
Witch of Darkness

Beatrice was supposed to be the one to bring happiness to the world, but sadly, that was not what happened. If want to ask any questions, or merely just talk check out the discord server. https://discord.gg/jK3swFGNZh

Aersuy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
208 Chs


"An entire week wasted for nothing..." mumbled Beatrice as she stared at the place where Selena had just stood before shaking her head.

A few moments after that, Beatrice then turned her attention onto more important things.


At that very moment...

As she looked at Selena, who had just arrived with a few children behind her, Irelia couldn't help but appear a bit surprised.

"She found five of them? That's quite impressive..." said Selena as she sat up and touched her chin.

"Irelia, give these five to Nicholas, he should know what to do with them," said Selena as she snapped her fingers, causing the children to float over towards the Light Mage who had hunted down Selena in the past.

"I understand..."


Looking at the five children floating around her, Irelia, who was currently walking to her destination couldn't help but fall into some thought.

'These five can replace five space mages, meaning that they can be sacrificed to increase the stability of the Spatial Prism, but would such a small sacrifice really be enough to meaningfully change things?'

Unlike Ighor, who was more involved on the technical side of things, Irelia mostly used brute force, as well as her power to do things for Selena, as the fact that she was a Light Mage proved to be quite advantageous, as most people really wouldn't be able to guess that there was a Light Mage serving Selena.

Sadly though, this fact also meant that Irelia didn't really understand Selena's plans fully.

A few moments later, Irelia shook these messy thoughts which didn't involve her out of her mind, and simply walked to her destination, much to the delight of the person that was currently watching over her.


"The control on Irelia still seems to be stable, at the moment, there's no reason currently to waste time casting True Darkness on her," mumbled Selena, who had just intentionally weakened her grasp over the Light Mage, hoping to gauge her reaction.

A few moments later, after taking a few more good looks at Irelia, Selena disappeared, reappearing in front of a large sphere and began waiting.

Whilst waiting, Beatrice couldn't help but turn her attention to the large, spherical Spatial Prism before her, which had several small cracks on it.

In the end, Selena had to wait for around 2 minutes before Ighor, followed by five hooded figures arrived below the sphere before bowing towards Selena.

"Mistress, should we begin?" asked Ighor, causing Selena to merely nod her head.

Seeing the positive response of his Mistress, Ighor then snapped his fingers, causing one of the hooded figures to take off their hoods, revealing themselves.

"You can begin casting the spell," said Ighor, causing the man who had just taken off his hood to suddenly freeze in place for a few moments before stretching out his hand in front of him.

Then, under the eyes of the six other people at the scene, blood quickly began flowing out of the mouth of the Mage Apprentice, as he began casting the Rank 2 Spell, Space Mend.

Usually, as a Mage Apprentice, the man should've been completely incapable of casting such a powerful spell.

Sadly though, with the training Selena and Ighor had put him through, the man was actually able to persevere, causing more and blood to begin flowing out of all of his orifices.

By the time an entire minute had passed, the man's eyes lost their color, as even his very soul begin being used as fuel for the spell he was casting.

At that moment, a blue light suddenly emerged from the had of the mage, and began travelling towards one of the small cracks in the Spatial Prism.

In just under thirty seconds, the crack, which was not a crack in the physical prism itself, but rather a crack in space, began disappearing under the efforts of the apprentice.

Finally, a minute later, the crack had entirely disappeared, causing the Mage Apprentice to breathe a final sigh of relief.


A moment after that, the Mage Apprentice, who was entirely drained in both body and soul, fell to the ground and instantly died.

Even though the Spatial Prism still had many cracks left, Selena still smiled as she stared at the place where a crack had been just a few moments ago.

Although the mending of a single crack was rather insignificant, this meant that the Spatial Prism could control the space within the world inside of the Flying City just a bit better, allowing it to recover that little tiny bit faster.

"You've done well Ighor, it seems as though the training of the Space Mage Apprentices was done properly," said Selena as she stared at the second Apprentice, who had just taken off his hood and had begun casting the same Rank 2 Spell.

Hearing the words of praise, Ighor did not respond, and merely continued bowing, causing Selena to shake her head and turn her attention back onto the scene in front of her.

In just under 30 minutes, all five Mage Apprentices finished casting the Space Mend Spell, causing the Spatial Prism to become just that bit more complete, being 95.1% of its full power at the moment, from the previous 94.8% before the sacrifice of the apprentices.

But even though this was a seemingly minor boost, a faint smile still appeared on Selena's face, as she turned her attention onto the World within the Flying City, which was getting closer and closer to recovering.


Unaware of the fact that her rather good luck had helped Selena come closer and closer to truly being able to activate her Flying City, Beatrice was currently floating in the air, staring into the distance with a frown present on her face.

"In the end, it looks as though the words of others can still never be fully trusted..." mumbled Beatrice as she stared at the group of Academy Mages that were currently approaching, who had come much earlier than Scythia had told her.