
9 : Questions and Nightmares

Drakon's initial anger at seeing her was replaced with confusion as Ashley stood rigidly without responding, staring at something with glassy eyes. He tried to locate what she was looking at, but he could see nothing.

"Are you okay?" he asked. But she went on ignoring him, as if she was no longer in this world.

"Damn," she croaked. She tightened her fists. Her legs started shaking...and she collapsed. What the hell?! Drakon immediately stretched out his hands with inhuman speed and held her, with her head inches from the ground. The next moment though, he regretted it. "Shit! I should've let her fall! It would've shut down her repulsive mouth for ever", he thought bitterly. But somehow, he couldn't bring himself to do that. Drakon sighed. The more important thing was, "What should I do with her?!"

But before he could deliberate much further, her eyes fluttered. Woah...that was pretty fast! Not even a full five minutes had passed!

"What happened?" she asked warily, as soon as she saw him. He frowned. "Shouldn't I be asking you the same question?"

She thought for a few seconds. "I...I don't remember," she stuttered out, trying to get up. Drakon stepped back. His mind was reeling with confusion. Doesn't she remember at all?! Well, that was unusual. Or perhaps she was deliberately trying to hide whatever she saw from Drakon? That didn't make sense either, he thought. "Well, from the looks of it, you saw something and fainted. Now the question is, what was it that you saw? Try to remember, Ashley."

"I can't...Wait, how do you know my name?"

"Doesn't matter, now, does it?" Drakon growled at her in annoyance, hoping the guilty tone wasn't too prominent.

Suddenly, she spoke up in a much louder voice. "Whatever happened...it's memory is so hazy. I can't remember at all! I hope this is not a sign of short-time amnesia." She looked on the verge of crying. Drakon felt terribly uncomfortable. It was generally acknowledged that when someone cries, you are supposed to comfort them. He had never witnessed anybody crying before, so he had no idea what he was supposed to do if she cried. Drakon had to stop the tears before they spilled over. "Come on...you are stronger than that! Don't cry."

"I'm not," she croaked. She clung on to him. "What could it have been?!"

Urgh! He gingerly removed her hands before answering," I don't know, do I? Anyway, I guess you should go home now. You are cold."

"And so are you..." she said, looking at his hands which still held hers. Drakon hastily removed them, perturbed at himself. "Can I ask you a question?" she asked. He narrowed his eyes at her. What was she going to ask?! And wasn't she scared at all sitting there with him of all other people, alone?! "When were you born?"

Drakon was sure his face conveyed nothing but surprise at her unexpected question. Why was she even interested?! "31 December. Why?"

She shrugged. "That's not what I meant. I meant at what specific time."

"And how do you expect me to know that?" he asked coldly. "What did she think I was? That all-knowing almighty Drakon?" he snarked at himself, in his mind.

"I don't know. Just curious." She grinned at him. "Okay, one last question. What is your name?"

Now he was seriously getting irritated with this non-stop talkative blabbermouth of a girl. How dare she act so informally with me?! "For you, it is 'Your Highness' and nothing else."

"Aww fine, Your Highness and nothing else. I'll keep that in mind."

Drakon growled lowly. He swore at that moment that he could've throttled the annoying girl. But then he was sure that doing so would do him more bad than good. Also, it would make him fall in trouble with his father. He tried to calm himself down, for it was staring to snow again. "Well, I should go now, Miss, because I am not a puny, idle citizen like yourself, who can spend the whole day chit-chatting. I have a country to look after."

"Look after Harkenland indeed," she muttered discretely, probably thinking he wouldn't hear. Unfortunately, he did hear. Fortunately for her, he decided not to comment, though he did take it to heart. He'd decided that she was not worth his time, so he would not dignify her insulting sarcasm with a retort. "Well, why are you still standing here, Your highness and nothing else? Don't you have a - um, country to look after?" she asked again, louder.

Drakon pursed his lips. Taunting him now, was is she? "Well, I will make her regret it someday!" he thought, reaching his horse at the edge of the forest, and mounting it slowly. He looked back once. She was still standing at the same spot where he had left her, staring off at a distance. For a second, he wondered what she was thinking about...

Drakon slowly shook my head. Why did he care what she was thinking about?!

