

[ Skill Obtained : Raging Phoenix ]

[Raging Phoenix: Taken from Sanada Yukimura Basara Series' Raging Flame moveset, this attack can be combined with various types of skills and specials depending on usage and momentum.

Spear is extended long sword, can you be faster than eye can keep up? ~ Phoenix]

"Raging Phoenix" I launched thousands or even trillions of stabs within 7 seconds, Gore Magala stood no chance against the weapon power and my speed including mobility and balance.

Gore Magala fainted and I carted it to a save place, Although the body was quite heavy but it was okay, I arrived at the border of the Outpost and began to perform surgery, it may sound illegal but I must understand the Frenzy Virus before I take it.

Interesting, frenzy virus increases the power, speed, sensitivity of monsters only qda pay that reduces their thinking ability and instinct.

Nemesis Virus lack of power, speed and sensitivity can cover the drawback of frenzy virus, but I need T-Type Virus for that and Veronica Virus to be able to control nature.

[God Arm: Frenzy Virus]

I have stored one Frenzy virus energy into the God arm and I started healing Gore Magala, after studying the Frenzy virus in detail especially in evolution, this will help the Guild's knowledge of Frenzy.

I carted Gore Magala back to his habitat and then left food for him, I went back and reported about the dragon but Chichae looked at me suspiciously even though I knew the stalking hunters said that I was a dangerous person.

After reporting I sat on the dock again fishing until I fell asleep, There was a horde of Qurio flying around me then they landed on my body and started sucking my blood, but little did they know my body was full of Symbiote and they got instantly devoured by them.

[Symbiote successfully ate Parasite Qurio, Gained Bat Transformation]

This notification made me surprised that my bait had disappeared, I clicked my mouth then saw that the bait in my bucket had also disappeared.

Suck it, I was forced to make more, I made this porridge again which was more delicious this time, although the smell was quite strange but when this was applied to the fishing hook and I put it into the water, many fish and various sea monsters were attracted by the smell of this food.

I got about 3 tons of fish food that I had currently fished, I was approached by a Palico who wanted to ask for food, I gave him one big fish for himself and many Palicos and palamutes approached me then asking for food.

Where the fuck is your buddy ?

I stopped the world, selected and cut up some of these food sources to keep in my stock, I then left some food which I then processed myself for them.

When the world resumed running, I handed the processed food to them where it smelled more fragrant and delicious than raw food.

I sat back down to fish with the empty bait, leaning against the dock until I was approached by Arlow.

"Want to practice? I heard you're pretty strong"

"No problem, I'm bored of fishing too" I followed Arlow to the hunter training camp, we started warming up with my Devil Knight swordmanship, combat proficiency and dance mastery. I literally dance with the blade making Arlow has lower chance to keep up the pace.

"How about three vs one" Fiorayne and random Knight joined in the train while Arlow and me had no problem with that despite the 3 v 1 situation I van keep up with the tempo, even I myself began to feel that there were several Hunter joining in to try out to hit me, landing a slight hit is to me is another challenge and yet my attacks always hit them, all weapon types used yet nobody was able to land a solid hit to my body.

"Enough, Hunter Valtor. Your sword mastery is amazing perhaps you can join Royal Knight as captain" Galleus appeared with his many knights.

"I'm flattered by the offer but I decline"

"I appreciate it but do you have something to hide? I heard you are quite suspected as a smuggler who sneaked into the Hunter Guild."

"The rumors are too much, but if you are willing to return me to the Hunter Guild then I don't mind."

"No, you have an assignment here to deal with the Qurio breakout, the map you provided gave a big clue about Qurio, Doctor Itadori was quite surprised that a hunter was able to see the pattern of Qurio."

"Greetings" I greeted Itadori like Wyverian culture.

"Greetings, how do you know about the Qurio pattern?"

"Malzeno Qurio, Qurio's habit of always returning to its host made me understand Qurio, now Qurio is returning to the monster that is the source of Qurio. Gaismagrom. Maybe with the death of Gaismagrom, Qurio Outbreak will be gone, nearby villages in kingdom territory will be free from this nightmare."

