36 Yuki

[Word Count: 2969]


November 11th, 1984

It had been about an hour since Leo left the hospital. As the sun's first rays emerged above the horizon, a gentle golden hue bathed the desolate streets. Only a few brave souls, their faces etched with worry and weariness, ventured out into the frigid morning to commence their early weekend commute.

The aftermath of the Gun Devil's attack lingered in the collective consciousness, casting a somber shadow over the icy sidewalks traversed by pedestrians. The roads remained largely closed due to the destructive vibrations inflicted by the Gun Devil, imparting an eerie sense of desolation to the streetscape.

The normally bustling thoroughfares now exuded a dystopian aura, their silence broken only by the faint echoes of distant sirens.

Undeterred by the bone-chilling cold, Leo pressed onward, his determined footsteps marking the path toward the bloke's warehouse. The plan to detonate Tanaka's Spa was scheduled for noon, granting him ample time to navigate the frost-laden landscape.

As Leo walked, his breath mingling with the frigid air, the weight of what he was about to do was heavy on his shoulders.

The journey to the warehouse was a solitary one, accompanied by the resolute beat of Leo's footsteps and the rhythmic symphony of his thoughts. The cityscape gradually transformed as he ventured deeper, each street corner a stark reminder of the havoc wrought by the Gun Devil.

Arriving at the bloke's warehouse, Leo surveyed the surroundings with a discerning gaze. He stood amidst a labyrinth of forgotten memories and hidden secrets, the walls cloaked in the whispers of the past. Time seemed to stand still within those weathered bricks and creaking doors, providing a fitting backdrop for the clandestine mission that awaited him.

With the hours ahead of them, members of Yuki's group steeled themselves, mentally preparing for the forthcoming act of retribution. The weight of grief and loss bore heavily upon them, intermingling with the desire for revenge.

As the world outside grappled with the aftermath of destruction, Leo embraced his purpose. With each passing moment, the path ahead became clearer, and the fire of resolve burned brighter within him. Today, within the heart of the city's broken streets, a new chapter would be written—one covered with the ashes of the past.

November 13th, 1984

Leo perched atop a weathered bench, perched on a solitary hill. His hands moved mechanically, the matchstick flicking against the edge of the matchbox with a persistent determination. Each strike elicited sparks that danced briefly, igniting a glimmer of hope, only to fade away as the match refused to catch fire.

The billowing smoke from the burning neighborhoods obscured much of the once panoramic view from the hill. With each failed attempt to ignite the match, new fires seemed to sprout, casting an ominous glow that further clouded the surroundings.

Lost in his solitary ritual, Leo remained oblivious to the approach of footsteps. It was only when a chilling coldness pressed against his neck, accompanied by the sharp sting of a knife, that he snapped back to reality. Even as the blade cut through his skin, tracing a path of crimson along his flesh, Leo's focus remained fixed on the match.

"Which side are you on: Humans or Devils?"

A familiar voice pierced through the tense silence, jolting Leo's attention away from the matchbox and toward its source.

Kishibe looked down at Leo. His appearance was as haggard as his own with bags forming under his eyes.

Since the fires across Japan started Kishibe only had one person in mind as to who could be behind them, Leo. Since the Gun Devil's attack, Kishibe had searched for Leo relentlessly, but to no avail. When seemingly random fires started appearing across Japan, Kishibe's search intensified, abandoning sleep altogether to cover more ground.

Kishibe's gaze met Leo's, recognizing the familiar pain that flickered within those eyes. They mirrored the anguish he had witnessed countless times before. The haunting, vacant eyes of someone who had tasted grief firsthand were etched into Leo's visage.

Leo maintained eye contact with Kishibe before blinking and slowly looking away to look back at the rising smoke.

"Neither," Leo rasped, his voice dry and parched. "Both sides can go fuck themselves."

