
Journey to the Guild

Gary stood at the edge of the city, the towering walls of Orario stretching high above him. The city buzzed with activity, adventurers coming and going, each with their own quest and purpose.

Gary couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement tinged with confusion. He knew he was here for a reason, but the details eluded him. It was as if a fog had settled over his memories, obscuring the events that had led him to this moment.

With a shrug, Gary decided to embrace this new beginning. Lost in thought, Gary stood at the entrance of Orario, the guard calling out to him. It took a moment for Gary to realize that the guard was speaking to him, snapping him out of his reverie.

"Sorry, what?" Gary asked, shaking his head to clear his thoughts.

The guard looked at him curiously. "Are you lost, lad? You seem a bit... distracted."

Gary chuckled nervously. "Just got a lot on my mind, I guess. I'm new here, trying to find my way around."

"Well, you've come to the right place," the guard said with a smile. "Welcome to Orario, the city of dreams and dungeons. If you need any help, don't hesitate to ask."

"Thanks, I appreciate it," Gary replied, feeling a bit more grounded now that he had someone to guide him. He thanked the guard and stepped into the city, the sights and sounds of Orario enveloping him.

As Gary wandered through the city, he couldn't shake the feeling of confusion that lingered in his mind. He knew he had a purpose here, a reason for being in this strange new world, but the details eluded him. It was as if a part of his memory had been erased, leaving him with a sense of emptiness.

Despite his confusion, Gary was determined to make the most of this new beginning. He wandered through the streets of Orario, the memories of his life at the School District of Hringhorni flashing through his mind.

As a graduate specializing in administrative work, Gary had learned the ins and outs of organization and management. He had excelled in his studies, earning the respect of his teachers and peers alike. But now, all those memories seemed distant and hazy, like fragments of a dream.

Lost in his thoughts, Gary found himself in front of a bustling marketplace. The sights and sounds of the market snapped him back to reality, reminding him of the task at hand – to find his place in this new world and uncover the mysteries of his existence.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Gary delved deeper into the city, eager to explore every corner and discover what secrets it held. Little did he know, his journey would lead him down a path of adventure, danger, and self-discovery, where the memories of his past and the challenges of his present would intertwine in unexpected ways.

As Gary wandered through the streets of Orario, the towering buildings and bustling crowds filled him with a sense of wonder. He marveled at the architecture, the sights, and the sounds of this vibrant city.

His feet eventually led him to the Guild, a massive building that stood out among the rest. The Pantheon, as it was called, loomed before him, its grandeur matching the importance of its role in the city.

Gary entered the Pantheon, greeted by the sight of adventurers bustling about, discussing quests and exchanging goods. He made his way to the counters, where adventurers talked with their advisors.

Approaching one of the counters, Gary caught the attention of an advisor. "Can I help you?" the advisor asked, looking up from their paperwork.

Gary hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say. He knew he was supposed to be here, but the details were still fuzzy in his mind.

"I... I'm not sure," Gary admitted. "I'm new here, and I'm trying to figure things out."

The advisor nodded understandingly. "No worries, we can help with that. Have a seat, and we'll see what we can do."

Gary followed the advisor to one of the small meeting boxes, where they could talk one-on-one. As they sat down, Gary felt a sense of relief wash over him. He may not remember everything about his past, but he knew he was in good hands.

"Let's start from the beginning," the advisor said kindly. "What brings you to Orario?"

And so, Gary began to recount his journey, from his graduation at the School District of Hringhorni to his arrival in Orario. As he spoke, memories started to resurface, piece by piece, filling in the gaps in his mind.

By the time he finished, Gary felt a renewed sense of purpose. He may have lost some of his memories, but he was determined to make the most of his new life in Orario.

"Thank you for listening," Gary said gratefully. "I may not remember everything, but I know I want to work for the Guild. I want to be a part of this organization, to assist adventurers, and to contribute to the city in my own way."

The advisor smiled. "That's a noble goal, Gary. Welcome to the Guild. We'll help you become the staff member you want to be."

As Gary expressed his desire to work for the Guild, the advisor nodded thoughtfully. "We're always looking for dedicated individuals to join our ranks. Let's see what we can do."

The advisor guided Gary through the process of becoming a Guild staff member. He underwent various tests and interviews, showcasing his knowledge of administrative work and his determination to contribute to the Guild's mission.

Impressed by Gary's skills and enthusiasm, the Guild offered him a position as an assistant advisor. Gary accepted with gratitude, eager to begin his new role.

As an assistant advisor, Gary learned the ropes of Guild operations. He assisted adventurers with their quests, managed paperwork, and gained valuable experience in the field.

Over time, Gary's hard work and dedication caught the attention of his superiors. His knowledge of administrative work and his ability to handle challenging situations set him apart from the rest.

After proving himself as a capable assistant advisor, Gary was promoted to a full-fledged advisor. He was now responsible for guiding adventurers, managing Guild affairs, and ensuring the smooth operation of the organization.

Gary's journey to becoming an advisor was not easy, but his determination and passion for his work propelled him forward. He had found his place in Orario, serving the Guild and the city with pride.

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