
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · Video Games
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161 Chs

Bad Godmother

Towards morning, I was in the kitchen cooking breakfast for them and myself. I enjoyed my time here, luckily, I had closed the door to prevent any smells from escaping. Some of them were still asleep, while others had already woken up. They were either wandering around, meditating, or just enjoying the simulated world.

Honestly, I felt sorry for them, but what else could I do? The burden had been placed on them, so I had to let go and consider it done. Now, it was time to move forward.

I had prepared breakfast for everyone, and I ate alone here. Not much, but enough to fill my stomach even though I didn't really need to eat.

After finishing my meal, I sneaked into my room and saw some people sleeping in my workspace, which had mostly been destroyed by the "Angry Unstable" woman. I tidied everything up with the amulet and entered my room. I heard the sound of my closed door; some of them were waking up.

"Ummm, Valtor?" Kal'tsit yawned widely and looked around while rubbing her eyes. Kal'tsit saw that my door was still tightly locked, but all the destruction she had caused had returned to normal. Absurdly, all the furnishings, floor, wood, and the foundation of the house shone as if they had been cleaned diligently and meticulously without a single flaw.

"The amulet has been fixed, maybe by the god tablet." Kal'tsit approached my bedroom door and knocked on it.

"Valtor, you up?" No response, but a sprite appeared, forming a word.


"...why you?" The sprite turned to display another word to cut her off.

"A reason."

"Stop being petty, tell me."

"You will know. Wake everyone; breakfast is ready. You have many things to do outside. My manor will be closed; I don't want anyone in here if I go."

"Fine." Honestly, there were many things she wanted to ask, but Kal'tsit didn't have the right. My words from before still echoed in her mind, making her heartache. Everyone woke up, and they had breakfast in the dining room with the most luxurious food they could enjoy.

Meanwhile, I checked two new statuses: Inferno and Kel'thuzad, while Ascendant was preparing my files. I had suspected that Ascendant was using the appearance of Marcus Calenbury from the famous Korean novel, "SSS-Class Suicide Hunter." Check it out.

I wasn't going there because I had a bad feeling about it. Just a bad feeling. because the novel not end, the author probably make something up to reconnect the novel and this fan fiction. ups spoiler.

Let's focus on this world first.

[Inferno "Ancient Evil Of Purgatory" has been ascended to Inferno "Primal Evil of Calamity" : This metamorphosis occurred through the absorption of the Infinite Dimension bestowed upon him, supercharged by your manipulations. Inferno has transformed into a malevolent manifestation of Demise, poised to trample and unleash calamity upon countless existences that dared to erect barriers in the path of your endless adventure]

[ Kel'Thuzad "Primus Death Agent" Has been Ascended to "Grand Magus Immortality" : This enlightenment occurred through the absorption of the Infinite Dimension bestowed upon him, amplified by your intervention. Kel'Thuzad has transcended into a mage of unparalleled prowess, comprehending the intricate balance between beginnings and endings. With this newfound understanding, he effortlessly taps into a reservoir of power untouched by most other mystics, becoming a beacon of transcendence in the realm of magic]

"Fascinating, Inferno, Kel'thuzad." They appeared, and I immediately got up, observing their human forms.

"My Lord, Master," I took a deep breath and nodded.

Inferno transformed into a Hydrated Ganondorf, even sexier and bulkier, wielding Soul Edge. The Soul Edge here used Gloom Sword as the base but was more detailed, with the scabbard adorned with carvings of Hyrule words and more.

Kel'thuzad took the form of Vander from Fire Emblem, a Paladin in flesh. In the name of God, I will crush you down. His stature was perfect, and the armor was from Warcraft Paladin, belonging to Uther the Lightbringer, with the costume being the light-forged one.

"Impressive. It seems you're able to harness infinite dimensions."

"All because of your benevolence, master."

"Indeed, we've never reached this greater height."

"I see. I need you to come with me to meet some annoying people in a meeting."

"As you wish," we discussed various things, from Hell to Dalaran, with Ascendant helping me prepare.

The majority of the issues in Dalaran were caused by a few mages, especially with Kel'thuzad's discovery. Kel'thuzad literally created a Holy Grail, a legitimate Holy Grail from Fate. The only significant difference was that this object wasn't a magic artifact; instead, it was a Miracle Artifact.

Kel'thuzad had studied this Holy Grail for approximately 1 million years in the pocket dimension I had given him earlier. It took quite a long time, but it was successful. A pure Miracle Artifact capable of granting anything, considering the implications.

Why were implications needed? To avoid foolish or naive wishes that could create unforeseen consequences. This Holy Grail had such a pure nature that even corruption was impossible. Azathoth himself was impressed with Kel'thuzad's ability to turn a Miracle device into a simple goblet.

