
Witcher Work In DxD

Our mc is reincarnated in to the world of DxD with powers of a witcher but doesn't know the plot Earning coin was never been this hard, ever counted 100.000 $ in cents Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OC

TurkishJesus · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

-21- Look Mom No Swords and Bad Endings

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OC


After getting ready i followed the open road and passed through the blinding lights to come across Koneko and Ravel crying and a shocked Riser.

Jacob"What happened what's up with the crying"

Damn my sound got deep as hell, my sound draw their attention too.

Koneko"Sensei ?"

Jacob"Did i got that old ?"

Checking my hair for color no it's still black.

Koneko"No just you look old like 40 years old, honestly i wouldn't have recognized you if not for my nose"

Jacob"Sigh this is the earliest i could break out what happened after i was caught"

The one that did the explanation was Riser apperantly they fought with grim reapers they got Samael to steal half of Ophis's power and Issei died ? no i wasn't involved so plot armor rules right ? anyway now there's a army of monsters attacking the underworld and rest of the ORC is moping around being all sad not that i don't understand but there's people to protect.

Jacob"Alright get me a sword i'll join Grayfia on the battlefield"

Getting out of the Gremory territory i run towards the giant monster i have worn something with the Gremory crest to not confuse allies since not even Koneko recognized me i move like a gushing river cutting down anyone daring to stand in front of me i wouldn't be this hasty normally but i can feel it coming i have things to prepare.

Getting near the giant i focus on my new moves first is the time freeze Yrden that stops the target after that i jump in air getting at the right altitude i focus my aura to the sword i got turning it in a giant sword then Dante's Stinger + Million Stab move but done with runes speeding my thrusts after i felt content i got down and let the time run again and watch the giant fall down.

Grayfia"Thank you for your help but may i learn who you are"

I gave her my ID hope she could make the connection

Jacob"You're breaking my heart Grayfia after all the teas you've served me"

Her eyes goes wide while she was about to say something a tear in opens up in space following Great Red and Issei on top while Ophis is punching the Great Red ?

Jacob"I knew he wouldn't die a virgin"

Grayfia"Sorry but can you see who's on top ?"

Jacob"It's Issei, by the way i am going to visit Hades guess it's time to turn him to bone meal"

I didn't wait for her answer i am going to lose this face that nobody recognize anyway might as well get rid of that asshole.


Teleporting in his realm was easy as eating pie after my transformation everything became better, i even teleported to his throne and hid behind it, i can sense Sirzechs and the rest outside.

Hades"Those sons of bitches think they could corner me HAH as if, just you wait i will get rid of all of biblical faction and that damned alliance"

Yeah this guy has problems alright, stabbing the sword from the back of the throne i sever his head and crush his skull then see something wispy flowing from his head grabbing it i am surprised to see that it's his sould well let's burn it.

After a rather disturbing scene of extinguishing a soul i leave the place it's not my problem that Hades didn't do his job.


Teleporting back i gave the rest a scare by popping up without a magic circle and without warning then i had to explain how i got out which was 80% garbage since no one managed to escape that prison they bought it.

After learning that they captured people from hero faction i asked for execution but didn't fall through.

While they were planning on dates with Issei i snuck back to my home along with a certain loli dragon god hugging me.

Ophis"You're dying but still full of life can you explain"

Jacob"It's better to just show but i need the room can you stop hugging me"

After she let me go i took my fez and wore it, somehow it felt like right thing to do.

Getting ready i went through the famous Regeneration, which blew my fez into pieces leaving a glowing paper and all the excess energy went in to the medallion to make it complete but i must say the second heart makes a big difference, my senses have gone through a complete change i can even feel the world turning, my previously muddled head feels completely clear all the runes i was thinking are all comes natural i feel like i can manipulate raw energy from air.

Ophis"It's brilliant"

Jacob"I wish i didn't turn into an 7 year old that would have been awesome"

Yeah... i think my regeneration got affected from Ophis thankfully all of my clothing has auto sizing now. I will have to use illusions and have to make an explanation to Rose, so many things to do.

Jacob"I am going to sleep Ophis can you keep this between us"

After getting her promise and reading the paper that said 'don't go to Romania i got it covered' i went to sleep, thankfully i slept the 1 billion years otherwise i would have gone mad.


Getting up i see Rossweisse taking photos of me.

Jacob"I am amazed that the first thing after you came back is to take photos"

Rose"awh so cute *Hugs me* now tell onee chan what happened"

Is she alright?

