
Witch of Vengeance: The Elven Mage's Redemption

Shantal, a young elf with a deep desire for revenge. Her motivation is rooted in a tragic event from her past - the brutal murder of her parents by a powerful and malevolent assassin. Determined to avenge her parents' death, As she delves deeper into the world of Caleb, With newfound knowledge and formidable powers, she sets out to confront the people responsible for her family's tragedy. Fueled by grief and anger, Shantal embarks on a transformative journey to become a powerful witch. Over time, Shantal hones her magical abilities, delving into the secrets of spellcasting, potion-making, and incantations, Shantal not only gains the power to exact her revenge but also learns the importance of balance and responsibility in using her newfound abilities. The story is a captivating tale of personal growth, resilience, and the pursuit of justice in a magical and enchanting world.

hrly_ur_treasure · Fantasy
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32 Chs


In the midst of her agony, Shantal made an intriguing discovery. While she lay on the forest floor, her body exhibited an extraordinary ability to heal itself automatically.

Her wounds slowly mended as she observed in astonishment, realizing that this remarkable regenerative power from that miraculous liquids was inherent to her body. she mused, marveling at the newfound strength that resided within her.

Facing the daunting realization that a direct confrontation with the formidable frog-like creatures might spell her demise, Fionna knew she needed an alternative plan.

Considering the forest as her battleground, Fionna devised a strategy. She aimed to draw the attention of the approaching froggies towards herself, leading them away from her intended hiding spot, which would offer her a temporary sanctuary.

As the froggies steadily advanced through the forest, Fionna concentrated her powers. Dark brown and golden energies swirled in her hands, forming into a spherical object that pulsated with an otherworldly aura. It was time to put her plan into action.

With determination in her eyes, she hurled the mysterious energy sphere into the surroundings, unleashing its power. Suddenly, the earth beneath them quaked, and the trees around them trembled. Shantal's command made the trees grow rapidly, their branches stretching further and their roots burrowing deeper into the ground.

Amidst the chaos of the earthquake, the trees and their extended roots began to move in a coordinated frenzy. Shantal used them like massive, sentient arms, targeting the froggies individually.

Confusion washed over the frog creatures as they found themselves entangled by the sudden upheaval in their surroundings.

As the trees continued to grow in size, their immense trunks and branches created a formidable barrier, effectively blocking the path of the approaching froggies.

What made matters even more daunting for the frog creatures was the onslaught of countless long roots that snaked out from the forest floor.

Desperate to thwart the encroaching roots, the froggies made futile attempts to fend them off, but the roots proved to be both swift and unyielding. They wrapped around the froggies with incredible force, constricting their movements and immobilizing them.

With the froggies securely ensnared by the roots, Shantal decided to take the next step. Channeling her newfound power, she hoisted them into the air and flung them in different directions with a forceful toss.

The frog creatures were hurled far away from each other, each one landing in a separate, distant area of the forest.

Separated and disoriented, the froggies found themselves isolated from their companions, leaving Shantal with a brief respite to regroup and further explore her newfound abilities.

Shantal was determined to find a way to defeat the frog creatures, but her initial attempts with ice and water had proven ineffective.

She knew she needed a different approach and decided to harness the power of fire.

With a hint of desperation, Shantal envisioned a fire bow, a weapon of precision and long-range lethality. She lacked the confidence to face the froggies head-on, so her strategy was to eliminate them stealthily. In her mind, she meticulously pictured the exact shape of the bow, focusing on every detail.

Struggling with the complexity of creating a fire bow, Shantal grappled with her own lack of confidence. Her repeated attempts to form the fiery weapon with her hands had met with failure, leaving her frustrated and questioning her approach.

"Why is it so difficult?" she wondered aloud, her determination unwavering. She knew she had to adapt her strategy if the fire bow continued to elude her. An hour of careful contemplation followed, during which she delved into her vast knowledge, drawing inspiration from the countless witch books she had devoured.

Recalling the skills she had encountered in those witch books, she began to weave a tapestry of techniques in her mind. The fire cemetery mana zone, hell cry chain, and bazooka inferno emerged as a fusion of ideas, a unique combination that would define her approach to the impending battle.

 Shantals challenge lay in mastering this amalgamation of abilities. It was a daunting task, but she was willing to invest the time and effort.

She prepared for the upcoming confrontation, Shantal activated her earth ability to scan her surroundings.

Intrigued by what she observed, her gaze fell upon a group of five froggies, huddled together as they attempted to regroup and devise a plan of action. Shantal, however, had no intention of allowing them to proceed unhindered.

With determination coursing through her, she channeled her earth magic. Her hands began to glow with a dark brown and golden hue as she raised them skyward, connecting with the elemental forces of the earth.

In a matter of seconds, she harnessed the earth's power once more. Her plan was set into motion as she initiated her next move. Shantal created a localized earthquake, sending tremors reverberating through the ground. The earth responded to her command, causing the surrounding terrain to shift and transform. She skillfully carved a path leading the five froggies directly toward her location, ensuring that their options were limited, as the route they had been following became impassable.