
Wish with a Price

Alex is a 16-year-old boy. He goes to school like other teens and eats the same food as them. But he doesn't like his life - he doesn't have any friends and his very strict mother sees him as a way for her to become rich in the future(she wants him to have a good job with big payment so he can give her all the money). He is weak, without any talents too - he can't draw or sing well. He is not good at sports and he is really shy. One day, magical orbs start falling from the sky. People who are "chosen" receive magical abilities or money in general. Alex has always dreamed to have special abilities, but he doesn't get an orb. Perhaps, there is a different type of power he'll receive. Planned releases: Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

DaoistIAhwwP · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

School and powers

The day in which I heard about the Government's plans for the future was a hard day.

In school, kids and teens that were "chosen" were constantly trying to express the girls.

One of my classmates was called Daniel.

He had "Fire" ability.

He thought that he is the most powerful person in the world, although his ability was not strong at all.

I couldn't stop thinking about the video.

This "Mr. Brown" didn't even say what is an "A-rank" and what is an "F-rank".

"Was the Government just trying to eliminate people without a real reason?"

"Probably yes."

Daniel didn't stop saying to every student who was not "chosen" things like:

"Haha, I'm better than you. You'll get killed in September and you'll not even have a future to think of. My parents were "chosen" too."

After all of the interviews, a person called "Mr. Leonard" from France's Government said that we shouldn't take "Mr. Brown's" words so seriously as all of these are just speculations. He said that he'll be punished for worrying the citizens of the world about things that aren't even confirmed.

Some of my "non-chosen" classmates said that what happened was a "joke" and that they are not worried at all.

I'd say that they are very stupid.

If it was a "joke", no one would've allowed "Mr. Brown" to say it.

I was 99% sure that they were planning a massive execution or at least to decrease the number of living human creatures on the Earth.

Our teachers didn't say anything about all of this. Just as if nothing happened.

"Were they instructed to not say anything about the "orbs" and "Mr. Brown"?"

When I got home, I was extremely tired.

I couldn't stop thinking about the "orbs".

"Were they a human invention?"

This question was in my mind.

I knew that the human brain can think of a lot of different things.

The following night's dream was a strange one – this time "Mr. Brown" and "Mr. Leonard" were in it too...….