

What would happen if another Tsugikuni somehow happened to be born? A clan lost in time. Will he follow the path of his ancestor and slay those who lurk in the shadows or reject his humanity to become something else?

0BlackRabbit0 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Drunk demons

Shin walked through the door of his home covered in dirt and blood. The first thing that caught his attention was Susamaru and Tsuzu sitting around the table in the living room looking at something. 

He decided to not bother with them at the moment, he wanted a bath and would get just that, with that thought he closed the door and walked into the bathroom.

It took some time for him to come out but he felt refreshed and wore a red yukata. He looked back towards his servants and saw the girls still staring at something on the table.

Now after taking his bath, he felt a small interest in what they were doing, he walked over to them instantly getting the two's attention.

""Welcome home master!"" The two said together.

"We're happy to see you come back safe and sound." Tsuzu said.

When they completely turned around they saw the number that was once five had gone up to two causing their eyes to shine. 

"Mn." Shin only nodded his head and looked at the object on the table. 

It was a big crimson bottle with a piece of paper placed on it that had the word Sake and a smiley face next to it.

Shin looked at his servants with a confused look. "Where did you even get this?" 

Tsuzu raised her hand before speaking. "During our hunting, we found this bottle on one of the corpses, the bottle smelled like that of a demon so we decided to take it."

"Mn, we're sorry if this upsets you, master. We believed that bothering you with such a small thing would be unpleasant and we were curious." Susamaru pitched in.

Shin wasn't upset at all, he was just curious. When he thought over what Tsuzu had said he decided to sniff the air only to find out her words were true, the bottle gave off the scent of a demon for some reason. 

"Don't worry I'm not upset, has Makomo arrived?" He asked.

Susamaru shook her. "No, she's still out doing the quest you've given her." 

"I see, she should get back soon, the sun is close to rising." Shin said before sitting at the table with his two servants.

Tsuzu and Susamaru continued their chat while staring at the bottle. "So are you going to take a sip, Susamaru?" Tsuzu asked.

"If master allows me to." Susamaru replied.

The two girls turned towards Shin awaiting his answer. 

"Are you two serious about drinking this? It could be dangerous." Shin asked.

They both nodded their heads before Susamaru spoke. "We'll be fine, we won't die even if it is poisonous!" The temari demon confidently answered.

Shin didn't refute her words, he nodded his head as the okay for the two to drink as they pleased, causing the small Tsuzu to run to the kitchen and come back with cups.

Susamaru opened the bottle, when the top was removed an intoxicating fragrance entered the air that Shin thought was quite similar to that brown-haired woman's Blood Demon Art when he took in Susamaru.

Susamaru picked up the bottle and poured its contents into the cup Tsuzu had given her. What came out of it was a red foggy liquid. 

As soon as the cup was filled the demon put the bottle back down then took up her drink, Tsuzu watched in anticipation as Susamaru drank the contents without a second thought.

Susamaru put the cup down once it was empty. Nothing happened at first but her cheeks slowly began to become red and she began to giggle. "That was good, give me some more!" 

"She's drunk." Shin flatly said.

Tsuzu quickly took the bottle from Susamaru before she could drink anymore then poured her own drink. "Nuh-uh, it's my turn!"

Just like with Susamaru she drank the sake without hesitation. Shin just watched, he didn't know if it was alright to let her drink but after thinking it over he realized that she was most likely older than him.

Surprisingly the small demon's face became red on the spot, she didn't last a moment longer than Susamaru which wasn't very long either to begin with. 

"Alright back to me hehe!" Susamaru quickly swiped the bottle out of the small demon's hands. 

"Give it back, you're going to drink it all!" Tsuzu yelled trying to grab the bottle.

After failing over and over again she turned to Shin with a pout. "Master, she won't give me the bottle back!" 

"That's a painting Tsuzu, I'm over here." Shin said seeing the girl yelling at a painting on the wall that didn't even closely resemble him.

"Oh, I see!" She looked around the room missing Shin a couple of times until eventually finding him.

"Master you should *hic* take a sip." Susamaru suggested.

"Good idea, you should have some master!" Tsuzu added, she was already pouring Shin a cup before he could reply. All of the distress she had earlier was gone and a smile formed on her face.

Shin let out a small sigh seeing this before taking the cup and drinking the sake in it. Unlike the girls his face didn't get red nor was he affected.  "It wasn't bad." 

"Told you so!" Tsuzu poured some more for him to drink, when he drank it this time his face turned red and he began leaning from left to right and right to left along with his eyes slightly drooping in a sleepy manner. 

The only thing Shin could ask himself was how could that drink be so strong, in the end, he chopped it up due to it being a demonic drink.

The girls couldn't help but get even more excited seeing his state. The two began to dance and drink more sake as Shin sat in the corner.

"I'm a temari demon and my strength is great, mess with master and he'll set you straight! He is strong and commands a group of three; those slayers have nothing on him haha!" Susamaru sang a song as she danced around.

"More! More!" The small demon demanded clapping her hands.

Hearing her partner Susamaru continued her singing. 

Without the trio of demons noticing hours had already flown by during their party.


Makomo was heading home, she had managed to collect most of the swords she needed and only required 6 more to complete her task.

She had no clue why her master needed so many swords but she had already guessed he only asked for this to prevent her from having to harm herself on trying to make a new sword, but still, she couldn't help but be excited about her new weapon.

When she arrived home and opened the door the sound of singing along with movements entered her ears.

She walked inside, closed the door, and dropped the swords near a wall. As she walked into the living room she saw Susamaru and Tsuzu dancing while the temari demon sang songs about their master being the greatest.

Makomo ignored the two and looked for Shin, she found the demon with six eyes sitting in a corner watching the two's antics with a red face and swaying from left to right which confused her.

There was also the scent of another demon and alcohol wafting in the air leaving her even more confused since she thought demons couldn't get intoxicated except when there's a Blood Demon Art involved.

'What happened while I was gone?..''

To let you know I'm still alive.

Give meh yo powah stones and don't forget to leave a review bub. (Hope you enjoyed the chap.)

0BlackRabbit0creators' thoughts