Despite the Grail's incredible abilities, Kel'thuzad didn't ask for anything from it because he knew. Why bother asking an omnipotent device when omnipotent beings are all around you? I agreed with that.

Some naive mages wished to have that Holy Grail just for fun or anything they desired, but apparently, the Holy Grail was a bit picky. Even omnipotent beings in Svarga tried, but nothing appeared. Trying with the most innocent baby? None. Evil beings? None. Everyone tried, but even Kel'thuzad, the creator of the Holy Grail, couldn't.

I read the construct of the Holy Grail and laughed.

"Something interesting, Master?"

"It's sentient."

"Ah..." Kel'thuzad checked it, and indeed, it was sentient. He heard a little voice of a girl in there.

"She says, only someone worthy can have their wishes granted. She can give three absolute wishes to anyone. Each person gets three wishes, and if those wishes run out, the person can get three more wishes three times. There are three laws to be obeyed. The first law, only someone who deserves it can have their wishes granted. The second law, the granting of requests applies only to one person and cannot be intervened by others except that person. The third law..."

"Okay ?"

"Master, it chooses you."

"?" I approached this Holy Grail and held it. I felt like I was sucked into a white dimension where there was a little girl. She had a tiny body, wearing white clothes like a robe loosely tied around her neck.

"Welcome," her voice was like that of a 3-year-old girl, not overly sweet. I analyzed this place; it was like a pocket world with an excess of Miracle power.

"Your habits have never changed... being curious and analyzing things excessively." I didn't answer the child's chatter. What I prioritized now was that I could absorb the Miracle power in case I needed an extra boost of luck for brutal sex with my employees.

"Hey, I'm talking to you." The child didn't introduce herself, so why should I consider her real? My priority now was absorbing this Miracle power.

"DAD!" I saw the child looking at me with a very distressed face, distress not in appearance but in expression. I opened my eyes wide; the picture of my daughter that I had displayed was in front of me, the daughter who should have been born.

"Alyssa." Alyssa smiled upon hearing that; it was the name I had prepared for her if she were born but was now here. Did it mean... in that moment, I stopped thinking; I just ran and hugged her tightly, not letting her go anymore.

"Dad's here, Dad's here. Are you hurt?" My father instinct was on the edge; I checked every inch of her body, not a single "negative" sign. Although she was still pouting about my "priority."

"Hmmph, no, Dad's mean. Humph." She pouted, and I smiled hearing that. Alyssa hugged me warmly.


"Alyssa." We sat and talked about anything. Alyssa knew everything about the real world, all the journeys I went through. Alyssa scolded me thoroughly because I always liked to mess around. Alyssa hated it and wanted me to seriously do something, to stop fooling around.

I couldn't say no; I had sinned by killing Alyssa at that time. Alyssa's will was an absolute command for me.

[How about me? (Satan)]

"Shut up, Satan. Alyssa hates you; you are the reason Dad is like this." I was surprised to hear Alyssa scolding Satan.


"Alyssa is omnipotent, just like Dad. Alyssa knows about God, Satan. Actually, God kept Alyssa in a heaven that Dad wouldn't know about, and when Uncle Kel'thuzad tried to create a vessel for Alyssa, God put Alyssa in here. Alyssa has the ability to grant any request from Dad."


"Yes, anything, but Alyssa doesn't like Dad asking for weird things."

"In context." Alyssa pinched me and pouted.

"Dad always plays; stop playing, be serious."

"Okay, Dad's first request."

"What?" I smiled and hugged Alyssa, whom I held.

"Let Dad hug you until Dad's satisfied."

"...request granted." I hugged Alyssa warmly, placing my head on her shoulder and giving her the affection a father should give to his beloved daughter.

I continued to hug her until I didn't know how long, but I was sure it was a hug and a forgiveness of sins that I could give to my daughter.

"Second request."

"Say it, Dad."

"Convey this to your grandparents who created Dad. Mom, Dad, it's me, Valtor, your only son. I'm sorry for being late in saying this; I apologize for seeing you suffer at my death. I'm truly a bad and disrespectful son; I deserve to be punished for my mistakes. Mom, Dad, I now have a family that accepts me and loves me, even though they already have their own families when I died. I am happy with that. I hope you accept this apology and request from your disappointing son. I'm fine. If I'm in the afterlife, I hope the first people I meet are both of you." I didn't realize I was crying while saying that, and I trembled. Alyssa gently embraced my hand.

"Request granted."

"Last request. Alyssa, do you forgive your father for killing you?" Alyssa fell silent upon hearing that, shifting her body and leaning to face me.

"You silly father, how could Alyssa blame you? Alyssa is happy when you're happy, even though Alyssa is a bit jealous of Alice and Nier... Humph, but..." Alyssa hugged me warmly.

"Alyssa will always be your true biological daughter."

"Michael and Yukio."

