
Wish-Fulfilling System

On Earth, it always seems like people have everything figured out. Perhaps they have talent or a set of optimistic goals. In the worst scenario, they would at least have a sense of self. In such a world, Buyao Lian is a misfit. He's cynical and lacks any understanding of himself. Despite wild ambitions, Lian also lacks the courage to do anything. This... is until a bizarre encounter he has on one fateful night. Join Lian on his journey of self-discovery, immortality, and complete mastery of all skills human-kind has to offer! Side-note: the goal of this novel is to explore the themes of growing up in the current generation, understanding ones' self, and facing one's fears. But, there's also some some entertaining aspects like the system, skills, comedy, and adventure. Hope you enjoy!

always_for_exp · Urban
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27 Chs

Initializing the System

Lian was passed out like a log. His snores were also powerful and consistent, demonstrating his accumulation of exhaustion due to a repetitive lack of sleep.

Otherwise, the night was relatively silent. However, currently within Lian's dreams, an entirely different scenario was taking place.

Unknown ancient voice: "Hello Lian!"

Lian: "WTF!? Why do I hear an old man in my dreams? Miss me with that shit!"

Unknown ancient voice: "I'm here for-"

Lian: "Aren't dreams supposed be a replay of your daily life? I'm pretty sure I've watched enough adult videos throughout my lifetime to merit a hot chick in my dreams at least…"

Lian: "I'm not even that horny of a guy but this is a dream so anything is fair play. Or, if anything, at least give me some powers! Can we get a reset?"

Unknown ancient voice: "...…"

Unknown ancient voice: "I am here to provide you with the system of your dreams. As a result of your ridiculously strong yet hidden desire for change in life and for becoming a master of all trades, the heavens and earth have slowly given birth to me.

Unknown ancient voice: "No one else has created me, nor will anyone else be able to form anything like me ever again…"

Lian: "Get on with it! I'm a lazy ass, and I'm not trying to think too much in my dreams..."

Unknown ancient voice: "Ahem… yes… Anyways, in the future, you can call me the Wish-Fulfilling System. Basically, through me, more some aspects of your life will become like a game."

Unknown ancient voice: "Once we are fully integrated, the way you live your life can never be reversed as we will both become the same existence. A two-for-one package if you will..."

Lian: "This sounds like total bullshit but you've peaked my interest. Go on…"

Unknown ancient voice: "Once we are integrated, I will be able to help you somewhat flexibly. However, I am not omnipotent."

Unknown ancient voice: "Also, once we have integrated, like an automated system, most of my current personality will be lost…"

Lian: "Mhmmm interesting… go on…"

Unknown ancient voice: "Can't you at least act like you feel bad? Sigh… anyways… the main goal of the new system once you've integrated is to master all skills on earth. Though…very far into the future more places may be explored."

Lian murmuring: "... So there might be skills in other planets… I knew fucking aliens existed! Those conspiracies videos on the internet must have some truth to them…"

Unknown ancient voice: "…"

Lian murmuring: "Either way, that's probably not something that I need to worry about for a really long time. But, this system definitely fits my needs…"

Unknown ancient voice: "Umm… why are you looking at me like a piece of meat? I feel violated! Please stop and let me continue!"

Unknown ancient voice: "Regardless, your looks, physical capabilities, lifespan, luck, and other life abilities will be divided into levels that will be upgraded accordingly as your character levels up."

Unknown ancient voice: "As well, you will have a skill interface that incorporates new skills as you train them. Training in these skills is what will provide you with enough experience to level up your character…"

Lian: "I get it… makes sense…"

Unknown ancient voice: "On top of that, to make it easier for you, a significant amount of associated skills related to the main skill you train will also be automatically learned by the system. For example, Basketball, Soccer, and Tennis would all be classified as a single Sports skill. Of course, these skills would be harder to learn."

Unknown ancient voice: "Once you reach level 10, the peak for each skill, any new advancements to the field of that skill will also be continually imparted to your mind indefinitely without additional effort."

Lian: "This must be scam! Nothing can be that easy...but… I'll take your word for it. Regardless, this is just a dream."

Unknown ancient voice murmuring: "If only he knew what it took to reach level 10 for a skill… it'll be better if he tries it himself rather than having me explain it."

Unknown ancient voice: "Anyways, another detail you might want to know is that you get upgrade packages and other special perks once you level up.

Unknown ancient voice: "In addition, once you have mastered every skill on earth to its peak, you will attain a grand prize. Unfortunately, I don't know what that is."

Unknown ancient voice: "There's a lot of other perks like a storage space that grows, divides, and evolves with your level, but frankly, as I am a creation brought upon from your existence, I'm too lazy and can't be bothered to explain the details. Any last questions?"

Lian: "Let's say that this WAS real… will I be able to ask you for details later on? Also, are you sure I'm not missing any other important information?"

Unknown ancient voice: "I think that I've done my job quite well. But… I definitely forgot a few things. You can't blame anyone else but yourself because my personality is based off of you!"

Unknown ancient voice: "With regards to asking questions, you'll still be able to. However, I won't always be able to give you a response as flexibly as now."

Unknown ancient voice: "You also asked about missing details… hmmm… oh I know! Once you integrate with the system, besides reconstructing your body, you'll no longer need to take a shit ever again. Any waste basically becomes disintegrated by the system. This also applies to any partners you may have."

Lian: "Woah… for real!? Is that supposed to be standard procedure for systems?"

Unknown ancient voice: "Of course it is! Have you ever read a novel where the main character goes to the washroom?"

Lian: "Now that you mention it… no, I haven't."

Lian murmuring: "Well… then again, there's that one fucking guy who literally blows his enemies away from his farts…"

Lian: "Regardless, that's a good point you've got there… Quite enlightening actually!"

Unknown ancient voice: "Yes… yes…. Ahem… So, do you accept to integrate with the system?"

Lian: "Of course! It's my time to shine baby!"

Unknown ancient voice: "…. Okay. Initializing the system… See you soon…"

*Clink! Shkrrrrrrr….. Clink! Clink! Clink!*

New Voice: *Wish Fulfilling System is in the midst of initializing. User Buyao Lian is integrating with the system.*

New Voice: *User's body health is horrid…replenishing vitamins…removing radiation, and solving hernia, extreme fatigue, and other side effects of the user's bad lifestyle… *

New Voice: *User has some body odour problems. Finding a solution…*

New Voice: *Reconstructing the body…Solving vision and hairline problems… Setting all stats to average…*

New Voice: *Shamelessness level is too high and cannot be reset. Confidence is too low and cannot be given a stat. User must develop this trait on their own.*

New Voice: *System has encountered an error with sperm count. Re-evaluating lifespan and setting a task. Wish-Fulfilling System integration complete!*