
Witch of Darkness

Beatrice was supposed to be the one to bring happiness to the world, but sadly, that was not what happened. If want to ask any questions, or merely just talk check out the discord server. https://discord.gg/jK3swFGNZh

Aersuy · Fantasy
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208 Chs

Humans aren't neat

As Beatrice flipped through 'Ants, Volume 3' her eyes couldn't help but slightly narrow, causing her to fall into thought.

"Elias!" said Beatrice in a slightly loud tone, prompting the door to open only a few seconds later.

"What is it, mistress?" asked Elias as he slightly bowed to Beatrice.

"You should go and ask those chefs if they have Firebound Grass or anything else with similar properties in stock," said Beatrice, causing Elias to nod before leaving the room.

After Elias left, Beatrice turned her attention back to the book in her hands, feeling quite annoyed.

"How come these damn ants are so troublesome to feed," mumbled Beatrice as she continued looking through the book, searching for any other ants that needed troublesome food.


As Elias walked through a certain door, he entered a kitchen.

Inside of the Kitchen, over a dozen chefs were mechanically making food with completely dead look in their eyes.

"Is there any Firebound Grass, or anything else similar in stock?" asked Elias as he looked at those chefs, causing one of them to raise his head, stare at Elias and fall into thought for a few moments.

After a few moments, the look in the eyes of the chef suddenly changed, from a completely mechanical one, to one full of life.

"Hmm, although there isn't any Firebound grass, there should be something that would fit her needs in there," mumbled the Chef as a female voice came out of his mouth.

Even though after being controlled, Elias became somewhat slow, as soon as the chef spoke, he realized that something was wrong.

But just as Elias was about to speak, he closed his mouth, only opening it after a few moments of silence.

"Thank you, teacher," said Beatrice as she looked at the chef, who was being remotely controlled by Selena.

Hearing Beatrice's words, the chef nodded before turning to a drawer and opening it.

After the chef stared at the fully empty drawer for a few moments, a small hole suddenly appeared inside of it, and a small piece of red grass flew into the drawer.

Seeing this, the chef picked up the small grass before turning back to Beatrice, who right now was controlling Elias.

"This should be enough to feed an ant colony for a long time," said Selena as she looked at her disciple, who showed no embarrassment on her face as she leeched off her teacher.

"Teacher, is this expensive? Maybe I will pay you back in the future," said Beatrice as she looked at her teacher with a seemingly thoughtful look on her face.

Hearing the words of her disciple, Selena couldn't help but have her lips twitch, seeing right through Beatrice's lie.

"Little lass, you don't have to lie so blatantly, don't worry, although plants like this might be expensive in the outside world, I have plenty of them, you can feed your ants however you please, don't try to trick me," said Selena as she looked at her disciple.

"Understood teacher," said Beatrice as she slightly bowed, picking up the clump of grass from the hands of the chef.

After talking with her teacher for a few more minutes, Beatrice then retracted her consciousness from Elias' body, allowing him to come back on his own.


Staring at the lump of red grass in front of her, which was sitting on a small plate, a small frown couldn't help but appear on Beatrice's face.

After a few moments, Beatrice then slightly smelled the grass, and at the same time, she felt the texture of the blades of grass.

Smelling the scent of the grass, which was completely different from that of plants that had grown in the wild, some thoughts couldn't help but appear in Beatrice's mind.

'She even has a garden hidden in this place,' thought Beatrice, smelling the scent of other rare plants emanating from this clump of grass.

After a few moments, Beatrice walked up to a small glass cube, looking at the little red ant inside.

Staring at the little ant, which was peacefully laying in box 67, a smile couldn't help but appear on Beatrice's face.

A moment later, Beatrice took out a small bottle, from her robe, which had red grass sitting inside of it.

After that, Beatrice carefully picked up a blade of grass, opened the lid on the glass box, and then put it inside, right next to the cute little ant.

Seemingly unafraid of Beatrice's enourmous hand, the little ant suddenly sprang into action, as it then began chewing on the blade of grass.

Rather surprisingly, after chewing only a small part of it, a satisfied look appeared on the face of the small ant, as it then sat down next to the blade of grass, enjoying its warmth.

Looking at the ant, which was completely obedient to her after she used the Ant control spell only once, Beatrice couldn't help but slightly touch it's large head, being careful so as to not hurt it's little antenna.

After a few moments, Beatrice then walked towards some other enclosures, also feeding ants 73, 79 85, and 94 with the same red grass.

As Beatrice had done this, Elias arrived next to her with a small notebook in his hands.

"Elias, don't you think these little guys are so cute, so obedient, if only humans could be so sensible," mumbled Beatrice as she stared at the ants that were strewn about the small lab.

Hearing Beatrice's words for some reason, Elias felt a chill in his heart, but even so, as he heard Beatrice ask him a question, a sense of pure joy couldn't help but quickly destroy the chill.

"Yes mistress, it is as mistress says," said Elias as he looked at his mistress with pure worship in his eyes.

Hearing Elias's words, which were filled with pure worship, Beatrice slightly shook her head before letting out a sigh.

"Add colonies 67, 73, 79, 85, and 94 to the list, check on them every day and replace the blade of grass if it's been eaten and replace their water," said Beatrice as she returned to her normal self.

Hearing Beatrice's words, Elias did not say anything, merely adding these Ant colonies and instructions to the notebook.

After a few moments, Beatrice then turned her attention to the next ant colonies that needed sorting out.