
Witch of Darkness

Beatrice was supposed to be the one to bring happiness to the world, but sadly, that was not what happened. If want to ask any questions, or merely just talk check out the discord server. https://discord.gg/jK3swFGNZh

Aersuy · Fantasy
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208 Chs


Staring at the monster, which was bound to a table in front of him, writhing and screaming in pain, a smile appeared on Ighor's face.

After a few more minutes of Beatrice pouring her mana into what Daniel had become, Selena was finally satisfied.

"You can stop now, this should be enough, you can go back now," said Selena as she approached the monster, causing it to suddenly stop screaming.

Hearing that, Beatrice no longer stayed inside this room feeling quite uncomfortable.

As Ighor stared at the monstrosity which Daniel had become, some hesitation appeared on his face.

"Mistress, is there a reason why you did this to him or did his past anger you?" asked Ighor, causing Selena to let out a chuckle.

"You don't have to worry about that, I'm not so petty," said Selena, but for some reason, this seemed to slightly unnerve Ighor even more than if Selena would have said that she did this just t torture, Daniel.

"Ighor, I want to ask you a question, what do you think, right now, Daniel is dead, or is he alive?" asked Selena as she cut off a piece of flesh from Daniel's body and placed it in a glass.

Hearing the question of his mistress, Daniel couldn't help but slightly hesitate as he stared at the monstrosity lying on the table.

"Although his body is technically still alive, I can see that the true Daniel has died," said Ighor, causing Selena to fall into thought as well.

"Even though your words are quite nice, it's sadly not this simple," said Selena as she shook her head.

"First of all, Daniel's soul is still in his body, but sadly, the loss of his sister created an unrepairable crack in it, one which I exploited, morphing his soul into what I desire."

"By your logic, wouldn't drinking alcohol make you dead?" asked Selena, causing Ighor t slightly from.

"On the other hand, the being known as 'Daniel' is gone, and can never truly return to it's previous state, as such, he is dead."

Before Ighor could think Selena's words though, she suddenly threw another question at him.

"So, Ighor, who do you think is more alive, you or Daniel," asked Selena as she took some more samples of Daniel's body, keeping them for safekeeping.

After only a moment of hesitation, Ighor responded.

"I'm the one that's more alive," said Ighor, causing Selena to chuckle.

"Hmm, asking you for an unbiased opinion on this topic really is fruitless, but even so, since you answered my question, I will answer your first question," mumbled Selena as she shook her head.

"The reason I did this experiment on Daniel is very simple, I wanted to determine if completely changing someone's being killed their previous self, as for the reason I want to find that out..."

"Curiosity," said Selena, causing sweat to appear on Ighor's forehead.

"After all, I am the Witch of Death, do you think I gained this title for nothing? Tell me your true thoughts," asked Selena with a smile on her face.

Just as Ighor was about to open his mouth, Selena suddenly let out those last words, 'Tell me your true thoughts'.

"I thought the amount of slaughters you did earned you that title," said Ighor as he looked at his mistress, causing the latter to smile.

"It looks like you really haven't researched mages with the Darkness element in the slightest, have you?" asked Selena, prompting Ighor to shake his head.

"It's fine, other than us Dark Mages, not many people are interested in this subject," said Selena as she suddenly stabbed a knife deep into Daniel's chest.

"Unlike other elements, which are more defined, the use of the Darkness Element is slightly more to interpretation, of its user, and of their thoughts," said Selena.

"For example, In my opinion, Darkness represents death, as such, my mana is being influenced by this, although this did not affect me in the beginning, after I became a true Mage, the effects of my thoughts became larger and larger, causing my mana to be more lethal than normal."

"As for when I became an Archmage, well, that's the reason I had my disciple corrupt Daniel, as my mana would have just killed him," said Selena, as she leisurely took out Daniel's mutated heart.

"This also affects the transformation to a True Mage, making our True Forms much more varied then yours."

"Unlike you earth mages, who mostly become Earth Spirits when you become True Mages, the true form of Dark Mages can vary a large amount, from Shadow Demons, other types of demons, and even eldrich horrors like my fellow apprentice, Errol Dankurk," said Selena, causing Ighor to fall into thought.

"Even right now, I'm not sure what my little apprentice will transform into when she becomes a True Mage, for her, almost every form is on the table, maybe except a few," said Selena, quietly mumbling the last part.

Hearing this, Ighor couldn't help but let out a sigh, he really didn't expect that his simple question would lead his mistress to begin talking without stopping, if he reading a novel right now, he would have cursed this shameless author for his bad exposition dump.


As Beatrice walked into her room, she couldn't help but let out a sigh before going through a door and staring at a certain figure.

"Although he stopped screaming, it doesn't look like he's recovered yet," thought Beatrice as she stared at Elias, who was tied to an operating table at the moment.

Although some time had passed since that soul-shattering pain he had felt, Elias still continued shaking, as it's after effects went through his body.

'It looks like I need to get a new servant, one without magic talent this time,' thought Beatrice as she walked back to her room.

Even though Beatrice was merciful, and had decided to leave Elias alive, feeling like he would be useful in the future, she did not dare leave him any sensitive information.

As such, Beatrice had to erase his memories a few times, making sure that he didn't remember anything.