
Wishes At The Fountain

Aria is determined to uncover the truth about Max Williams, who disappeared from the town many years ago. She spends days pouring over records and speaking with local residents, trying to piece together a complete picture of the man. As she delves deeper, she realizes there have been other disappearances in the town as well and rumors of a supernatural presence. Despite the fear she feels, Aria continues her investigation and encounters dangerous individuals who are also searching for answers. Aria soon encounters a strange creature who offers to show her what she seeks but warns her that the truth may not be what it seems. With the creature's help, Aria begins a journey that will change her life forever as she uncovers the truth about Max and the mysterious happenings in the town.

DailyBudiiess · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The Search for Max's Past

Aria woke up early the next morning, her mind consumed by the thought of the plaque she had seen at the church the day before. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was something significant about that name, and she was determined to find out what it was.

She quickly got dressed and made her way back to the church. As she approached the altar, her heart began to race as she saw the plaque once again. She walked up to it and stood there for a few moments, just staring at the name Max Williams.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps behind her, and she turned to see an elderly priest making his way towards her. He smiled warmly at her and asked if he could help her with anything.

Aria explained to the priest about the plaque and the name Max Williams. The priest's eyes lit up and he beckoned her to follow him. They walked down a narrow hallway to a small room filled with old photographs and artifacts.

The priest pointed to a corner of the room, where there was a large picture frame, covered in dust. He carefully removed the cloth that covered the frame and revealed an old, faded photo of a group of people, standing in front of a large stone building.

Aria's heart skipped a beat as she saw the face of a young man, standing in the front row of the group. He was smiling, with a twinkle in his eye, and he was unmistakably the same person as the name on the plaque.

She reached out to touch the picture, as if to make sure it was real. The priest smiled, understanding the significance of what she had just discovered.

"That young man," the priest said, "is Max Williams. He was born and raised in this town, and he was one of the kindest and most caring people you could ever meet. I'm sure he would have been proud to see you standing here, looking at his picture."

Aria was stunned. She had never imagined that Max had such deep roots in this place, and she felt a sense of belonging that she had never experienced before. She thanked the priest and promised to come back soon to learn more about Max and his life in this town.

Aria stood in front of the plaque for what felt like hours, lost in thought. She couldn't believe that there was someone with the same name as Max, who had lived such a long time ago. She wondered if this could be the same Max she knew, but how could that be possible? How could he have lived for hundreds of years?

She slowly walked around the church, taking in the surroundings. The building was old and had a musty smell, but there was a sense of peace and comfort within its walls. She found herself drawn to a small, dusty room at the back of the church. The room was filled with old books and papers, and Aria couldn't resist the urge to start going through them.

Hours passed as Aria lost herself in the research. She pored over old documents and journals, trying to find any information about Max. Finally, she came across an old leather-bound book that had the name "Max Williams" written in golden letters on the cover.

Aria's hands were shaking as she opened the book. The pages were brittle and yellowed with age, and the writing was difficult to read. But as she read on, she discovered that the book was a journal, kept by Max himself.

She read about his life, growing up in a small village, traveling the world and meeting new people, and eventually becoming a priest and settling in the town where Aria now stood. As she read on, she began to see glimpses of the Max she knew in the words on the page, and her heart swelled with love and wonder.

But there was also a sense of sadness in the journal. Max wrote of his longing for his true love, who he believed he would never see again. He wrote of the emptiness he felt, even with the love and support of his parishioners. Aria's eyes filled with tears as she realized that the Max from the journal was the same Max she knew and loved.

She sat there for a long time, lost in thought. How was it possible that Max had lived for so long, and why did he have no memory of his past life? She had so many questions, but for now, she just sat and held the journal close, feeling grateful for the glimpse into Max's past.

Aria stood in front of the plaque, staring at the name "Max Williams." She felt a sense of both familiarity and strangeness. She had never heard of anyone by this name before, yet there was something about it that felt eerily familiar. She tried to shake the feeling, and instead focused on the plaque. She noticed that it was made of a dark, aged brass, and that the engraving was deep and ornate.

She then looked to the side, and noticed an old photograph hanging on the wall. It was black and white, and showed a group of people standing outside of a church. Aria walked over to get a closer look, and she immediately saw what looked like Max, standing off to the side, with a slight smile on his face.

Aria gasped, her heart racing with excitement and fear. Was it really Max? And if it was, how old was he in the photograph? She squinted, trying to make out the details of the photograph, but the old paper was yellowed and the image was blurred.

With a shaking hand, she reached out to touch the photograph, but then hesitated. What if she was wrong, and this Max was not the Max she knew? She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, trying to calm herself. She then opened her eyes and reached out to touch the photograph again, this time with more certainty.

As her finger made contact with the image, she felt a strange sensation, like a static shock. And then, just as suddenly as it had come, it was gone. Aria looked around the church, but everything seemed normal. She took another deep breath, trying to shake the strange feeling, and then turned to leave the church.

As she stepped back out into the sunlight, she wondered what had just happened. Was it all just her imagination, or had something truly strange just occurred? She didn't know, but she felt a sense of unease and a need to find out more about Max and his past.