"Go on, Lucifer."


It felt good to be back in his room after such a hectic day. Drakon pressed his head with his hands hard, trying to diffuse the damned headache, then laid down on the bed, trying to sleep.


"Drakon," his mother cooed softly, smiling at the five-year old Drakon.

"Momma," he shouted in glee.

He hugged her tightly.

He cuddled in her ever welcoming arms.


"Drakon your father and I are going on a little trip. We will be back soon, sweetheart." She patted him lovingly.

"No!" he hated his nanny and he did not want to stay alone with her. Without his mother.

"It's okay, my little baby. It's just a matter of few days."

"No!" he said louder this time. His mother frowned at him disapprovingly. He felt very bad, but then he did not want his mother to hate him for being whiny. Drakon stifled a sob and slowly nodded.

"Clare, dear, we need you here," King Rupert called out to his momma. "Mommy will be back," she said, prying her hands, which he was tightly holding on to. As soon as she went away, Drakon became numb. He started crying on my pillow. He couldn't believe it. His mother was leaving him with that Devil nanny, who was always finding faults with him and scolding him.

That day, Harkenland had one of the biggest snow-storms known.

Sometime later, his mother came back. "Come, Drakon, don't be sad."

"Go away!" he screamed at her. He was too angry and bitter then.

His mother did not pay heed to his childish tantrum. She approached him and crouched down beside his bed. "My child, you are a wonderful human being and one day everyone will realize it. And I will be prouder then anyone else."

She was lying! She was taunting him! Oh she was deluding herself! Drakon thought angrily.

"I asked you to go away!" he bellowed, jumping up from his bed. He was angry, exceeding so. Drakon had no control over himself, being the child that he was. He thrust his mother away from him with the power of the cold northern winds at his fingertips.Her scream rang in his mind...Drakon crumpled down on the floor. She fell there with a thud.

The door burst open.

"Queen Clare!"

"Your Highness!"


"Your Highness!"

Drakon awoke with a jolt, feeling incredibly uncomfortable. Droplets of sweat had formed on his face. The sleep hadn't helped at all. It had only increased his agony, reminding him of the only person he had ever cared for...and what he'd done to her.

"Your highness!"

Drakon stumbled out of bed, taking deep breathes and trying to calm himself down. Opening the door, he found a guard standing there. "What is it, you blithering fool? Why were you constantly calling me? I swear, if it is not something of very high importance, I'll cut your head to peaces and burn it with your whole body!"

Whether he was scared or not, Drakon could not tell because his face was neutral. "A woman is calling for you, Your Highness."

"I'm not meeting anyone now."

"She's refusing to go away unless she sees you."

"Then make her leave," Drakon said, frustrated at their stupidity.

"She's an old woman."

"So?" he asked, annoyed.

"Um..." the guard stood there nervously for a second before continuing,"She says it's important."

Drakon scowled at him deeply, and his neutral facade totally faltered. "Tell her that the prince says he is busy and is not meeting anybody, no matter what! Damn importance." he proceeded to shut the door, but the guard hastily said, "Your Highness, none of us can approach her. She is standing outside the entrance, not moving. It feels like there is an invisible barrier between us that we are unable to penetrate."

He looked at him drily, asking, "And what nonsense is that?! Anyway, fine, I'll see her. Show her inside the main guest-room and keep strict notice on her." Then he hastily slammed shut the door, leaning heavily against it.

He had a feeling that it was no nonsensical delusion that the guard was having, for the truth was evident in his face. He seemed convinced. Then did that mean there were other unusual people with abilities like him, too? If yes, then how did the old woman even know him and why was she seeking him so desperately?!

Drakon's instincts told him that he was not up against something easy...

Thanks for reading my chapter, and vote/comment/share (I am sorry I still do not know all the WebNovel terms so I keep using these though I know it's something different). Anyway plz if you liked it, let me know! Because ladies and gentlemen, let us begin the Winter games. And may the over ever be in Drakon & Ashley's favour...because the game has only just begun...*evil smirk* NO!!! *sweet smirk* NO!!! Let's say then...*sickly sweet smirk*

Have a great day, my little stars!

miccosmictwinklecreators' thoughts