
Wishes and Sweet Kisses

The Meng family on leaving hospital took the wrong baby girl home, raising her as their little princess, while the real princess of the Meng family was taken to a small rural village, raised with love and affection by the family that she believed was her own. Six months before her eighteenth birthday, the patriarch of the Meng family, and Chairman of Meng Corp found out about the accidental baby swap at the hospital, as both babies had been given the name tag ‘Baby Meng’. Due to being dissatisfied with the child that he realised was not his real granddaughter who the rumours indicated was two faced, he started the search for his true granddaughter, locating her some three months later. Overriding the demands of his son and daughter-in-law that the only recognisable true princess of the Meng family was the child that they had raised since the day she had come home from hospital, he dragged them to the small rural village, where she had been raised by her adoptive family and brought her home. For Abigail Meng, that day marked a dramatic change in her life. When her adoptive family learnt the truth, every member except her adoptive grandmother not only demanded the return of their rightful daughter but compensation to be provided to them. Her biological parents rejected this and refused to send the child that they had raised back and only begrudgingly took her home. On her arrival at her real parent’s home, she saw the two faces constantly present themselves, in front of her grandfather who loved her for her, they were nice and loving, but as soon as he left, they turned on her, treating her as if she was a family servant, shoving her in a room that not even one of the family servants would use while maintaining a façade room for her grandfather to believe that she was being treated well. On the even of her shared eighteenth birthday, Abigail Meng just before she crawled into bed, looked out the tiny window and spotted a shooting star before uttering “I wish that things will become better as of tomorrow. I wish my life would change. I wish that my so-called family receive what they deserve for treating me as they have.” As she drifted off to sleep, a quiet voice came from the corner that had been watching her charge in the shadows, waved her wand and said, “Your Wishes are granted,” before clicking her fingers and disappearing into the air. This is the story of how Abigail Meng’s life changed with three simple wishes granted by her fairy godmother and the love it spurned.

klmorgan · Urban
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230 Chs

[Bonus chapter]Do I tell the truth?

Daniel, looked at Sebastian, before looking down briefly before liftin his head and saying, "I will talk if you promise me, that once we have spoken you go back to the party and sleep in the suite that I arranged for you."

"Why should I?"

"Seriously, must we have this debate. Abigail Meng is injured in that room, and the person who injured her is your girlfriend, the person you want to become engaged to and the person who injured her."


"Do not take that tone with me Sebastian. You forget I am technically your guardian for a few more days. I respect your space and you as a person. I remember what it was like not only to be a teenager but also in high school. You need to fit in. And do not think that I do not know about your behaviour at school, because I am technically your guardian, not our uncles, and the school tells me about what you do. Do you want me to detail that behaviour?"

"I do fit in. And I behave in school."

Daniel motioned to Sebastian to move back to where they had been sitting, saying "If you can keep calm, and not shout and wake Abigail, I will talk to you. Get this through your head you are behaving childish…"

"I am not a child!"

Daniel shook his head and said "Legally you are still a child, and as I said I am your guardian. That changes on your eighteenth birthday, save and except for at school. The information I get will be less, but I will still be informed about your behaviour…"

"As if I need you monitoring me," came Sebastian's quick, slightly snappy response.

Daniel shook his head and added "Understand this, I rarely talk to you about your behaviour, because I respect you as a person, and believe you need to learn from your mistakes. It is not the time to have that discussion, but I will have it with you before your birthday."

"And what about you? You embarrassed me in front of my friends and undermined my position as one of our parent's heirs with their business associates, let alone what you did to Sara."

Daniel clenched his hands into fists before releasing them and saying "We are just going in circles. Understand this, I did what I did to prevent a serious injury, and for Uncle Cole. You can read things as you want."

"You better apologise to Sara. She is distraught because that b*tch you are protecting has ruined her birthday, simply because she got upset about her grandfather not giving her what her grandmother told her she would get on her eighteenth birthday."

Daniel paused, looked at Sebastian, who he could tell believed exactly what he was talking about before saying "You might be surprised about the truth, but that is not mine to tell you unless I have permission from others."

"Screw you and keeping secrets," screamed Sebastian.

"That is it. If you cannot abide by the rules that I set to talk, you can leave and go to the suite that I arranged for you. I want my space…"

"With that b*tch here, how can you talk about having space."

"Sebastian, while my plans for the night are not what I had foreseen, I still want my space, and not having you in my face."

"As if you had plans!"

Daniel shook his head saying "Do not be cynical. Things in the future will surprise you. But…"

"Do not give me a lecture!" came Sebastian's angry response.

"Sebastian!" came Daniel firm but keeping his voice quiet.

"Go f*ck yourself," screamed Sebastian.

Before Daniel could respond, he heard Abigail yell in pain from inside the room, and without thinking hurried into the room, switching the light on as he entered, and observing Abigail on the floor, crying.

Not caring about what Sebastian was doing or though, Daniel hurried over, and carefully picked Abigail up off the floor, and gently placing her on the bed, in a sitting position, before asking her "Are you alright?"

"I am causing you problems. Just hand me the crutches the doctor left, and I will try and find my grandfather."

Daniel shook his head, before using his right hand to turn Abigail's head so he could look her in the face before saying "You are injured and need to be careful not to hurt yourself further. And, your grandfather knows that you are with me. Leaving will only cause him worries he does not need."

Abigail, slightly dropped her head and observed the ring that she had placed on his left hand just hours ago, glinting in the light before saying "But, me being here is causing you to argue with your brother."

Daniel, smiled at Abigail saying "Stop worrying about things. He has his own room."

Pausing, Daniel ignored the though that quickly ran through his mind, about telling Sebastian the truth about a whole lot of things, and dismissed it as quickly as he thought it, before in a much louder voice saying "He can leave of his own volition, or I will ask your grandfather to borrow a couple of his bodyguards to make him leave. Now follow the doctor's instructions and rest that foot. Just yell out if you need help to go into the bathroom."

As per my note on teh previous chapter, I posted this in the wrong order, and have corrected the order of posting of chapters, and released this one so that you are NOT disadvantaged and I do not upset the current posting schedule.

Than you, all my dear readers for being understanding.



13 March 2022

klmorgancreators' thoughts