
Step 2?

[Word Count: 2177]


Ruby sat with unwavering attention at a desk in the living room, immersed in the boundless expanse of the World Wide Web. She delved into various forums and articles centered on the War Devil. Each publication possessed its own unique perspective. Some lauded the War Devil as Public Safety's new weapon, its War Fiend, if you will. Others harbored a deep-seated fear of the concept the War Devil embodied—war and conflict in their rawest forms. Such ideas sent shivers coursing through the collective consciousness.

The subject of war had largely dwindled in importance for years, until the abrupt emergence of the War Devil, accompanied by the fall of the infamous Gun Devil. Even though fiends had diminished in power due to their occupancy of deceased bodies, the War Devil had not merely claimed any ordinary vessel; it had chosen to inhabit the body of Leo, the most formidable human being.

This continuous focus on the War Devil inevitably led Ruby's thoughts back to Leo—the reason she had embarked on this digital voyage. However, the digital landscape seemed strangely silent regarding him. It was incessantly "War Devil this" and "War Devil that." But what about the person it had supplanted? No one appeared to raise concerns or engage in discussions about her father.

The pervasive silence irritated Ruby to no end.

Aqua silently observed Ruby from the couch, comprehending the source of her vexation while also grasping why Leo wasn't the primary topic of discussion.

For starters, even when he had been alive, Leo had rarely been the focal point of conversations; it had always been the devils he hunted, or his lofty title as the strongest hunter that garnered the limelight.

Yet, none of these facts alleviated Ruby's anger; if anything, they exacerbated it.

"The War Devil isn't the strongest, Papa is," Ruby muttered angrily.

In the vast expanse of their spacious apartment, where silence hung heavy save for the gentle hum of daily life, Miyako managed to discern Ruby's words. The solitary sounds were confined to the rhythmic flow of running water emanating from the sink where she diligently rinsed dishes before consigning them to the washer.

A sigh escaped Miyako's lips. Leo's abrupt demise had cast a somber shadow upon everyone in the household, each grappling with the loss in their own way. Ruby was the most vocal about her frustration, vehemently protesting how the online community had treated her father's passing. In contrast, Aqua remained mostly reticent, internalizing his emotions, and any mention of Leo stirred a perceptible unease within the young boy.

Miyako herself hesitated to admit it, but the sight of Leo's altered visage, a result of Public Safety's actions, stirred a disconcerting churn in her stomach. Those malevolent crimson eyes had supplanted Leo's erstwhile expressive black eyes, serving as an incessant reminder of the entity that now occupied his body. And that was merely the beginning; the scar etched across Leo's face bore witness to the torment he had endured before succumbing to his injuries.

In light of this tarnished image, Miyako could comprehend the rationale driving Ai and Ichigo's quest to implore Public Safety for the opportunity to grant Leo a proper resting place. However, considering the profound utility embodied by the War Devil, the likelihood of Public Safety relinquishing Leo's corpse remained a remote prospect.

Miyako's lips released yet another sigh, the weight of her emotions palpable, when an unexpected knock resounded through the apartment.

Viewing this as an opportune moment to coax Ruby into a respite from her relentless online exploration, Miyako summoned her voice.

"Ruby, could you get that!" she exclaimed, her tone tinged with hope.

Ruby momentarily halted her ceaseless scrolling, her gaze reluctantly shifting away from the computer monitor. With a grumble, she rose from her seat and directed a fleeting glance at the monitor before proceeding to the front door.

"Thank you!" Miyako called out, gratitude evident in her voice.












Makima strode down the outdoor corridor with determined purpose, her pace brisk, and her grip unwavering on the piece of paper bearing a hastily scrawled address. The anticipation in her steps was palpable as she zeroed in on her destination, each footfall echoing with a sense of urgency.

Upon arriving at the designated location, Makima conducted a methodical appraisal of her surroundings. Every detail was captured by her keen senses. The scene before her seemed nondescript, an unassuming dwelling ensconced within a tranquil neighborhood.

Makima raised her hand and knocked on the door with a measured yet purposeful rhythm. She waited, her patience unwavering, as the seconds ticked by.



