
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · Video Games
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161 Chs


Kazdel experienced a massive festival where news of the Promised Land spread throughout Terra making all Sarkaz who were in other countries some returned to their hometowns and some Sarkaz who returned to see only.

Laterano and Kazdel for the first time experienced a Peace treaty witnessed by the entire Kazdel Royal Court and Pope with its monastery, the latest generation recognized that Sankta was the new identity for Sarkaz tribe in ancient era, their feud was explained by broadcasting in every Laterano place and Kazdel place with my film design.

finally peace is in option but remember this is arknight world, Shit will happen eventually one way or another, i want stop it? Well, let the Future will be secret, try to be ignorant and let the history flow.

I've improved, not improved more precisely enhanced further with Bio-Metal Convergence, increased iron capabilities and even built Seraph higher to be able to stabilize the capabilities I developed.

Halo Trinity Flame energy array where I can charge energy in advance without waiting for recharging, and Overload system which can charge energy equivalent to 1000 times the energy of Big Bang. I improved The Composer to be able to stabilize the Trinity Flame further and some improvements, especially how much energy to release and barrage energy release. I further upgraded BFG 10000 to where it can target accurately as well as the additional thing that is a shot release that like Omega Beam, this energy shot can follow the target wherever they go and addition to able keep up with being who was faster than speed of light or anything than cannot be scale by normal science or normal logic in nutshell.

After I returned to Kazdel where I was still experiencing freedom, I sat down on a park chair in front of the Fountain of Life which made a clear and soothing sound.

Someone sat beside me and looking at the Fountain together, I saw the water splashing on the ground and the smell coming out was very fragrant.

"Thank you"

"Youre welcome"





Awkward as hell, I can't help but wonder if the person sitting next to me is none other than Theresis.

"Why did you bother to help us?" I saw fireflies flying to drink from the fountain.

"Promise, I promised your sister that after the Victoria war I would help build Kazdel, though I know. I scolded your sister too much plus I had the ball to make fun of her" Theresis laughed softly and then sighed.

"What is your current relationship with my sister?"

"Affair" Theresis looked at me seriously while I looked at him seriously too.

"What ?"

"I'll be honest, I love your sister and vice versa but you know the Lord Of Fiend Effect makes her just an innocent girl trying her best to do her best"

"No, no, no, I know of that. What do you mean by affair ?"

"Simple, She wants to take me from my partner that is Kal'tsit in front of her. Can you blame me though ?"

"Sigh, No, I can't, pretty much you won my sister heart before, Before we became royalty, She idolize you and always talk about you in her spare time, until she inherit lord of fiend making her dream come true, She build this Kingdom following your way to build your Kingdom despite you still a duke, She success so do i, I follow her footstep becoming i currently now. yet we have different approach of taking care of Sarkaz"

"Sorry to cut you, Past is past after all. No need to mourn or regret of what already happened. you before also asked me to join you as your sister is the price, I already joined you but not following your path and order, then I got the price without you knowing"

"All is your scheme, No wonder you creative way of thinking taking care problem always on spot. I lost, You have my blessing as in law"

"Since when i became your in law ?"

"My sister already created a degree for you becoming her husband and her consort in Kazdel"

"No, I decline"

"Too bad I can't help you, I unintentionally signed that degree. Good luck to escape that"

"Sigh, Whatever. Thank you for accepting me"

"No problem brother"

"Fuck you" I use Sarkaz language to make Theresis laugh.

"I prefer you fuck my sister, Well, I wish you good luck when you return with Kollam Body and his Sword. Beware of Yan Feranmut" Theresis left from this place while I just looked at the Fountain of life with a soft smile.

"Do you think I dont know you all there ?" The Rhodes Island members came out from their hiding place and I stood looking at the Fountain of Life even closer.

"Valtor, did you build that orbital canon ?" I nodded and took a handful of Fountain of Life water.

"Yes, is there anything you want to ask ?"

"Doctor ! lets go to Yan. Meet my other sibling"

"That will be great but currently i have something to do, Maybe next time"

"Doctor, Check out my new house in Sanctuary place you build, Visit my house okay"

"Of course, I will visit your home"

"Thank you for building Kazdel"

"Is a promise after all, No need to be humble out"

"Darling who are those being you called before"

"Demon and Angel that i sign contract with them, Demon from hell and Angel from heaven a celestial place that cannot be reach because a law"

"What law ?"

