
(New York City 5:45 P. M)

Like the song says it's a helluva town. Especially if you're lucky enough to get the view from the penthouse of a Central Park West Apartment. Some people would kill for that view. This man, Kenneth Iron's, has killed for a lot less. But Iron's, Entrepreneurial didn't stop there. If you include his exploits in drug trafficking, prostitution, slavery and weapons, production into Iron's International's gross earnings, he'd officially be one of the ten richest men in the world. Right now, though, neither the view nor his net worth, is on Iron's mind.

Kenneth Iron's = It's funny you know.

Occupying, his thoughts tonight is the same item that he's coveted for the greater part of his adult life.

Kenneth Iron's = I probably know more about you than anyone alive.

It's what unbeknownst to his stockholders, he's devoted himself, to. It's what, unbeknownst to the columnist's who elected him one of New York's most eligible bachelors, he's devoted his love to.

Kenneth Iron's = I know nearly every place you've ever been... Who's held you... Who's been hurt by you...

Unfortunately, the devotion is unrequited.

Kenneth Iron's = But since I can never have you, these tournament's most continue- Until I find the one who can.

The object of his desire doesn't care about him or his love.

Kenneth Iron's = I feel tonight it may finally happen. You're wielder will reveal himself.

But like most bad relationships, the tortured partner keeps coming back. Even though he knows that he can never have it, Iron's has seen a hint of it's power - and that's enough to ensure a lifetime of ardor- and pain.

Kenneth Iron's = Then I will own you both.