Kishibe held his knife steady against Leo's throat, analyzing the words that spilled forth with a raw intensity. Slowly, he withdrew the blade, leaving behind a crimson imprint and a trickle of blood that bore witness to their encounter.

From his pocket, Kishibe produced a bloodstained rag, carefully wiping away the remnants of their confrontation.

As the knife and rag found their respective places, Kishibe's attention shifted to the smoke-filled expanse that stretched before them.

The question hung heavy in the air, an inquiry that begged for answers amidst the chaos that lay in ruins around them. "You did this?" Kishibe's voice carried a mix of accusation and curiosity, punctuated by the sharp inhalation of breath.

A solemn nod was Leo's only response, a tacit admission of responsibility. The weight of the truth settled upon his shoulders, shared in the haze of smoke that obscured their surroundings. Leo's voice tinged with exhaustion and the remnants of a lingering cough, pierced the silence, offering a glimpse into the complexities of his actions.

"Most of them are empty," Leo confessed, his words laden with the weight of reluctant disclosure. The somber reality of their actions, the calculated destruction of empty shells, hung in the air, their choices driven by a desire to expose the underbelly of a hidden world.

"And the ones that aren't?" Kishibe's voice held a touch of apprehension, the question lingering between them like a thread waiting to be unraveled.

"Yakuza," Leo answered simply.

Together, their gazes pierced through the smoky abyss that had consumed the once-vibrant city, the plumes of darkness serving as an eerie backdrop. The landscape, cloaked in destruction and debris, stood as a somber testament to the birth of a new era— one covered in ash.

As the smoke continued to rise, winding its way up the hill, a subtle irritation tugged at the back of Leo's throat. He felt the encroaching presence of the destructive force he had unleashed upon the city. Suppressing a cough that threatened to escape, Leo rose from the bench with purpose, resolute in his decision to move forward.

"Where are you going?" Kishibe's voice cut through the heavy silence.

In three days, Leo had managed to shift the collective consciousness of Japan, diverting their attention from the haunting specter of the Gun Devil by offering them a tangible fear to embrace. Yet, beneath the facade of practicality, Kishibe recognized the underlying current of grief that had propelled Leo's actions. He couldn't allow Leo to simply walk away, oblivious to the danger he posed—to himself and to those who surrounded him.

Coming to a brief pause, Leo's gaze remained fixed forward, his resolve unyielding as he uttered his response, carrying the weight of the world on his weary shoulders.

"Home," Leo's voice rang out, tinged with solemnity. "I have school tomorrow."

The simplicity of his words belied the complex web of emotions entangled within Leo's being. School—the anchor that kept him grounded, the fragile thread of normalcy amidst the chaos that consumed his existence. In the face of turmoil, he sought solace in routine, in the mundane rhythms of everyday life.

"There are three types of people in this world, Kishibe," Leo's voice carried a weight of introspection, tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "Those who have something to live for, those who have something to die for, and those who have something to kill for. Right now, I find myself in one category, but I... I want to be more."

The profoundness of Leo's words hung in the air, the gravity of his self-realization resounding with both hope and uncertainty. With resolute determination, he took a final step forward, embarking on his solitary journey, his silhouette gradually fading into the mist-shrouded horizon.

Kishibe's gaze lingered, tracing the fading figure. The path that lay before Leo was fraught with unknown challenges and hidden perils, each step potentially leading him closer to either salvation or ruin. Yet, it was undeniable that his destiny had been irrevocably intertwined with the forces that sought to reshape the world.

And so, Leo vanished from sight, swallowed by the ever-shifting landscape.

Navigating the familiar streets, each step weighed down by exhaustion, Leo embarked on the journey toward his home. Since the 10th, sleep had eluded him, leaving his body burdened, teetering on the edge of collapse.

As Leo traversed the once lively streets, he couldn't help but notice the aftermath of the recent events—the shuttered shops and vacant storefronts, silent testaments to the profound impact that had reverberated through the lives of countless individuals.

Finally arriving at the final intersection, Leo's gaze fixed upon the towering high-rise that housed Yuki's apartment. Standing before the callbox, a surge of helplessness washed over him, as he realized he had no means of accessing the building

Fueled by memory, Leo pressed the button for Yuki's apartment, the anticipation mingling with a sense of trepidation. With balled fists and a growing grip, the weight of reality settled upon him, its grip tightening with every passing second.

Yuki was well and truly...

Suddenly, static crackled from the callbox speaker, breaking the oppressive silence, followed by the faint buzz of the entrance door unlocking. Yet, Leo remained motionless, his focus unwavering, fixated on the callbox.

Summoning his resolve, he pressed the button once more, eliciting the same static-filled response before the entrance door buzzed open again. Leo's jaw clenched as determination propelled him forward, his hand reaching out to grasp the door handle.

Slowly pushing it open, he entered the empty lobby, a familiar sight that offered no solace. Ascending the stairs to Yuki's apartment, each step felt laden with the weight of his weariness, threatening to buckle beneath the burden.

Reaching Yuki's floor, Leo's gaze shifted toward the door leading to the hallway. Hesitation gripped him, uncertainty clawing at his core, tempting him to retreat and seek refuge elsewhere. But deep down, he knew there was nowhere else for him to go.

Closing his eyes, he let out a shaky sigh, summoning the last vestiges of courage as he pushed the door open. Stepping into the hallway, his eyes traced the rows of doors, until they settled upon the one that belonged to Yuki.

Swallowing the lump in his throat, Leo approached, his steps measured and deliberate. Standing before the door, he summoned what little strength remained, raising his balled fist and delivering a feeble knock.

The sound echoed in the heavy silence, reverberating through the air, as Leo's jaw tightened when he heard movement approaching the door. His stoic facade teetered on the brink, his trembling lip betraying the emotions that threatened to overwhelm him.

Time seemed to stretch, the seconds elongating as the door gradually unlocked, amplifying the rapid thudding of Leo's heart. And then, finally, the door opened, revealing Shouzou—no longer adorned in his customary suit, but dressed in plain clothes.

Two pairs of eyes locked in a silent exchange, a profound weight hanging in the air between them. After Yuki's tragic passing, Shouzou disappeared, shrouded in his grief, while Leo had embarked on a fiery crusade against the Yakuza, Shouzou had remained in the shadows, despite orchestrating the locations and preparations for the blazes, he didn't participate.

Without uttering a word, Shouzou moved aside, gesturing for Leo to enter Yuki's apartment.

As Leo stepped into the apartment, a blanket of silence enveloped him, amplified by the soft thud of the door closing behind him.

Slipping off his shoes, Leo ventured further into the space. Despite the recent tremors that had shaken their lives, the apartment appeared remarkably clean

Fatigue weighed heavily upon Leo, his weary body craving respite. With a gentle rub of his bleary eyes, he navigated towards his room, shedding his jacket along the way. Opening the door, he was met with a sight that pierced through the fog of exhaustion—a vivid, bright yellow box adorned with a meticulously tied blue ribbon, resting serenely upon his bed.

As he closed the door behind him, Leo's breath hitched in his chest, a mixture of anticipation and overwhelming emotions taking hold. His jaw trembled, and his vision blurred as he approached the enigmatic box, its presence radiating significance and longing.

With trembling hands, Leo sank to his knees, his fingers delicately gliding along the smooth texture of the wrapping. Every inch traversed heightened the intensity of his anticipation. His heart skipped a beat when his gaze landed on the tag, bearing the simple yet profound inscription:

To: Leo

From: Yuki

Leo's breath grew shallow, each inhalation laborious as he grappled with the overwhelming flood of emotions threatening to consume him. Slowly, with great care, he untied the bow, unraveling the layers of wrapping paper that cloaked the precious gift.

