
Wish I Were Her

AnxietyQueen247 · Realistic
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11 Chs

Part 5 - Sunsets Are Beautiful

Jordan's POV

"It was nice of your mum to make me food as well" I say grateful and guilty that I had made her go out of her way for me.

"She thinks of you almost like her second child. You're around so much, we have been friends since kindergarten. You come over for christmas and get everyone gifts even if you don't have much money." Braden says, looking as though She would have been insanin not to give me anything.


"But still sh-" I try and say that she didn't have to when I was interrupted by braden.

"Ah, no buts." he says as he got on his bike and started biking away. "Come on slowpoke." Braden yelled as he pedaled his bike in front of me. Why did he have to be so nice to me? I shake my head and get on my bike as well.

"Wait up!" I yell as I try my hardest to catch up to him.

Later ~ ~ ~

I stop my bike trying to catch my breath as braden pulls up beside me "do you want to take a break" he said also out of breath. 

"Yeah sure, maybe  we can have some of that food that your mum made for us?" I say as I look at where we were. "I think there is a bench over there we could sit at" I say as I point in the direction of the bench that I saw.

"Yeah that's a good idea, I'm getting kinda hungry." Braden says, smiling with  that idiotically cute smile of his. 

I walk over to the bench and prop my bike up beside it. Sitting down I realize that I have no idea of where we were going. 

Maybe I shouldn't ask him where he Is taking me, I kinda want it to be a bit of a surprise. 

I decided to shrug it off. Reaching into my bag I grabbed a mildly warm container from my bag along with a water bottle as Braden did the same. I open the container and I'm instantly overwhelmed by the smell of steak and caramelised carrots and fresh lettuce. 

"I can't believe that your mom just packed this up in togo containers for us, this is like a five star meal." I say in disbelief that she just let us leave without sitting down to enjoy this amazing dish that she cooked up.

"I don't know why but she tends to really enjoy cooking so she cooks like that every night. I feel like a spoiled rich kid." he says with a laugh " I mean I pretty much am a spoiled rich kid, all that is missing is the money." he says nudging me with his elbow making me laugh as I start to eat the wonderful food that I was given to me.

"Well since you're spoiled i'm glad that you're not like those hypocrite spoiled brats." I say smiling at him.

He laughs,"yeah true" Braden says shining a cocky smile that made me get butterflies in my stomach.

After Eating ~ ~ ~

"That was really good." I say in a low breathy voice with a smile on my face as I place the empty container and my water in my bag.

"Yeah," Braden says through a smile, placing his container in his bag along with me. "Ok time for us to head to my secret place! Do you have that food that we bought at the store?" He says with an excited grin on his face.

"Yeah it's all here." I say showing the contents of my bag that consisted of junk food, a small blanket, and a now empty container. This causes him to smile more.

"Great!" Braden says running over to his bike, "let's get going before the sun sets" he says hunting behind me where I could see the sun starting to become a faded ball of light in the distance. 

I hadn't realized that the sun was setting until now, well that just shows how absurven I am doesn't it? 

"Right!" I say giddy as I hope on my bike and start following Braden to wherever he was taking me.

I'm surprised he is just now showing me this secret place, we have been friends since kindergarten for god's sake! I realize that we are starting to go uphill to where the farmers all live, I like this part of where we live. You can see the whole town from up here. 

We pull up to a trail in the woods and the sun is nearly set, the ground is a reddish orange color and everything looks like it's in an old 80's filter on snapchat. It's so beautiful.

Braden got off of his bike and locked his bike up to a tree. "What are you looking at?" Braden said in a flat voice, looking back at me with a smile.

His voice snapped me out of my daize that I was stuck in. "oh, It's nothing really." I say happily, trying to hide the massive grin on my face. I get off of my bike and lock it up to a tree beside Bradens.

"If you say so." Braden says in an exaggerated tone of voice shrugging with a smile, clearly he could see that I was trying to hide how happy I was. " anyway let's get going it's gonna be dark soon." Braden says grabbing my hand and pulling me down the trail.

"Where exactly are we going?" I say laughing in a confused manner. 

"It's a surprise." Braden said with a husky voice looking back at me with a smile that sent shivers down my spine.

"O-ok" I say quietly with a small smile on my face while trying to maintain my cool. I then realize that Braden is still holding my hand… Have I died, Is this heaven?