
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · Video Games
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161 Chs

Brother Funeral

On that night when all the scientists escaped from the Ursus Fourth army, I had saved all the people I trusted including the Kal'tsit members who I also ordered to escape to the Sami or other countries making new names that I had prepared in advance in various countries that they could live in.

"You know this?" I pointed at my ears and eyes, kal'tsit slapped her head and sighed.

"i forgot that you have superior hearing and sight. lets go" but it seems that some of these researchers and scientists brought their families with us to Ursine Village as wandering doctors in Ursus and we do lay low in Ursine village.

I suggested some of these people go to Siracusa, Victoria, Sami. Get away from Ursus.

Eventually they left except for Lillia and Astrov's family who were with us, 4 months in we heard news that some researchers who were unlucky or stubborn enough not to listen to me were unlucky.

They were captured by the Ursus army, fortunately some like Ilia survived in Siracusa as a wandering doctor with her daughter who would later become the Crownslayer.

We also heard that the lungmen were being invaded by Kaschey which made me almost emotional, I left the clinic and opened the letter I kept sent by Edward directly.

Although I don't blame Edward for the two-husband-one-wife relationship which is enough to make me laugh, His dragon lust never amazes me. Issei incarnation is nothing more to be fret off, You wife another man? no problem. here, have mine too. such a simple political move yet I amaze how it played out into your death Edward.

I'm closing this entire letter and I'm quite sorry I wasn't present at your funeral first but I guess that's enough to nag you later.

"kal'tsit, I'm leaving first" I immediately zoomed into Lungmen and saw the destruction of this city, I shook my head at the sight of Wei and Lin who were overwhelmed.

I arrived at Edward's grave and saw this tombstone next to Wei Yenwu's sister.

"Edward, you seem to be very lucky" I placed a bottle of Edward's favorite liquor then opened one for him.

"wake up you shitty lizard" From Edward's grave Edward rose from the grave and took the bottle of liquor directly.

"You know my taste after all" I shook my head and made a chair from the tree in this tomb.

"Looks like you had the misfortune of fucking someone else's wife" Edward laughed and gulped down the drink with relish.

"dragon urge" I covered my head with great disappointment, This is the reason why he never married in Victoria, his sexual impulse is like Issei but not coward like Issei. imagine Issei who never hesitate, i like you, lets fuck. like that. when drunk, this shitty dragon able to go 40 women without rest that is the reason why many women in Victoria in love with him his stamina like me and his sexual drive is out of chart for Aslan people even draco, even feline common folk never escaped his sexual escapade.

That's why Edward was my clinic's main customer on this matter, and Kal'tsit wasn't surprised about it either.

"Your daughter was kidnapped by a damn snake" Edward put down his bottle then showed tremendous anger, making this entire cemetery full of the aura of a dragon who was really angry because Talulah is his legacy.

"That asshole, how dare he do that! You take care of him" I slammed my head on this table and looked at Edward who was casually drinking his bottle again.

"Really? Are you escaping child support?" Edward broke out in a cold sweat and I instantly patted my head, this man is hopeless yet I don't blame him because his history has already ended so his legacy will be held by Talulah. I just hope Edward's sexual lust doesn't trickle down to Talulah. Kal'tsit will have competitor for that.

"Nah, I'm already happy in my death and my life before. I already achieved what I want, so I put down my blade and my power and my glory, I need rest Sephiroth, Take Care Talulah for me, this is my genuine and humble request but please do not be angry about her personality" I immediately gave Edward the middle finger and Edward laughed at that.

"You're the one who made my temper peak instead of Talulah" Edward raised the glass to it and drank again from the bottle, such a power move after throwing all child support to me? Well don't blame me when your daughter will fall for me.

"If you want to have my daughter as your lover, beware of my Sister in-law" I laughed and looked at Edward who knew the nature of dragon. more precisely western dragon.

"No shit, detective. I'm not you who plays around with Victorian girls and I have to become their matchmaker but in the end, you fuck them anyway" Edward raised his glass again and drank from the bottle. This asshole using power move again to me?

"I raise my glass for that and I love Aslan royalty private part, Some draco and common Feline. do you know why?" here we go again, Edward again told the best part of Aslan race, Draco Race and Feline race. when they get fucked in detail. and I am genuinely ashamed to hear this man made sexual monster story.

"yeah, while I'm stuck with the old cat" Edward laughed at that and raised his glass and drank from the bottle again but the drink ran out, I took out another one this time a special edition that I had one cabinet, this was a rare liquor that only Artorius produced, actually this was a concoction that I made and used to earn extra money with Edward but this drink became a rare drink for Vicoria because of the pleasure of every taste from the mouth to the stomach.

This drink is quite expensive and only Edward knows the recipe and makes Artorius rich in money so I am not surprised about that.

"Special edition? Its been a long time since I drank this in my first night with her" I sighed and listened again to Edward's sexual stories when he made Talulah.

This liquor has a low alcohol mix but warms the body. warm in quotes, Warm the body, warm the mind, warm the soul, but prolonged drinking will make you become hot, hot in sexual way so this drink is good for hooking up. and Edward Abuse this drink but its also making him get the karma, Become sexual crazy person yet he still sane and have clear mind.

"I'm going to use this story of yours as proof of how embarrassing you are" Edward raised his glass again and gulped down the drink from the bottle directly.

"aaaahhhh, shit. that hit the spot. burp, i'm sorry. Go ahead, I'm dead anyway, what is she going to do? Be mad at me?" you will regret that, you will regret that.

"fine, you won. any other legacy you want for her, you know? last heritage that she will keep?" Edward then made an amazing fire concentration and I took it.

I then did forging and some modifications with Elemental Transcendence and made a dragon necklace similar to Skyrim dragon pendant.

This Dragon shape pendant will be Edward's gift for Talulah and my scheme when Talulah wants to know this drunk and sexual lord, You fallen to my trap card Edward, so easy to play with you.

"Done, can you give me another legacy before your departure, I feel someone approaching" Edward panicked and gulped down the entire contents in the bottle and slammed it to the ground and then raised the glass and drank the contents of the glass.

"Here, give this to Wei Yenwu and this for Talulah" Edward wrote the will on this paper and then hugged me like a brother.

"I'm sorry I can't come to your funeral and your wife's funeral" Edward laughed and continued to hug me tightly.

"I don't mind, in fact I am grateful to you. maybe I can't have such a fun life. I leave my daughter to you, and be aware of the urge my daughter has" I sighed and Edward's body slowly went limp and slowly his body began to cool down.

"i know, she and you are the same. but i hope her adopted bastard father didn't know about it. i will not let him ride her" Edward released his hug and gave me a middle finger, i returned his middle finger with a double middle finger, Edward laughed and fell down. i caught his body and buried Edward again.

After finishing burying him again, I squatted on his grave and cried profusely, my tears fell on the ground of this grave and it rained so hard here.

"bastard, you always like this" I cried, the tears I thought were gone. I never cried even at the death of my parents before I didn't shed tears but this was the first time I cried over someone's death.

"ugh, asshole. look what you done" I wiped my tears and started to leave here before that person came, Wei Yenwu, I went to Ursus to see Talulah.

Even though Talulah was in Kaschey's custody but I wasn't going to let that damn snake.

I emerged from the shadows and saw Talulah in her cute pajamas, Talulah got scared and retreated.

"Relax, I'm your uncle, I brought you a souvenir" I crouched down and took out this necklace, Talulah approached me and I put this necklace on Talulah.

Talulah liked this necklace and I stroked her head gently, Talulah was happy that I stroked her head.

"What's Uncle's name?" Her cute voice made me happy.

"Sephiroth, let your uncle make some food for you" I made porridge for Talulah which smelled very good, I fed Talulah with my own two hands which made me a little touched to see this.

"Delicious?" Talulah nodded quickly and I bought her another spoonful.

After finishing I gave her a drink that was quite favored by young women, Strawberry milkshake which made Talulah suck this drink with enthusiasm.

"Uncle Sephiroth this is good, it's really good. Talulah wants some more" I pinched Talulah's cheek and then shook my head.

"You can't, Talulah will get sick later. Now Talulah sleeps" Talulah was sad and wrapped herself back up.

"Uncle sing Talulah a hymn" Oh shit, I thought what a good hymn in my memory.

I have no recollection of being able to humming beautifully so I only remember Six Theme from little nightmare.

I started to sing the six theme with a soft tone, I heard some angelic voices joining the background choir, the colors yellow, white, blue.

I was still singing this song until Talulah fell asleep, I shed tears after so long there was someone who could express the color white here.

I stroked Talulah's head and put this letter in the small box she hid, I then disappeared from here and returned to my house in Ursine.

"Welcome back, is there any news I need to know, especially the smell of alcohol?" I then sat next to Kal'tsit who was tidying up the clinic room.

"Saying goodbye to Edward" Kal'tsit nodded and opened her arms wide.

"Here, Come here" I crouched down and hugged Kal'tsit, Kal'tsit hugged me and stroked my head.

"Its fine, mourn all you want. i will be here" I let go of all my sadness in kal'tsit's arms, losing a friend here is more hurtful many memories overflow in my mind making this farewell more hurtful.


Kal'tsit Journal

Damn Ursus, we have made a new breakthrough but because of politics, all of us scientists fled with our families.

The few researchers I led all survived in the countries of Siracusa and Sami, and only Lillia stayed with us in the small village of Ursine.

We became doctors here for three months and the village accepted us, but why does Valtor always look nervous? Did he hear the news of Edward's death? Edward died seven years ago and Valtor is depressed?

Edward was Valtor's daily customer every morning, they interacted like siblings and even considered their own family even though Edward often learned a lot from Valtor.

Until where Valtor went, I knew from his voice that. he sad, he returned home closing his sadness with that smile with the smell of alcohol that Edward used to drink with him at the clinic.

Valtor cried, he cried so much that I never know the perfect man have heart to mourn about thing, a demigod have feeling, a godly being have empathy toward deceased person.

Then there was a duke visiting our clinic, we hid with Valtor's amazing power of reality manipulation that made our existence disappear even though we existed but in the eyes of this duke we did not exist.

Valtor was revealed to be the Last Draco in hiding, and this Duke made a deal with Valtor.

The agreement was to kill Duke Vanya but Valtor had nothing to lose, What did he get? This duke offered him a Duke position on Ursus.

"No, I want better deal"

We couldn't hear this agreement, as if their voices didn't exist. But they were chatting but we didn't hear anything.

The duke left and Valtor folded his arms and when the duke left, Valtor ordered Illia and her family to go to the Sami or Emperor Blade would be here.

Then I was ordered to hide in Laterano, I don't know why but Valtor promised to come back.

I don't know what was promised to the Duke but from Valtor's expression, he was deadly serious. this matter was not taken lightly.

Lillia's family was given a letter containing a protection agreement by the Cyclops group, the lost Sarkaz Race who migrated. Where did he get this? He knows this lost race in Sami?

After Lillia and her family left, Valtor and I exchanged a kiss for the last time.

"I will meet you in 7 years, I will send messages everyday. Do not step in Ursus whatever that means."

Why? Is there something dangerous that I mist never involved? Are we supposedly partners Valtor? Why?

Then Valtor left, I went to grab his hand but the blizzard made him leave which made me even sadder.


She also theorized that Second threat is like Forerunner kinda thing, A more advance being that put the very thing called originium based on the anniversary event lore.

spoiler, The current Anniversary last dialog also lore bomb. The human past civilization actually not die but preserve as Record of history, Originium stone is not human creation but brought by forerunner being to past human.

She theorized the Forerunner being want to help past civilization to escape from their doom.

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