

What would happen if another Tsugikuni somehow happened to be born? A clan lost in time. Will he follow the path of his ancestor and slay those who lurk in the shadows or reject his humanity to become something else?

0BlackRabbit0 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs


Shin was just about to walk over to the demon but Susamaru hopped onto him and kissed him excitedly.

Shin rolled his eyes and returned the gesture. Susamaru had been doing a good job lately so he thought she deserved it. 

Though he had to pull her off of him after a few minutes since the temari demon refused to let go until she was satisfied. 

Once she was down she ran towards the giant demon and pulled it by the leg towards him, the guy looked like he had been through hell. "Hehe, master, look at this!"

Shin looked the demon over before pulling its arm off. The spider woman's eyes began to shine seeing this, Shin ignored her and began to eat.

He continued to do this to his other arm and legs until he was nothing but a torso with a head. He didn't know why but when he finished he felt he had gained something like before with Rui.

"Master, did you become a kizuki by chance?" Makomo suddenly asked.

Susamaru and the spider woman were confused hearing her ask this. Shin only nodded his head and pointed towards his eye. "Lower Moon Five."

Stars appeared in Susamaru's eyes when Shin confirmed it, it was still one of her dreams after all. "Really?!" 

"Mn." Shin nodded his head once again.

"Congratulations master." Makomo said.

Shin looked at the giant spider demon. "Now what are you going to do with this guy?"

"Leave him out in the sun of course, I thought you'd want to fight him but now that you're a kizuki you wouldn't have as much fun as I did." Susamaru answered.

The giant demon tried crawling away hearing Susamaru's answer but due to Shin eating his limbs he couldn't even move an inch 

"Susamaru, tie him up on a tree or something so we can leave." Shin said.

Even though he wasn't showing it he was still worried about his broken sword, Makamo decided to come over to check on him sensing something wrong "Master, are you alright?" 

Shin took out his broken sword for her to see as an answer. Makomo's already pale skin became as pale as a ghost seeing the shape of it and she couldn't help but shiver.

Susamaru ran up to them after putting the demon to the top of a tree as Shin had told her to do, she looked at Makomo confused wondering what was wrong which the short demon didn't answer.

Shin put his broken sword back into the scabbard, when he looked back towards his servants he saw a crow that looked oddly familiar flying down above them. 

"Message! Message! Restrain Shin, Makomo, Tanjiro, and Nezuko, bring them back to headquarters!" 

"Shin has flame-like marks on his neck and face, Makomo has short hair that spikes at the ends, Tanjiro has a scar on his forehead, and Nezuko wears a bamboo muzzle!"

The crow repeated itself two more times before flying off deeper into the mountain where Shin assumed to relay the message to slayers who hadn't heard it.

"We're leaving, bring as many of those bodies as possible." Shin said before throwing two corpses on his shoulders.

He was confident he could take most of those slayers on if it came to it, but if there were more of those slayers he fought before he didn't want to take the chance unless completely necessary.

""Understood!"" Susamaru and Makomo picked up two bodies just like Shin upon hearing his command while the spider woman tied some strings onto all the corpses she could, just like that they began their trip back home after everyone was ready.


They managed to get back in 2 nights and a half. When they arrived Kobushibo was already waiting outside the door looking towards them.

Shin remained expressionless but sweat was already running down the side of his head seeing Kokushibo there.

He remained calm and turned towards the girls. "You three go put the bodies somewhere, once you're done Makomo, Susamaru, you two help..what is your name? It would be weird to call you mother." Shin asked the woman who was on the headless demon's shoulders.

She closed her eyes for a moment to try and remember but shook her head. She opened her eyes and spoke in a dejected tone. "I don't know." 

Shin sighed hearing that, he couldn't blame her. She's probably been on that mountain for a while now. "I'll give you a name."

"Really?" She instantly cheered up hearing Shin. She thought getting an actual name from a kizuki must've been an honor instead of being called mother or dear constantly full of disdain. 

After a minute or so of thinking, Shin decided on a name that sounded good to him. "Tsuzu..your name will be Tsuzu." 

Makomo and Susamaru looked at the spider woman, she didn't look like a Tsuzu to them but what happened next made them change their minds.

Tsuzu became smaller with a more childlike appearance contradicting her actual age, her skin gained some color but could still be considered pale. 

Her cheeks were marked with two maroon lines, her eyes became rounder with yellow irises and x-shaped pupils, and her hair turned black and shorter, parted to the side.

Shin thought she resembled some kind of fox but was left slightly confused when she started to shudder and bring her arms up as if to defend her face. "I'm sorry Rui, I won't do it again I promise!"

A small frown formed on his face seeing this. Slightly smiling, frowning, or any other expression was the best he was able to do and that was still difficult for him.

"What are you doing?" Shin asked.

The girl jumped at his voice. "I'm sorry.."

"Is that your true appearance by chance?" Shin asked.

Unlike what Tsuzu expected Shin wasn't upset at her or anything. She nodded her head and put her arms down

She tried shifting into the spider form but Shin immediately stopped her. "If you go to that other form unless necessary you can go back to the mountain."

"Why were you even in that other form anyway?" He asked, looking at the girl curiously.

Tsuzu was left stunned. "Why are you being so nice to me?" 

"I don't think I'm being nice. I took you in because I thought you were useful. If you weren't I would have left you. I don't want you using that other form because you belong to me now." Shin replied.

"Also I did say I would treat you well as long as you obey and serve me which you agreed to, now answer my question." 

Instead of being down at Shin's words, she started crying with a smile on her face. "Mn, Rui wanted to create a family, so he decided to form a group of demons. Him being one of the lord's chosen ones and fearing of the slayers no one refused his offer.

He gave us his blood to make us stronger, an ability he said he gained after becoming a kizuki. It made us stronger and gave us the ability to create threads like him.

After that he made us change our appearance similar to his so we'd all seem like family. The environment was always toxic and quite aggressive, there was never a moment without fighting.

I was the youngest demon of the group, I still have some memories of being human unlike the others so I didn't fit the role of 'Mother', I wasn't as strong either. 

Being a young demon I still didn't have complete control of my shapeshifting either and would accidentally revert from time to time.

Rui would severely punish me when I did, the demon who took the role of my 'husband' would abuse me constantly without reason because of this.

The demon who took the role of my 'son' would watch from the sidelines enjoying the show with his sadistic tendencies and the demon who took the daughter role would look at me as if I was the stupidest person in the world.

Most of the family ended up dying out due to them not being able to handle the verbal or physical abuse and died from attempting to run away, betrayal, or just straight suicide. 

I never wanted to admit it but I was on the edge of the last cause. The abuse was just becoming worse for me as time went on even when I did everything they asked of me, I always asked myself what I did to deserve that type of treatment. It didn't take long for me to get my answer, it was because I was weak."


Give meh yo powah stones and don't forget to leave a review bub. (Hope ya enjoyed the chap.)

0BlackRabbit0creators' thoughts