"They're Alyssa's younger siblings; Alyssa is still the oldest." I smiled hearing that, gently stroking Alyssa's head.

"All requests have been granted."

"No... Father is still missing one wish."

"Isn't it?"

"Father is still missing one wish."

"...Grant my final request for my daughter, I want her to make the last wish." Alyssa looked at me in surprise and then playfully hit my chest.


"I'm not teasing you. If Dad can give you anything, then Dad will give you anything you want."

"Fine." Alyssa fell silent and closed her eyes. She opened them and looked at me gently.

"Alyssa has pleaded for it."

"What did you wish for?"

"Secret. Dad shouldn't know. It's not fun."

"Bratty child." I pinched Alyssa's cheek, and we had a father-daughter bonding moment, not the bratty child correction needed kind of bonding.

We played, told stories, ate—everything I wanted to do with my daughter without any ill intentions in my heart. We slept together, embracing each other, until I woke up in my room. I saw writing in front of me.

[Alyssa will watch over you, Father.]

"My lord." I smiled at that. I got up and touched my head, not knowing why something was binding me.


"It seems when you held the Holy Grail, you immediately fainted, sir."

"I felt fluctuations in your emotions changing, and the majority were happiness."

"That's correct, sir. Is there something interesting?"

"Alyssa, my unborn daughter... became the essence of the Holy Grail." The three of them were surprised, and even Kel'thuzad, who felt guilty. His master's unborn daughter turned into some miracle device without his knowledge, it was disgraceful and disrespectful.

"Master, I didn't know your unborn daughter became a vessel."

"Hush... No need to blame yourself, Kel'thuzad. Thank you for your Holy Grail; I can meet my daughter again. You shall receive the prize." Kel'thuzad bowed down like a knight and didn't dare to raise his head.

"Master, there is no need. I received good news that you finally met your unborn child. It's great news for this humble old man." I was glad to hear that.

"Very well. Do not let Amaterasu hear this; she will be absolutely mad at you."

"We shall be silent about it." I nodded, hearing them together.

"We lack someone, Soundwave." Soundwave appeared in a titanic size.

"Turn yourself into a human; we need more firepower."

"Shall be done." Soundwave transformed himself into Erralde from Shadowverse, kind of ironic.

"Good, it's time we gather at this meeting."

"Yes!" We prepared seriously here; the boys were going to be men.

On the other side, in the cafeteria, someone kicked the door and showed a happy face.

"Hello, suckers!"


"Yes, I'm here! What did I miss?" Everyone threw many questions about her in Greater Ark and Svarga, and the major question was whether this world was truly a video game.

"Okay, let me start from the beginning. First of all, what Sephiroth said is true. Our world is a video game world. At first, I didn't believe it, but after learning about it through Greater Ark technology, it was indeed a video game world. I obtained crucial information about Greater Ark, Svarga, Yharnam? I don't know that cathedral's name; it felt religious in there. All these places are based on the game world. Some inhabitants are creations of someone, whether it's literature or film. And I know Sephiroth's origin. He was a normal human who was truly abnormal in the context of what is considered normal in essence. He could make thousands of fictions become real with paintings or anything in media, and I saw our world edited in this context—a world of video games. Maybe Sephiroth has already shown it to you; whatever he shows is fictional characters living a reality, literally, fantasy turned into reality. But what Sephiroth said earlier sounds a bit painful to hear; we are fictional characters with personality, individuality, and reasons to live, which, in the context of Alignment, Background, and Programming, is essentially the nature of video games. However, for me, it sounded very irrational, a truth so painful to hear and analyze. I even experienced an existential crisis for 400 years in Greater Ark. But after thinking it through, I am fiction, but Sephiroth still treats me as a normal human being, despite him not necessarily doing that. He gives us freedom to choose, to be whatever we want to be, to stay as we already are. He never forces us to become someone we are not, unlike that someone, but he is different. He is not fictional; he is a real human who entered fiction. He chose an 'avatar' or, you could say, a character to create a 'fiction' of himself to blend into the fictional world. If he chose to be a real human, not a 'fiction,' it's like seeing an enigmatic being whom you can't comprehend how he looks, but I know how he looks in the human world, the same as Mael but with longer hair. The conclusion is, Sephiroth wants a simple thing from you: don't overthink who you are, what you truly are; you are you. We have individuality, personality, and a reason to live. Everything will not be decided by the complex machination of the programming of a supreme being. As he said before, God, or we could say Sephiroth's human kin, never has someone to manage us directly in said fiction. They only manage outside the world, where they decide events, things, and anything for the entertainment of the masses. Sephiroth literally cut ties with them, so instead of playing or managing outside boundaries, he decided to manage in that world directly with a fictional 'avatar.' That's why we should be grateful because we have someone powerful enough to manage us; it's more than enough. And yet, everything was already decided from the beginning, how our world was created, how our world will end. I see the future of our world in Greater Ark; it was grim. I had nightmares for five months over that. If Sephiroth hadn't decided to do something to shift and overturn that grim end, we would have no hope anymore. All we did would be meaningless, all in despair, all nothing worth a single breath. Fancy words of passion would be just empty talk, or even our blood spread across the land would be a little push, but the effect would be none. It would just be entertainment for the masses, and the 'Writer' or the 'Director' would decide the event or 'future accident' that has been decided, where only one of us is missing or dies in action, then another person will change that one of us to join the endless cycle of events. I see everyone's fate in that grim future; either you die forgotten by 'The Event' or, unfortunately, become the most unlucky character or person to become someone in progression, even though progression exists. It will not lead to a 'good end' but misery, despair, and an endless loop of sadness. Sigh... I feel lucky enough to be under his management. That's why, Cat, what's hidden, stays hidden. You don't necessarily need to open everything and know something that only he knows. It's better to live in a stack of lies that are too sweet to enjoy rather than live in the truth where all things only give you hopelessness. Now the box is already open, the box that he secretly hid from all of you. What are you going to do now? Keep the box open and spread it across the world, or close it and abandon it deep down in the abyss where nobody should know it existed in the beginning. The choice is yours. Just live a life as if we are real people, despite it clearly being a lie from his perspective. But we're going to keep it that way; he lies to us, but we also lie to him, pretending we are real beings in the beginning, even though we clearly aren't. We're a bunch of liars, and we live with it just fine until you messed it up, Cat. No wonder he didn't choose you and then cut ties with your 'partnership.' Your curiosity is killing not only your 'partnership' but also everyone here. You should be grateful that he's willing to listen to your everyday rants and spend time with you, even though it's going to end in a yelling session again. You get the worst part of him and the best part of him from your journey with him from the day both of you met. You clearly don't deserve him at all after all the bullshit this world had that both of you dealt with in previous eras and the bullshit he had for using many obscure methods in this era. But we have him on our side, and that's what matters more. Just listen to him if he wants you to. Sometimes he needs your opinion if necessary. If he says no, just don't do it. If he says yes, just do it. Don't ask too many questions that make everything complicated. It's not about opinions or considering many things that are immoral or bad. He's omnipotent, realistically speaking. He knows the best way to turn bad into good, make good better, and perfection. It's a simple system, yet what makes it complicated is us. It's amusing to him and also annoying to him. Amusing because he does it for a giggle and just casual teasing, and he annoys the hell out of you. But when it becomes annoying to him, you will be put in your place, in the most literal way possible. You already knew before how he disrespected Feraerus, then beat the living shit out of him because he was the reason why the Texas Famiglia was purged, killing a child abductor lupo witch where you maybe unaware of her history, said Grandma. You never checked despite him already building the tool for us to check it out. And outright killing the ancestor who built the very foundation of the country of Siracusa. The reason he did that was that they were useless. Useless in this context means 'you're a game character who just happened to become part of a story that brings nothing but misery and is not responsible for what you've done to someone who you played with. I will erase you from my story 'direction,' and fuck you, you're fired from existence.' The end, case closed. The only technology we lack is a Bookmark, a technology that lets us know specific recorded things in detail so we can't be deceived by simple empty talk or trust. Oh, I hear he wants to create weapons, utilities, and tools for us? Well, I have one more better than all of you losers." Koshelna revealed her new creation.

Her V-unit edited into an elegant and charming makeshift handguard, appearing like advanced technology and a magical item embedded within. At Koshelna's wrist, there was a beautiful crystal-shaped oval emitting a radiant light.

Her armor was designed very femininely, and the attire she wore looked enchanting with very minimalistic ornamentation, reminiscent of a battle maiden. An exquisite crown accompanied her armor.

Not forgetting a unique touch, her wings, initially two, now had four, each sharing the same beautiful color. The wing's curvature was adorned with technology attached to a crystal that emitted a pure white light, accompanied by a beautiful golden gleam. The wings scattered particles, and each feather emitted a soft sound.

"I've become a Valkyrie. In Svarga, I was trained by the Valkyrie Squad in their unique martial arts. Even though I needed 7000 years there, the training was truly harsh and irritating. I don't know how to use magic, but I'm proficient enough to fight hand-to-hand and with weapons. Fortunately, I could relax in Greater Ark during training and was trained to be a secretary with the Council as mentors on how to manage omnipotent beings. It took more time, around 7200 or 7500 years, but it was more fun to learn. And I received recognition." Koshelna presented a recognition letter with a unique light emanating from the oval stone on her handguard, signed by everyone in the council, indicating her graduation.

"To be honest, what made it take so long wasn't them; it was just me being lazy. What can I say? The place Sephiroth created is very comfortable, almost too comfortable for me. They were all relaxed in those three places; they advised me to take my time, no need to rush, enjoy your stay, and adapt to anything. Treat yourself. They didn't press me excessively, and I almost felt comfortable there enough to consider it my new home. But I remember Sephiroth is still here managing this world, and I don't forget my homeland; I have to go back and manage it with him, even though it sounds annoying and troublesome because this world is inherently annoying. Whether I like it or not, I have to live accepting that reality and lie to myself so I don't remember what kind of world I live in. Oh, I almost forgot, Alina." Koshelna gave Alina a beautiful staff, a magical staff with a unique branch, beautifully shaped and carved. In the middle was a crafted Originium Stone floating like a magical crystal.

"Gift from Freyja..."


"Yes, Freyja has reincarnated as the Fairy Queen in Svarga. She takes care of fairy beings in a beautiful forest. I went to Svarga to please Rhea for approval to become Sephiroth's son's 'Main' Wife. We accidentally met, and she was afraid that I knew her. It was obvious, and I teased her a lot for doing a backhanded deal with Sephiroth. I know you have many questions about why, how, what, where, and when. But deal with me; it was Freyja's idea initially, and Sephiroth just said yes out of guilt for resurrecting her. She reincarnated by destroying her 'fictional' body to become a new 'Avatar,' in this case, reincarnated into a different individual but still keeping the soul, memory intact, or individuality and programming. The deal happened after our feud regarding his 'harem,' and bear with me, it was annoying at first. Still, after learning, we eventually got along as a big family. It's good to be honest. We have protection from many supreme beings like Azathoth, who may seem terrifying but is actually chill as long as you don't bother him. Great Father Oblivion, who is too powerful to be near, is actually calm and lovable in-law. He always provides what Valtor doesn't when he's away, and as a future in-law, I know my place and don't ask anything to respect him. Queen of Titans Rhea is a bit picky about who's worthy enough to be in her son's 'harem.' She judges you in the most humiliating way possible. Personal advice: do not fight or deny what she says; just say yes and admit it. I learned that the hard way. She's all-seeing and all-knowing, but after a lot of ass-licking to show my 'value' despite my 'ignorance,' she accepted me, but not as a main wife. Well, I tried, but as long as I have her favor, it's enough. God and Satan occasionally visit Svarga for a 'holiday' or just to meet specific individuals. In this case, the Real God we met before, not Sephiroth's kin, just normal humans who pray to the Real God. I don't know how Sephiroth became friends with God and Satan, despite them being true omnipotent beings. Satan usually wants to play with Sephiroth's children. Speaking of children, Michael and Yukima are adorable babies I met. Satan was there when they were born. I never saw his joyous smile and tears before. I'm happy seeing him show his genuine smile and joy, not pretending. In that moment, seeing his smile like that, a genuine smile, I swore that even if I'm not his main wife, I will be the best teacher for his child, ignoring the fact that his child is a genius. Well, no shit. Teaching the son of a godly being is like teaching a supercomputer; they learn too fast. It was a hell of a ride. On the other hand, God usually talks with Great Father Oblivion or Azathoth. Sometimes, God goes to Yharnam to check Sephiroth's Cathedral. If you want to meet her, Alina, you can communicate with her using that staff as a proxy. Anything else you want to know? Consider I'm here."

"How many?"

"Huh? Ohhh... I don't care that much about how many. After all, Sephiroth chooses, and Rhea is the judge. As long as you know the trick I gave you, consider it a spoiler from me. Alright, we should get out of his house."


"He's in a Mafiosi meeting in the Grey Hall by now. He messaged me for everyone to get out of his house because some Mafiosi are on their way to raze this place to the ground."


"Cerberus is with him. Why do you keep asking questions? Just do it; you people need to listen more. He knows best; we must get out of here, right here, right now. Hurry. The Mafiosi are nearby, and Sephiroth's majority Famiglia is in the Grey Hall." Everyone rushed to pack and left my deserted Manor. They boarded Rhea's Mother Ship and went away. As they distanced themselves from the Manor, many Mafiosi appeared and began looting my property until a massive explosion occurred, creating a giant mushroom cloud that killed all the Mafiosi there.


"... " Looking at that giant cloud was terrifying to see.

Meanwhile, at the Grey Hall, I sat casually at this meeting table with Inferno, Kel'thuzad, Soundwave, Ascendant by my side. Our auras were dominating. I showcased the God Father, where I controlled everything, with Inferno showing that backward tribe I could hug them. Based on Ganondorf's attire, which counted as inhabitants of the East and foreign to them, Kel'thuzad's appearance like a paladin created an atmosphere that he was a well-respected knight from Kazimierz. The way he spoke carried the Laterano blood by his Ethereal. Soundwave seemed like an aristocrat with the most advanced technology in him. They thought Soundwave was one of the aristocrats from Ursus or Victoria, while Ascendant seemed highly esteemed, like a veteran who had been managing this world for too long. His demeanor resembled someone from Lungmen and Columbia, making them think that Ascendant is one of the major people in the Triad in Lungmen.

This meeting was quite simple, discussing the distribution of power and reports between Famiglia. Some upstarts wanted to challenge my authority, and I just sat silently and observed. I didn't want to bother raising my voice to silence all of this.

The influence of my Mafia reached Bolivar, Ursus, Kazimierz, Ursus, Iberia, Laterano, Kazdel, Tara, Victoria. Excluding Sargon due to Hassassin membership, Yan and Lungmen respected the Triad treaty. However, Yan's Royal Family still needed our intelligence service, and the Yan Emperor granted us special-service black robes, allowing my Mafia to operate in the underworld, especially against Rogue Feranmut, in case they manifested once more.

"My Mafia is widely recognized, and I have gained extraordinary influence worldwide. Even the expansion of my influence will begin further after Leithanein, Higashi, Mino, Kjerag, Columbia open their borders to be ready to welcome us in. However, Columbia is a bit cautious, so we retreat to prevent meaningless bloodshed. Now, we are still building good relations with Samiford, which has established our headquarters with the codename Arctic Lupo. It's a special force for intelligence gathering to protect Samiford from otherworldly threats.

"Don Remus..." I see Signora looking at me with a blushing face. My charm is irresistible, especially to old bones like her, already enchanted by all five of us being to her taste.

In reality, we have the power of "turning straight men gay, making lesbians straight, and causing asexuals to feel sexual attraction for the first time." Even our journey here was like gods descending from the sky. Many women fainted just from our aura, and some men even questioned their sexuality because of our appearance.

"..." I didn't answer but nodded. Signora coughed to correct her posture, but it was useless. Her eyes wandered everywhere, and she was completely unfocused.

"Can you share your power and influence with us?" I thought about it quickly, calculating pros and cons, and I stood up firmly, placing my hands on the table and staring at her sharply, like an Alpha wolf annoyed by her audacity. To share? What am I, some sugar daddy to you?

"No." Simple and direct. My disapproving voice made her heart waver like a kite, a simple word but with a big impact on her pride and honor.

Ascendant, Kel'thuzad, Inferno, Soundwave nodded upon hearing it. Signora heard it and became desperate.

Signora rethought, wanting me to join her jurisdiction and lead the country into its new phase. She had seen how well my Famiglia was, better juridically, politically, and preserving the very foundation of the Siracusa Familia tradition but with a new path that surpassed her own vision.

Signora tried to appease me in every way possible. She gave me many authorities in various places in Siracusa, and I outright said no. The argument led to her desperate attempt. Killing me would break her will and promise, using a very old-fashioned way.

"The seat of Dodici Famiglie will belong to you." The statement made all mafia leaders, especially the major rulers, slightly unhappy. I just listened with the calmest face possible.

"I'm not interested." Hearing that answer, coupled with some Mafiosi here being shocked, even some threatened me. However, my Mafiosi snorted upon hearing that; they were already free from their corrupt and useless Famiglia systems.

I raised my hand, all the Mafiosi I led stopped interfering in the chaos. They acted decisively and disciplined to handle the commotion and remained vigilant in any situation. Witnessing such discipline was not an easy thing, but boundless loyalty was what needed to be sought.

The meeting became chaotic, especially with insults being thrown back and forth. Still, my Famiglia and I ignored their uncivilized howls.

"Enough!" Signora raised her voice, and the situation was quickly brought under control.

"Do you have any other suggestions that you think you can contribute to us?" Contribute? This woman is serious, having run out of ways to woo me. I've contributed well by cleansing the Siracusa Familia's reputation in my own way. However, the True Famiglia famous in the world was mine, not theirs.

But the reputation of the Famiglia I led was known as the greatest detective and informant Famiglia. Many people knew Remus Famiglia like that, even common people. Even some common people needed a "detective" person. Ask someone who belongs to Famiglia Remus; they would gladly help you with a reasonable price. If you're good at something, never ask for it for free. If you're gifted with specific skill or talent, be humble and know your place.

Some members of my Famiglia had even become members of the police and security teams, both government and private. A significant achievement that can be said, being a Famiglia is indeed our bloodline and first priority above all else, but this job is our secondary priority. If they took leave for a "Famiglia" matter, all their workplaces allowed them to take it.

"... None." I sat back and folded my hands. Signora heard it and couldn't take it anymore.

"... Don Valtor Remus..." Ascendant, Soundwave, Kel'thuzad, Inferno readied their weapons. Ascendant used a futuristic transformative weapon that looked cool and sophisticated. Soundwave used his Titanus mechanicus arm and his large floating spear. Inferno drew Soul Edge, emitting spiritual energy that made the atmosphere tense. Kel'thuzad showed his Light Forge and Darkhold Scroll, emitting dark energy similar to a Sarkaz Revenant.