"Judgement day, After life, altar of scale. Judgement day is the day all creation in the universe end, After life is vast plain of soul where someone must take journey to gate of celestial place, Before you reach those gate there is altar of scale, Judging your sin and reward. If your sin had more weight than the Reward, You will be send in Hell to repent all your sin, Hell time is billion time longer than real time even can't be decide by simple manner. if your reward more weight than sin, You will be send to heaven or paradise, this paradise i build in Kazdel is a cheap copy in there. The heaven range is unlimited and cannot be measure by science, You live there for eternity, You can't feel apathy or any negative emotion even negative thought, You can't sleep, hungry, or tired because your body lost that necessity, everything in there is available, anything you ask will be manifest in front of you, You can marry many angelic being and fairy being as many as you want, i already been there for 800 billion year, Honestly is good place retirement but you all need me so i return this god forsaken world. Any more question before i return to my humble abode in space ship ?"

"you belong there ?"

"in sense yes as Marshal of Heaven. technically speaking i belong there, There is my home whenever i need to return, Good night Everyone, I need to sleep before fighting against God tomorrow"

"wait, you say you want fight god with Nachzeherer and Patriot, its impossible because you also say there will be another Feranmut"

"Remember Ho'olheyak inject me with Beast Alteration device that turn me into Celestial Beast ?" Everyone nodded then i take some fountain of life water.

"I already create a formula, more specifically 3 formula. one is Berserker medicine, a medicine that make individual potential reaching maximum limit form physical, art and even Racial Trait without any drawback but only 7 minute maximum until your body reaching its limit. second is Mutated Medicine, thanks to Ho'olheyak, i can fuse or assimilate thing that inject to human for example many inhuman subject like Ifrit Case, Skadi Case and future such Witch King remnant implanted to his descendant, That medicine not only suppressing rather enhance the capability of person, take a example of assimilation seaborn whoever they devoured, such Skadi Case, Her blood fused with Ishar-mla Firstborn, that medicine will Suppress Ishar-mla influence and make Skadi dominant host, Skadi can have ishar-mla Ability controlling Water naturally and control Sea creature just by will alone. Last is Demon Suppressant, I took reference of my creation in Emperor blade Demon shard, some of them already conquer the influence of Demon but their body decaying so this medicine will reverse back their true original self without losing Demon power in them whether intentionally implanted or scientific implant, there you have it. i'm gonna use Berserker Medicine to Patriot and Nachzehrer in case that Feranmut abuse Kollam and His Sword. this water is catalyst, 60 percent human body is liquid it has synergy to human body with addition essence of life in here making these medicine is most searched medicine, despite Oripathy suppressant already breaking major discovery yet i'm gonna break it again until everything your race did is simple compare to mine. Age of the God is Ended, now is age of human, we figure it out eventually just a need little push and i will be the tip of the spear. if you want create that, after we take care of this Artifact, Excuse me for a moment, i really need sleep its been 800 billion year since my last sleep"

"wait, one question. what is the demon ?"

"astral being or poltergeist, Its true body are intangible, cannot be touch but them can touch or possessed being or even corrupt everything they want, its like ghost, you can't see them , hear them, feel their presence. but once you know the specific phenomena you are near them. being possessed by demon is not a good thing, i remind you, i already possessed by pretty much million of them yet they only make me tickle, when they aware can't possess me. instead it give me idea, Southern Demon currently in infinite illusion dome, once we in Sargon. i will crack the dome and conquer them to be my army for next journey, they more weak version of my Demon pillar or true demonic being you see before, they will be great addition to my collection of insane being. i'm gonna use them as next battle between me and being above us, With Orbital canon that ready wipe their civilization to ashes and Demon can posses them, imagine possessing to threat from the space such a dream and nobody in this universe will threatening our civilization no more unless celestial phenomena"

"you are madman"

"i respect that, Using threat to defeating threat. the problem is, you need someone has enough insanity and fearless about everything to able come such feat, you have me as the living proof, my death before is simply time out for me to relax in Celestial plain. i thank you for that, Until then, Goodnight have a good dream" i open a portal to my room and halt for a moment.

"Priestess, Here. Ask Bismarck to integrated that" i throw a box to Priestess and She inspect it.

"what is this ?"

"Universe map, every planet, star, galaxy, civilization anything in your universe in detail complete and even realistic information always updated in that map, now. if you want to space fare again like your race did before, use that map to navigate. my job is done, do not open the box until you integrate it with Bismarck. See you tomorrow" i go to portal and close it, i arrive in my room then sleep straight to the bed, i'm return to my humble abode

"Open it" Kal'tsit look at those box, Priestess shake her head and keep it.

"no, he order me integrate it with Olympia, so Our spaceship will be leading ship to space fare, genius plan but he always do everything by himself and sometime we can't figure it out what is in his mind" meanwhile in my mind.

Kal'tsit sad cat dance video on loop, Ah nice addition to my memories.

using previous chapter as reference and bipolar disorder as reference create new medicine, i also doing research in many video game reference so this will be breaking major history and plot

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