
Witchy Love

A tale of two people, a guy who gets an ability to see someone who is going to die within 10 minutes. Emotionless is a perfect definition for him. And a girl who is the number one Singer of Korea and known as “Witch with Beauty” because of her attitude toward others. Somehow both of them have some memory of their childhood. Is that memory good or bad? Will they form any relationship?

sushan4T · Realistic
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3 Chs


"Mom, don't go. Don't go..." (humming)

"Noooooo" Hyun shout and woke up from his nightmare. He was drenched with sweat all over his body like he had dive into a pool but right now he was on his bed. Sunlight rays were passing through the curtain of the window like it was saying Good Morning to him. He slowly removes his white blanket which was covering his body and he wears his eyeglass which was on a table joining with the bed. Then, he also takes his phone and looks up the time. It was already 8 am, seeing that his eyes became wide and he quickly gets out of the bed. Right now, he was wearing black pajamas which he wears while sleeping, So he changes it with another cloth which was hanging on the wall. He was in a hurry because his job started at 9 am and it takes about an hour to go there.

He doesn't have any time to take breakfast, so he quickly changed his dress and leave his room. The room was quite empty like there was only a sofa, a bed, a television, and Small Kitchen. He locked up the door from outside and start running from there towards the bus station. He went there and wait for the bus which was going to arrive on 8:40 am. It was the time of winter so, he was wearing a black neck sweater, black overcoat, and blue jeans. Even though he doesn't care about his body and looks, he was quite a handsome guy. His height is about 180cm and the body is pretty build-up. He has a baby face with no trace of a beard. He was wearing a round thick glass with a black frame (Korean glass) which suits him a lot and his eyes were brown in color but somehow his expression looks cold as -100 degree ice. His skin is fair oily white with perfect triangle face and black hair covering his forehead above the eyebrows. He is just a 21-year-old guy and looks like a person with many hidden secrets.


A bus arrives in front of Hyun and he immediately enters there. There were no seats available so, he was standing up by holding a handle.

"Omo, Look at him…" A high school girl says to her friend by making a puppy face and covering her mouth with the right hand.

"Yes…talk to him, talk to him." Her friend who was standing with her said by slowly pushing her towards him.

"Hello, what is your name?" She asked him by blushing like a red delicious tomato.

"Hmmm." Hyun stares at her and completely ignored her like she was a f**king shadow.

"Ha-ha, how embarrassing." Saying that she went behind her friend.

After a few minutes, his stop came by and he gets out of the bus. He looks at his watch and starts to run toward the company he worked, which can clearly be seen from there. The company name was Stardom Event which was pretty huge. He enters the building and takes the elevator and press the 6th floor. The lift stops at his destination and he straightly enters his office.

"Good morning Mr. Hyun" A girl who was sitting on a desk near to him shout by waving her hand.

Hearing that he nodded his head like he was replying through it. Then, he also sat on his desk which was filled with documents and a computer. There were about 7 people in that office and Hyun was the event designer.

"Oh, look at our Mr. Perfect. He is so perfect that he came 15 min and 44sec late in the office. Sir, do you want some coffee?" A mid-aged guy named Chung wearing brown shoot pant said to him loudly in a sarcastic way by walking near his desk. He was the manager of the company and Senior of Hyun.

"Sorry, sir," Hyun replied by looking toward that guy.

"Why are you even sorry? You are the company owner. So, you can come anytime as you want. Rascal…" He said to Hyun with angriness and throw a pile of documents towards him "Finish this today." And walk outside the office.

Hyun picks up the Document which was lying on the ground and starts to look at it.

"Why our manager hate Hyun?" The girl employee who greets Hyun while entering the office named Miyun asked a guy named Songu who was sitting near to her desk.

"Don't you know the story of how Hyun steal our manager's girlfriend?" That guy replied to her.

"No, I haven't."

"It was about two months ago. Our manager asked Hyun to go on shopping with his girlfriend and help her carrying some heavy things because he was busy but Hyun's charms and Coldness makes Manager Girlfriend fall for him. So, the day after shopping she broke up with the manager and asked Hyun in front of the manger to go out with her. But, she brutally gets rejected. She was totally an angel but also he rejects her. Damn…" Songu said to her with a small voice by whispering at her ears.

"Yes, our Hyun is on another level. I guess he will accept me…" she gasps by placing her hand on chin.


"Nothing, just focus on your work. Don't badmouth about other people's life…" *Hmpf* she said and turn around by ignoring him.



It was 2 pm and Lunch break have started. So, Hyun stands up and gets outside of the Office and went to the cafeteria. He ordered a bowl of Ramen and an extra boiled egg. He sat on the corner table and start to eat with chopsticks. The ramen was so good that anyone's mouth would be melted with happiness but Hyun's expression was the same as always. After 15min he finished eating and started to walk toward his office. He enters the office and looks at his desk. Someone was sitting on his chair and smoking a cigarette. *NO smoking sign was on the wall* Seeing that he went near to that person. The person was a girl with breathtaking beauty. Moon and stars were nothing compare with her dark glowing eyes and her silky dyed brown hair was like a shorter version of Rapunzel (Disney princess). Her face was white as milk and it will get dirty if someone even touches it (V shape with fair Asian skin). She was wearing a lovely blue maxi dress which makes her look more attractive. But somehow there was a rude and confidant emotion on her behavior. She was holding a black cigarette on her right hand and looking around.