"But that dragon who took Velkhana and Malzeno will be another problem"

"No worry, that dragon is here" Everyone looked at me seriously then I went out to see Malzeno, no Primordial Malzeno flew over the outpost.

it lands in near dock and growl to me, while me just laugh and wave at her. it turn itself into female, funniest shit i ever done to Malzeno, she good to be mistress Carmilla or vampire lady but i prefer her in knight armor.

"Hello lady" it growl and stab me while i dodge and grab its wing and threw her into the ocean, she cannot swim making this more even funny than i expected, i dive down to sea and submerge her out of water, i put her in dock while i just doing first air treatment to her by punching her chest.

She woke up and coughing so much water making this scene more funnier, I laughed my heart content about her suffering.

"This is Malzeno, she pfftt, she guardian of the Kingdom before her turn into that malevolence dragon, she will help us to defeat gaismagrom....ahahahahha she will help us if she treated as dragon knight not as monster. agree?" everyone surprise to see me able to "talk" to dragon.

"Fascinating, you can talk with dragon?"

"More precisely, I can communicate to them, not only dragon but all monsters. like this" I whistle with melody, creating a harmonious melody that appears all elder dragon above us swarming like a beehive, I stop whistling and look at all of them amaze and fear at the same time.

"calm down, they are not hostile to us. they will help to defeat qurio and Gaismagrom but with a price" Malzeno growl to me and I just laugh again.

"This dragon wants me, perhaps she thinks im as a king of the dragon. well ignore that, ignore that. lets go, we gain another ally to help" We prepare even though i am bombarded with thousands of questions towards these dragons but i have no reason to tell the truth because of the forbidden knowledge and omni-lingual i have.

when we arrive in Gaismagrom nest and many Qurio swarm appear, all elder dragon try to fight while the human see Gaismagrom arise from hell. i need Gaismagrom power for next God arm, perhaps this will be great addition to my power.

Abyss power is very necessary for the next material, but I don't expect more. we fought together with the Elder dragon and really I don't want to make it longer because it was a one side battle, Gasmagrom lost and all Qurio died except one stronger Qurio that I secretly kidnapped and contained it in my God Arm.

[God Arm: Apex Qurio]

[Apex Qurio: Stronger underground parasitic leeches that drain the lifeforce out of any creatures they latch onto and transmit a virus that sickens their victims. The Qurio's teeth are powerful enough to puncture any material they latch onto. this Qurio effectively produces the nutrients to survive on their own, thus enhancing the hosts in order to properly feed the energy, empowering their hosts in the process]

I thought I gained Abyss power but Apex Qurio did the job, I carved up Gaismagrom's body until Malzeno attacked me in rampage, she tried to rematch until I threw her into the side of the cliff.

"you look like you need beating, sigh. i have no choice" I then jumped into the Abyss and turned into 7 headed Dragon arising from the abyss with brilliance light engulfing the world, all elder dragon bow down except Malzeno who raise her shield to bash me.

I grab Malzeno's wings with my two heads, supercharge the Omega beam and shoot her to the sky with red beam, I give my 5 heads to hunter to climb and they climb, we go to outpost and I see Malzeno in critical wound, I cure her and bring her back to outpost, we finish the job while I just float above the water healing Malzeno, all elder dragon return back to their habitat.

"this is it, farewell, I must return" I returned to being human and regrouped.

"You a dragon ? humanoid Dragon"

"Yes, in sense. I'm a dragon God, I'm above the Elder Dragon, an nature calamity also its guardian, i turn into human because some "past" that i don't want to discuss, don't you worry, i will not attacking human. human are friend and i'm last of the kind of my species so eventually probably soon, i will return back to dragon and die in old age, this human Vessel is halting my decaying body, eventually this vessel will perish with me"

"Thank you"

"no, no, no, thank you. thank you for trusting me, it's just that this is goodbye, may your kingdom prosper" I left with the Hunter crew back to Dundorma, except some hunters are still curious about me is Dragon, humanoid dragon to be precise. i answer some and some are not.

When I return to Dundorma I see Sophia, she waves at me while I am happy beyond happy, we talk about anything possibly many new monsters, without disturbing her work in counter.

"Hunter Valtor, we received information regardless of your Angelic wing" some of Hunter surprise about Angelic wing that Guild Master talk about.

"Oh you mean in Mezeporta? yes, I do have the wing" I sprut out my wing that majestic reaching the top of the building an instant, the feather drop is clean and pure also not tainted anything related.

