
Science and Magic

In one of the most secured facilities in the world, in a hidden location where only the selected few can even know of its existent. A very pale middle-aged lady wearing a tattered lab coat is can be seen sleeping on the cold hard floor while holding what seems to be a weirdly shaped sunglasses.

"Wake up. Wake up you old hag!" an old man who's even paler than the lady with dishevelled hair and oddly trimmed beard shouted. "Where's that thing you've been crazy about that you forgot about this pitiful husband of yours at?" asked the old man on the verge of getting angry.

"Nnn... You mean our child..?" Kurisu, the lady who was on the floor muttered in her sleep. "What child? You've refused to have children saying how you won't have time and here you are talking about one?" "You don't even let me touch you, and look at us now. I think all your pursuers from back then will be glad that they're not in my shoes." the old man, Kyo said to himself.

"Where did your sex appeal go to..?" Kyo whispered while trying to find the newly created 'Magic' device that they've been working on. In this age, where magic is not just some fantasy from novel. Magic can be wield even by the common people. Magic, a new term for advanced tools that human created that can create miracles.

Starting from a few decades ago, humans plunged into chaos when a Nuclear Power Plant accidentally malfunctioned causing a huge explosion that took away a few lives of powerful figures of different countries that went to 'inspect' the place. A terrible war broke out and millions of people perished without even knowing why it happened. After only a few days since the war started, when one of the most powerful nation tries to initiate a nuclear war, they realised that when the missile hit its target, nothing major happened. There was no explosion or anything, it just seems like a meteorite falling from the sky and destroyed a few building.

Just a few days after that perplexing event. The team responsible for researching what happened that day bring back a startling news. It was said that the people nearby saw a person flying up to the sky just before the big explosion and emitted light surrounding everybody there.

The identity of that said person remains a mystery but what the rest found out was that, the person who flew to the sky and 'saved' everyone was from a private company. A company that was researching new ways to use nuclear, to transform the remaining elements in our atmosphere into something that can bring more power, and they succeeded. They call it magic.

And now into the future, where magic is already widespread a pair of scientists was on a mission to create a device to let humans see this new element to better control it. They succeeded long ago, but when they were not content. They took it a step further, incorporating magic into this new device to let them see so much more.

Just yesterday, their first test on this new equipment launched. It was a failure. After careful analysis, they deduced that the cause of failure might be in the lack of magic power inputted. But it'll be too dangerous to increase the magic power for it is unstable, just like nuclear. Of course, that won't stop these two.

"WAKE UP!!" Kyo urged the old lady. "Or I'll do the test without you".

Kurisu immediately jumped up, rushed to the testing area while hugging the device complaining, "Sheesh old man, no need to give me a heart attack. You know I can die if you let my baby grow up without me seeing it with my own eyes".

Not bothering to comment, Kyo just proceeded to set up the recording device while waiting for her to put the 'baby' they created in place.

After a few minutes, the set up was complete. "Uh, well then. Let the experimental test subject No. 45 be-" "LAUNCH!" without waiting for the slow Kyo to finish, Kurisu just slammed the start button.

"Injecting mana, 15%!

"30%, 55%, 75%"

"100%! Starting up Eye of Truth!"

Crack!! A strange black mist suddenly appeared around the device


"WHAT WAS THAT?!" The both of them screamed. "QUICK SHUT IT DOWN" Kyo was going to stop it, but was stop by the sudden warning from the system "Eye of Truth fully charged, condition unstable, launch?"

Kyo was going to cover his partner's mouth when he heard it but was too late. "LAUNCH" Kurisu shouted. "Eye of Truth, Launching!"


After the loud explosion, the launch of this Eye of Truth. What Kyo saw was his beloved wife, in his tight embrace, unmoving with blood dripping down from her eyes, ears, nose and mouth. When he tries to bring them to safety, he realises that his body wont respond to him and fell. The last thing he saw was the world, splitting into two, the same sky he always remembers and another, where only red mist could be seen before falling into darkness.

Coffee at 3a.m. and tea at 3p.m. created this.

kumadamcreators' thoughts