

"Young Lady, will you hurry? The men are already here!!"

I ignored that and continued sitting on my bed.

My suitcases by my side as I held on to my phone and ear pods.

My name is Morgan. I'm 18 years old. I have long black hair and green eyes. My skin is pale, almost like ivory, it almost reminds me of the moon.

Today is the day that the family of mine are sending to an Academy that I want nothing to do with. In case you're puzzled about how my life came to this point, let me lead you out of the tunnel.


My life was very normal and happy, being born into a rich family, I had everything I wanted... I guess but to the world I had everything I wanted.

I was the second daughter of the mayor, very beautiful too, that right from a tender age I have been winning beauty pageant. I was also academically bright, so to some people I was perfect and happy.

But nobody knew the truth... I appeared happy and smiling on the outside but in the inside I was dead. I have to constantly fight for my parents attention with Lina my older sister. I did everything to be recognized by them, won beauty pageants, came first in my class, but it seemed like I was just their daughter on the outside but away from cameras and people's eyes I was just a stranger in the house.

They did try to hide it tho, but it stopped...

When I turned 10. I woke up that morning feeling happy and proud of myself because I was on my way to becoming a teenager.

I ran up to the mirror to see if I had increased in height or anything, but something else caught my attention, it was a small mark on my upper arm;

I was wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts as my night wear, I opened my eyes in disbelief and looked at the mark more and saw that it was a tattoo of some sort, it was a crescent moon beautifully drawn, but then again I did not remember getting a tattoo because it is prohibited in the house, so how did this get here.

I hurriedly ran downstairs to where my mom was and said, "Mom! Mom!! I got a tattoo".

She turned to me and said, "What?"

I said, "Mom, I honestly don't know, I just woke up this morning and saw a tattoo on my upper arm" I showed her my arm.

She checked it out and said, "what nonsense are you talking about? What tattoo?"

I was very shocked now and said, "mom, can't you see the tattoo of a moon on my arm?"

She said irritated "look Morgan, I'm not desiring your daily dose of madness today and for your information, this little stunt you pulled here has cost you your birthday, now get out of my face"

I stood there in disbelief, how could mother not see this tattoo that was obviously there, I wanted to tell her about it, but she shunned me and started pressing her phone.

I thought maybe mother had developed an eye problem, so I went to my older sister Lina, she was 14 years old. I went to her screaming "Lina! Lina!"

She groaned "argh!! What is it, you pipsqueak? Don't even tell it's about your hideous birthday because I don't have a gift for you" she rolled her eyes and continued pressing her phone.

I never really understood what Lina had against me but now wasn't the time for it, I said "Look I have a tattoo" She turned to me and said "what? Where is it, show me, I've always wanted to have a tattoo"

I showed her my arm, and she inspected it and said, "where is it? I can't see anything"

I was shocked, "what are you saying? Can't you see the tattoo in the shape of a crescent moon on my arm"

She looked at it again and smacked my head and said, "you've finally gone crazy, you know, just leave my room before you infect me".

I was utterly speechless, how could they not see the tattoo, or am I hallucinating or dreaming? I went back to my room and checked it in the mirror, and it was still there. I couldn't even understand what was going on, but I decided to forget it.

Later on in the day, my dad came back home, with nothing for my birthday as usual and demanded to see my arm, I guessed mom told him.

I silently wished that he would also see the tattoo, but to my disbelief he didn't see anything and even prohibited me from talking about the tattoo.

At that time, I didn't understand anything, but I feared my father, so I did not talk about it, but I still could not get that tattoo off my mind because I see it every time I change my clothes.

Then on my eleventh birthday, I saw another tattoo. I was very shocked, I almost pulled out my hair.

I ran downstairs and went to tell my family because they were all at the dinning table having breakfast. I absolutely forgot to greet and ran shouting about how I got another tattoo.

I brought out my arm for them to see, but to my wildest dreams, my father gave a very tight slap on my face and asked me if I was slowly losing my mind and why I've chosen to embarrass the family.

I didn't understand why he had to slap me, and he told me that there was no tattoo on my arm and that it's just my imagination and that I should grow up.