"the rumor is true, you are an angel"

"Nope, there is more. he is a dragon"


"Yes, we see it, he is 7 headed dragon with 8 wings"

"Is that true" I transform into dragon in this place then return back into human body.

"All of them are true but there is a catch, I'm the last of my kind, so" I look at invincible watch and smile.

"tomorrow I will die due to old age"

"the coming age was creating a pact with Dragon?"

"yes, we make a pact to Elder Dragon, if we succeed we become their host, if we failed we become monster food or dragon depending on the situation, this human completed the pact with me and I gave him power beyond human capability but in exchange, he must eat one or two Dragon Hearts to sustain his life, if not. he will die, currently he is not eating dragon hearts for 25 years, so his time has come, he dies, I also die, I'm the last species of my kind, you cannot find me again in the edge of this world but perhaps this will suffice" I give The Guild Frenzy Virus report, many reports regarding land, species, and many more in this world in complete archive and map.

"As dragon God last species, perhaps this is farewell, protect the land human and wyverian, I am sure you can create balance between us. as long as my legacy as Dragon God will be your path to peace" I waved and returned to my Hut where I sat and pondered, I know I lied but thanks to Narrative Talent, my lie can be truth and some time I wish stop talking and doing job rather interacting, to much social skill making me bullshit my way out.

"Valtor you there"

"Come in, what happened Sophia?" Sophia go in and apologize for misunderstanding before to me but i can't blame her, i ask apology too and we chat about anything again until we forget the time, despite the time goes by we chat together, this misunderstanding makes relieved and we parted for the last time, She still best Guildmarm, concern about my departure, but i assure her, this will be great time, i wish she become my quest girl just like fire keeper. ah maybe i will ask God for that feature next world.

"Valtor, goodbye" somehow I shed a tear, never before someone say goodbye to me, I get emotional and cry like a man, Sophia panic while I just keep crying, she hug me tight and I hug her back in response.

"Thank you, never before someone say goodbye to me, I wish you have a happy life Sophia. goodbye" my body glowing in light and bit by bit I vanish, my hand my leg disappear in light, Sophia hug me tighter and she shed a tear. 

"goodbye Valtor, I have great time with you in this small moment. dont cry okay, be strong, and dont forget about me" I smile and hug her tighter, and my body vanish turn into glowing dust, that fly to the sky, Sophia sit there and cried of mourn, everyone near my hut also cried, saying goodbye is hard to do, because we cannot let go something that easily.

meanwhile in Limbo, I just sit in the beyond web of Universe with Azathoth, Phoenix, And new gal. Death.

"touching moment there, your next world is full of monsters. perhaps you must create your own magic first"

"That is correct, you should have your own magic first"

"Placidusax magic is sufficient for raw power and damage but i need sustain magic, maybe she can do the job" We look at death who trembling, she never before get pinch by two absolute force in here, while me just gofing around.

"im not sufficient at magic master"

"He mean"

"Calm down Phoenix, she just born yesterday. she never understand Forbidden Knowledge Yet. Death, you manifest from Tarrot card right ?"

"Yes, Master" A Tarrot card appear, i put it down and sit down.

"alright, here's goes nothing" i start draw Obelisk, Slifer and Ra card in here then i put my own blood there then try to summon them like How pharaoh summon monster. basically summoning ritual.

And three of them actually appear, holy shit. a powerhouse from Yu Gi Oh.

"It seems you use my eye well Mortal" Ra come down and fold his wing, Slifer gliding around this gap while obelisk just observe me.

"So this mortal you talk about Ra" Slifer glide down and stand beside Ra.

" Yes, he worthy become our chosen pharaoh"

"no, no, no. i do not wish to become pharaoh how about friendship ?"

"No, i can sense your gene is Dragon God and Devil, a two entity that something beyond our understanding, but perhaps friendship is not worth, servitude is more beneficial for four of us"

"i do not wish for that but you do you"

"Very well, You already have my eyes, i will enhance your eye as brightest as the sun itself" Ra blast me with energy to my eye, not both of them rather his own eye in my forehead.

[ Third Eye of Ra has been enhanced "Click Here" ]

[Third Eye of Ra : A Golden colored eye that mimics the eyes of Alduin from The Elder Scroll, Dragonic eye that strike fear upon its might whoever see it, a dominance eye that control all lesser being into submission.

The eye has the following powers and abilities

One million sun : Derived from the Sentry power from Sentry Marvel Future Fight, this passive power increases by exposure of the sun, because you had Unity of Solaris, this will supercharged all the eye ability and power you had, from enhance, maximize, full, any type increment power to breaking impossibility. This passive is maxed out, it cannot be increased.

Penance Stare : ability from Ghost Rider power from Zarathos Marvel Vs Capcom series, this eye ability cause and induce a variety of negative effects in beings who have sinned or committed evils by locking eyes with them to greater extend once this eye hit someone they instantly get penance stare effect, it condemning them with the effects that can cause them a great deal of suffering and torment of any kind to demolish anyone you wish, this ability enhanced by One million sun it render Soul of being to extent, such erase their origin, their nature even they whole Existence in full scale, this eye is absolute Erasure eye that condemn all being into eternal damnation and torment, if you had enough of their bullshit, erase them. This ability is already maximum potential]

"good, now your turn Slifer" I just saw something that I shouldn't see yet that is good. Slifer gave me something that I got Zapped all over my body.

[ Buff Gained : Slifer Celestial Lightning ]

[ Slifer Celestial Lightning : Slifer grant you authority over sky, celestial and above plain over mortal or heaven. this buff not only grant authority, its also grant you control absolutely over lightning type element, weather and all sky natural phenomena. no matter how simple your wish, the sky will aid you in many way, changing out anything you desire even augment all your action, for example, when rain happened, you walk outdoor and the sky will split for your path. when you getting angry sky will roaring showing its wrath by calamity storm over it, creating many thunder and lightning all over plain of cloud. Enhance your magical ability to even augment your body reaction speed to speed thinking and unnatural reaction timing ]

Well that's not good, not good, in many ways. Slifer didn't hesitate, did he?

"Im Obelisk, The Tormentor. i'm not grating you buff or power like two other but skill" Obelisk grab me and infuse his power to me, i can feel my body get rip apart.

[ Special Skill Obtained : Shun Goku Satsu, Dance of the Skylark ]

[ Skill Obtained : Deep Crimson Piercing, Genocide Cutter, Passing of Dragonfly ]

[ Shun Goku Satsu : Need explanation for this technique ?

Dance of Skylark : Special skill for gunslinger sonata. Originate from Nohime Basara 2 Series , Shoots infinite bullets at the surroundings, sweeping enemies in all directions

Deep Crimson Piercing : Skill for Gunslinger Sonata.  Originate from Nobunaga Oda Basara Series, create red mantle changed into countless spikes, which pierce enemies like bullet.

Genocide Cutter : worst nightmare anti guard attack, one hit attack that give you rage inducing moment, no need to say right ? 

Passing of Dragonfly : skill for gunslinger sonata. Originate from Nohime Basara 2 Series, shoot while moving, aiming straight ahead]

[ Talent Gained : The Tormentor >

[ The Tormentor : This talent represents a mastery of the art of torture that is unparalleled. The possessor possesses an innate and unparalleled comprehension of the intricacies of torture, capable of shattering the wills of others through physical or psychological means with unsettling ease. They exhibit an intuitive ability to employ any method and utilize available resources to extract the maximum torment, all without succumbing to mental or emotional turmoil or moral quandaries, both before, during, and after their actions.

This expertise extends beyond conventional boundaries, encompassing an unrestricted knowledge of torture techniques, enabling them to inflict unspeakable and often enduring torment upon any target, including entities as formidable as angels, demons, gods, spirits, or conceptual abstract beings. These tortures are so absolute that countering them would necessitate the intervention of near-omnipotent entities, and even then, the scars left behind may endure eternally. Remarkably, it is often near-omnipotent characters who possess the capability to inflict such torment in the first place, underscoring the extraordinary depth of their mastery ]

"This is suffice"

"Very well, we shall fuse to call her. Perhaps she can help you gain something" They fused and gave rise to a new manifestation.

Horakhty the creator of light appeared and looked at me as I looked into her eyes gently.

We stare at each other until she closes her head to me.

"Are you my master?"

Sounds familiar

i Like OG Yu Gi Oh Card power and entity, despite the new one has many choice but i take the older one as old school player.

i miss old day

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts