
Witch of Darkness

Beatrice was supposed to be the one to bring happiness to the world, but sadly, that was not what happened. If want to ask any questions, or merely just talk check out the discord server. https://discord.gg/jK3swFGNZh

Aersuy · Fantasy
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208 Chs


As Beatrice walked through the underground corridors of her home, holding the leather notebook she had obtained not long ago in her hands, she couldn't help but fall into thought.

After a few minutes, Beatrice arrived back at her room, upon entering the room, Beatrice closed the door behind her and sat down at her desk.

A few moments after that, as Beatrice had opened the notebook and was just about to read it, Guinevere entered the room as well, holding a cup of tea in her hands.

Picking up the cup of tea from Guinevere's hands and smelling its warn flavor, a faint smile couldn't help but appear on Beatrice's face.

"Don't disturb me for the next few hours, I will tell you whether I want another cup of tea," said Beatrice, causing Guinevere to silently bow before walking out of the room.

Sometime after Guinevere left the room, Beatrice finally turned her attention back to the leather notebook sitting open on her desk.


Several days later,

For the past four days, Beatrice had become completely focused on experimenting on the small soul inside of an Information Cube.

Of course, right now Beatrice no longer used the Information Cube that she recorded her notebooks in for experiments.

Quickly, after only a few hours of researching, Beatrice figured out the way the soul in the Information Cube was programmed, causing it to lose some of it's mysticism in her eyes, becoming much less impressive.

Unlike what Beatrice expected, the soul in the Information Cube was not fully reprogrammed, rather, the Information Cube used memories, leaving the rest of the soul nearly unchanged, only having some parts, like free will, destroyed.

After around a day of work, using her teacher's notebook as a guide, Beatrice was able to carefully read the memories of the soul, although the soul did not resist in the slightest, Beatrice almost caused it to collapse several times in the process of reading its memories, thankfully, Beatrice had not tried to experiment on this soul before she went to her teacher for help, otherwise, things might have gone even worse.

Of course, with Beatrice's current capabilities, trying to read the memories from the soul of an actual living being would probably end up with that person fully dead and leave Beatrice with no information in the slightest.

It had taken Beatrice three more days of careful planning, as well as several near-failures that could have led to soul destruction, to slightly change the memories of the soul.


Staring at the disassembled Information Cube in front of her, Beatrice took in a deep breath, causing the logic core to suddenly float in the air.

A few moments later, Beatrice carefully controlled a tiny mana checker, slowly but surely moving it to the rectangular-shaped hole inside present straight in the center of the logic core.

After making sure that the mana checker had been successfully fitted in, and looked the same as before it had been taken out, Beatrice breathed a sigh of relief.

Beatrice then began pouring mana, which was shaking at a frequency of 43 times per second into the mana checker, causing it to begin it's work after a few moments.

Only a few moments later, the tiny gap, which separated the Logic Core and the Mana Checker disappeared, as the two objects began melting together into one solid object, a perfect sphere.

Opening the drawer beneath her desk, Beatrice waved her hand, causing two extremely thin semi-spheres to slowly but surely float out of a cushioned box.

The Encryptor transformed text typed at the keyboard into information suitable to be stored in the Memory Keeper, as well as the Decryptor, which did the opposite, making the information readable by humans.

The two thin semi-spheres then slowly floated the sides of the sphere, which had been created a few moments ago, enveloping it, causing it to become a tiny bit larger.

After making sure that the two objects had been fitted properly, Beatrice once again poured some more mana into the Mana Checker, causing the two spheres to melt together, creating the full core of the Information cube.


Although Beatrice was quite experienced in assembling and disassembling the Information Cube, doing so still took her over ten minutes, as her cautiousness caught up with her, forcing her to slow down.

"Hopefully it works," mumbled Beatrice as she picked up the now whole information cube, pouring mana that was shaking 22 times per second into it.

Quickly, after the man had been poured into the metal walls of the information cube, which were made out of a metal Beatrice had not discovered the name of, it flew into the mana tubes present inside, then traveled to the Mana Checker.

A few moments later, a keyboard as well as a large amount of text suddenly appeared in front of Beatrice.

'Test 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0'

'Test A,a,B,b,C,c...'





Only after making sure that all of the dozen or so tests that she had created succeeded, did Beatrice finally calm down, breathing a sigh of relief.

Right now, Beatrice felt as though the large amount of effort she had spent researching the Information Cube was finally not in vain, as she had once again made great progress.

After a few moments, the happy expression on Beatrice's face faded, being replaced by her normal expression as she calmed down.

'I can't be too happy, I've merely changed some text, this is nothing compared with what I could do to the Information Cube,' thought Beatrice as she picked up the cube once again, thoughts swirling in her mind.

A few moments later, Beatrice placed the information cube back down on her desk as she got up from her chair.

Walking up to a certain drawer, Beatrice couldn't help but shake her head she stared at the tiny metal box inside of it.

After opening the metal box, Beatrice was clearly able to see the metal bug peacefully lying inside, as well as the clear lack of soul in it.

'I need to ask that Ighor for some help, otherwise I don't think researching this will go well,' thought Beatrice as she closed the box before taking it out of the drawer.