
Witch of Genesis

When the creatures in her sketch book start appearing in real life, Eve is forced to take action and find out the truth behind her condition.    With the help of an energetic tech genius who seems to know the names of all the creatures, she sets out to subdue the beasts in hopes of getting answers and preventing an impending doom.

Okorie_kenna · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Beginning of the end



   "Tear apart...

   "Rip to shreds...


   "All that is in your way is for your nourishment...

   "All that is in your way is subject to devouring...

   "Devour without constraints...

   "Devour without worries...

   "Men cannot stand in your way...

   "Their weapons will not stop your march...

"but beware of the one that has been sent...

"When you meet him, your march shall end...

"And name of the great swarm shall be erased.

Eve muttered these words as she frantically drew in her sketch book. her eyes remained focused and not even the strongest winds could cause her to blink. the atmosphere around her was dark and dreaded and all her classmates looked from afar unwilling to approach her.

"She's doing that weird thing again" one of them said

"It's kinda scary" another added

"when will she stop?"

"can't she do this somewhere else?"

"Is she a witch or something?"

A multitude of whispers flew around the entire class but Eve didn't stop. her head did not tilt, her ears did not twitch, her mind was totally consumed by what she was drawing.

After a few minutes she became silent and stopped moving. she just kept staring at the work of her hands. She stared down with an expressionless face despite the sight of what she had drawn.

It was a sight to behold, a horrific sight to be precise. The drawings illustrated a scene where a swarm of monsters swept through an entire city. the first page was a picture of one the monsters and it described it's looks.

according to the illustrations on the sketchbook, the creatures were about the size of of a tennis ball and they were also round like one. they had no limbs and no tail, and they flew on very small wings. the were all one-eyed with barely noticeable nostrils and their sharp toothed mouth made up the rest of their faces.

Each page on the sketchbook was a progression of how the city was devoured and as the pages progressed, the number of the creatures increased and this was how it progressed until the last page were there was so many of the creatures that at first glance, one would think it was a drawing of night.

"you're drawing some ugly stuff again, Eve" a feminine voice said from behind Eve.

"It's none of your business, Emily" she replied as she turned around to see who was talking.

"you're just wasting your talent on these ugly things" Emily said as she took the sketchbook from Eve and threw it across the classroom. Eve was vexed but she held her cool and refused to act out her anger.

"you should be drawing more beautiful thing like me" Emily said as she struck a pose reveal all her amazing features. her shape was perfect with all the right proportions. her skin was smooth and it gleamed in the light. her wavy blonde hair shone like gold and the beauty of face could melt any man's heart. when she struck the pose, all the boys in the class fell.

Eve looked up at Emily with the same look that was on her face in the beginning and replied.

"I would prefer my drawings to be original" she said

"not fake and generic like you"

"What did you say?!!" Emily yelled in anger as she leaned towards Eve. the entire class's attention was directed at Eve's seat, the atmosphere was suddenly intense and everyone was expecting a big fight.

"What I said was..." Eve replied

"I'd rather draw the ugliest of monsters than have a plastic fake b**ch like you on my sketchbook.

Emily's anger reached it's peak and she stretched out her hand to land a slap on Eve, but before she could reach, Eve grabbed her and in less than a second, she found herself in the air.

Then Eve grabbed Emily from the air pinned her to the ground. as she knelt over Emily, she began to hear the sound of rumbling. the rumblings got closer and she could feel it in the walls of the building. it got closer and closer then suddenly, she saw the little creatures she had drawn on her sketchbook burst through the wall and swarm past her.

When they had passed her, Eve looked and saw that there was no longer a wall in front of her. she looked around her and there was nothing and no one, just a swarm that were making their way back towards her.

they moved at an incredible speed and before she could even react, they were already in front of her. In a moment of fear, she could see their numerous mouths open wide and ready to take more than a few bites out her. she had already given up hope and was wondering how it would feel when their serrated teeth grind against her bones and leave nothing of her.

But suddenly in an instant, before she could even blink or formulate her next thought, someone appeared in front of her spinning a staff so fast that every of the little creatures that tried to pass through was obliterated to dust.

He was wearing blue a thin fitted suit of armor from his neck down and a sort of code was written at the back. the code read 'JOB41' and an inscription beside it was 'leviathan'. And when he had dealt with all the incoming creatures and stopped spinning his staff, Eve saw a different code near it's tip: it read 'JUDG3:31' and the inscription beside it read 'Shamgar'. the shoes he wore also had a code at it's sides, it read '2SAM2:18' and the inscription beside it read 'Asahel'.

The young man turned around and stretched forth his hand to help her up because she had fallen to the ground from all the surprise. She looked up at the young man but instead of a look of worry or or a look of total seriousness, she was met with a look of surprise that had a little bit of fear in it.

"How are you still... standing" he said as he helped Eve to her feet.

"I don't know" Eve replied as she took his hand and stood up.

"What are you?" the man asked

"I do not know what you mean by that question" Eve answered and the man looked at her in awe.

"those things never leave anything behind" he said

"all that they meet in their path must be devoured"

"the only explanation I can think of is that they tried to devour you but couldn't"

"but you would have to be wearing an armor as strong as mine and you're clearly not doing that"

"so here's my question again"


"I am Eve" she answered

"Eve Adams"

The young man could now clearly see that Eva did not know what was going on, so he also introduced himself.

"I am..."


"...just call me Godson" he said. then he turned around saying "I'll be back, just let me finish with the rest of these things" and he ran off into the distance.

Godson hadn't ran that far when he looked to his left and saw Eve running beside him.

"how are you keeping up with me?" he asked with surprise being clearly shown on his face.

"I don't know either" Eve answered

"I just remembered that I had something important to tell you and I took the first step"

"before I knew it, I had caught up with you"

"so what important thing did you want to tell me" Godson asked

"the things you are currently chasing after" Eve replied

"I drew them in my sketchbook not too long ago"

"Now that's interesting" Godson replied

"but it doesn't sound like something I would need to know urgently"

"well these things aren't the only creatures on my sketchbook" she replied

"so I wanted to ask"

"What are the chances that more deadly monsters like this will surface"

"It's not matter of chance" Godson replied

"it's a sure thing"

"and it's not even that they will surface because a number of them have already surfaced"

"these things are powerful"

"and if they are not stopped, the end of the world will be upon us"

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