The group of Mafiosi I brought signaled to be ready to fight, with all their custom-made weapons, disciplined hands ready for action, heightened vigilance, and even analyzed everyone here.

"..." Everyone looked, starting to be cautious, even the Mafiosi began to grip their weapons and get ready for bloodshed. We stared at each other, watching each other; the situation worsened. Signora's wrath was towards me, but her vassals or other Famiglias would be a different matter. This was a dogfight.

"Stop." I stood up from my chair, and my Famiglia put away their weapons. The four of them also stored their weapons.

"Let me get this straight, Lady Signora. I am curious. What did I get here as my contribution to your system? A little thank you? A little chair for me to sit or something I should've gotten from your system? What good would that do to my Famiglia who is already free from your system? Where would it even go but to the bottomless, gaping pit of the power-hungry system you call a Famiglia? The Siracusa is yours. Everyone here will stand up for you. But I think you'll come to sorely regret that. And why is that? Because there's no one left to cover for you, as everyone in this table and attending this meeting will prey on each other once the situation becomes unfavorable. Eventually, probably soon, the world will recognize you for the pitiful disappointment you are as Signora. You are worthy of my respect. But you are not my godmother. You are simply a bad Famiglia leader who cannot put discipline on your other Famiglia, nothing but malnourished dogs, only barking to show off their fangless behavior. Let's go; we have much more delicious food at home than attending this beggar meeting." Not only did I roast her, but I was also being mean now. I literally destroyed their pride into oblivion.

We left the Grey Hall in style, returning to our territory and enjoying activities as we should. While the five of us strolled in other Famiglia territories, many people recognized me as Don Remus, a famous Don praised by common people for making Siracusa great again, literally worshipping me for enhancing the reputation of Siracusa and the Famiglia.

I remained silent, responding with nods to the praises. After enough sightseeing and souvenir shopping, we returned to Rhea Mothership.

"It's been a day; how long will he return?" Some members were bored.

"Don't care," Kal'tsit responded apathetically.


Kal'tsit ran faster than everyone else.

".... DoNt cARe," everyone mocked her and rushed to the gathering bridge.

I sat comfortably in a long chair, crossed my legs, and looked at the ceiling casually. The four of them were still with me; Ascendant held my robe, Soundwave brought souvenirs, Kel'thuzad was still checking the Holy Grail, while Inferno kept a sharp eye on the surroundings.

Everyone looked at us as if otherworldly entities happened to pass by; our aura was significantly different.

"Who are you?" Kal'tsit, as brave as she was, asked a question.

"SEPHIROTH." Koshelna waved at me; I peered at her position and showed my godly face, then waved back.

"Welcome back," my voice was angelic and crisp, causing some females to pass out, and even some males. Some strong-willed individuals had intense nosebleeds.

"Wow, did you ascend once again?" Seeing Koshelna unaffected by my charm was absurd because she already knew how to counter absolute charm.

"Metamorphosis. After absorbing Angel, Hope, and God power too much, I forcefully ascended to beyond god level. If we use the science of evolution, I'm at level 10 evolution. Well, the true omnipotent, as said by Koshelna, I'm the only human to reach omnipotence. Realistically speaking, I have the same position as God and Satan, but still weaker, as my authority belongs to Fantasy or Reality, not Heaven or Hell."

"Great, so, what do we do next?"

"I'm tired; do it tomorrow. I want to sleep. Ascendant, Inferno, Kel'thuzad, Soundwave, thank you."

"Yes, Sir, Master, My lord." They left in their own styles. Ascendant transformed into a Mad King mask, Inferno emitted extraordinary calamity energy and disappeared into its darkness, Kel'thuzad created a beautiful pillar of light that vanished, and Soundwave, like a human machina, turned into a titan size and disappeared again. I gave souvenirs from Siracusa to each of them, and then I leisurely walked to my room.

Koshelna chased after me, and we chatted along the way. I arrived, and Koshelna bid farewell; I nodded and went to sleep comfortably.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Koshelna screamed as loud as possible and took breaths hastily.

"... I almost lost myself there." Koshelna looked at everyone who happened to be there.


"How are you able to be immune to charm?"

"A neat trick from Mifuyu: eye contact. Keep eye contact. Do not focus on anything except the eyes. If you see his face, you get charmed. As long as you keep eye contact, it's fine. If he does something, do not focus on him, focus on what he does, so you don't get swayed by his godly charm. It works. As expected from the Main wife; she knows how to counter her husband's charm."

"Sounds like good advice."