I started crying not because the slap was painful, but because nobody was believing me and they were making it feel like I was crazy.

At school nobody knew of the tattoo thing, although I once asked my best friend, Mira, if there was anything on my arm and I showed her my arm,

but she said, "Morgan, there's nothing there"

I couldn't believe it, but I didn't question her.

I just knew that something was going on with me, and nobody could even see it. I was slowly feeling like I didn't belong there because nobody wanted to believe me.

I tried browsing about it, but Google provided me with a list of tattoo shops around California, where I live.

One day, I went to school and noticed everybody's attention on me. I get a lot of attention in school because my father is the Mayor, but there was something off about the attention today, it was as if I did something wrong.

I decided to ignore them, since nobody had the guts to tell me anything to my face. As I was taking my books out of my locker, somebody tapped me and I turned; it was the bully of our school, Linda and her squad, she said, "hey, Morgan can we see your tattoo?"

She did an air quote on the tattoo and she and her squad started laughing, soon the students around joined in the laughter, some were saying "Crazy girl" others said "her father's wealth has finally made her mad".

My face became pale immediately, so this was what the attention was about, but who told them? LINA!!!. I immediately went to her class and saw her standing outside with a few of her friends.

I asked to speak to her privately, and she followed me.

I said, "Lina, why did you tell the whole school?"

She tried to act innocent and said, "what did I tell the whole school?"

I said, "don't you try to act all innocent, you know what I'm saying"

She said, "oh about the tattoo, it slipped out. It's not like it's a lie you know"

I said, almost crying, "but how could you?"

She said, "whatever, I got a run". And with that, she left me and went to her friends.

That day was the beginning of my worst days. People laughed at me every time at school, they called me crazy.

It was only Mira that stood by me, but deep down I know she doubts my sanity.

Since then. every day, I aged (my birthday) a new tattoo would appear on my arm. I lost my self-esteem and always wore long sleeved clothes.

When I turned 15, my mom got me a therapist because my "condition" was getting worse. People made fun of me even more when they heard that I had a therapist.

I became introverted, slightly depressed and depended solely on music.

The therapist thought that I was a little crazy, I could see it in the way she spoke to me. I wasn't concerned about the whole therapy, but I decided to continue and endure it until mother tells me to stop.

Yesterday, when I came back from therapy, I saw mom and some people who looked very professional in the sitting room talking.

I greeted them and was about to go to my room when mom said, "Morgan, come back here" I turned around and looked at her.

She said, "meet Mr. Lawrence, he's the Principal of Winthrop Academy"

I didn't understand why mom was telling me all these, but I greeted them anyway.

She continued, "They will be here to take you to the Academy tomorrow, so get ready"

I said "what! You can't just decide that on your own, I have a right to that too. I am not going to any academy"

I was about to say something, but I heard dad's voice "you're going to that Academy, or you're not staying at my house. You've already brought a lot of shame to this family, if you really love this family, you would go"

I looked down at the floor, tears threatening to fall, and I said, "Yes, I will go".

I ran up to my room and started crying. Why are they doing this to me? What if that Academy is for crazy people? Or what if it's some sort of asylum?

I didn't want to eventually become crazy, but nevertheless I started packing my bags, I could bet that Lina was so happy.

So, that brings us to here that I'm sitting on my bed with my phone and ear pods.

I stood up and wore my school bag and carried my suitcases down. The men were there, immediately I came down, they stood up and one took my bags to put in the car.

I looked back at my family, none of them looked sad to actually send me away, and I didn't even bother to hug them or anything.

I guess it's best if I go to this Academy, what's the worst that could happen? ok there are many worsts that could happen, but it's better than staying in a place where you're not welcomed.

I just entered the car with the men and put my ear pods and looked away at the window.

I seriously don't know what to expect from this Academy that I've forgotten the name, I don't even know where the school is located, but one thing is that I don't have high hopes.

Hey this is my new account...

I'll write the novel here.

I hope you all enjoy it

Myra_Kim7creators' thoughts
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