After the explanation she was rather accepting of the situation, did i tire her out in bed that much or is she just happy that i am alive, a mystery anyway i go to the mirror looking over to my chibi self, i notice that my eyes are now silver, they are still cat eyes though other than that there's no visible differences well ignoring the fact that i look like a kid.

I put up an illusion according to Ophis no one would see my true appearance unless i want to, so i am not worried about it what worries me is that i no longer know the limit of my power it feels endless and after some point it becomes unstable but i don't know the strength of the part i can wield, i better figure that out quickly since things are getting more dangerous gotta know what's happening to me.


Getting to ORC i was displeased to learn vampires are coming to talk about something related to Gasper well not his family the rivals of his family.

Rias"I wonder what they want from Gasper he never talked about his home just said they treated him like a monster"

Jacob"Maybe it's related to his sacred gear"

Gasper"But sensei i didn't unlock my gear until Rias Senpai found me"

Jacob"Interesting, not like they're afraid of dhamphirs can you come here for a second Gasper"

After he carried his box next to me and sat in i took his hand with mine and coat it with shadows, after i take my hand back his hand stays in shadow form.

Gasper"Sensei what is this ?"

Jacob"Clench your fist and hit my palm it's just excess energy"

After that his hand goes back to how it was.

Azazel"So he can turn into shadow instead of just being able to control shadows"

Jacob"He was probably born as a shadow then took human form later, they didn't know what's going on so they treated him like a monster"

Rias"Is he going to be okay ?"

Azazel"Yeah if he masters it he would have a major power up"

Shadow Monarch is that you ?


Because of the note i got from the Fez i decided to not meet the vampires at all, one might think it's stupid to trust something like this but i just watched too much Doctor Who to ignore the worst possiblity, going in my house i started to fiddle with my medallion and the visual UI well it's not visual it's only visible to me but i care about stuff like this.

Next day during class time school got attacked, to my luck i was in the same class with Gasper, Koneko and Ravel so i just took them with me killing magicans left and right while making sure no students panic via Mass Axii after about hundred magicans they retreated but we couldn't find the rest of the gang calling Rose i learned that they tricked them into thinking they kidnapped the trio and i gone after them to get them (Wut?)

After they came back with some disturbing news about black market phoenix tears and the leader of the magicans being a devil (I am not surprised) now due to Gasper's situation Rias, Kiba and Azazel is going to Romania to learn more about Gasper's childhood and get answers on his powers.


Currently i am looking at a portal that leads to who knows where Rose and the others behind me to say goodbye well to them i won't be going for long it's for me more than them, but to understand my current situation we need to look behind like using flashbacks while try to skip complicated stuff yeah more like i got lazy sure let's go with that.


After the second kidnapping event that ended with us learning they could revive people then the girl they used to revive people got teleported alongside a fez while everyone else in Romania (I stayed back with an excuse) after that i had to call them back because Gasper went ape shit after losing this Valerie girl then i fought some evil dragons that came for Valerie and Issei's parents, then extinguished their souls never know what might pop out like next what phoenix down from FF.

After that incident alliance build a response team called DxD yeah i didn't see that coming at all(!), then some bitch tried to kidnap Rose and now he's a quad amputee turns out he was Grayfia's brother that was working for some dude called Riverzm that happened to be Vali's abusive mad grandpa that just wants to see the world burn and Vali has a vendetta against this dude(Called it), yeah sorry not sorry.

Then dudes at church rebelled like wtf you guys are working for heaven and you decided ahh let's go rebel i didn't get involved in that fuck church i don't like angels neither, after that whole deal this Riverzm guy stole some stuff from heaven and gone to the end of the world (Yeah it apperantly exists) to release wait for it Trihexa i won the bet with Rose which i might have been too loud because then the situation evolved into why did i bet on something like this anyway after going to end of the world Riverzm made his last defense by releasing the Kraken sorry Trihexa, he was rather shocked to see just a red fez instead of beast of apocalypse, Riverzm was devastated by the results demanded to know why i was laughing but his life was cut short by Vali while i was laughing my laughter was cut short by the blue circle that appeared in the sky that explained that she was using Trihexa to charge herself and boot up i recognized the blue circle as Alaya that corrected herself as Alaya 2.0 and how i was (my future self going to the past) the one that set her up and i need to go on the journey to do that and there will be a portal for me to go through so after all of that here i am standing in front this portal ready to go.

Rose"Take lots of pictures and get a second wife !"

Is that how you treat your husband ? sigh let's go.


10 Minutes after Jacob jumped in the portal he came back with a woman with white hair and red eyes.

I lost my inspiration at the end wanted to finish it too so it turned in to this mess, well i just wrote it to get it out of my head so it's fine.