
Witch of Vengeance: The Elven Mage's Redemption

Shantal, a young elf with a deep desire for revenge. Her motivation is rooted in a tragic event from her past - the brutal murder of her parents by a powerful and malevolent assassin. Determined to avenge her parents' death, As she delves deeper into the world of Caleb, With newfound knowledge and formidable powers, she sets out to confront the people responsible for her family's tragedy. Fueled by grief and anger, Shantal embarks on a transformative journey to become a powerful witch. Over time, Shantal hones her magical abilities, delving into the secrets of spellcasting, potion-making, and incantations, Shantal not only gains the power to exact her revenge but also learns the importance of balance and responsibility in using her newfound abilities. The story is a captivating tale of personal growth, resilience, and the pursuit of justice in a magical and enchanting world.

hrly_ur_treasure · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Too Weak To Challenge Me

Eva understood the urgency of the situation. She turned to Andy and Anna, a determined expression on her face. "It looks like I need to leave this shield to deal with them. Both of you stay here and observe."

With a nod of understanding, Andy and Anna complied, remaining within the protective leaf shield as Eva ventured outside to confront the approaching monkeys. As the long-legged monkeys lunged towards the shield, Eva unleashed her wind blade spell, striking at the encircling monkeys with a lethal flurry of cutting winds. The battle intensified as the monkeys closed in, setting the stage for a fierce struggle between Eva and the surrounding adversaries. 

The long-legged monkeys, with their robust bodies, managed to block Eva's wind blade attack, displaying their resilience. In a coordinated response, they cast a counterattack, unleashing a spell known as "Fur Needle Paralyze" that aimed to immobilize their opponents.

Eva swiftly devised a countermeasure, conjuring a multitude of light bombs. With a series of powerful explosions, the surrounding area was left in ruins, the force of the blasts clearing a path through the encircling monkeys.

Determined to end the confrontation, Eva called forth a new magic: "Raging Storm." The heavens responded with a deluge of heavy rain and powerful winds. The monkeys struggled to maintain their positions, clinging tightly to trees and holding fast to the ground to avoid being swept away by the tempest.

As the monkeys battled against the fury of the storm, Eva harnessed the power of the raindrops to launch a final assault.

Her precision was unmatched as she targeted the foreheads of the 15 long-legged monkeys, their lives extinguished in an instant as the raindrops struck, a mysterious and deadly end they never comprehended. The once-threatening circle of adversaries was vanquished, leaving only the sound of raindrops and the howling wind in the wake of Eva's fierce display of magic.

With a triumphant "Whooosh!" Eva ceased her protective leaf shield, causing it to vanish instantly. The once formidable barrier was no longer needed.

Anna, her curiosity piqued, asked, "Are they all dead?" Eva smirked confidently and replied, "They were just too weak to challenge me. We have nothing to fear from them now."

Eager to put the encounter behind them, Eva declared, "Okay, let's resume our journey." With her leadership and strength, they continued onward, leaving the defeated long-legged monkeys behind as they ventured further into the forest, undeterred by the challenges that lay ahead.

Eager to put the encounter behind them, Eva declared, "Okay, let's resume our journey." With her leadership and strength, they continued onward, leaving the defeated long-legged monkeys behind as they ventured further into the forest, undeterred by the challenges that lay ahead.

Shantal marvels at the formidable strength displayed by Eva, recognizing the resilience that defines her character. Encouraged by this, the group continues their journey.

As the afternoon sun casts a warm glow, they finally arrive at the heart of the northern region. Descending into the ground, Anna's sharp eyes catch sight of a small kingdom, a mere 50 meters away.

"Look!" Anna exclaims, prompting everyone to turn their gaze. Observing the distant realm, Shantal discerns, "Ohhhhh, this must be the monkeys' small kingdom. It should provide enough refuge for us until I become super strong."

The prospect of finding shelter in the quaint kingdom adds a glimmer of hope to their journey, and the group proceeds with a newfound sense of purpose as they make their way towards the distant enclave.

Within the confines of this diminutive kingdom, a majestic long-legged gorilla with golden fur, towering at an impressive height of 250 cm, sits upon the throne, exuding an aura of authority. The population, a mere 300 strong, encompasses 20 deceased long-legged monkeys and the regal gorilla, forming the entirety of the community.

Among the inhabitants, the steel-furred long-legged monkeys tally up to a hundred, with only 85 remaining and 15 having met their demise. Meanwhile, the red-furred long-legged monkeys, originally numbering 199, have now diminished to 194 due to the loss of five.

Shantal, driven by a resolute determination, declares plans to invade the kingdom and eliminate its inhabitants. Anna and Andy, compelled to comply, express understanding. "Yes, we understand," they both affirm. The ominous decision to launch the attack is set for the evening.

Eva, fully aligned with Shantal's strategic plan, nods in agreement. As evening descends, Shantal signals the commencement of their mission, and they soar through the air on large leaves, swiftly approaching the small kingdom.

Hovering above the realm, Shantal channels her formidable magic with a resounding command, "Cage Roots!" An abrupt seismic upheaval shakes the entirety of the small kingdom, followed by colossal roots emerging from the ground, encircling and weaving together to create an intricate cage.

After a few intense minutes, the Cage Roots spell is successfully cast, transforming the once-open kingdom into a circular prison of entwined roots.

The monkeys within the kingdom erupt in terrified screams as chaos ensues. The leader, previously regal on his throne, now stands bewildered amidst the unfolding events. The circular cage roots have effectively sealed the fate of the small kingdom, leaving its inhabitants captive and at the mercy of Shantal's calculated strategy

"What's going on?" inquires Oden, the sole communicator among the golden fur gorillas in the small kingdom. Only those who have evolved into golden fur gorillas in their race possess the ability to speak, a feat achieved by only a select few due to its challenging nature.

Oden, a mid ancient stage, steps outside to investigate, only to discover the kingdom ensnared by the mysterious roots. Gazing upward, he spots three individuals riding on large leaves in the sky. Perceiving them as a threat, Oden swiftly commands his soldiers to apprehend the intruders.