
Witch of Darkness

Beatrice was supposed to be the one to bring happiness to the world, but sadly, that was not what happened. If want to ask any questions, or merely just talk check out the discord server. https://discord.gg/jK3swFGNZh

Aersuy · Fantasy
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208 Chs


Three days later,

Staring at the tiny spell circles inscribed on the small cube in front of her, Beatrice smiled, before turning her eyes towards the Earth Element Spellbook to her side.

"This should work," mumbled Beatrice as she bought two pieces of metal and put them next to the small cube.

After this, Beatrice once again began pouring her mana into the small cube, of course, right now, Beatrice was doing something else at the same time.

Right now, the mana that Beatrice was pouring into the cube was vibrating exactly 43 times per second.

After a few seconds of Beatrice pouring in her mana, the inscriptions on the small cube began glowing, causing the two pieces of metal sitting next to it to suddenly begin becoming one.

A few moments later, the inscriptions on the metal cube stopped glowing, leaving the two pieces of metal completely welded together.

"As expected, that's what the password was," mumbled Beatrice as she picked up the now singular piece of metal.

In these past few days, Beatrice has been examining the inscriptions on this piece of metal, eventually discovering that the vibrating mana was the answer.

Seeing that her first experiment worked, Beatrice then picked up the tiny cube, which she had named the Mana Checker, and placed it next to the remaining parts of the larger cube, which she had named the Information Cube.

A few moments later Beatrice once again began pouring her mana into the Mana Checker, but this time, her mana was vibrating 22 times per second.

A moment later, the inscriptions on the small sphere that stood in the middle of the Information Cube then lit up, causing some text to appear above the small sphere

'Writing Mode Activated, Insert Mana'

Seeing this, Beatrice quickly began pouring her mana into the small machine, causing a dark liquid to suddenly appear through it's tubes.

A moment later, the Dark Liquid passed through a small cube, which Beatrice dubbed the Mana Converter, and became colorless.

After that, the colorless liquid mana traveled to both the small sphere, as well as the large cube, which Beatrice did not know the use of.

After that, the insert mana text disappeared, being replaced by a small line, at the same time, all twenty-seven letters of the alphabet appeared to bellow it.


Twelve days later,

As Beatrice stared at the extremely thin sheets filled with dots sitting in front of her, she suddenly raised her head, as a knock was heard from the door.

"Enter," said Beatrice, prompting Elias to open the door to the room and walk.

"Mistress, a large majority of the ant species have reached maturity, it is time for the creation of the next generation," said Elias as he bowed to Beatrice.

Hearing the words of Elias, a small smile appeared on Beatrice's face.

"Very well, begin preparing, I'm coming out in some time," said Beatrice as she turned her attention back to the extremely thin sheets of metal, which were connected to each other using extremely thin tubes filled with mana.

Hearing that, Elias slightly bowed before walking out of the room, leaving Beatrice alone to her work.

As she stared at the extremely thin sheets, a keyboard suddenly appeared above the small sphere which was sitting next to the sheets.

The moment Beatrice typed a letter using the keyboard, several large and small bumps appeared on the thin sheet, causing her to slightly frown.

"How in the world is this thing moving information using pure mana?" mumbled Beatrice as she stared at the tiny tubes, which were transporting mana to the sheets.

As soon as Beatrice saw how the sheets worked, she immediately understood their principle, but for some reason, Beatrice could not figure out how information was being transferred through mana.

No matter how Beatrice thought about it, it did now make any sense.

The first theory that Beatrice had was that vibrations were used to send information, but sadly, that theory did not work out.

After a few moments of thought, Beatrice then turned to the small sphere sitting next to the sheets of metal, which was the brains of the operation.

Rather surprisingly, this metal sphere seemed somewhat simple, being divided into two parts, the Encryptor, which as the name implied, transformed the information inputted using words to dots, which were then placed on the sheets of metal, which created the large cube.

And the Decryptor, which transformed the information from the large cube, which Beatrice called the Memory Keeper, into words understandable by humans.

After studying the inscriptions on the small sphere, Beatrice was completely sure that this was it's use.

"It can only be in the inside of the sphere," mumbled Beatrice as she stared at the small sphere, thinking whether she should risk breaking it open, when suddenly, a thought couldn't help but enter her mind.

After a few minutes of thought, Beatrice slowly but surely poured mana into the small sphere, mana which was vibrating exactly 43 times per second.

A few moments later, the sphere then began splitting into four different pieces, one of which Beatrice immediately recognized.

Two extremely thin sheets of metal, which were the outer layer of the sphere, as well as being responsible for Encryption and Decryption

A tiny cube, which Beatrice immediately recognized the inscriptions placed on it.

As well as an irregularly shaped object, which alongside the tiny Mana Checker, created a small sphere.

Compared even to those on the much smaller mana checker, the inscriptions on the irregularly shaped objects were at least a dozen times smaller, fitting so much more information on them.

The Encryptor, Decryptor, Mana Checker, as well as the brains of the operations, what Beatrice would begin calling the Logic Core, those were the components of the Small Sphere.

After making sure that she safely kept these parts, Beatrice then got up from the table and began stretching her hands.

It was time for her to breed some ants.