
Wish I Were Her

AnxietyQueen247 · Realistic
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11 Chs

Part 7 - His Eyes

Jordan's POV

I get up and start to pack my bag for school. My dad is still sleeping, thank the lords. Braden brought me up to that "secret" hideout on the hill last night, I went home a little while after we finished the movie.

Braden Let me wear His sweater Home even though I insisted that he didn't have to. I'm just going to bring his sweater today and give it back to him. 

I head out the door wearing a black sweater, blue ripped jeans, and my favorite black doc martens carrying Bradens Sweater In my bag.

My bag was a dark navy blue color and I almost always had the straps the most loose they could get, it just felt more comfortable that way.

At School ~ ~ ~ 

Walking up to the entrance of the school after locking my bike up I hear my name being called out from behind me. 

"Jordan!" Braden yells as he slings his arm around my shoulders like he does every day. 

"Hey Braden." I say, rolling my eyes and smiling lighty "Someones in a good mood." making my tone of voice exaggerated as I look at him.

Braden was wearing light blue ripped jeans rolled up at the bottoms with red air force ones and a dark blue sweater with a white nicky check on the front of it, it looked nice.

"Well of course I am, you're here." Braden says flashing a toothy grin my way making my heart flutter a little bit.

I quickly looked away due to the fact of how close our faces just were, and I'm 90% sure that Braden noticed that as well because his face turned quickly back to infront of us. 

"You're a dork." I say laughing and pulling Braden inside the building as he unhooked his arm from my shoulders.

Lunch Break ~ ~ ~

I walk over the table which Jess was sitting at contently eating her sandwich 

"Do you know where Braden is?" I say, as I sit down across from her.

"I think he had to stay after class," she said, taking a bite out of her sandwich, "why?" Jess says with her mouth full.

"I still have his sweater, I need to give it back." 

"Oh." Jess says smiling and looking at me with a mischievous look.

"What's that look for?" I say pulling a bag of chips out of my backpack and eating one. 

"Oh nothing, Just the fact that the only person who can't see how you feel about Braden is Braden himself." Jess says with a smirk making me choke on my chip and start coughing.

"J-Jess… Uh how the Fu-"

"Ah ah ah" She says, cutting me off mid sentence. "Your just very bad at hiding your feelings, not to mention that every time Braden smiles you blush a little, or the fact that you crave his attention and presence almost constantly, or that when he smiles you can't take your eyes off of him, or that-"

"Ok ok I get it jeez!" I say covering her mouth with my hand. "You really suck you know that." I say, looking around and slowly removing my hand going back to eating my chips.

"Just telling the truth" Jess says shrugging.

"Whatever" I say annoyed at the fact that what she said was actually very accurate. 

After school ~ ~ ~

"Hey Braden" I say as Braden walks out of the hellish building we call school. 

"Hey Jordan," Braden says smiling, "How was your day?" he asks as he starts walking with me away from the school.

I blush at the thought of what Jess had called me out for during lunch. "I-It was good… I actually paid attention in class today" 

"That's good, You should try and get your grades back up to what they used to be." Braden says, still smiling.

"Mhm," I looking at the sky, "and how was your day today?" I say ,as a snowflake falls on my nose making me shiver.

"My teacher wanted me to stay after class to get caught up on homework that I haven't been doing.

"Why in the world have you not been doing your homework?" I say, noticing we were at the stop sign that separated me and Bradens streets.

"Homework is boring,'' Braden says, making a long 'o' sound in the word boring and pouting.  

"Yeah well lots of things are boring but you still have to do them." I say laughing at him.

"Whatever, I'm young. I want to spend my youth having fun, there's nothing wrong with that." He jokes elbowing me in my side.

"Yeah yeah," I say, rolling my eyes, taking my bag off of my back as we stand at the stop sign, " I still have your sweater," I say as I take the sweater out of my bag and hand it to him.

"Thanks, but you could have just kept it. like I said, It looks way better on you anyway." He smiled, taking the sweater from my hands as our fingers touched making my breath get caught in my throat.