Beneath the layers, he unveiled a box, its contents concealed within. Leo's hands quivered as he gingerly lifted the lid, revealing a folded dark jacket nestled within. But it was the small white envelope placed atop the garment that commanded his attention. The envelope, sealed with a heart-shaped sticker, held a promise of tender sentiments enclosed within its delicate confines.

As Leo held the envelope in his quivering hands, anticipation and bittersweet longing mingled within him, forming a palpable weight upon his heart. With tender care, he broke the seal, releasing a floodgate of emotions that had been dammed up within him since Yuki's passing. The contents of the letter unfolded before his tear-filled eyes, each word etching itself deep within his soul.

My dearest Leo,

On this special day, I want to give you a gift that symbolizes not just our present but also our future. I have chosen a jacket for you, one that is intentionally a few sizes too big.

This jacket represents my unwavering belief in your potential and the incredible person you are destined to become. It's a reminder that life is a journey of growth and discovery, and you have so much room to grow into the incredible individual you are meant to be.

It may feel oversized now, but trust me, you will grow into it. Just as you continue to grow and evolve with each passing day, this jacket will be a testament to your resilience and ability to overcome any obstacles that come your way.

As we celebrate your birthday, I want to encourage you to embrace the adventure of life, to fearlessly pursue your dreams and never shy away from the opportunities that come knocking on your door. Remember, my love, that you are capable of achieving greatness. You have a heart filled with compassion, a mind full of creativity, and a spirit that shines brightly.

On this special day, I want to remind you how much you mean to me. Your presence in my life has brought me immeasurable happiness.

Leo, as we celebrate your birthday, let us cherish the beautiful memories we have created together and look forward to the adventures that lie ahead. I am excited to witness your growth and stand by your side as you navigate the twists and turns of life.

Once again, happy birthday, Leo. May this day be filled with love, laughter, and an abundance of joy. Here's to a future filled with dreams fulfilled and love that only grows stronger with time.

With all my love,Yuki

Silent sobs wracked Leo's body as the waves of grief and love crashed over him, carrying him on a tidal surge of emotions. The days of suppressing his pain and sorrow gave way to a cathartic release as if the floodgates of his heart had been opened wide. His tears flowed freely, mingling with the inked words on the letter, as the weight of his loss collided with the warmth of cherished memories.

In that poignant moment, Leo found solace amidst the sea of emotions that engulfed him. Through Yuki's heartfelt words, he was reminded of the enduring bond they shared, a connection that transcended the confines of the physical realm. Her love, her presence, her essence—they remained steadfast within him, eternally intertwined with his being.

Outside Leo's room, Shouzou stood poised to knock, his hand hesitating in mid-air as the sound of sorrowful sobbing reached his ears through the closed door. The weight of his own guilt and remorse crashed over him, reminding him of the profound loss they both shared.

At that moment, Shouzou was struck by the realization that despite Leo's resilient facade, he was still just a child, thrust into a world of darkness and forced to grow up far too soon. The burden of grief weighed heavily upon his young shoulders, magnifying the pain that radiated from within.

With a heavy sigh, Shouzou lowered his hand, retreating from the door. He cursed himself for abandoning Leo in his time of need, choosing instead to seek solace in his own secluded refuge. The truth pierced his heart like a dagger, reminding him that he, too, had lost someone dear, yet he had neglected his duty to be there for Leo during this tumultuous period of mourning.

Seated in the quiet solitude of the living room, Shouzou chastised himself relentlessly, his self-condemnation echoing through the empty space. The weight of his own selfishness and regret bore down upon him, as he realized that Yuki, in her boundless compassion, would have wanted him to be there for Leo, offering support and understanding.

In the depths of his remorse, Shouzou resolved to rectify his mistakes. He vowed to be a pillar of strength for Leo, to provide the solace and guidance that he had denied him thus far. For Yuki's sake and for Leo's well-being.

Next chapter