
Witch of Darkness

Beatrice was supposed to be the one to bring happiness to the world, but sadly, that was not what happened. If want to ask any questions, or merely just talk check out the discord server. https://discord.gg/jK3swFGNZh

Aersuy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
208 Chs


Even after she had traveled a certain distance away from the ship, Beatrice still didn't dare to fully let her guard down, causing her to continue traveling silently for dozens upon dozens of kilometers.

Of course, by the time Beatrice had gone around 50 kilometers away from the ship, and had made sure that she had hidden herself, Beatrice could finally breathe a sigh of relief, causing cold sweat to appear on her forehead.

As she wiped the sweat off her forehead, Beatrice couldn't help but clench her fists.

'I need to become an official mage once again as soon as possible,' thought Beatrice as she remembered the danger she had been in from just the interest of a mage.

Beatrice utterly despised the feeling of being powerless, and what had just happened perfectly personified that feeling, as other than fleeing and hoping that the Official Mage had not taken any interest in her, Beatrice could not do anything else.

Of course, after a few moments, Beatrice calmed herself down and returned to her normal self and began thinking about her next plans.

What Beatrice had to do next was go and retrieve two certain little things that she had encountered around the end of her first life.

Although they wouldn't be useful to Beatrice right now, those two little guys would prove instrumental if Beatrice wanted to progress to another level, above where she had been in her previous life.

"I should get going, staying in this place worrying about things that I can't affect isn't very useful," mumbled Beatrice as she decided on what to do.

Originally, Beatrice wanted to stay on Nanrath Island for some time and scour the island for anything of interest before going to Golwall Island.

But right now, those things could wait, as Beatrice had more important things to do, as such, surveying Nanrath Island could wait.


Three days later,

As she looked at the two little angels in front of her, Joanne couldn't help but suddenly smile and stretch out her hand to her daughter's her.

"Kiara, is your little brother alright?" asked Joanne as she looked at the young girl in front of her, causing Kiara to nod.

"Ben is playing with one of the maids again, I even had a surprise ready for the two of you, but he wasn't interested," said Kiara as she looked at her mother with a frustrated look on her face, causing Joanne to let out a slight chuckle.

Hearing the word 'surprise' come out of her daughter's mouth, a slightly confused look appear on Joanne's face, causing her to question Kiara, who was standing in front of her with an obedient look on her face.

"What surprise?" asked Joanne, causing Kiara to suddenly chuckle.

"I can't tell you mom, me and daddy made it together, wouldn't it be a waste if you and brother don't see it at the same time?" responded Kiara, causing Joanne to appear even more surprised, but after a few moments of hesitation, she nodded.

"I'm feeling quite curious about this surprise of yours, let's go get Ben and see what all of this is about," said Joanne, causing Kiara to smile.


As he looked at his sister and mother, who were walking towards him, Ben, who had a casual expression on his face up until now, couldn't help but feel the hair on the back of his neck rise up straight.

But before Ben could do or say anything, he was suddenly ripped out of the safe hands of the maid he was with by his sister.

"Kiara, what are you doing?!" asked Ben as his older sister dragged him and Joanne behind her.

Even though Kiara was older and stronger than his, as he felt the steel grip that was clutching his fingers, Ben couldn't help but feel as thought something was wrong for some reason.

Sadly, though, no matter how much Ben tried to escape, he could not escape from the grasp of his sister, who in only about thirty seconds brought the two of them before a closed door.

As he looked at the closed door in front of him, Ben couldn't help but feel a desire to open it, but before he could take any sort of action, his mother, Joanne, suddenly took a step forward and grabbed the door handle.


"This will prove to be quite an issue," mumbled 'Beatrice' as she read through the notebook in front of her.

Even though 'Beatrice' could not progress to become an Archmage because of her soul, she could still become a more powerful official mage, sadly though, 'Beatrice's' lack of a body prevented this as well, as without a body, one can't truly be considered a true Official Mage.

Because of this, one's body was intricately linked with becoming a more powerful official Mage.

Unlike the Mage Apprentice Stage, in which the apprentice had to just refine more and more mana, becoming a more powerful Official Mage had more intricacies.

Like the Mage Apprentice stage, which was split into the Low Rank Apprentice Stage, High Rank Apprentice Stage, and Peak Apprentice Stage, the Official Mage Stage was also split into three other stages.

Innate Ascendance


Soul Transformation

Originally, Beatrice was at the Innate Ascendance State, through which she was steadily advancing by deepening her comprehension of Darkness.

At this moment though, 'Beatrice' was in a different state, not being at the Innate Ascendance Stage whilst still being an official mage.

As she looked at her cube shaped body, which was lying on a desk behind her, 'Beatrice' couldn't help but touch the immaterial sides of her head.

"Why did she choose such a body for me, if she just gave me a human body, however weak, things wouldn't be so troublesome," mumbled 'Beatrice', feeling a deep headache.

If she knew about the thoughts of 'Beatrice', Beatrice, who was currently looking at two little kids, would burst out into a state of laughter.

Sadly though, as they were not in the same time and space, and Beatrice did not even know if this timeline existed any longer, Beatrice had no way of knowing 'Beatrice's' thoughts.