His eyes linger on mine for a couple seconds too long. I look away from him as my heart skips a few beats, my cheeks only growing redder for every second his eyes were on me.

I could feel his gaze without even looking at him. I could tell that he was staring and I can feel a lump form at the back of my throat making it hard to breath.

He coughed acwordly. "Are you busy… you could come over to my place if you want, I'm sure my mum won't mind. To be completely honest sometimes I think she likes you more than she likes me, and I'm her son." He stressed as he got a little closer to me. 

"You don't have to like your family." I laughed contusly, as I fiddled with my hands not wanting to look him in the eyes. 

"Yeah… true" He says in a low tone of voice. 

my cheeks return to their normal compaction and my nerves start to calm down slowly.

"But, I don't have anything to do at my house and you know that I don't even want to go home so I guess I can come over." I say smiling as I put my bag on my back again looking down as I do so.

I get my bag onto my back and shift it around so my shoulders won't hurt for the amount of books and homework in it, I wish teachers didn't give us homework.

I look back up connecting my eyes with his, Braden is pretty tall compared to me. I think he's like 5'11 or something. I'm only 5'8 so I'm a couple inches shorter than him, I usually just stand back to look him in the eyes, so the height difference wont be that noticeable but he's so close right now I could feel his breath on my neck.

"Cool" he utters in a low tone of voice making my face darken again.

I swear this boy is playing with my emotions, I feel like he's just trying to make my bush at this point. UGH! 

"B-But I still need to drop off my bag… I don't feel like carrying it" I say lightly laughing and scratching the back of my head looking down at my feet.

"Ok… Do you want me to come with you?" Braden says as my smile drops.

"That would be nice," I say timidly, stepping away from him and starting to walk away. I turn around and see that braden was still there just looking at me from where he stood " Well? Are you coming or not slow poke!" I say turning back around and smiling.

We walked down my road in silence until we made it to my house. 

Braden finally spoke up "Is your dad home?" 

I shrugged my shoulders and I walked up my driveway, "I think he's at work, If not he would be at the bar. But He normally gets off of work at 5 and it's only 4 right now." I reassure him as I climb up the stairs to my front door getting the key out of my pocket and unlocking the door.

I get a cold gust of wind blown into my face and I shiver... 'dad hasn't paid the heating bill' I mentilly grone.  

I leave my shoes on as I walk in my house turning to Braden gesturing for him to come in.

I walk up the stairs making my way to my room at the end of the hall with Braden not far behind me. 

"Welp," I say "This Is my room" I push my door open with a loud creaking sound "It's kinda empty, there really isn't anything interesting about it."

My bed was in the far corner of my room and there was a window beside it that had black curtains with white lace curtains on one side making the light that's shining from the open window into my room look almost like something out of a movie. In Front of the window there was a bedside table that was dark oak wood and matched my desk. 

My walls were bare, except for the pin board that hung over my desk which was filled with pictures from before my mom...

"I like your room," Braden says, interrupting my thoughts as he picks up a rubix cube that was sitting on the bedside table. 

I put down my bag and sat on my bed "Welp, you can trade me if you want" I say laughing unhumorous, falling back so I was laying on my bed leaving my legs off the side.

Braden doesn't respond, quietly walking over to me after placing the rubix cube back where he found it. 

"I wish I could just run away from it all sometimes y'know" I utter in a low whisper as I look up at the ceiling. 

"Well if you did you would have to take me with you." He says as I feel the bed sink beside me.

I look over at him and smile sadly as my eyes start to water "of course I would take you with me." I say locking eyes with him.

Braden was leaning on his right arm staring at me with a sad gaze which I couldn't read. He looked lost in thought somewhere far away, somewhere I longed to be. 

Braden reached down as he cupped my cheek wiping my wet eyes with his thumb.

My heart fluttered and it felt like there was a zoo in my stomike. His eyes looked like I could get lost in them.

His face felt so close "Jordan I-" Braden was cut off by the sound of a loud truck pulling into the driveway.

I could feel my heart sink.

My dad was home.