
Witch of Darkness

Beatrice was supposed to be the one to bring happiness to the world, but sadly, that was not what happened. If want to ask any questions, or merely just talk check out the discord server. https://discord.gg/jK3swFGNZh

Aersuy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
208 Chs


Looking at the large line of young people in front of her, Beatrice couldn't help but sigh.

"This is going to take a long time," thought Beatrice as she watched the line slowly move.

Over two hours later,

Walking up to the young man that was sitting on a comfortable chair, Beatrice couldn't help but be irritable, having waited for so long.

"Place your hand on the orb"

As the young man said that, an orb suddenly floated over from the table and in front of Beatrice.

Without hesitating, Beatrice placed her hand on the orb, and after a few moments of silence, a loud sound suddenly emerged from it, as the orb lit up.

Two years later,

Sitting cross-legged, Beatrice's mind began to wander, her eyes remaining closed, but even so, Beatrice could not find what she was looking for, similar to what had happened for these past two years.

Suddenly, the door to the luxurious room Beatrice was staying in was opened, as a relatively old man dressed in a black suit walked in.

"Miss Beatrice, as your father has said, using the Mage's meditation technique in this place has nearly no effect, you should at least socialize with your peers," said the old man, William.

"My peers, that group of foolish rabble?" asked Beatrice as she looked at William, but even though she was angry, looking at the butler who had helped raise her, Beatrice became a little less harsh.

"Since I have completed the three hours of training permitted by the Breathing Technique and the medicinal bath, is there anything more efficient than practicing the meditation technique," asked the girl with pure white hair as she looked at her butler.

"No, miss Beatrice," said William as he slightly bowed.

"See, then go ahead and call the maids here, I need to take a bath after this," said Beatrice as she smiled at her butler.

"Yes, miss Beatrice," said William before walking out of the room.

Looking at the nearly empty room before her, the smile on Beatrice's face became slightly larger

"Only a few more days," mumbled Beatrice as she silently remembered the time two years ago when she, alongside hundreds of other children of nobility, had been tested in regard for their talent to becoming a mage.

Ever since then, Beatrice had awaited the day she would become a mage with anticipation she has not had for anything else in her entire life.

As such, for the past two years, Beatrice had thoroughly studied the basic meditation technique she had obtained from the mage that had tested her magic talent zealously.

But sadly, as William had just said, because of the extremely pitiful amount of elemental energy in her surroundings, she had not made much progress.

After staying in her room for a few more moments, two maids walked in.

"Alicia, you go prepare the bath, while Alice can follow me," said Beatrice, as she walked out of the room, making sure her complicated dress did not touch the ground.

Walking for a bit, Beatrice reached a more secluded area of the castle, compared to the main estate, this area was much less decorated, and even the color scheme slowly shifted.

As she walked through the estate, Beatrice's eyes unconsciously went to her maid before narrowing and returning to normal a few moments later.

Soon after, Beatrice walked to a flight of stairs, and the bottom of the stairs lay two guards.

As soon as the two guards guarding the stairs saw Beatrice, they immediately made way for her, letting her go down to the lowest level of the dungeon, at the same time, the maid remained outside the dungeon.

Unlike the other floors of the dungeon, this one was completely separate, being created at the request of Beatrice around one and a half years ago, not long after she had her talent tested.

The moment she entered the dungeon, Beatrice traveled to a particular side room before skillfully changing from her complicated dress into a robe specially prepared for this.

Soon after Beatrice left the side room, a guard with his face hidden by a mask approached her.

"Has the subject been prepared?" asked Beatrice as she looked at the guard.

Unlike the other guards in the castle, upon the gaze of Beatrice, the guards of this dungeon did not even dare raise their eyes.

"Yes miss Beatrice," said the guard before following Beatrice, who was now walking to the main room of the dungeon.

At the center of the room stood a table, and on that table stood a young boy, who right now, seemed to be completely sleeping.

"The legs are all that remain to be tested, even though it's not likely, you can never be sure," mumbled Beatrice before walking towards the boy with a set of surgical tools in her hands, the tools having been specially sterilized for this job.

"It's as expected, those that have the talent to become a mage have no apparent physical difference from normal people, further testing is required on the matter once I learn magic, but until further notice, I can assume that the information given to me by that mage is valid," thought Beatrice as she finished writing her journal of the day, having taken a bath just before.

Suddenly, Beatrice felt an extremely faint smell.

"Alicia, prepare another bath for me," said Beatrice, her voice becoming slightly cold as she felt the faint smell of blood emanating from her body.

Without any words, Alicia walked out of the room, to prepare Beatrice's bath.

After this, Beatrice walked out of her room, followed by the other maid.

"It's really quite impressive," mumbled Beatrice as she looked at her maid.

"Miss Beatrice?" asked the maid.

But before the maid could say anything else, she suddenly lost consciousness.

"How did you even manage to sneak into this place with your skill, my maids do not talk to me unless specifically asked," said Beatrice as two guards suddenly appeared and picked up the fainted assassin.

"Send her to my floor of the dungeon," said Beatrice, causing the guards to flinch for a moment.

"Yes miss Beatrice," said the Guards before carrying the assassin, off the ground, as to not dirty the floor, nobody makes a mistake in front of Miss Beatrice three times, the last time they dirtied the floor was deeply imprinted into their mind.