Ruby stomped her way toward the front door, her irritation manifesting in quiet grumbling. A slew of discontented thoughts swirled within her.

Upon reaching the front door, she deftly undid the latch and swung the door open. Her head protruded cautiously through the narrow gap she had created, and her inquisitive gaze ascended to meet a figure standing just beyond her home's threshold.

"Can I help you?" she queried, her curiosity evident.



Makima's eyes widened as they met the towering figure before her. "Well, if it isn't Miss Makima," Leo greeted with an undertone of taunt in his voice.



Meanwhile, on Ruby's end, she locked eyes with a wearied-looking man clad in a delivery uniform. The surprise in his expression was palpable as he peered down at her.

"Uhh, pizza delivery?" he stammered, his voice laced with apprehension.

Ruby briefly closed the door to a mere crack, her voice carrying through. "Ms. Miyako, did we order pizza!?" she called out in an exasperated tone.

"No!" Miyako responded with a resounding negative.

Ruby reopened the door partially and directed her attention back to the delivery man. "No," she informed him calmly.

The delivery man appeared visibly flustered, his eyes darting to an address scrawled on a slip of paper in his hand.

"Shit," he muttered under his breath before turning on his heel and hastily descending the stairs.

Ruby widened the door further, sticking her head outside to watch the man make a quick exit. With a nonchalant shrug, she withdrew her head and resealed the door.



"What brings you to my humble abode, Control Devil?" Leo inquired, a sly smirk curving his lips, much to Makima's evident displeasure.

Makima's glare bore into Leo with palpable anger, a reaction that only served to widen his grin.

"What's with that look, sister?" Leo taunted, his voice laden with mockery, as he casually pushed away from the door frame, advancing closer to Makima. "You look jealous... did I take a toy you wanted?"

Makima felt her hand involuntarily clench, her meticulously manicured nails digging into her palm. Her eyebrow twitched as Leo's smirk transformed into a joyful, almost provocative, smile.

Leo's audacity seemed to know no bounds, and it grated on Makima's patience. She fought an internal battle to maintain her composure, although the visible strain was undeniable. Nevertheless, her voice retained its measured tone, despite the turbulent emotions churning beneath the surface.

"I have no interest in your toys, War Devil," Makima retorted, her voice carrying a thinly veiled veneer of control.

Leo's smile only widened, and he boldly advanced another step, their closeness now bordering on discomfort for Makima. His crimson eyes bore into hers with an unwavering intensity. "Is that so, dear sister?" he taunted, the word "sister" dripping with heavy sarcasm. "I can't help but wonder what you're doing in my neck of the woods."

Makima couldn't afford to divulge her true intentions, especially not to Leo. She had to tread carefully, every word a meticulously calculated move in this treacherous game. "I came to ensure that the War Devil's newfound freedom doesn't disrupt the balance of power," she responded, her words chosen with meticulous precision.

Leo's laughter sliced through the air, cold and tinged with cynicism. "That doesn't explain how you found me, though," he remarked, a hint of mockery lacing his voice.

Makima clung to her composure, her countenance an impenetrable mask. "Your scent," she stated flatly, her tone unwavering.

Leo's smile broadened as he drew even closer, his presence nearly overwhelming. "Liar," he breathed out, crouching slightly to meet Makima's gaze directly, their eyes locked in a silent battle of wills.

  Their standoff persisted, an unspoken tension suffusing the air, thick and charged like a gathering storm. Makima and Leo remained locked in a silent battle, each striving to gain an advantage over the other.

Leo's smile, a disconcerting blend of amusement and menace, held firm. "You really expect me to buy that?" he taunted, his voice low and deceptively calm.

Makima met his challenge with unwavering resolve. "Believe what you will, War Devil," she responded coolly, her composure an unyielding fortress. "I'm here to ensure that the newfound power you've acquired doesn't spiral out of control."

Leo straightened, his demeanor shifting to one of casual indifference, though his crimson eyes remained keen as they scrutinized Makima. "And what do you propose, Control Devil?" he inquired, a note of curiosity seeping into his tone.

