
Witcher Work In DxD

Our mc is reincarnated in to the world of DxD with powers of a witcher but doesn't know the plot Earning coin was never been this hard, ever counted 100.000 $ in cents Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OC

TurkishJesus · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

-4- Doing Contracts and Mutagens

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OC


It's been another month, putting down the bottle in my hand i look at my distillery, i started making potions after a hunt gone wrong, well i survived without scars but it reminded me that i could make these babies along with mutagens but that part is a bit tricky you can get the mutagen from the most powerful being in creation and after using, it might just change your hair color it's a lottery.

So i held off from that until i get down what kind of mutagens i want, it would be nice to get some more poison resistance or thicker skin(so i could be more shameless)anyway back to the potions i no longer have a need for cat potion, i never used it but now i get night vision when i have my cat eyes on must be the blank essence taking the mutations a step further, so i never bothered with that i mostly brewed Swallow and White Honey for healing and poisoning also made some oils that allowed me to get some hunts at B rank but i learned something the ranking system in the city is not global, they were trying a new ranking system.

That means an SSS rank here could be equal to C rank in underworld that really put dampers on me i mean i just started taking down B ranks the problem is mostly the sword i use is not good enough, i ordered a sword when i came here but it just came out of the blacksmith the number of people making orders are ridiculous, now i need to go get it along with my new strechable armor let's hope this will help, armor itself is nothing to be proud about honestly it looked like spandex mixed with metal plates when i saw it, so i will wear something over it.


Making my way to the blacksmith i see the blacksmith Felix polishing a sword with a wolf pommel.

Jacob"It's done i assume Felix i kinda need it"

Felix"Don't be impatient art takes time"

Pointing at the armor next to him i asked

Jacob"I must say some of your art is rather abstract"

Felix"*snorting* Just pay up kid i don't have time, your damned sword took enough time already how much i look at it apart from craftmanship by truly yours nothing seems powerful"

Jacob"That's the point"

I put the money on the counter and took my wares and left, that dude is unique he was really interested in forging my sword at first now he spits on it.

Coming back to my room, i look at the sword, it has a straight double edged blade with a black sheen on it, the hand guard pointed upwards for better wrist manuevers, pommel is simple and has a silver wolf symbol on the end of it taking it on my hand i speak the chant that will make this sword a witcher's sword until i get enough money to get a better one forged and runes light up on it's blade afterwards i take the glyphs i bought and insert it to the sword they are basic speed glyphs they are easy to find and buy but expensive.

Now i am ready to tackle harder opponents now


Wearing my new armor while feeling uncomfortable due to how it feels and wearing additional clothes to feel better about myself, i took my sword and my newest bag and it's wait for it, bigger on the inside, everything i have inside it and leave for the small guild type of building that gives contracts but they don't count as guild or something i didn't understand the inner workings of it you just register then work your way up the ranks.

Today i am taking the A rank contract to kill a poison salamender at the mountain, i got my gear, potions and everything needed

i grabbed the contract to give it to the counter, after getting it approved i moved out of the city and started running i managed to get some speed boost with quen nullifying the air friction and drawn Aard signs bottom of my boots so i could imitate the mana burst from Nasuverse, i really don't think about getting a horse may be a bike but later.

Getting to the top i followed the tracks to a cave it's spewenig green smoke so i put an magic air filter gas mask it's for protection but the dangerous stuff is not breathing the gas it's the cuts you could get from the beast and the gas getting in to those cuts.

I moved in the cave there wasn't anyone coming back from this contract, was it stupid to take, yes it was, will it give me an good first mutagen, hell yeah i hope

getting inside i see the creature and i could understand why no one came back this isn't a poison salamander, this is a type of a snake but i'm not sure which one i only know that it has poison and a human head

i decided to pull a Joseph Joestar and live, fighting something you don't know about is a early ticket to grave but it seems to have sensed me and attacked, ducking under the tail that came my way, i ran up to it and used my boots to boost me to it's face, pulling my sword out slashed it's left eye blinding it and rolled away from another tail slam when i got up i saw it take a breath i guess it has some type of breath attack in return i cast quen in case it's acid and send an wide arc of igni, turns out it's breath and it's flammable, it ignited the whole cave, when the fire gone out i saw it's other eye charred and it's attacking randomly

since the whole cave is burning it can't sense me from heat, taking this advantage i ran up it's back and stabbed it from the back of it's head and watched fall, after making sure it ain't coming back to life i sat down,

now that the adrenaline wore off i noticed my right hand has burned a bit due to pommel getting over heated thankfully the blade is fine, putting it under water i drank a small bottle of swallow and watch the skin heal itself in a fast pace i should get better gloves.

If i had knew it's poison is flammable i would have just burn it from outside.


After resting for an hour and collecting whatever i could from the body and some genetic materials for my mutagens, i made my way back and get this dude appraised for value.

Clerk"Hmm it's a posion naga, no wonder people never made it back, everyone that took this contract are all A rank no S rank bothered with this and this naga seems S rank thanks for taking care of it we'll up your payment"


After getting paid i started walking back to my hotel i started thinking what to do, of course i can't stay away from supernatural that option didn't exist in the first place but i can stay away from canon, as long as i stay away from Japan, i can live in peace just killing monsters, then i look at my ring finger the circle is still there, thankfully it's invisible to others except gods and such and something is telling me that i can't run away from the canon so i must get stronger.


Setting up my distillery i readied the ingredients for the mutagen and set it on then go library to learn about poison nagas,

'Poison naga is a beast that equal to an high class devil that has advantage with it's poison and magic defenses of its body advised to use magic after piercing it from at least one eye '

It seems a good choice for my first mutagen, going back to my room i sat down to meditate and enter my mental palace where i keep beastdiary, enyclopedia and such and in the middle sits my medallion hovering sitting in front of it shows that 7 little orbs under the medallion, they are representative of my signs i can focus on one of them to gain insights on the sings themselves and better my understanding of them and they are orbiting a ball made of white and blue that appeared 1 week ago it looks like a ying yang symbol but colors don't match but the white side of the ball is chained i would not have bothered with it but my signs are bound to this ball so i have been trying to free it, i can feel it it will increase my strength getting my self ready i pull it out but more i pull more hard it gets so today i'm going to do it slowly.

I take the chain and pull it as if i'm pulling a silk rope and to my surprise it's coming along without resistance after pulling some it got stuck again but this time there's enough chain to wrap around my hand, then i give it a one last pull

