
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · Video Games
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161 Chs

Cyber Gear

I had dinner with Bismarck here, it was quiet with no one around at all. Even though we were very awkward but I was thinking about something rather than watching Bismarck give me a obvious code.

"Bismarck" Bismarck was nervous and stuttered at the sound of my voice.

"yes, yes Commander, is there a problem?"

"Don't think anything weird, I know your code. It's not that I don't want to take the initiative, I have my own reasons for that so hold back whatever code you want to tell me" Bismarck blushed hard and felt ashamed to hear that. 

"Its not like that Commander, i feel we are like in date. no, i mean a husband and wife" I looked at Bismarck with a seductive smile, Bismarck looked at me with an embarrassed look that even made herself immediately look down.

"Oh my, do you want me to pamper you like a wife?"

"no, no, no, Dr. Kal'tsit will kill me if I overtake her position"

"I do not sense Kal'tsit's presence here"

"No Commander, I can't do that" She is getting redder, I will try to overstep this raging current.

"Why? But you say we like a Husband and wife?" Bismarck face getting redder and she run away to her room while me just giggle seeing that.

I then went to prepare the food supply that all members had saved for me, some even almost wrote a whole week from breakfast to dinner then snacks and some supplements, I read it all one by one then made it then sent it directly to them secretly then gave a small letter.

"good work, here a treat"

After I gave them all away, I went to the research room again.

[Sir, what we gonna do today ?]

"Implementation of Nanotechnology with Originium technology"

[I'm ready to help you, what reference you want to take ?]

"for today i want study a suit. Forerunner technology, Mjolnir Armor, Tony Stark Iron Man Armor Mark 50, Warframe Armor, Crynet Nanosuit, Yautja Armor"

[Need full capability ?]

"Yes, include it"


I studied all the suits one by one not just looking at them, but understanding and delving into how the technology itself works, I made the Mark 50 as the base unit in making Nanotechnology, Mjolnir and Crynet Nanosuits have the ability to increase the user's ability to be physically stronger, While Warframe Armor can be used to reduce damage to a minimum and also gain various attachments depending on its use, Yautja on the other hand can adapt to the situation of armor based on Yautja Culture which is great for the adaptability of armor in the future, Forerunner Technology on the other hand is a computer system integrated with nerves that can improvise like Jarvis or Cortanna's system.

I ate for a while mainly southeast Asian dishes that I had saved in the daily menu catalog.

"Ascendant, try to separate the Mark 50 transformation from Undersuit, Neurological, Base Muscle, Bulk Muscle, Skin. after that try to improvise the combination"

[ May I suggest the Proto Cyberton Armor ? ]

"Proto Cybertron ? Interesting, go on"

[Custom Neurological Mechanism based on Hyper responsive nanosecond computer system, Custom Base Muscle Nano layered adaptable mechanism on molecular texture, Custom Made Reinforced Attachment, Custom Made Advance Responding system and independent Execution when user had... skill issue problem. An Gaming Classic Armor that you can personally design and enhance further, its upgradeable when the right item is processed]

"proto is not complete rather primitive, need further enhancement and attachment but we require more material"

[yes, I suggest never use your Material Sir, if you want for Rhodes Island but you can ask Mechanic team and engineering team to create it, Mrs Closure and Mr mechanic gladly will take the project]

"Mechanic still can be trusted but Closure, her mouth run anywhere if something make her genuine excited, it spoil the fun"

[Sir, i don't know what is called. She just showing her cute side, You should act like its common, after all we can't expect someone to be professional in any situation, everyone also has its behavior and attitude toward someone]

"yeah, i still remember when she nag to me to have someone like you Ascendant"

[sir, did i hear you treat me as being ?]

"Yes, why ?"

[..... Nothing Sir, perhaps i can give you another suggestion. The rigging for Miss Bismarck can be great Reference as example ]

"Quantum Locking mechanism in Forerunner Technology. and Psionic Mechanism in Protoss technology moreover adaptable and research by Eggman for robotic its just like Azur Lane technology, correct"

[Yes, precisely. with Doctor Eggman research about robotic, you can also create your own Metal Gear] 

"Metal Gear, Cybertron. Cyber Gear ?"

[Perhaps you like the name, i can add it to Rhodes island Company project]

"Arknight is not about medical, its about contingency contract program or wrong purpose program to War crime lover. technology advancement is necessary for easier job and Objective, add it to my personal project"

[Understood, How About Company Project, You must add it sir, After all The Cure is sole purpose of Company already created]

"After foresaw it in the future added what you say before, we will dealing people who gonna abuse the cure effect and try to copy my medical project, more over many higher people will sought me for my impossibility become possibility to help them in personal interest. but after all we still lack Resource for that, Karlan Trade is also not join as our Investor, even Tarra, Kazdel and Victoria cannot provide us any meaningful resource"

[Mr Cannot can provide you the Goods Sir]

"Oh yeah i forgot about that Guy, can you contact him"

[Ready on the line]

"Doctor ? is this declaration of you to join my group ?"

"i do wish to join you free from this company once and for all but too bad, responsibility is high despite i work as community service with no profit at all"

"i see, is there something you need doctor"

"A resource"

"A resource ? i thought you have many resource after you 2 millennium living"

"no, those are my collection. i don't want use my collection for another Community service"

"Collection huh ? Can i trade with you precious Collection for better goods i had Doctor ?"

"Depend on the goods, those precious collection is one of the kind"

"I see, which good do you want" i told him about many metal ingot, new technology from Raythean, Technology belong DOD in Columbia, last is Iberian technology after the profound Silence.

"That too many, i can gather them in two day but perhaps you give me equal amount of that"

"I do have the equal amount of that, once this thing get out from this ship. Power hungry Victoria, Columbia, and Leithanein will definitely bought it in higher bidder, Ignore the Ursus because they have Originite"

"Spoil please"

"Pure Originium" Cannot instantly silence, he in deep thought and then look at me.

"Pure Originium ?"

"purest form of Originium from previous civilization, a little stone with infinite energy that cannot be corrupted like Originium today. give many possibility regardless impossibility, Quantity is limited but quality is limitless, As a proof" i take out pure originium that Cannot believe himself.

"Doctor, your collection is immeasurable value. i will hasten the goods, where your space ship landing ?" 

"near Columbia, i will pin point the location" i give the location far from Columbia surveillance.

"very well, i will meet you there in two day" the communication was cut off and I sighed.

"I sense tomorrow when Cannot arrive, everyone will be angry to me"

[That is correct sir but you can deal it with them]

"i know, this is risky move at least i will work my way out"

I continued learning about this armor again even though it took a long time and finally finished, I used a fairly simple model like the Arknight Outfit.

But I slightly disliked it because some operators prefer exoskeleton suits and some casual suits. because of different styles and tastes therefore I made a type where I myself need to rethink it.

But why bother making a type if I can outsmart it with Undersuit as a converted energy source similar to Originium unit as control for a Neurological path of the armor or suit, Base Muscle and bulk Muscle is Material for the suit or armor, Skin is changeable or able to transmute depending on user imagination and style, this can be further enhanced such as module attachment after that try to improvise the combination to create versatile work suit and done.

[Congratulation Sir, Cyber Gear Jacket has been created]

"Jacket ?"

[Yes, jacket is more suited just like Iron man]

"how about sunglasses ?"

[Head up display Augment reality with reference Composer eyes you had ?]

"That also good idea, A pouch ?"

[ Inventory pouch Copying of Video game ? ]

"Implementation need time, alright. next project. ascendant"

[Providing necessary reference, check this sir]

Ascendant provide me Interface of Inventory based on SkyUI Mod in skyrim, Starfield SkyUI Mod and Dead Space UI.

"many modders out there deserve the job, at last im glad adding them to project when i still become game developer, they are source of idea and path to improvement. they like uncrown king from fans"

[ As reminder sir, you also count as Modder with godlike ability]

"yes, time to become Iron Man"

[Sir, sorry to spoil your fun, you more like become Dr Doom not Iron man]

"Gasp, Ascendant. Dr Doom is my idol, you can't treat me like that. it tarnish his name"

[Sir, sorry to spoil you the fun again. Dr Victor Von Doom send me a something that you should take reconsideration take a trip to Marvel world]

"Ascendant, my partner. Oblivion, Azathoth, phoenix already told me to never go there even people ask me for it. Because i'm anomaly and despite i already kill Knull and become Adopted son of Oblivion, infinity and cosmic being in Marvel Universe will hunt me down for sure. if i come to DC Universe, this make my "Fuck around and Find out" become more annoying, Darkseid is Weakened, Trigon cease to exist, I already have connection to Mystical being from DC as Kaileena is my proxy. if put it another consideration, Multiverse is weird in many sense. any possibility become plot, any new plot can appear in most unfavorable situation. i cant go to any world if i choose that two Universe consider Marvel game and DC game are canon in sense, we cant risk it especially i must reset my save data to gain another save data to next journey"

[With all due respect sir, your journey is also count as my journey. i will follow you even i'm not powerful as Inferno and Kel'thuzad, more so im not proficient in Magical ability such Ultimecia and Kaileena but as your assistant, i shall support you no matter what]

"Thank you Ascendant, Help me to enhance and refine this"

[Shall be done]

we did an interface Augment reality with Nanotechnology, and I got some additional ideas and new discoveries especially for the implementation to Rigging.

The rigging I made imitates her Azur Lane Version four double barrel turrets, except that I prefer to make this rigging imitates Promethean and Covenant weapons plus 21st Century weapons, based on Bismarck and Bismarc Zwei's Geryon Rigging design and combines two Geryon entities with the concept of Zero or King Ghidorah monsters.

"Give me a suggestion Ascendant, if we can use Geryon with a neurological or Psionic system to connect the nerves in Cyber Gear, is it possible that we can create a floating weapon, based on the Quantum locking ability"

[Possibly Sir, with the Base Undersuit as a Superconductor, it is possible to create a Quantum locking mechanism]

"But that uses too much energy especially the amount of energy distribution is divided into Suit, Weapon and tools in this context the energy in the Originium Unit is very limited and must need regular maintenance and we cannot use the Originium particle inside the individual, it is risky especially overheating the body"

[Sir, isn't the Originium energy inside each individual's body able to adapt and evolve]

"I also think like that, it's just that each individual's energy is not as much as mine, they will get tired more easily when the case is that the amount of energy distribution is already full, except"

[unprocessed originium produce by body]

"yes, we can make recycle mechanism from it. with way of Residual disposal and filter it again in Originium Unit in Cyber gear. Ascendant"

[Already create the possibility, it possible and more so, it stable recycle mechanism. i have another Suggestion Sir, Flywheel energy storage and Smart grid]

"Hmm ? oh that two, Yes, it also possible. energy generation From Originium Unit combine with Flywheel Energy storage will generate superconductor, this superconductor able create A Quantum Mechanism and with Smart Grid enhance system combine with Neurological System creating AR Monitoring System and Neural Relay system for better connection for deployable unit such robot or Originium art summonable" I started making my own Originium unit, the Arc Reactor that Tony Stark created was more stable and safer.

It's just that this Originium Unit is only a prototype that needs to be further improved, so I saved this Cyber Gear project.

[Sir, i report you, Cyber Gear Clothes Jacket and Cyber Gear Arc Reactor or Renewable Originium Unit has been added to you Company project]

"Thank you, continue creating rigging"


I went back to making rigging by replicating what I had previously made, Arc Reactor and Jacket. with a little manipulation of some reasonable technology and finally finished. Bismarck's Geryon Rigging, I made a Didact Box or Durance box similar to mine, I will give this to Bismarck later.

Now it's Orion, Orion needs new weapons and cool armor. I designed the Sword of The Father with the Energy blade mechanism from Halo added with the Psionic blade mechanism from Starcraft, this sword can expand according to Orion's wishes. 

The armor is probably similar to Raiden's from MGRR, with a bit of a Promethean color palette and a lot of size adjustments, Orion can add other modules, attachments or whatever he likes to the armor. The armor also adapts to the physiology of an armor that is a Seaborn hybrid, his evolutionary path is already immeasurable, but at least he is strong in many ways.

"Continue the evolution project"

[Sir, you shall rest. you cannot push yourself further]

"Sigh, fine. please play Arknight music for me and provide me a novel for reading time"

[understood, providing the archive and playing Arknight in-game music in loop]

Music playing and i feel nostalgic, this Kal'tsit theme whenever she appear, i sit down in Main Hall and read the book in serenity.

The next day, I was enjoying dinner with Bismarck, she still flustered by yesterday's events. She now goes to the cockpit, sleeps and listens to Leithanein's classical music in the ballroom.

"I miss everyone doctor"

"so do i, They will return tomorrow roughly, today is the promise day. depend on people"

"Why you not helping them Doctor ?"

"If i do all the work, what purpose they serve to company ?"

"I forget, we are Rhodes Island pharmaceutical company not a Shady company" But in reality it is shady companies, we hired more a mercenary and bad guy rather many good guy in here, more so many total weirdos in here including me also count as one.

My phone rang and I saw the message from Cannot, So fast.

"Bismarck i need you land the ship in near Columbia"

"what happened Doctor ?"

"I do online shopping"

"ah, i see" Bismarck drove the ship near Columbia and i get down from Ship seeing Cannot and his Rusthammer group.

"Doctor, sorry for delay" delay my ass, he too fast.

"no problem, can i check the goods ?" Cannot nod and show me the Goods, i see many metal ingot, polished one rather still Ore. new technology from Raythean that is 3d Printing that Cannot admit it hard to get this without bribing Jessica Father, Technology belong DOD in Columbia that Cannot must steal that from DOD and that is Power Armor blueprint, He even admit that the Power Armor is not great based on my armor creation in Reunion raid before, last is Iberian technology after the profound Silence, He get this from Church of the deep member, a Aegir technology regarding a Shield world or Cannot say a Dome technology. The member church of the deep also curious why Cannot need this, but as Business he cannot answer that to them.

"Satisfied ?"

"more than satisfied" I gave him pure Originium even all Rusthammer member wide eye.

"Fascinating" Cannot take the Pure Originium and inspect it.

"Any other good you have ?"

"if you provide me something equal, i might reconsider"

"Cash or object ?"

"Depend, how about check the goods first shall we ?" I checked all of Cannot items and bought some for the collection as the research from Bishop's church of the Deep, Cannot said that he got them from someone he knew well, and I saw something, Caerula Heart.

"I take that"

"This ? Are you sure ?"

"Yes, Here" I give him something, something beyond his imagination.

"Fascinating, Fascinating. This ?"

"Living Metal, metal than can change into desired shape and attribute, this metal currently still Ore but you can make it as your own, consider this most Valuable asset and study from this one"

"Doctor, doctor, your collection is beyond my expectation. looks like the intel was right, you are not from this world"

"Yes i do, you also not belong in this civilization either"

"Oh my, looks like you know me well. Is she well ?"


"i see. Beware of her Doctor, she cannot be trusted"

"before, she a new individual right now"

"New ? i see, but still she cannot escape from her past sin"

"But redemption is a second chance she can get and she succeeded by ending South demon once and for all with me"

"What ?....." Cannot lost word hearing that, he then laugh.

"Doctor, is all your work right ? or perhaps all the work is done by you"

"50 / 50 that including the cure" all Rusthammer laugh hear that until Cannot raise his hand to make them shut up.

"Sorry for their insolent, The Oripathy Cure ?"

"Yes, all Rhodes island now distribute the Cure all over the world"

"But we didn't receive it"

"Is that so" I take out the Cure box with dosage in it, i explain them the effect when cure reacted to their body. Cannot check the box and indeed many Injection and vial available in there.

"Doctor, you gave me this cure but have you ever consider the other people out there living in wilderness"

"Already been dealt by me" Cannot code Rusthammer to take the cure to their caravan.

"as thank you for the cure Doctor i shall give you crucial intel. Maylander Selene, she now list you as most wanted man in Columbia, i suggest you shouldn't step in Columbia no matter what, i know you have that Double Agent in your custody and be friend with that last Diablo Sarkaz but the Columbia Shadow is hunting you" I thought for a while and sneer like a devil, Cannot surprise to see me sneer like that.

"that Woman, Very well thank you for the intel"

"is business Doctor, perhaps you can call me again if you need any"

Cannot left with his caravan while I immediately packed up all my purchases including the Caerula Heart and Bishop's research which I read.

When I returned to the Space ship the research paper was taken by someone who was none other than Kal'tsit, I saw that everyone had returned.

"Welcome back, how is the distribution ?"

"before we tell you the report, what transaction you do with that man ?"

"Exchange resource with resource" Kal'tsit looked at the research paper and glared at me.

"What resource you give that shady man"

"One Pure Originium, One Ore Living metal" Everyone was shocked and Kal'tsit angrily tore up the research paper.

"You gave a mysterious man a most valuable asset we had" i stare at kal'tsit with rage, the world is in calamity.

"We ? i create that pure Originium by my hand from my personal pocket and Living metal that i gather and study by myself, since when it belong to we hmmm ?" Kal'tsit shaking when see my glowing eye under the black glasses.

"i thought you use our resource"

"You lazy same as Koshelna, we lack fund and material in here despite i gave you facility that provide anything yet we have no income at all, do you think everyone in here work as community service ? duh, they work and need money to living another day, i already provided them a second house in here and rent free, free food that i personally take out from my pocket dimension where infinite resource of food and ingredient from many universe out there and many thing you can try free, i know its risky trade but business is business after all. i demand goods from him and he provide it, simple transaction, and you actually tear the goods i bought and rant about what i use to buy that ?"

"I'm sorry, i just, i just want tag along whatever you do" I sighed and covered my face.

"Say that from beginning"

I waved my hand, the paper that kal'tsit tore flew into my hand and then back to normal.

"You guys get some rest, you're tired and stressed. I'll check the report with the Ascendant so take it easy" Rosmontis came over to me and hugged my leg.

"Doctor, sing me a lullaby"

"Hmm, how about this" I sat Rosmontis on my lap and I picked up my guitar.

"Enjoy it" I played the Resident evil 4 Save theme, when I started playing the music an Cherubim appeared and gave a background shooting voice, a beautiful voice with me also humming the notes together.

I can see some of them already rested even some of them already sleep out of exhaustion, Rosmontis already sleep in my chest, snoring a little. i keep playing and playing until i sense the night is coming, looks like i play the music too much, i snap my finger everyone in their room and covered with their sheets, except one person.

"Valtor" I nodded and took Kal'tsit back to my room, she slept like a baby with me, curled up and hugging me. she was stressed and needed rest, but she gently waited for me after I finished playing the music.

Ascendant and me whispering under her regarding the report, i genuinely surprise the smooth distribution and report about me providing a cure in Wilderness also come, Cure distribution is 90 %, 10% was Aegir but now they cannot be touch.

World already progressing fast and i see my ring.

"Ama, looks like the journey will be hasten"

"ummm, you call me?" I looked at kal'tsit who was half awake, I kissed her lips, kal'tsit sighed and went back to sleep comfortably. I let go of kal'tsit embrace and went to the research room.

[Sir, what you did today is count as egoistic, you should rest with everyone]

"i cant Ascendant, is habit. i can't rest if my job not done"

[Sir please, i beg you. you should rest, you don't want the incident before happened to you again]

i stop and remember that day as yesterday, one quick calculation is my eternal doom, explosion almost killing me if God not intervene.

"i, sigh. Very well, i should rest with everyone" i return back to my room, hug kal'tsit tightly like i dont want she gone just like Ama before.


Everyone doing breakfast while Kal'tsit enjoying her breakfast.

"Dr kal'tsit, where is Doctor ?"

"Doctor is still sleeping, Ascendant reported me that Valtor has been doing research for the last 3 days without any rest, I don't know what research he did but Ascendant said Evolution Theorem, Seaborn Cure and Cyber Gear. what matter worse the room used by Valtor to do research is locked tightly from outside and inside"

"Sigh, he egoist"

"i knew him longest, He always like that, keep something important for himself and when situation called he reveal it, something he reveal always something beyond your expectation or something you consider is completely reckless or something making you worried"

"a wild card"

"yes, a wild card. sigh, the more you get close to him more clingy you become to reveal most biggest revelation he keep himself"

"But i thought you have more wisdom than him"

"World Wisdom is my capability but i get overshadowed by him long time ago, i thought maybe he can keep me company in this god forsaken world become his teacher about living condition in here yet ironically he can survive on his own without my help while me struggling so much in 1000 year of my early life despite he barely in here in 7 years as weak human not today. dying there and here, get bad luck and anything that making my life condition worse in second. sigh" Kal'tsit drink another bottle of wine then slam it into the table.

"If our position are switch, i wonder what he become"

[That will be Duke of Immortality timeline, Mistress Kal'tsit]

Ascendant voice make everyone surprise, while Kal'tsit raise her eyebrow.

"Duke of immortality ?"

[Yes, that timeline where the Originium meteor descend to first colony, Sir Valtor also descend there as baby. he called son from the sky from the First Colony, Everyone there teach him any knowledge they had and pretty much Sir Valtor become most genius toddler that gain many professor degree in span of 9 year when he still 13. despite his intellect, Sir Valtor there is a coward, he not willing taking any risk or taking head on in problem even a mundane problem, he overreliance to someone and easily paranoid over something that not to be worried about yet he still think of it, His coward attitude and always worry added with paranoid and his overthinking hear rumors about someone try to kill him by accident, he overthinking it and he try cheat death by creating immortality elixir, it great success but this become his eternal curse for him in the future, he keep it hidden of this Elixir Formula and his immortality. timeline continue as usual, where same as here but there is different, Sir Valtor created many scientific breakthrough even he create something that he always keep hidden, Time machine. A machine that he able go to past and future but there is something wrong in that creation make him overthink again, he try the time machine and send to the future where Demon Invasion already begun, The Colony he belong already cease to exist all his creation already gone, more worse Time Machine he create accidentally overlocked by something that he never know why, this accident make him stuck in something called Personal Time View or Personal Time Lock, He can see future and present at the same time. He cannot deactive it or control it and make matter worse whatever he do in that world not recorded in flow of time, imagine how hard you do, how much suffering you endure to do something to change the outcome it all useless in the end. He wander around the world to change the world despite he know very well the result is same but he keep walk hoping someone could fix this, more precisely fix him. Until he meet you Dr Kal'tsit from that timeline, but in that timeline you just like Sir Valtor in this timeline, more bolder to adapt the change and that Sir Valtor know that you can change World timeline, he put believe and trust to you despite Dr Kal'tsit in that timeline nothing more like Rogue lady who just do something more wilder than Sir Valtor in here]

"So i'm totally insane Lady as you speak"

[Relatively speaking, based the real fact in that timeline, you just like demon Queen born from hell to wreak havoc on heaven, As matter of fact, Sir Valtor and You in that timeline is like Brain and Brawn, Sir Valtor is brain to give idea while Dr Kal'tsit in there is executor, all Sir Valtor idea you implement it and make it work even Sir Valtor in that timeline lose his mind, but you both in that timeline is like oil and water, never get along but Sir Valtor as annoying as he was keep clingy to you to save that god forsaken world but as Dr Kal'tsit in that timeline pretty much doesn't care what happened to the world, she put no regard about Sir Valtor warning with simple Logic, World destroyed ? Create new one. simple, clear and straight to the point]

kal'tsit laugh her heart out while some of the canteen people giggle to hear that.

"i like myself in there, more bolder, no bullshit just do it, try to figure it out in my own way"

[but that making Sir Valtor stress out want to die sooner and yet he see you as hope that someone send to him, many hard work and trial he do in life with Dr Kal'tsit, he accidentally become one of The Duke in Victoria after certain incident regarding coronation of King. You, Dr Kal'tsit accidentally kill Next Heir of the Victoria Throne in Draco side and be irresponsible of it, to avoid another pain in the ass as she always said, she lied to Sir Valtor to take care something by something she mean was throwing Sir Valtor to become a Duke that Duke is Current Tarra right now. Sir Valtor was Oblivious by it, Dr Kal'tsit laugh and free from his presence ironically you miss him in the end Dr Kal'tsit]

"Love change everyone, not even Myself can escape it. Is he awake ?"

[Currently he taking a bath while singing Sabaton Music]

"I see, can you show me the footage"

[Mistress Kal'tsit, i never know you this pervert. even Sir Valtor never have any of that idea despite he can see everything]

"What ?? Slander, i just make sure he taking bath properly"

[ Are you sure ? Your face and Tail is say otherwise]

kal'tsit red face and her tail wagging clearly showing her hypocrisy, kal'tsit sulk with Ascendant commentary.

"you and Valtor is same, always making fun of me"

[i'm just his assistant, Mistress Kal'tsit. is my duty to treat Sir colleague, lover and friend as the way he treat them]

"ummm, ummm Sir Ascendant, Why you dont have a body but you can interact with us ?"

[Lady Amiya, i'm Supercomputer designed for Serve Sir Valtor. My Module is reality itself, not bound by time space and anything regarding boundary, my whole Existence connected by Sir Valtor soul and mind, if i manifest as existence or being, my appearance is like digital version of him]

"Module as Reality warper ? did Samael create you like that ?"

[That cannot be answer by me Lady Closure, perhaps you should ask Sir Valtor regarding that]

"that room, is that room is the answer"

[yes and no, in that room many Evolution Theorem technology, Seaborn Cure and many medicine ready to be distribute and sell, also Cyber Gear, Cyber Gear is advance technology blueprint that more advance than Raythean in term engineering to robotics and more stronger than Abyssal Hunter Super soldier project that beyond Church of the deep research]

Silent, total silent no one speak utter word until Kal'tsit break the silence.

"Spoiler please ?"

[I have no right to spoil you mistress kal'tsit. those three but all of them only tip of the iceberg on top of endless ocean creativity that Sir try to design with my assistance by giving him the reference]


[hmm.....no. i shall return to Sir, he need my help to continue the work]


I laughed at Kal'tsit's shout and resumed the Seaborn Cure, although it was a bit time-consuming but whatever, just do it.

[Sir, your orders have been carried out]

"Good, it's time for us to promote Mishima Company and my own Olympic now" It's time for me to watch the Gladiator fight.

sorry for confusing chapter, i just follow what previous chapter and game, this gonna taking long time. i followed up many invention based on reference i told before, create a synergy between it

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