Makima's lips curved into a faint, enigmatic smile. "We strike a deal," she suggested, her voice dripping with calculated allure. "You may continue your pursuits, but under the strict supervision of Public Safety. We will furnish you with targets that align with our interests."

Leo's lips twitched, his expression thoughtful, but his gaze remained fixed on Makima. "I refuse," he stated firmly, his voice revealing nothing.

Makima leaned in slightly, her voice lowering to a conspiratorial whisper. "If you choose to accept my terms, I am willing to facilitate the return of the piece Chainsaw Man took from you," she enticed, her words like honey, laced with hidden promises.

"Who says I haven't already reclaimed the fragment Chainsaw Man took from me?" Leo retorted with a smug grin, tilting his head slightly to expose his neck, an unspoken challenge in his stance.

Makima's eyes narrowed slightly at Leo's retort, a flicker of surprise and intrigue dancing in her gaze. "You've already retrieved it?" she mused, her voice carrying a hint of genuine curiosity.

Leo's grin remained enigmatic as he casually shrugged, his demeanor a blend of nonchalance and concealed cunning. "Not me, per se."

Makima's mind raced as she processed this revelation. Had Leo managed to reclaim the piece of the War Devil that Chainsaw Man had taken? When did this occur? Before his death?

Makima's eyes widened slightly, a realization striking her. During Aki's report on the Eternity Devil, she had overlooked a crucial detail. Aki mentioned that Leo had shown up to provide backup, just before his untimely demise.

But when and how had Leo acquired the opportunity to retrieve the fragment of the War Devil that Chainsaw Man had consumed?

Makima's eyes narrowed slightly, her poker face remaining unbroken. "If you've truly reclaimed it, then you have nothing to lose by accepting my offer," she countered evenly.

Leo's grin widened, his eyes locked onto Makima's with an almost predatory intensity. "True," he conceded, "but where's the fun in making things easy for you, Control?"

Makima's patience waned, but she concealed it beneath her composed exterior. She had to steer the conversation in her favor. "Fun isn't the objective here," she asserted firmly. "It's about order and stability. Chaos benefits no one, not even you."

Leo chuckled, a deep and sinister sound that resonated between them. "Who decided that?" he mused. "Before 'after,' Mars to reign by good fortune, Makima. I am Mars, I am War. What happens before the 'after' won't matter to me, for I will reign by good fortune."

The exchange of words between Makima and Leo resembled a delicate dance, each verbal move a calculated step in their intricate game. The room seemed to constrict as tension between them swelled, like two predators circling their prey.

Before their subtle confrontation could continue, Makima's phone abruptly rang. The phone's insistent chime persisted for a moment before Makima reached for it.

"Hello," she greeted, her unwavering gaze still locked onto Leo's.

The voice on the other end of the line immediately captured Makima's attention. Her typically composed expression shifted, revealing traces of surprise and urgency.

"Understood," she replied calmly, ending the call and stowing her phone.

Leo observed her closely, a flicker of curiosity dancing in his crimson eyes. "Trouble in paradise?" he inquired, his tone dripping with mockery.

"Our discussion will have to wait," Makima stated, her voice carrying a hint of finality. "But rest assured, we will continue it."

With that, she turned and began to walk away, her footsteps echoing down the corridor as she left the confrontation behind for the time being. Leo watched her departure with a knowing grin.

"Tsk, tsk," he mockingly clicked his tongue, retreating into his apartment.

Plopping himself down on the couch, Leo let out a weary sigh as he massaged his temples. "What a pain," he muttered, a smirk still etched on his face.

At this moment, all he desired was to close his eyes and steal a brief respite. However, the insistent ring of his Nokia rudely interrupted the apartment's otherwise quiet atmosphere.

With a frustrated click of his tongue, Leo retrieved his phone from his pocket. It turned out to be an alarm he had set but forgotten about, and its blaring sound was a reminder of Katana Man's impending presence.

"Oh, yeah, I almost forgot about that guy," Leo muttered, rubbing his tired eyes and dragging himself off the couch to make his way out of his apartment.

Next chapter