
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · Video Games
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161 Chs

Expedition Lost City Episode 2 : Icarus Wing

We arrived at the hangar but there was one problem, it was empty. There was not a single vehicle we saw in the hangar.

"Wasting time"

"Well, but we can still loot it" Angela followed me into the mechanical room of the hangar, a damaged space ship was found, only it was missing a thrust engine, some electrical systems and some control systems.

"Too big for us to carry" I touched the space ship and it vanished.

"You don't say..." Angela kicked my leg and I laughed in satisfaction, We went to a hospital that had been destroyed, We fought and rested then fought again and rested again.

"Valtor, are you not eating or pooping ? Just curious"

"Oh yeah, it seems the Demon Shard in my body has deactivated my organs and it seems my body is dependent on the Demon Shard rather human metabolism, although the Demon Shard is quite volatile in the sense that it cannot be resisted, only someone who has an unbending will can overcome the Demon Influence but as exchange their body will be like a monster in many sense"

"Let me guess, this is also part of your plan to create demon cure"

"You are smart, but also create a weapon to fighting them with holy weapon we created in here as first reference and my demon form right now. in the future we can overcome demon influence in larger scale"

"That's why Kal'tsit is stressed seeing you like this, stop making yourself a test subject"

"You also misunderstand me Angela, I have ethics as a researcher. No Human Experiment, Unless there is an emergency. Kal'tsit isn't a human in the first place so she isn't in a variable. While other is a human, born from natural way including you. i never and ever experimented to Living human subject if i do that, Angela promise me. Stop me before its too late. I already say that to Saria too, But right now she under pressure from Rhine Labs" Angela looked at me seriously and then gripped my demon hand.

"I will, I will. but stop being a scumbag"

"How come ? I never flirt around to any woman I see, i helping them out"

"don't act stupid and use logic above interest, you scumbag"

"Wait, Wait, Wait. lets be reasonable here, how come i was called such ?"

"Did you really need my reason ?"

"Yes, lets deduce the obvious, I had the intellect, charm, power, leadership, kindness and compassion, what else ? ah yes, I am good in bed. anything else ?"

"That is the reason you are scumbag"

"Blame the charm not the man"

"You !? Humph. don't talk to me"

"Oh no, Angela pouting. she became childish once again aww" My head was shot by Angela and then she left with a grumble, I just laughed then my head regenerated although a little slow.

"Angela wait for me" I chased Angela who fought with Demon, We returned to explore this city until the night we took refuge in an abandoned villa.

Angela slept in the next room while I sat on the roof to look around.

"Valtor" I turned to see the Angel of Death beside me, I looked at him gently.

"i see, so this is it"

"Yes, I ordered by God to pick you up"

"Can I ask for an extension ?"

"God allows it, are you afraid ?" I looked at my hands, not shivering and look the Angel of Death.

"No, before. I afraid of death. I expected to die in my old age but I never know, my first death was that I didn't dare to fight of my right, now I dare to fight but it will also kill me. Death, Thank you for borrowing your power and reminding me of my time has come"

"My pleasure, Don't forget visit us"

"I will, Say hello to other angel and devil. I still owe them a party"

"You know where we are, Good bye"

"Good bye" The angel of death left and I sighed looking at the sky.


[Sir, I'm really sorry to hear your words with the entity just now]

"Its okay, Good bye Ascendant, You fulfill your duty with exceptional. If we fated to be once again. It will be great"

[Yes, Sir. thank you for the time we built until the end of our journey. In next chance, i hope you can choose me again]

"I will, I will. Initiate, Icarus wings"

[Icarus Wings protocol activated, Ascendant Supercomputer deactivated, Good bye Sir]

"Good bye" Ascendant is no longer active, Now it's only me and my demon power alone, System already offline somehow i feel relieved, If I know this happened, if I know all of this happened, but I still keep playing ignorant.

I don't want to be a god, i just want to be human but the arrogance of the divine power i had and the indifference to whatever it is made me meet someone i shouldn't have met.

But when I met him, Death, Not a death but Advance Death or true death, messenger of the god that is people time is coming.

I must accept my fate gracefully, Dead by the hand of Death.

"I'm sorry Kal'tsit, i'm sorry Everyone. Its time for me to go"

We went back to explore this place until the end but I haven't told Angela about my death, but I will take my time to enjoy our dangerous expedition.

"Valtor, Look" Angela handed me a device that I analyzed, It looked like someone's portable wallet, I opened it and we looked together.

This man is very familiar, I don't know why it's so familiar. Maybe, Ah this is the Original Doctor, The true Arknight protagonist. Such handsome individual, a majestic protagonist aura.

I tracked the memory of this card and I found this man's residence.

"Angela come with me" Angela followed me to a compound which is very standard for the public, I arrived at a simple house and entered without permission, A classic and cozy house.

"Whose house is this ?" I was quite sad to hear that, Supposedly in canon this house is your lover house that made originium scientific breakthrough but is no more, he became someone ordinary that try to survive with any means necessary.

With a horny, No, im not sarcastic.

because I saw a picture of him with his favorite cat, calico? not judging by this cat's expression, this Kal'tsit before her transformed into kal'tsit now. She was so cute but after searching around this house I found a note, a diary.

I read it and really I didn't know this man liked his pet cat so much and dared to make his cat an experiment into an artificial being, he thought the researcher tried to resurrect the cat but instead made a living cat girl.

Kal'tsit was born but this man was devastated upon knowing the cat he took care of from little kitten to die old is a different person, a test subject, nothing else nothing more. he curse the people making his loved cat into a being that supposedly not, but his heart disheartened upon the news that his cat turn into test subject more and more making him swore to revenge on them.

Human Malice knows no bound, He tried to give them exact revenge, he is now just ordinary man but with dedication about throwing revenge, he succeeded in creating a Warp Gate, a teleportation device but out of spite, these guys tampered with it in secret and those warp gates are gate way for the Demon to come here. He succeeded and died with the happiest face he ever made, the rest of the diary.

"Man lives a life to revenge upon a cat girl, that will be good novel title" I closed this diary and looked at some cat toys, i want to kept it until i analyzed them and give most dubious smile i ever do, I will use this for "Entertainment".

"We should sleep here, Angela. I will be on guard" Angela went to the room to sleep while I read again whatever this man created. quite interesting, he is a genius and a bit calculating in profit and loss but why is this man quite eccentric especially when it comes to playing strategy, he canon doctor after all, a genius war criminal has many plan to take over the world.

I stood up and look at the sky covered by the dome illusion, I sigh and sleep comfortably on the floor, curled up comfortably like a cat.

I woke up to find myself hugging Angela with a blanket around both of us, I didn't know that it was so cold tonight and my body was the only source of heat here. smart girl.

I got up and prepared a meal for Angela, after we ate we went to the next Facility. not a facility but like a large research corporation.

We went inside and inside until we came to a warp gate, an inactive warp gate.

"another warp gate ?"

"yes but, it can't be activated anymore but this can be use" I overhauled this Warp Gate perfectly, every part of this machine I unplugged but without damaging this machine as whole.

It's just that some of the raw materials of this machine are a little unique, I can manipulate them later but on second thought, this is flawed.

"Have you finished recording everything ?"

"I have but there are some things I still don't understand, Warp gate here and in North what's the difference ?" I didn't answer that, this warp gate is used to teleport to other galaxies but the warp gate in the north is a warp gate that has been damaged by the Doctor.

"Interesting, I'm also curious. but at least we can have our own warp gate that we can use, with the Universe Map in Olympia. we can move to various galaxies and spaces easily with space ships. now we go there instead bringing something here"

"Your idea is good enough to be implemented, as long as we know how to close the Warp Gate in North"

"The big problem is solved" We said this together, then we shook hands that we were of one mind.

"This is the fun traveling with you, No wonder Kal'tsit always angry when you go adventure alone"

"Well, at least 1000 years with her, she had enough supposedly but you know, cat is greedy being. she not satisfied by that alone"

"Indeed" I walked away to check some other machines.

"So do i Valtor, i wish this adventure never end"

"Hey Angela come here, I found something cool" Angela smiled and approached me.

"I'm coming" I gave her a transmutation tool, but this tool is useless rather just a prototype.

"This ?"

"Maybe a tool for a while, I'll think about it first. Transmutation, Wait, Ah Nanotechnology"

"Nanotechnology ?"

"Wait, I got an idea. this is prototype blueprint is enough to create nanotechnology. Angela you are a good luck charm, we found another answer to every problem here" I hugged Angela tightly then let go.

"no dont stop" Angela immediately closed her mouth because Angela made her intrusive thought win.

"Okay, you want another hug ?" Angela blushed shyly and spread her arms, I hugged her tightly and so did Angela.

"Okay that's enough" I release the hug and then Angela seems to like being hugged too much even though my body is pure demonic.

"What's your idea ?"

"I still can't explain it because there are so many ideas in my head, I apologize"

"High spirits, keep it up but don't force it"

"Sure, let's get out from here" We went from here until we reached the end of Lost City which is a pier, this pier is quite large but I have found before only some tools such as ship and submarine making materials.

"Submarine ? It's good for us to go under the ocean"

"Maybe but Seaborn is still a problem"

"I know that at least we can save this" I showed the blueprints and some prototypes but we heard something from the Ocean, Seaborn.


"Calm down, let's not create a panic. Why are you here ?"

"We want you to join us" Angela was surprised to hear Seaborn voice.

"They can talk ?"

"yes, why need me to join you ?"

"You can lead us, We know you killed our stronger kind and now they struggle to keep the pack together" this is strange, this Seaborn isn't a Sea terror but has touched the Sea monster. but what is the reason they are looking for me, did something happen in the abyss make them afraid ? is it because the two Firstborn are fighting each other for power making the lesser Seaborn become divided even though they are still a unity of We Many.

"Did some of you connected to We Many's hive mind ?" All the Sea monsters one by one emerged from this pier around us, Angela took cover behind me because of their aura and dangerous appearance, I saw that there were 13 Sea Monsters, 27 Sea Terrors, 7 Nether Sea brands. 47 huh ? good.

"Some of us still, while others isn't. Our survival needs someone who is worthy of becoming our alpha, after long understanding and knowledge, gathering many information and news, we decided you are our chosen alpha. We may be small in number but rest assured, we will do what you want us to do"

"Do you know about Orion, the Human Seaborn that I created ?"

"We do, that also one of the reason we need you, some day you can fix and help our kin. this time we are still new and born yesterday, we don't understand our purpose except what We Many say to us but after long studying and understanding Human in Land, we know there is a threat there including in this land and beyond the Abyss"

"You Aware of "That" right?"

"We do, but after witnessing "it" influence, we struggle to keep it, and we do what we can do to prevent Ægir from going deeper"

"I assume Ægir was influenced by the call in ancient time"

"Yes, before Ægir found our Nest, that call lure Ægir from going to "that" nest. That is why, Before its too late, You must lead us. Our Kind can keep up the number but that doesn't mean we can fight for eternity, there are stronger entities here than Firstborn, You are the second"

"the first is still dormant"

"Yes, That is still in dormant, we may lack firepower but perhaps with you, the firepower is more than enough" what the Sea monster said was right, I did lack numbers but I had enough Firepower. It's just that I still need time for that to gain more number.

"Can you guys give me each of your Seaborn Cell"

"As you wish" All these Sea monsters gave me their cells, I put all the cells into the vial then I sighed.

"Angela, Forgive me" I knocked Angela out by poking her neck, I grabbed her body with my tail.

"After you assimilate with me, kill your current body"

"As you wish" I sniffed this cell then swallowed it, I could taste it like drinking herbs and some disgusting salt water, all these Seaborns killed themselves while i clean this dock with fire.

[+1334874671841369483849622802 Orbs Gained]

[Seaborn Army unlocked]

[Hidden trait unlocked, Upgrade the system to gain new trait]

"What ?"

in my draft, i try to use Seaborn army Like Zerg but after reconsidering potential of Seaborn and Orion, i searching another potential race.

I found Homunculi In Bayonetta and Hybrid In Starcraft.

i grow interest and try to combine it and it perfect, with Supernatural power from homunculi with additional Zerg Physiology about assimiliation and Protoss genius intellect. i got perfect race based on three of them.

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