"Well, what are you doing here anyway? Let him sleep; don't bother him, especially you, cat. Know self-restraint; have some self-boundary. I know we all have many questions, the majority of them already answered by me, so you can ask another question tomorrow. Let's go; don't bother God's sleep, or you'll get erased by how annoying you are. Go, go, go." They left, and Koshelna also left to organize files. She worked diligently all night without rest, but what Koshelna concealed the most was that she had already evolved to level 3. She didn't want to spoil the fun.

The next day.

I sat casually at the research table, opening the God Card to further regulate and develop the world, and there was only one issue: the need for trading vehicles for Sindria. I reviewed the blueprint.


"Hmmm," I turned and saw them.

"What?" They were instantly captivated, shaking their heads and focusing on my eyes; their instincts, desires, and lust immediately subsided. Koshelna's words were true; whatever form it took, it would immediately subside.

"Good. My Lucifer's eye has a Sin Spectrum that absorbs all forms of Sin from someone and myself. As long as you focus on my eyes, the Sin form will disappear. Do you want that?"

"Doctor, what can we do for you?"

"Hmmm... Didn't you think about what I said earlier?"

"No need, Doctor; we consider it a lie." I smiled, nodded, and continued.

"Good. I'm only doing what I can commission. For this commission, it's this ship."

"But Mael, you promised." I smiled and bit my finger; a drop of blood appeared. The scent of the god's blood made Warfarin and Closure's vampire instincts take over.

A forbidden aroma made their vampire instincts scream, FOOD, A FOOOD. Even Closure, who claimed not to be interested in blood, was taken over by the thirst for blood.

They jumped at me, clashed their heads together, and fought for a single drop of my blood.




"NO, MINE! I WAS THE ONE AND ALWAYS THE FIRST ONE TO TASTE DOCTOR'S BLOOD!" I bound them together like BDSM binding, pulled their tongues with my finger, and made them touch each other. I took pictures while they were at it, dropped my blood between their tongues.

After their tongues got the drop of my blood, I pulled back their tongues with my finger and let them experience it.

When my blood touched their tongues, the sweet and savory taste spread rapidly to their taste buds like light. When the blood was swallowed into their bodies, they felt ecstasy beyond reason. They screamed with joy, and even intoxicated by it, laughing like crazy. Their bodies experienced increased sensory perception, and their nerves became hypersensitive, more than usual, even exceeding their binding. Their minds experienced pleasure, making their mouths utter strange sounds while laughing continuously. Some unique phenomena, including intense sweating and bowel problems, occurred because they somehow urinated themselves, reflecting that for women, laughing too much can make them urinate.

I hit their heads with a ruler; they fainted like dolls with severed strings. I used an amulet to leave a trace, took water, and made it hot. I poured the hot water on them as they regained consciousness and coughed.

"Cough, Mael..." Closure looked at me groggily.

"Doctor... I think you broke my vampire trait." Warfarin woke up with heavy coughing.

I showed them the footage of their insanity; they screamed at me to delete it.

"Please delete that." I pointed at them, and Closure and Warfarin looked around where everyone with their phones was recording what was happening.

"Congratulations; you have become the first victims of the god's poison. Physiologically, swallowing my blood is the same as taking drugs with an excessively high dose. You are lucky to have entered the second evolution; if you were in the first evolution, you would have experienced a coma that would take 40,000 years to wake up. I'm not exaggerating about that. If you didn't experience evolution at all, you would have died. Be grateful."


"Because the amount of life force intensity or, let's say, life essence in my body is too great, anything you swallow, lick, taste, inhale, smell, and sense from any form my body produces will taste sweet and fragrant at first. Then, the sweetness and fragrance will become poison in your body, increasing your body's intensity by 400 times more sensitive. What you just experienced was the side effect. If I hadn't tied you up, your bodies would have rubbed against various surfaces here. Your history would be over." Closure and Warfarin swallowed their saliva.

"That's not funny."

"Yes, it is. That is not funny. And have you been aware of what unknown essence our material needs?"

"Your blood?"

"Yes, you need tools to suppress that abundant life essence to be able to reach evolution stage 4. Consider what happened to you if you lick that raw life essence; the effect was humiliating to experience. And please, next time, don't ask about "sex." If you clearly want to die, I would gladly prepare a body bag for you."

"So your body is made of pure energy."

"Correct. There is no such thing as DNA or many human physiologies in me anymore. My body is now literally life, death, pure, corrupt, ether, nether—anything you name it. Basically, I'm pure energy with human appearance. If you're curious how "big" it is inside these pants..." Everyone looked at my crotch, and I gave them the middle finger.

"Pervert!" Everyone was not having it; we had a laugh about it.

"How about your mansion?"

"Make another; why are you bothering about it? Shamare is already happy enough seeing her house get a total remake. It's all that matters now. Let's go; we have things to make, people to deal with, and something to take care of."

"Yes, Doctor!"

We did what we usually do, making something better

Dealing with real life stuff is complicating enough

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts