
Chapter 16: At home

Minutes later, Whitney is at home, she knocks on the door several times but no one answered. she then takes out her spare key and opens the door. she walks in and finds Lola sleeping and snoring loudly on the couch. Whitney stared at Lola for a while before she said to herself "this is what I have to deal with, my little cute mess" she said and gave a brief sigh. she tapped Lola on her back "wake up sleepy head, you look like Cinderella before the bi bi do ba bi do boo" Whitney said teasingly. Lola slightly began to open her eyes, before she yawned and said "you are back Fie li" she said stretching on the couch like a cat who just got up from a long nap. "don't call me that, you never listen" Whitney said before turning away from her "I'm going to shower " whitney said. Lola's eyes widened as he rushed in front of her to stop her "nooo" Lola said jumpy . her actions cause whitney to stop " why" whitney replied giving her a suspicious look. "no reason, it's just that germs do so much wonders for your skin" she said while touching her face. "no thanks" whitney replied as she removed Lola's hands from her face "I really need to shower" whitney said as she forcefully pass by lola. lola tried to stop her again. after moments, whitney already knew what was going on, "he is here again, isn't he" Whitney said as she looks back at Lola who was standing behind her. she then rushed towards Lola's room in angry "I'm gonna murder him" whitney said furiously. "Whitney wait, stop, don't" Lola said rushing after whitney. Whitney opens the door. to Lola's room and started to scan around with her eyes. "where are you, you asshole" whitney said furiously. "you son of a bitch, I told you to stay away from her" whitney added . "stop it whitney, stop it " Lola said a bit teary. suddenly, a man, came out from Lola's bathroom shirtless, he had brown hair, green eyes a muscular structure, abs, an handsome face and his name was Nathan. Nathan is Lola's ex who hurts her repeatedly but Lola can't seem to quit him, maybe because he is so handsome. To be sincer, Nathan was really handsome, he could even be classified as a modern day Greek god. But to whitney, he was nothing but a play boy. a Casanova and Whitney dispised him so much for that reason. "hello love" Nathan said in a flirty way. his actions made whitney irritated "I'm gonna kill you" Whitney said, "what are you doing here again you homeless dog" Whitney said showing clear angry in her tone. "you seem hot tempered, I like hot tempered girls, the hotter the temper the freakier they are" Nathan said seducingly while leaning in close to whitney. his actions frightened whitney causing her to stutters back wards before giving him a hot slap on his face. Nathan hold his cheeks and smriks before turning back to her "get out now or I will show you" she said with beaming eyes of angry. "baby girl, I didn't know you wanted me this bad, I would have came earlier, so be patient" he said as he gave a mistivious smile on his face. "you disgust me" Whitney said irritated. Whitney then pulls him by the by ear and drags him out of her room. Nathan uses both of his hands to hold the ear which whitney is pulled vigorously to reduce the pressure on his ear. "you know I want you and not Lola, she is just a toy I use when bored, but you I could do alot with" he said. he then reaches for her thighs and grabs them. his actions caused Whitney to pause few inches from the door. she then lifts him up and released his ear before punching him on his face. "you still have mouth to talk " whitney said, she then kicked him in-between his legs and then punches him again on his face. Nathan drops on the floor with his hands holding his little friend while groaning in pain. Whitney opened the door and dragged him out of the house."your friend is an obsessed psycho " he yelled still groaning in pain . Whitney runs back to the room and gets his shirt from the bathroom. she then opens the door again and throws his shirt at him before she slammed the door for the final time.